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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Originally posted by liber63 View Post
    Hi Dave!
    Pulse is the answer!
    And deep cycle!
    Still trying to find my way after your last email. I have to do my homework first and then ask for the right questions. An effort not to look a complete idiot. People are watching.
    Wantomake with his project also helps alot!!!
    Darn it, I had to work all day so no shop time. Now a snow storm may be coming.

    No if you are building you are smart and not an idiot. Glad the project is helping someone. Welcome to all builders.



    • Just an update. Got my 90ah deep cycle batteries and wired them up! Just waiting for the motor now.



      • Originally posted by john00287 View Post
        Just an update. Got my 90ah deep cycle batteries and wired them up! Just waiting for the motor now.

        Just curious to why you got four batteries instead of just three.



        • Matt motor build

          In the end cap that has the brush plate, drill the hole that the bolt threads into all the way through the end cap. Now flip it over and drill holes on both sides of it, creating s “slot” that the bolt will go through. Replace the bolts with LONGER all-thread. Put the cap back on and rotate it to where the timing is correct. If your slots are not long enough, drill more holes. When the timing is correct, put nuts on the all thread that is sticking up out of the slots, and tighten the cap down from the outside. If you want a really finished look, cut the all-thread the right length and you can use acorn nuts with a washer and a lock washer. That is the simplest way I know to give you all the adjustment you want. You can get a tiny bit more by removing the tabs on the bottom end cap so it can rotate freely also, but it will only rotate until the bolt going through the motor hits the magnet. Very LITTLE rotation, but SOME. The way I just described gives you the most adjustment, and you control it.
          Last edited by Turion; 01-18-2018, 02:12 AM.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Originally posted by Majestic81 View Post
            That was initially my question ; I've removed the document as it will only misslead myself and other people.

            That is not the goal here.



            • Wantomake, my third battery is two in parallel. If that doesn't work well, then I can rest one and rotate the other.


              • System

                The most efficient way to USE what this system gives you is to rotate the batteries (so you want at least one resting) and USE the free mechanical power of the motor. You CAN pull loads offbattery 3 while charging the primaries, but the MOST efficient way is to just rotate the batteries. The more load you put on the motor, thefaster battery 3 charges and the sooner you have to rotate the batteries.
                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • Parallel

                  That's the best way by switching the batteries around. I want to learn Arduino and get the circuits to do electronic switching. But not there yet.

                  So right now just using same batteries in same positions. That's why I spent so much time balancing the system.

                  I have 4 batteries in parallel in #3 position. My reason is for solar power to run my shop. I also have two in #2 and #1 positions in parallel. At night I turn on the 3BGS to keep the battery bank charged so I can get more shop time. But to my surprise with the balancing, the battery bank doesn't lose any voltage.

                  As I'm over curious about anything that is beyond my abilities, I started building the larger generator. But that's only because I understand the basics from building and using, testing, learning from this simple setup first.



                  • Laptop down

                    My laptop is only 1 1/2 month old but has a problem. It was bought for me to do FE stuff like downloads and studying. It started turning off randomly for some reason. Hopefully the Geek squad can repair it and will get it back Saturday.

                    So can't do any updates of videos or pictures for couple days.

                    Finally getting above freezing here in SC so will try to get busy tomorrow. If life or other things doesn't pull me away from the shop.



                    • Got my motor, time to play!



                      • Video

                        Good video John.

                        Look forward to your progress.



                        • Update: removed wires from rotor. More work than I thought!
                          Attached Files


                          • Motors Arrived!

                            I received the 2 MY1016 motors I ordered off eBay. This evening I removed the wire from one of the motors. I used dikes to cut the coils and then slid the wire from the sleeves. I ordered 1lb of 24 AWG magnet wire so I'll be winding the coils 40-30-30 as recommended. Since the magnet wire is enameled, am I correct that I should melt the coating off the ends of the coils that attach to the motor? Thanks!


                            2018-01-20 17.34.57.jpg

                            2018-01-20 18.15.33.jpg


                            • Originally posted by 2600 View Post
                              I received the 2 MY1016 motors I ordered off eBay. This evening I removed the wire from one of the motors. I used dikes to cut the coils and then slid the wire from the sleeves. I ordered 1lb of 24 AWG magnet wire so I'll be winding the coils 40-30-30 as recommended. Since the magnet wire is enameled, am I correct that I should melt the coating off the ends of the coils that attach to the motor? Thanks!



                              Best way I found was to sand it off with fine grain sandpaper. Or can use utility knife. But to each what works best.



                              • Thanks!

                                Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                                Best way I found was to sand it off with fine grain sandpaper. Or can use utility knife. But to each what works best.

                                Thanks Wantomake! It looks like I’m at the same stage as several others with these motors. I’ll post updates and look forward to reading updates from others.

