It was quite a while ago and I moved on to other radiant collector the fence based one in a YouTube vid (same name on there).
As I recall, it was a simple enough thing.
The 3 plates hung up from the ceiling, connected in parallel. The former mains lead ran down to an AV plug (back to back 1N4148 diodes connected at one end) and into the 1000uF electrolytic capacitor.
The interesting thing, was that 0.6V should have been dropped and that the output diode ought to have seen a flat zero from the cap at 0.6V charge level. That wasn't the case though. Of course, the output diode isn't needed in any case, it just improved the collection flow if there was a circuit on the other end.
In other experiments, i've seen small red banded glass diodes drop just 100mV when used with miniscule voltage and current levels. Other folks experiments have seen diodes actually develop a charge when left alone in one place for long periods. All very interesting stuff
As I recall, it was a simple enough thing.
The 3 plates hung up from the ceiling, connected in parallel. The former mains lead ran down to an AV plug (back to back 1N4148 diodes connected at one end) and into the 1000uF electrolytic capacitor.
The interesting thing, was that 0.6V should have been dropped and that the output diode ought to have seen a flat zero from the cap at 0.6V charge level. That wasn't the case though. Of course, the output diode isn't needed in any case, it just improved the collection flow if there was a circuit on the other end.
In other experiments, i've seen small red banded glass diodes drop just 100mV when used with miniscule voltage and current levels. Other folks experiments have seen diodes actually develop a charge when left alone in one place for long periods. All very interesting stuff
