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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Matt or Dave,
    Is this the schematic to connect the boost converter?

    I have been powering the prime mover with the booster. Then charging High side with voltage from generator. Just got replacement and want to use it correctly and safely.

    Possible boost circuit.pdf
    Last edited by wantomake; 12-06-2017, 10:04 PM.


    • @ wantomake.
      Here are official schematics from 1Dave, 2Matt and 1Bobfrench, which is basic all the same way.
      Attached Files


      • Schematics

        Originally posted by liber63 View Post
        @ wantomake.
        Here are official schematics from 1Dave, 2Matt and 1Bobfrench, which is basic all the same way.
        Thanks. I went with the first schematic. But will add more as parts arrive.

        Are you replicating? There's nobody to discuss notes with that has a work in progress.



        • yes, my friend. I have replicated it with a 400watt inverter and small loads as i only used (a lot of)car batteries, and yes it worked as advertised! Definitely, am going to try Matt's modmotor with a flywheel and some sort of generator i haven't yet decide, but for now i'm putting together a small solar system with deep cycle batteries together with the system above, as Bobfrench did. Small system altogether but with great advantage. Don't have notes as I experimented almost a year ago. But its pretty straightforward for people like me if they only have the patience to tune it. I honor Matt and Dave.


          • Main component

            Originally posted by liber63 View Post
            yes, my friend. I have replicated it with a 400watt inverter and small loads as i only used (a lot of)car batteries, and yes it worked as advertised! Definitely, am going to try Matt's modmotor with a flywheel and some sort of generator i haven't yet decide, but for now i'm putting together a small solar system with deep cycle batteries together with the system above, as Bobfrench did. Small system altogether but with great advantage. Don't have notes as I experimented almost a year ago. But its pretty straightforward for people like me if they only have the patience to tune it. I honor Matt and Dave.
            Not literally "notes" but your experience and ideas with this build.

            The "main" piece of this machine is the modified Matt motor. I have medium size as a generator. The prime mover is the smallest size razor motor. His motor with the 3BGS is the combination that works. Both motor/generator are wound to Matthews specs. My battery bank(marine batteries) for my solar system is connected in this setup. It's a small solar setup but powers my shop. I've a switch to charge the bank with solar until I start running test. Then switch off solar and run test.

            It's simple setup for me but is good starting place to learn.

            Snowed in today, early for the south, but will just drink coffee and study.


            • I know that Matt's modified motor is in the heart of this system if you want to do serious work. But even without it the system is still profitable.
              Dave used to say all batteries should be topped off. That was little difficult for me to sustain a good balance, (with my kind of batteries) and not have the 3rd battery overcharged. But when I first drained just a little the third battery(-ies), i was able to sustain long runs like 2, 3 hours without anything moving up or down. I mean 0,01 or 0,02volt doesn't mean much. And always, if prime lost ,01 or ,02, the third combo battery(-ies) would have gain that, the same amount. All measured at least 4 hours later. Used to use two boosters as in Matt's schematics for that.
              As far as I remember Mathew never gave specs for generator in public, only for motor. I think Dave said Mat would do that only to some few people they trusted. Is this, that kind of Matt generator that you use, or is it Matt's modified motor put as a generator?


              • Mmm

                Originally posted by liber63 View Post
                I know that Matt's modified motor is in the heart of this system if you want to do serious work. But even without it the system is still profitable.
                Dave used to say all batteries should be topped off. That was little difficult for me to sustain a good balance, (with my kind of batteries) and not have the 3rd battery overcharged. But when I first drained just a little the third battery(-ies), i was able to sustain long runs like 2, 3 hours without anything moving up or down. I mean 0,01 or 0,02volt doesn't mean much. And always, if prime lost ,01 or ,02, the third combo battery(-ies) would have gain that, the same amount. All measured at least 4 hours later. Used to use two boosters as in Matt's schematics for that.
                As far as I remember Mathew never gave specs for generator in public, only for motor. I think Dave said Mat would do that only to some few people they trusted. Is this, that kind of Matt generator that you use, or is it Matt's modified motor put as a generator?
                I'm only using Matt modified motor as generator. I don't have the finances or knowledge to build the monster Dave has built. He has a lenz free generator which I believe he gave instructions here and there to build it. I've learned if you increase generator size, you must increase prime mover size, battery size, booster size, etc. I'm not ready for all that. It's about balance.

