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Free Magnetic Generator

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  • #31
    hi torian i saw your post, its cool to try and patent your invention, but like what most of the guys have said the government will not really smile at that, but none the less , do what u think is right, i have a magneto/gravity device too that can run until the parts wear out, but the problem am having with producing a bigger one is getting the magnets, rear earth magnets.... i dont know if you can help me with some magnets.. it will be really appreciated


    • #32
      your point is not really clear, are you suggesting that he patent it or not, and the name thane sounds familiar, are the thane with the bitoriod transformer?


      • #33
        Torian - News

        Today we have a new energy that will change the world forever and it is necessary that organizations, universities and foundations worldwide know it and support us in our developments and objectives.
        We are looking for strategic partners who have a sincere commitment to convey this new energy to all humanity.
        Magnetic Energy Generator
        Torian, is a magnetic generator of electric power, clean and with low production and maintenance cost, that uses no external power supply, fuel, gas, etc.
        We intend this to be known worldwide and that all people may know that today there is an alternative solution for energy and environment problems. We have certified studies that support our discovery, videos, photographs and technical data you require to spread the invention.
        Grupo Torian is a group of human beings, devoted to develop technological projects to help our communities
        Our engineers have been specialized in these fields, and have been working for over a decade in the study of geomagnetic forces. Our aim is to patent the prototype around the world hand by hand with investors contribution to ensure a proper development to standardize and mass-produce prototypes, ensuring that energy is at the service of all humanity
        We have the invention that will lead new energy developments in the world.
        Please visit our Facebook page and click "I Like"

        Grupo Torian
        Web: Untitled Document
        Facebook: Grupo Torian | Facebook


        • #34
          Newspaper Article About Torian - Argentina


          This is an article made to us from a local newspaper


          • #35

            If you need more information about our project, visit.

            web: Untitled Document

            If you want to support our project, click "I Like" on our Facebook page

            Grupo Torian | Facebook


            • #36
              Hi Tony,

              Best wishes with your endeavour.

              May the good Lord guide you in your journey to bring this new technology
              to the people.

              From Sydney, Australia,

              Regards, Penno

              p.s. could you please advise, what is a "CAPTOR"?



              • #37
                Please provide a comparison


                Ask please your Inner Voice: Who adds more value to mankind: Linux or Windows ?

                Sorry for my poor English
                Greatings from Görlitz and God bless you



                • #38
                  Hi Torian,

                  At last, and not laest think about the fate of Ed Grey motor in conjunction with "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
                  The time changes, but the methods do not, unfortunately: (

                  Greetings from Germany



                  • #39
                    Hi Torian

                    Sounds like an exciting project - I cannot get the website link to work - giving error 404.

                    Good luck



                    Originally posted by Torian View Post
                    If you need more information about our project, visit.

                    web: Untitled Document

                    If you want to support our project, click "I Like" on our Facebook page

                    Grupo Torian | Facebook


                    • #40
                      Hi John,

                      That website has been down for a long time.

                      Here is the same topic maybe you can have a better understanding from the video and the drawings in the second page of this Stefan Hartmann thread:
                      Argentinean Magnet Motor selfrunning with helper coils

                      EDIT: I found also this link in Spanish:

                      Motor retroalimentado Torian III | Arucas Blog Revista Digital


                      Originally posted by john_g View Post
                      Hi Torian

                      Sounds like an exciting project - I cannot get the website link to work - giving error 404.

                      Good luck




                      • #41
                        Don't do it


                        Dave (Turion) is right -- EXACTLY RIGHT. I urge you NOT to file for a patent on ANY device that has any HINT of "free energy." Right now you're following the same path as Lester Hendershot. Newspaper articles, patent applications, etc. Hendershot ALLEGEDLY committed suicide. I would suggest that if you follow in his footsteps, your ultimate destination will be the same as his.

                        It sounds like your heart is in the right place, and as such, I would encourage you to do your part for humanity by releasing a fully documented set of plans under the GNU licensing system under a different name, one that cannot be directly linked to you (lest you end up like so many who have come before you, meeting your maker ahead of schedule).

                        Also remember that the stuff we call "money" is created out of thin air; digits typed into a computer. It's a "MEME," an IDEA. So we all work our asses off every day to collect bits of paper. Gee, what a life! Slaves to an idea. If you want to change the world, CHANGE YOUR MIND. A half a billion pieces of paper are still worth ZIP. NADA. ZILCH. A few more months, another year or so and you'll see what that so-called money is really worth.

                        What's REAL is US, you and me. It's OUR world and our lives and they DON'T "belong" to some fiction (corporation, government, or some psychopath who thinks he owns the world and everything in it). When we stop playing THEIR game, the game is OVER. Then it will be up to US to decide what kind of a world we want for ourselves. Imagine being able to have light in your house when it's dark outside, heat when it's cold outside, to travel unencumbered, to have wholesome, nutritious food without deadly toxins throughout, ALL WITHOUT HAVING TO "PAY" SOMEONE FOR THE "PRIVILEGE." If that's what WE want, then let's make it happen. Those who would oppose such a plan will reveal their true nature. Those are the ones who need to "go."



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ChrisW View Post

                          Dave (Turion) is right -- EXACTLY RIGHT. I urge you NOT to file for a patent on ANY device that has any HINT of "free energy."
                          Sound advice. Did not Tesla call some of his stuff "Improvements in the
                          field of electrical generation" or something like that?


                          • #43
                            Concerning your Torian 3; what is the name of the white material you encase the magnets in? Looks like plastic. What type.

