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Nuclear Thorium Plasma Battery Victim of Technology Suppression?

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  • alpha not gamma

    alpha emissions are larger and are stopped easily compared to gamma emissions like uranium which does take thick layers of lead or concrete. Here is the wiki on alpha emissions

    Alpha decay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Alpha emissions are usually stopped by a few inches of air, paper or even your epidermis and since thorium takes a crap ton of time to decay into the next isotope you shouldn't have too many concerns about beta or gamma emitters forming which can be of concern.

    So if you do get your hands on a thorium containing mineral just keep it in an altoid tin and use tongs gloves and a long sleeve shirt and feel safe knowing it's overkill.


    • Nuclear Batteries

      Nuclear Batteries
      Last edited by thx1138; 06-19-2014, 09:50 PM.


      • That is freakin awesome

        Thank you for that


        • Tesla Radiant Energy Timeline 4

          Since writing that I have had some additional thoughts that may well have a huge impact on that theory. I haven't documented it yet so thought I would post those thoughts here.

          Although radiant energy collection and wireless power transmission are two separate issues they are weakly related. Dr. Tesla states in one of his transmission patents that the intention is to wirelessly transmit power, however it is generated, from locations where it is easily generated to locations where it is to be utilized. The Niagra Falls power plant generates electricity by harnessing the kinetic energy of falling water actuated by gravity so is fuelless power generation. Transmitting that power without transmission lines would be of great benefit in many aspects. That is one example of where power is more easily generated and it is fuelless power generation.

          He also states in his radiant energy patents that the higher the altitude of the elevated, insulated plate, the better the conditions for collecting natural radiant energy. That being the case, the radiant energy would be best collected at high altitudes, i.e. Colorado Springs or higher, and transmitted to places where it would be consumed. That's the weak link between radiant energy and wireless transmission.

          What most people miss in his transmission patent is that he states that the power will be transmitted between balloons maintained as 30,000 feet by a continuous supply of gas. Early in his Colorado Springs notes there is an entry that directly relates to extracting hydrogen from the atmosphere. Although not directly stated in the notes, we can assume that the purpose was to maintain the elevation of those balloons as stated in the 1897 patent application. In the transmission patent he states that 15 miles (79,200 ft.) would be optimal but that he can accomplish his transmission at the lower altitude of 30,000 feet which he considered "easily accesible". We have to remember that there were no airplanes at that time.

          Here is where it impacts my Energy Timeline document: considering that the elevated, insulated plate would be more effective the higher the altitude, was he considering maintaining that plate at 30,000 feet also? If that is the case, it pretty much puts us DIYers out of business on that front.

          I have never seen anything that says he attempted this. In fact, the jet stream winds that can get up to 250+ MPH and are at about 23,000 to 39,000 feet were unknown at the time so he would have probably failed anyway.

          BUT, here is another thought which kind of counteracts that. His patent only says that the insulated, elevated plate is metal. He also says, "...the surface should be clean and highly polished or amalgamated." He doesn't say what kind of metal. Nor did he state amalgamated with what.

          So what do we get when we amalgamate the elevated metal plate with a radioactive material but at much, much lower altitudes? There are a few radioactive materials that can be purchased without a license. Actually, I'm not thinking of mixing the two under heat to get an amalgamation but possibly coating the outside of the metal plate and then covering that with insulation.

          I haven't looked into this yet but I understand some old radio vacuum tubes emit xrays as a byproduct of their intended function. It would be an interesting experiment to build the insulated, coated, metal plate and shine either an ultraviolet light or shield one of those vacuum tubes with lead so it would only have a very small outlet for the xrays and point those rays at the plate.

          Just thinking out loud here.
          Last edited by thx1138; 06-19-2014, 09:50 PM.


          • Dave -I think you are almost there.

            Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
            Your links led me to the MHD very interesting, kindof lines up with something I have been thinking on for awhile now.


            Based on what I've seen on drawings from DeGeus and Petronov, I think you are damn close to putting together a working prototype. Maybe Bob Dratch could lend you a hand? One question though... why plexiglass when I'd expect some hot temps from this sucker. Petronov and DeGeus both sited temperatures of 50-80 celsius depending on loads.

            Anyway, keep going and if it works, patent it outside of the U.S. and please post a video on line. Does anyone know how to find the two Americans who took a prototype to show Chinese investors back in 2009? It was a small unit about the size of two packs of cigarettes that was designed to power an electric scooter - supposedly the same unit now used in the stealth satellites. Just curious to know if those guys are locked away somewhere or ????? Read the stuff about "Danny" and send me a PM if you find any contact info. Thanks.
            Last edited by EYECU; 09-25-2013, 01:06 PM.


            • Hey
              Never got around to building it, working on another project, may get around to it someday.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • STOP the Greed!

                Aries M. DeGeus - found in his car in an airport parking lot
                MIT professor Eugene Mallove - found beaten to death

                In addition two other inventors of the plasma battery have been missing for almost two years now...

                Dimitri Petronov - last seen in a Russian bakery in 2010 just vanishes
                Danny - Former U.S. Air Force reservist has not contacted anyone in his family for over 18 months. See this 11 month old link...
                The reason they are getting themselves killed is because of their own self need for business protection. Though my belief is, that these inventions have been invented time and time again, they were just better at doing this stuff (Assassination) more quietly before the Net etc.

