Originally posted by thx1138
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I'm going to make a configuration of two Al plates 1000x1000mm (40x40") connected together, and conductors of solid cooper pipe 1/5" thick (5mm) with heat-shrink tube as insulator. Contact bolts between Cu pipe and Al plate will be brass. For the electrical circuit I'll make two versions, one with first approach (germanium diodes) and other with fast silicone, and try which one works better.
I asked my first question because of the discrepancy in PKJ's compilation that made me wonder. At page 7-8, Jes used a 700x100mm drum with 20 turns of wire as antenna, but at page 7-10 the Al plate is introduced, and the drum isn't mentioned anywhere else. However, Tesla's original patent from 1900 (US Pat.649,621) on receiver side mentions both the plate (D') and the bi-filar coil (A'). Tesla_ReGen from the forums also mentions using the coil. Anyways, I'm going to try with the plate, then introduce the coil if the plate doesn't give sufficient power. Maybe try a coil with a moveable ferrite rod, so to be able to fine-tune the inductance.
Hear you soon
