I just wanted to get the ball rolling, the concept of 3D printing parts for energy devices, such as air core, coil bobbins, for magnet motors, and the donut shaped guide for rodin coils, among many many other things. We would be able to design in CAD programs
host designs on Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects
print them from Customize and create 3D printed products. Welcome to the Future of Stuff.
or print them at home, with affordabel 3d home printers printrbot - Home
... and go from there. . . .

(note the home printers can only print 2 kinds of plastic at this point. one of them being ABS or LEGO plastic) Shapeways can print silver
and more affordably print a plastic aluminum conductive called alumide. hopefully in the future conductive plastic, say mixed with graphite powder can be printed and used, to make more of the device
host designs on Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects
print them from Customize and create 3D printed products. Welcome to the Future of Stuff.
or print them at home, with affordabel 3d home printers printrbot - Home
... and go from there. . . .

(note the home printers can only print 2 kinds of plastic at this point. one of them being ABS or LEGO plastic) Shapeways can print silver
