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An alternate options of the electro-magnetic event -- the playing field

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  • An alternate options of the electro-magnetic event -- the playing field


    (For a html version of this go to EMF vectors.
    This is about playing with numerous ways the three right angle vectors of an electro-magnetic event can be arranged that can produce a custom electro-magnetic envelope that has intrinsic characteristics.
    There are a lot of “What ifs?” on this web page. The author recognizes his ignorance. As the movie goes, I “know two things Jack and sh*t; and Jack left town.” The intention of this webpage is to examine the basics of an electromagnetic event and pique other people’s curiosity and have them go “Hmmm, that’s a good question. Let’s find out.”

    Many of the questions presented here could not be answered by the author’s college instructors and may not be answerable without direct experimentation. There are probably a few people (several thousand, actually) that have answers to some of the questions posed here; the answers to a few of these questions may be obvious to them.

    Another thing that was learned from electronics and world history concurrently was how mankind would develop a concept and then crystallizes in that concept. Examples are Greek pottery and TV or AC distribution. With Greek pottery, they developed 5 different pots for a multitude of purposes. Once these pots were established, no other types of pots were made. They crystallized in their thinking.
    With TV and AC distribution, both were first developed in the US. The US developed a system that delivers 117 volts at 60 Hz and kept it there. Europe developed their system later with ~220 volts at 50 Hz which tended to be able to deliver more energy. A similar thing occurred with TV.

    Again, the primary intention of this webpage is to awaken people’s curiosity. “What happens if we do this?” The idea is to get people to re-examine some crystallized thought.

    The Playing Field

    An electro-magnetic event involves three right angle vectors, a changing electric field, a changing magnetic field, and a change of space at light speed -- c. These three right angle vectors define 3-dimensional solid matter as we experience it.

    A creation of one vector automatically creates the other two; a changing electric field creates a changing magnetic field with a change of space, while a changing magnetic field creates a changing electric field and change of space, and a change of space (close to c) creates a changing electric field and a changing magnetic field.

    Be advised, our knowledge of EMF is based on its reaction to matter. All matter that we experience is comprised of an electric field matrix of electrically charged particles. This electric field matrix manifests in non-organic -- non living -- matter as crystalline in nature as an ordered array. While, organic – living -- matter is comprised of electric field matrices within matrices, within matrices…

    One element of a crystallized atomic/molecular matrices have particles or collection of electrically charged – positive -- particles that are relatively stable in space – do not move much, are the atomic nuclei, and act as ‘place holders’ within a crystallized electric field matrix. Their relatively constant spatial relationship is an integral part of a crystalline lattice. While, the negative electrically charged particles – electrons -- are in a constant change of relatively large distances of space and move
    between the ‘place holders’.
    The electric field matrices developed by these electrically charged particles determine the apparent qualities of the material -- characteristics, some of these qualities are intrinsic to that matrix. An example is carbon. A carbon electric field matrix can have the characteristics of soot, activated charcoal, or that of a diamond; the matrix the material is in defines the apparent characteristics of material.

    Some of the characteristics of relatively simple crystalline matrices are:[INDENT]1. If the electric field matrix field strengths are so strong that the moving electrons are locked into the matrix and do not respond to an outside electric field and are not allowed to leave their place around their respective nuclei, that material is considered an insulator.
    2. If the electric field matrix field strengths are loose enough that they can respond to an outside electric field, yet the electrons not leave the immediate nucleus, and the matrix can transmit the field through electric induction – atoms or molecules become electrically polarized, that material is considered a dielectric.
    3. If the electric field matrix field strengths are loose enough that electrons are allowed to leave the immediate nucleus vicinity, the material is considered a conductor.
    4. If the electric field matrix field strengths are tight under one set of conditions (1) and loose under another set of conditions (3), that material exhibits semi-conductor properties.
    5. If the electric field matrix allows for circular movement patterns of the electrons, the material exhibits magnetic qualities[INDENT]
    As to the qualities of each EMF vector, each vector componant is somewhat different. Here is a comparision list of some of their known qualities.
     Electric field
     Stores energy
    • Measured in voltage
    • Can vary in field strength -- density
    • Can be stopped by an atomic/molecular electric field matrix -- can be insulated against
     Physical strength
    • the inverse square law is involved
    • an infinite energy potential is available
     Polar in quality
    • A change of electric field uses two points – references
    • Referenced from positive to negative
    • Opposite poles attract, similar poles repell
    • The change of an electric field is considered between these two references, either in distance or in strength
    • If either reference changes like in charge strength or distance the field density changes