                My Opinion for what its worth- Do exactly what Dave did and post it out there and ask ppl to send it to their networks too. One night and we can get it around the world. It is already in the public domain then.

                No genuine inventor will ever be allowed to bring anything to market that messes with their Oil corps, as it IS Royalty, Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc that own the Banking, Mineral, Pharma and Industrial Global corps of the world and they will Kill Us to stop any of us. Fight it another way. Or be a part of it and get Killed.

                I'm personally telling everyone I know about all the Cancer Cures that similar suppression has been done with (Royal Rife & Antoine Priore), to keep "their" Pharma Corps supplying us their poisonous, addictive, mentally damaging drugs. As I truly believe if the "Majority" of ppl wake up to the simple fact they allow us to die daily from "Curable" diseases to line their pockets, then they just may believe the rest of the picture about their conspiratorial system to keep all the power and money away from Us the Owners of this Planet.
                Last edited by PYak1967; 11-11-2013, 11:39 PM. Reason: Mispelt wording.


                • Patents: The value of a patent is that amount of money you have to defend the patent. People with more money than you can start producing your patented device and use the procedes to tie you up in patent court for years upon years while all the while making a profit from your work. If you don't have a business plan and investors already lined up to hit the ground running, don't file a patent. Even after that, if the profit is great enough you will run into the same problem. Also be aware that there are several countries in the world that have no patent treaty with the U.S. so your rights do not apply in their country. China is one. Also note that the formula for Coca Cola (often cited) is not patented. You can't keep it secret if you patent it.

                  Secrets: If you have a secret that might get you killed, publish it in its entirety so that it is no longer secret. That negates any benefit derived from killing you. Otherwise, you are just increasing the odds that someone will come after you.

                  Greed: One might say that those who get murdered for holding a secret to energy technologies are the greedy ones. It is their greed that is getting them killed. See patents and secrets, above. Should they be monetarily rewarded for their work? Sure. They just need to shut up until they can secure themselves from attack because if it is a world changing technology there is definitely danger in upsetting the status quo. Along the same lines, the people that sold the 100MPG technologies to auto companies that buried their technology might be the greedy ones. If you want to "unbury" one of those technologies go to work for an auto company. You won't change it from the outside. We don't live in Disneyland.
                  Firstly, You guys are My Heroes, I found this site 2 weeks ago, and my head is swirling from all the answers to the Electrical/Mag/Energy questions I had forming from internet reading. I Only scanned the Pictures with 1st reading as was so motivated to post missed this post sorry. I wholeheartedly agree...the more greedy and secretive we act, the more we play into their rulebook. So get those thoughts out of our heads, work on trying to SPAM the knowledge then they may "Have" to allow us to do it.


                  • Cadillac’s World Thorium Fuel Concept</font>


                    • SR 136 Thorium Caddy - Nuclear Fuel For Autos [Video]
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • Thanks Dave

                        I see from your link the fellows building the drive system are in My area.

                        Looks like a field trip is in order.
                        I'll report back.
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • Thanks Franco &amp; Dave

                          Sorry its taken me a while to reply, been away. Many thanks for the replies, it's one of the reasons I love this forum, if members can help they do.

                          This has to be the most friendly tech forum on the airwaves, much gratitude guys n gals.


                          • Table Top Fusion

                            This is not directly related to thorium but is a very interesting video on a table top fusion electrical generator that is explained very well. No working device yet but very interesting concept. He is talking about generating electricity directly, rather than through heat, using Boron11 which is abundant and outputting electricity, x-rays which can be shielded, and non-radioactive helium.

                            Maybe it should go into a new thread.

                            This brought a lot of my Tesla research into focus. What he is describing would be the next step in Tesla's high frequency, high voltage, unidirectional impulses with fast rise and fall times and a magnetically quenched spark gap and it looks like Philo Farnsworth was working toward that with his multipactor and fusor. In Tesla's later days he mat have described such a device: "No apparatus or sketches were shown, but Dr. Tesla said in announcing perfection of the principle of a new tube, which he said would make it possible to smash the atom and produce cheap radium, that he would be able to give a demonstration in 'only a little time.'" - "Sending of Messages to Planets Predicted by Dr. Tesla On Birthday", New York Times, July 11, 1937. —Inventor, 81, Talks of Key to Interstellar Transmission and Tube to Produce Radium Copiously and Cheaply."

                            Or maybe he was talking about furthering Farnsworth's work since Farnsworth used his tubes a couple of years earlier.

                            A Table Top Fusion Reactor
                            Last edited by thx1138; 03-02-2014, 05:04 PM. Reason: Table Top Fusion


                            • More interesting news on thorium reactors

                              "The nuclear race is on. China is upping the ante dramatically on thorium nuclear energy. Scientists in Shanghai have been told to accelerate plans (sorry for the pun) to build the first fully-functioning thorium reactor within ten years, instead of 25 years as originally planned."

                              Chinese going for broke on thorium nuclear power


                              • awesome

                                kudos for reactors that will stop reacting if broken or abandoned.

