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Boost growth with orgonite

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  • Boost growth with orgonite

    Orgonite is a mix of resin and metal particle, with occasional addition of crystal and mobius coil. Some people have a great success in using them.

    The Orgonite Experiment | FBI | Fortean Times

    Gardening Trials: Growing Giant Vegetables in Brighton

    Orgonite Experiments: RESULTS! - David Icke's Official Forums

    Now I don't endorse orgonite until someone here post good results with orgonite. I use cemenite which I consider as another orgonite, but not everyone agree with me.
    Last edited by sucahyo; 09-12-2011, 08:13 AM.

  • #2
    orgone accumulator result

    From "The Orgone Accumulator Handbook" by James Demeo, experiment with seedling on orgone accumulator:
    Controlled studies by organic farmers, particularly those by Jutta Espanca of Portugal, have demonstrated very significant orgone charging effects. Espanca has found that garden seed charging works best if done for only a day, or even a few hours; but this must be done only on a very crips, clear, and sparkling day, when the orgone charge at the Earth's surface, and in the accumulator, is quite strong and lively. Otherwise, charging may have to take place for a slightly longer periods. Also note that seed can be overcharged; attempts at charging seeds for 30 day or more often result in little difference between controls and charged seedlings, even stunted growth.


    • #3
      Thank you. Now I believe what being done with electricity or magnetism with plants is actually the same thing as what being done with orgonite.

      I now use cemenite for my plants, and I also starting to do experiment with moody coil, a one loop coil horisontal with one end angled to pointing up, and the other end curved to the ground.


      • #4
        Originally posted by angel653922
        From "The Orgone Accumulator Handbook" by James Demeo, experiment with seedling on orgone accumulator:
        You missing the quote but I also agree it can provide good effect.

        However, notice that the treatment with ORAC should never be overdone. 1 days at most, and 1 hour is sufficient, from other Demeo reference. This happen because I think orgone accumulator produce male effect which can provide stamina boost or killing any bacteria that attach to the seed at that time but can be detrimental to the seed health if used too long.

        I belive my cemenite produce the opposite polarity of orgone accumulator, however, on plant the effect is the same. Bigger, greener and healthier plant....


        • #5
          Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
          I belive my cemenite produce the opposite polarity of orgone accumulator, however, on plant the effect is the same. Bigger, greener and healthier plant....
          Do you have plant comparison photos using your cemenite?

          I see how this could work.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Web000x View Post
            Do you have plant comparison photos using your cemenite?

            I see how this could work.

            Here is example.

            New plant always start to produce bigger new leaf. That plant now has leaf bigger than my neighboor one. Unfortunately I can not show it clearly:
            YouTube - difference of plant size caused by orgone energy

            I have another plant that has giant leaf starting to grow, will post the picture someday.


            • #7
              Orgonite helps in human health as well. I read an article which says that orgonite helps a great deal for people suffering from epilepsy. It is also a remedy for Chronic health issues like shoulder pain etc.
              SunFusion Solar


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sun Fusion View Post
                Orgonite helps in human health as well. I read an article which says that orgonite helps a great deal for people suffering from epilepsy. It is also a remedy for Chronic health issues like shoulder pain etc.
                Be very carefull. Not all orgonite work as advertized even if the seller deny this.

                Be sure to notice if your purchased orgonite work as intended. And if it is not, do not hesitate to return or destroy it, don't wait for excuse.

                I think most orgonite will have similar effect to coffee. You get power boost while wearing it. But You may end up can not sleep. Or get very tired if not wearing it.

                For plants, no one do very long exposure test.


                • #9

                  Hi Sucahyo I did orgone generators but cannot find a way exactly to test there aura. Once put them in the freezer but did not see any difference in the water placed above Maybe these are not producing well?
                  Would like to have a sort of good metering device.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the useful tips sucahyo. I (SF Fusion) have also read about orgonite that it is pretty useful for plants as it repels pests and enhances the growth. Please give your view on this.
                    SunFusion Solar


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sun Fusion View Post
                      Thanks for the useful tips sucahyo. I (SF Fusion) have also read about orgonite that it is pretty useful for plants as it repels pests and enhances the growth. Please give your view on this.
                      For enhanced growth I experience it only from cemenite experiments. I never tried the more common orgonite.

                      The effect I observe are:
                      - bigger leaf
                      - darker green
                      - more leaf

                      For fungus, some plants still has yellowing but not as severe as before.

                      For pest, I don't see pest at my garden. The case bellow maybe a supporting evidence, but then, may just a coincidence.
                      Millions of Caterpillars Attacking Citizens Probolinggo | 1001zones
                      Caterpillars invasion in Probolinggo, East Java

                      The caterpilaar attack spread at random location on Java Island now, but the attack never reach the village where I burry cemenite. Only reach nearby village, even if it also spread to even another county or province.

                      But there is also a maybe unwanted effect. Cemenite attract a lot of birds. If the plant is also birds food (like puddy) then having cemenite may require more effort to drive away birds.

                      The one I use for plants is cemenite. A simple version of orgonite that help people sleep longer. From what I know most orgonite do not make people sleep longer, but it do the opposite, it "allow" people to sleep less. This later type may produce different effect to plants, but I still see people reporting bigger plants with this type.


                      • #12
                        Results on dragon fruits

                        I had put a cemenite, 6cm diameter, 3 cm height on the root of a dragon fruit tree. At the first week the tree began to produce more branch. Now, the tree already produce flower and fruit before any other similar tree.

                        Bellow is the experimental tree:

                        Bellow is tree at about 5 meter from experimental tree. Two tree originally had same growth rate.

                        The host tree also shown different growth.

                        The first fruit it produced after putting cemenite had darker color and taste sweeter.

                        I encourage everyone to try cemenite or any other orgone device you have including your SSG or joule thief.