     Magnetic field
     Stores energy
    • Measured in gauss
    • Can vary in strength -- density
    • Can not be stopped by an atomic/molecular electric field matrix – can not be insulated against
    • Some amount can be absorbed by the complex organic – living -- electric field matrices, kind of like a sponge.
     Physical strength
    • Does not work with the inverse square law
    • Much weaker than the electric field
     Polar in quality
    • Referenced from north to a south
    • A change of magnetic field uses these two references
    • Opposite poles attract, similar poles repell
    • Distance between poles changes field density
    • The change of an magnetic field is considered between these two references, either a change of distance -- spatial reference -- or in strength
    • If either reference changes like in flux strength or distance the field density changes

     Change of space
     With movement of mass, it stores energy
     Strength
    • When generated by either a changing electric or magnetic fields, it can not be stopped
    • Is a constant – c
     Polar in quality
    • The polar qualities are in time and space
    • A change of space occurs in a change of time and vice versa
    • Both of these time and space values are dependent on frequency and are relatively constant for a given frequency
    Create any two of the EMFvectors and the third vector created is more powerful:
     Create a changing electric and magnetic vector
     and the change of space, with minor exceptions, never changes – c.
     Create a changing magnetic field and a change of space
     If the change of space of is a conductor matrix moving within that magnetic field we have power generation.
     If the changing space is the expanding and collapsing of magnetic field and it is the field that is moving through a conductor, this is magnetic induction -- transformers.
     Change of electric and a change of space
     Depending on the type of motion, the material has magnetic qualities, See (5) above
    Admittedly, this is an over simplification of an electro-magnetic event. All our electrical doodads are based on applications of -- playing with – these three vectors.

    With most conductive devices, the initial EMF generated by that device has a spatial polarization such the movement vector is toward the device; the electromagnetic field created by the electric field in the wire and the magnetic field created by the electron movement has change of space polarized to move inward.
    The like – same field direction -- polarized fields that are constantly being created push the previously created fields away from the device; it pushes energy away from the device in the opposite direction of the spatial vector created by the fields – towards the device. When the initial electric field – pressure/voltage -- begins to weaken, then the motion vector causes the EM field to collapse in on the device; the stored energy is putting back into the system.
    For the most part, the electric field and the magnetic field are in phase – occur at the same time. The magnetic field can lag in phase behind the electric field some, depending on the self induction of the device.


    With EMF producing devices like dipole antennas (I), the initial fields created are different. The first quarter wavelength has the motion vector -- change of space -- away from the device. The second quarter wavelength, as voltage decreases produces a motion vector that collapses towards the device, the third quarter wavelength away from the device, and the forth towards, etc. (I-A)

    Some radio wave characteristics are:
     A typical dipole antenna’s (I) initial field structure has the electric and magnetic field elements being radiated 90o out of phase (I-A). A changing magnetic field is initial and weakens as the electric field strengthens until it is nonexistent when the electric field is at max
     The initial right angle change of space vector is away from the antenna. Then, as the current flow changes, the magnetic field goes in the opposite direction and is the strongest as the electric field becomes non-existent as it reverses polarity. The right angle change of space vector is now goes towards the antenna (I-A). As the reverse polarized electric field gains strength, the magnetic field weakens, etc.
     This 90o out phase production is the antenna’s induction field with alternating direction vectors. Outside of the induction field (about one or two wavelengths), the electric field and the magnetic field make a transition and become in phase with a continual change of space away from the antenna (I-A). Let’s call this transition point 1.
    Some of the questions below are asked in referenced to a dipole antenna (or similar device) hooked up in in a number of waysin order to produce specfic electric and magnetic fields (as shown in the schematics) . It is recognized that with some of the more advanced ideas (III or IV), the schematics may stay the same but the devices may evolve to be something other than a simple dipole. The dipoles in those drawings are there to represent devices that produce the fields illustrated.