                But I've not seen Matt's generator details yet.

                PS: Think about it. All they've freely given us already is enough to power anything you want. I'm not greedy so the system I have is enough to build larger and power more. Just balance. It's all documented here FOR FREE !!!
                Last edited by wantomake; 12-09-2017, 05:00 PM.


                • Generator

                  EVERY coil will speed up under load at the correct frequency. If yours does NOT, here are your options:
                  1. Turn rotor at higher rpm
                  2. More magnets on the rotor
                  3. Longer wires on coil to increase capacitance
                  4. Coils with many strands of wire wound in parallel and connected in series.

                  My 10 1/2 inch rotor with six 2” Neo Magnets on it needs to rotate at 2800 rpm to get my coils to speed up under load. The coils are made of three strands of # 23 each 800 feet long. Those were my “original” coils that sped up under load.

                  My current coils use 12 strands of #23 each 253 feet long. Strands are connected in series so I end up with only 3 wires coming off the coil. It speeds up at a much lower rpm. Matt says he has a formula that works for this. I don’t. I just know what works on my machine.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • 2nd boost converter

                    Got the 2nd boost converter yesterday and plan to install it today.

                    It takes time and understanding to balance this system to do work and loop back on itself. I care nothing for the COP of this unit or OU.

                    My plan and/or goal is to simply have a back up if the grid fails during storms, maintenance (transformers), etc.

                    At this point I'm studying to see which component bares the stress of this system. Which component actually will burn up first. Motor, generator, boosters, inverter, or the batteries. So far the booster has smoked twice now but they are only $12 each. Only two in last two years which is low count for me. But still that takes time to get new ones in. Overcharging the battery bank is largest failure thus far.

                    Balance as one correspondent has instructed my curious mind,


                    • Balancing

                      Connected second booster today into the setup to see what happens.

                      The balancing involved was a pain but is doable. I've learned that there's a way to keep the primaries charged and maintain voltage in the #3 charging battery at same time. But, more than running the lights in my shop, it's a great learning system.

                      I appreciate the effort from Matthew and Dave to post all this information and leave it here for any to follow and replicate.


                      • Shhhhhhhhhh

                        Don’t tell anybody this works. They might actually build it. THEN where will we be?
                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • 2018 and beyond?

                          To All,

                          I do understand the frustrations of non participation of so many good minds to replicate here. Matthew and Dave have poured out all the details to get this system on your bench to start your own journey to freedom to whatever you want with it.

                          I'm a former teacher and missionary church builder for Japan. I've seen non participation up close and very personal. But I knew if one person would follow then that one could change five and five would change twenty five. That's the mission here to show/present to the audience and let that one person take it from there. I did get one and two to follow and left the building to them. In Japan I'm sure. We go every year or so to see what one has grown into. Amazing.

                          It's my last month on this thread. Either others will continue here or not.

                          I will be so busy with this 3BGS on a larger scale next year.

                          Matthew and Dave, I've found my five......
                          Last edited by wantomake; 12-12-2017, 01:07 PM.


                          • Balancing

                            To All if any,
                            The balancing between primaries and charge side , or high and low side is important. If not balanced the potential difference will decrease to unsafe operations levels.

                            The converters must be adjusted until the PD levels out. That's not the only problem or adjustment needed. The amp settings must be done also, which is taking much adjustments.

                            The motor/generator setup must be properly coupled and aligned to stop additional amperage draw.



                            • Holiday cheer and slow down

                              To All,
                              This is the time of holiday season and less attention toward projects and testing. I could shut myself in the shop for hours but life still needs attention.

                              I want to expand on the 3BGS build with a larger generator and prime mover. This will off-set the balance of the system at present. But that's a story for later.



                              • Latest YT

                                Latest video on YT.
                                Sorry for the poor quality. My daughter is trying hard to catch me up to this 21ST century. No LOL.


