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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Fwbr

    The generator. It puts outs about 28-35 volts. According to the RPM's. Through the FWBR of course.



    • Different and good

      To All and some,
      Tried a different and good setup arrangement yesterday with the 3BGS. I saw this Turion setup on YouTube.

      It worked better than I anticipated. First balancing the high and low sides, then tried to get longer sustainable power from the charged battery #3. Moved (2) of 8 total batteries over from 2nd and 1st position to the #3 charging position. Total of 6 parallel charge and 1 single #2 and #1.

      Then for test reasons didn't use the prime mover motor booster. As system was started the motor was using 13 volts on meter. But the motor speed increased as #2 and #1 charged up. Then the motor was using 14-15 volts. At same time #3 was steady. Only the motor amps and shop lights were powered by the system. Not the neighborhood houses or a factory. But it was self looping and powering the motor and shop lights.
      Again sorry for poor YouTube video.


      • Looks very interesting. Lot of time and money.


        • Free Feeling

          Originally posted by iflewmyown View Post
          Looks very interesting. Lot of time and money.
          Yes lots of study, research, time, financial....but that free feeling that I can power something that friends graciously helped me to build;

          PRICELESS !!!!!!



          • Hi wantomake.
            I am sorry didn't quite understand where you had inverter connected to. Is it at the third bat(6 batteries)? I suppose it is there, as you have moved the first booster. So if that's so, then at first you were balancing between the load of the third battery and the load of the motor, as we used to do in previous years, when we used bad batteries. Am I right?


            • Yes off third battery. And balance the system.



              • That's great wantomake! Do you have any load on the generator on the other side? or do you have it just running unloaded?
                I will try the same with of the self motors i have around, to see what happens.


                • Originally posted by liber63 View Post
                  That's great wantomake! Do you have any load on the generator on the other side? or do you have it just running unloaded?
                  I will try the same with of the self motors i have around, to see what happens.
                  I'll only tell you what's already posted by Turion and Matthew on this and other threads concerning the 3BGS setup.

                  You must follow the instructions they provided for free. I've spent much time studying these threads with note taking, spent monies, tests, failures, etc. All the answers are posted. Not trying to be rude. Just please understand if you want this to be successful build then you must go the same route I did.

                  What reason would a generator be used for? To loop back to the system? To power a load? Try it and be amazed at the answer.

                  In other words build as they stated and follow their path. Nobody here believed them. That's why I'll be done posting here come Jan. 1st. Why did Turion and Matt leave ? Can you blame them? No.

                  Again I hope you can build it and enjoy. Have a good Holiday.


                  • Aftermath

                    Happy after Christmas to All,
                    Will be doing more test with simple 3BGS setup this week. Trying to get back to testing and understanding how to improve any part of the input and output of the system.

                    Every replication has pros and cons. I'm trying to get past the drawbacks to improve the output back into the system.

                    Will make a youtube later,


                    • Rail added

                      Hello to All,
                      Just posted video of rail I added to the 3rd battery position to help the batteries in that position to discharge and charge equally as a friend suggested. So used some 1/2" copper pipe and placed along the sides of the bank and made all connectors same length.

                      It does take longer to adjust the balancing of the system but runs for very long periods without losing any voltage.

                      Again only powering shop lights and the motor at 7.5 amps or 109.5 watts. The overall system needs a larger motor/generator to power more output. This just a simple system with two boosters.

                      I do want to add a buck converter to aid in charging the primaries or the 3rd battery.


                      Hope the video is clear.


                      • I will find some fresh copper today and make my battery rails so they
                        are all the same length. I am using aluminum rails, maybe not as good.

                        The radiant I understand travels on the outside so I will use copper pipe
                        also and then do the best I can getting the connection points all about
                        the same distance.


                        • List

                          Wouldn't it be interesting if we established an email list of folks who actually BUILD THINGS so that if someone had a working free energy device they wanted to disclose, they could pop into a local library somewhere and dump the plans to everyone on that list at the same time? I know bringing a working device here to the forum is ONE way to get it out there, but being sure that the plans got out to a lot of folks all at once would be a pretty cool thing to have all set up in advance. People could create an email account JUST to have it listed on that list and not use it for anything else so that it would be fairly anonymous. Yes, they would run the risk of spam and bullcrap being sent to their new email address, but they could block anyone who did that. Just a thought. I know there are some folks who have some things they might want to share some day.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • How many?

                            Originally posted by Turion View Post
                            Wouldn't it be interesting if we established an email list of folks who actually BUILD THINGS so that if someone had a working free energy device they wanted to disclose, they could pop into a local library somewhere and dump the plans to everyone on that list at the same time? I know bringing a working device here to the forum is ONE way to get it out there, but being sure that the plans got out to a lot of folks all at once would be a pretty cool thing to have all set up in advance. People could create an email account JUST to have it listed on that list and not use it for anything else so that it would be fairly anonymous. Yes, they would run the risk of spam and bullcrap being sent to their new email address, but they could block anyone who did that. Just a thought. I know there are some folks who have some things they might want to share some day.
                            That's an interesting proposal. But how many are willing to actually build this device? How many would need to show actual video proof before some inventor open sourced a working device?

                            One would need to get these e-mails from individuals and compile that list. How?
                            I know of two here on this forum. I'm ready sign me up.


                            • new idea?

                              This is not a new idea, and has been proposed here before, several years ago, in fact. I was open to it then, as I am now. Many here either know of someone or have heard of someone being sabotaged or outright killed for attempting to bring free energy to the public. Many are either skeptical or even paranoid at such a suggestion. My suggestion would be tousle some kind of code, say some obscure code no one uses anymore, like morse code. It still wouldn't be safe, but it would require more time and effort to decipher it. I have information going back to at least 2000. Much of that information is no longer available on the internet or elsewhere. Some of it is downloaded on floppy discs, if you remember those. if it were set up on another server who was involved would be even better. Good luck. stealth


                              • I can not see how this can be done, other than someone make this list and distribute it to all the members of the list. I sent Dave my email address, in case he would like to make this list. Either Dave or anybody else all the same.