  • #2
    An alternate options of the electro-magnetic event -- the game

    The Game


    Again for a html version of this go to EMF vectors
    Here begins the game of “What ifs?” Given the "playing field", what if we do this? One major what if I remember asking in college is:
    • What if an EM field is created that is continually pushed in the opposite direction of its motion vector?
    The answer I remember receiving is that the EM field will flip polarity and radiate outward. This answer, if correct, in itself warrants further study. (if it hasn’t been already) Because:
    o This means either the magnetic field or the electric field changed polarity
    o Which field changed and why or when?
    o How strong is this change; meaning, can it be prevented from occurring?
    o If this change of polarity transition occurs in the immediate area of the device, what are its spatial dimensions, in wavelength, or in distance from the device?
    o Let us call this transition point 2
    o Is there a relationship between transition point 1 and 2?
    As to some of the above schematics, here are more what if questions:
    • What if: A diode array is used to control either end of an antenna element as a feed point as in II. The ways the diodes in II are placed are such that the initial field produced has the initial motion vector towards the antenna.
    o What happens to the waveform when the initial wave is collapsing back on itself (as opposed to normally radiating outward)? (This would occur if a normal dipole (I) is an end feed instead of a center feed as shown.
    o What effect, if any, does the 90o phase shift of the initial motion vectors have?
    • What if: An induction field is created where the magnetic field polarity doesn’t change while the electric field changes polarity? (as in II-A)
    o What effect, if any, does having the motion vector change every ½ wavelength instead of every ¼ wavelength as in I-A. II-A shows the respective electric and magnetic fields as being in phase.
    o What if: the respective fields were 90o out of phase?
    • Conversely, what if an induction field is created where the electric field polarity does not change polarity (using a full wave rectifier bridge on a dipole) as the magnetic field changes?
    • What happens to these fields once they make their transition – after transition point 1 -- and what are the resultant vectors – electric/magnetic/space – produced?

    With both of I and II examples, the change of space vector is alternating between being away and towards the antenna.
    Schematic III introduces a full wave rectifier bridge before Schematic II thereby maintaining a constant electric field polarity as well as a constant magnetic field polarity. This introduces more “What ifs”:
    • What if: the electric field and the magnetic field do not change polarity thereby creating a change of space in a continual direction.
    o One resultant could be a pulsing DC moving away from the antenna as in III-A.
    o With the fields polarized so that the other result would be creating a pulsing DC continually collapsing in on the antenna with field structure similar to a normal conductor.

    With schematics I, II, and III the exciting energy is coming from a single energy source. Now what if the fields are customized further using the mixing capacitors – flux capacitors  -- and dual phased power supplies of the quantum converter as in IV? Thereby, giving independent control to each field component. (Schematic IV allows independent control – strength or polarity -- of both electric and magnetic vectors and shows only one of a multitude of hookup variations possible.)
    • What if: Using a schematic similar to IV, the electric field and magnetic field of III-A are 90o out of phase, as in IV-A, with a wave being constantly pushed out in the opposite direction it is polarized to move in. Because of the out of phase relationship of the electric and magnetic fields, will an envelope be created that is constantly being pushed in the opposite direction of the motion vector?
    • What kind of polarity and phase transition – transition points 1 or 2, if any, do the fields make away from the induction field with the last example?

    A reminder: electric and magnetic fields store energy. Expanding fields carry energy in them; and, with normal conductors, the collapsing fields put energy back into the conductor which takes the energy away.
    This brings up an interesting question.
    o What if: a circular EMF is collapsing on itself and there is nothing there to take the energy away? Say that a in III-B or IV-B (using schematic IV) is large enough that the collapsing constantly polarized fields are not converging on any device. This would mean that the energy carrying EMF is collapsing to a theoretical point without any device there taking the energy away.
    o With the cases of IV-A and B, and considering each successive field is carrying energy, and there is nothing there to take the energy away, would there be a theoretical center point – a -- where the energy of successive collapsing waves is stored in stronger and stronger fields such that the energy stored in the fields can approach the summation of all energy expended up to that moment in time?
    o Or…because the energy has nowhere to go, will the collapsing energy change and manifest a constant polarity EM envelope with the space vector moving outward, creating a one point EMF source – creating a transition point 2?


