I really don't want to be sounding alarms. lol!
I need to laugh a bit myself. Since March 13th, our planet has been doing, not a physical pole shift (different thing all together), but a magnetosphere reversal. Not just one reversal, but several, if not a multitude, of flips, to face away from our central star, the Sun. Not really the best behavior during a time of solar maximum M and X (as high as X9 from region 1429 only a week or so ago) flares that we have been seeing lately.
I really don't want to be "That guy". But in trying to come up with a hypothesis for how or why our magnetosphere would do such a thing. The only real explanation for it is another influencing body of greater attraction. I shudder to mention..."Planet X", "Niberu" Simply uttering their names is cause for a lashing these days. :P
Here are a couple links to videos to start looking at it.
Breaking - Magnetopause Reversal - YouTube (drkstrong is one of the most level headed astrophysicists out there. I look to him for a realistic and sceptical perspective)
Magnetopause Reversal Update. - YouTube
There are alot of sources for this data. Don't know that there is much disagreement about what we are actually seeing, along the lines of inaccurate data?
I would love some better input and shared discussion on this.
If you would like to have a look at the SWMF magnetospause position go to http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/ , select the "Magnetosphere" tab at top and arror over to the right to "magnetopause position" button. There you can set the time to watch the data, however data for the period of reversal on the 13th seems to be inaccessible at the moment?
What can we think about this?
I need to laugh a bit myself. Since March 13th, our planet has been doing, not a physical pole shift (different thing all together), but a magnetosphere reversal. Not just one reversal, but several, if not a multitude, of flips, to face away from our central star, the Sun. Not really the best behavior during a time of solar maximum M and X (as high as X9 from region 1429 only a week or so ago) flares that we have been seeing lately.
I really don't want to be "That guy". But in trying to come up with a hypothesis for how or why our magnetosphere would do such a thing. The only real explanation for it is another influencing body of greater attraction. I shudder to mention..."Planet X", "Niberu" Simply uttering their names is cause for a lashing these days. :P
Here are a couple links to videos to start looking at it.
Breaking - Magnetopause Reversal - YouTube (drkstrong is one of the most level headed astrophysicists out there. I look to him for a realistic and sceptical perspective)
Magnetopause Reversal Update. - YouTube
There are alot of sources for this data. Don't know that there is much disagreement about what we are actually seeing, along the lines of inaccurate data?
I would love some better input and shared discussion on this.
If you would like to have a look at the SWMF magnetospause position go to http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/ , select the "Magnetosphere" tab at top and arror over to the right to "magnetopause position" button. There you can set the time to watch the data, however data for the period of reversal on the 13th seems to be inaccessible at the moment?
What can we think about this?