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NEW to Electronics? Here Are Some Great Starting Paths

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  • NEW to Electronics? Here Are Some Great Starting Paths

    So your new to electronics... I was there once... i am still there in some ways. So Here Is a thread i wish i had when i started. A collection of links that help get you some solid footing.

    1st thing to be aware is that there are 2 fields. One that teaches traditional electricity models, and ones that use non traditional electricity models, such as cold electricity, radiant energy, etc. Whichever suits you best.

    Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 12

    Afrotechmods's Channel - YouTube

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  • #2
    MIT electronics course

    MIT is offering a beginning FREE online electronics course starting sometime in early March. It looks kind of interesting.
    The link is here:

    It is supposed to be a pilot program for more online courses they are going to start offering in the fall. Also they have some of the material from their more advanced courses online here: Free Online Course Materials | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
    Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


    • #3
      Thumbs Up

      Thumbs up on Chapter 12 of the PJK Book. I went from not even understanding voltage drop, to building my own microcontroller based circuits. Its amazing how much Patric Kelly could fit into so little space.