    Some of the examples shown are where the antenna elements are at the center of an electro-magnetic envelope it is creating. In addition, some what if questions relate to the effects the fields have when the envelope created is created with a multiple set of devices: the devices are not at the center of the envelope created.
    o Now, as with the last question, what if: the elements where outside of the event they were creating at some function of wavelength away from the center of the event, a quarter wavelength for example. In III-B or IV-B something like cage matrix of antenna elements is shown that is creating the event at the center with a sort of standing wave created within the cage.

    o What if: there is a number of antenna arrayed in a circle, wired, and fed such that the center of the induction envelope produced (electric, magnetic, or both) has a constant field polarity -- IV-B.
    Here are more what ifs related to this:
    • Not changing field polarities, they are in phase, and the change of space is continually towards the center -- III-B i or ii
    • Feeding the cage elements such that they are out of phase while collapsing in on itself IV-B i or ii. Again, what form does the energy take when it reaches the center?
    • Feeding the cage elements such that they are out of phase giving the center moving fields a rotation.
    • Any of the above with the change of space of the fields created by a phase rotation within the antenna matrix itself. Thereby, creating something like a rotating single polarity electro-magnetic envelope. With each half wave produced by the antenna elements reinforcing the fields already produced.
    Now let’s “kick it up a notch”. What if: the resultant induction EMF is a torus or doughnut shaped? Perhaps, creating EM structures like III-C or IV-C.

    Again, with an EM field constantly collapsing on itself, what effect, if any, does transition point 2 have?
    At the same time, another set of what if questions can arise with a reflected wave or induced wave from a nearby outside object is involved. Specifically, how something like an object or the ground would react to the produced induction field. Such as:
    • • Whether the returning wave is a reflected wave or an induced wave. (An induced wave is where an object responds to an incoming EM field and produces a field of its own; usually this occurs with conductors.)
    • • What if: At some function of wavelength (1/4, 1, or ½, etc.), the emitting EMF has the identical vectors as the reflected EMF. Conceivably, could repulsion or attraction be induced?
    • o The above question can be asked with the returning wave form matching the induction field
    • o This may be more noticeable if one of the fields is torroidal meaning, field poles emergent from the center
    • o Or it can be asked if the returning waveform is after the induction field has made its transition – 1 or 2.
    • o Or what happens when the transition points 1 or 2 is included into the event
    • • What effect will the ground have on the envelope being radiated? (See directive diagrams in The A.R.R.L. – American Radio Relay League – Antenna Book for examples of field nodules being created by an induction field.)

    If all this is not enough, here are some more what ifs:
    o What if a self collapsing or rotating electro-magnetic toruses – torii – uses a function of wave length that is created?
    o Incorporate transition 2 and produce something as in File:Inside-out torus (animated, small).gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    o Or File:Clifford-torus.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    o Combining the reflected standing wave concept with a shaped wave form introduces more what ifs.
    To understand how wide open this "playing field may be", this page hasn't addressed the concept of a moving mass storing energy. The amount of energy stored is directly related to the amount of mass and/or velocity.
    What if the energy contained in collapsing electric and magnetic fields becomes translated into the motion vector. Specifically, the energy becomes translated into the motion vector of a moving mass. Would that mean the mass and/or velocity must change?

    Once the concept of how one can play with these field vectors is recognized, along with the variations on the possible shapes that can be produced, there are so many directions that these ideas can lead.
    The resultant discoveries can conceivably border on science fiction: power transmission, tractor beams, field propulsion, etc.

    In conclusion, the basic message of this web page is:
    • Human thought crystallizes
    • Is to re-examine the EMF basics involved with an electromagnetic event, to ask questions, and to perhaps initiate some curiosity into these areas.
    o This webpage is looking for people whose curiosity in the field is such that they want to start looking for answers to some of these questions.
    o Conceivably, some of the answers to these questions may involve lifetimes of study.
    • The author “doesn’t know sh*t.”


