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Bedini-Lindemann 2012 Conference

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  • #61

    Originally posted by hartiberlin View Post
    Well yes, I understand, but people also go to soccer matches or Baseball
    events, although they could also see it for free on TV....Regards, Stefan.
    Ok, but they're making a fortune selling advertising on TV. They're not posting it for free.

    Stefan, we're doing all we can right now. We might be able to release a new video every 3 weeks or so.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #62
      Glad to hear that the conference went well. I was unable to make it due to a host of unavoidable reasons.

      I am hoping that the next conference is in the pipeline and i plan to make it there. hopefully it will be in the the same place and around the same time.




      • #63
        I have to say the conference was truly amazing. While I had no time (boo-hoo!) to listen to anyone after Mike Hirata, I could see the looks on the faces of all the attendees and they were LIT UP!!!

        Aaron, you did an amazing job. It was a pleasure to visit with you all, and I look forward to the next event!

        Where is it?

        Kalispell Hot Springs?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Stefan, I can probably post some video "trailers" but all the raw footage is being processed. I won't have anything for a while. It isn't all about making money, I said everyone that paid money to come isn't going to be abused by having it all posted for free.

          Anything you post, I will be happy with.

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          mbrown, the motor was part of a video presentation. The speaker explained simply what he did. It has zero back emf, it has a lot of torque, the speed can be increased without increasing voltage - instead the circuit increases the switching speed. It is both attraction and repulsion that is pulling the rotor around. His switching mechanism is proprietary but anyone should be able to apply the principles. The switch is brilliant and switches in nanoseconds. I've seen this motor myself - it exists. You'll see what it looks like in the video.

          On the motor, I hadn't thought about attraction/repulsion but it does make perfect sense with what I think the motor is. Bipolar switching?

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          More importantly, he shares some very basic principles that anyone can apply. There are a couple experiments anyone can do that indisputably proves that magnetism is energy or imparts energy. Many of us here already believe this but there is one experiment that will beat any skeptical physicist, engineer, etc... 100% of the time. He was thrown out of a few universities for demonstrating this but it absolutely cannot be argued.
          I have come to this conclusion myself

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          He really is a master of magnetics. His company developed many things. Including a transformer that can lower energy costs for industrial lighting lighting kilowatts of tubes while the core stays cold - removing virtually all magnetic losses (no hysteresis). All his products are the top in the world for their own category.

          His work will make it easier for people to understand what to do instead of having to learn complex theories that hardly anyone understands. And, it is all with very elementary principles that non-engineers can get. You really know who gets it when they can explain it in simple terms that anyone can understand.
          I believe he is right based upon what you say here and what I have learned myself.

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Also, there are windows of opportunity even in conventional simulator programs that will demonstrate very high COP electromagnetic reaction motors. It isn't a glitch, all the conventional math, etc... actually allows for it. That is what is so surprising. Anyone that says different is spreading disinformation. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Some are complex and some are simple. I prefer the simple.
          I have been saying this quietly for a while, even though I have not driven a motor into overunity yet, I can account for all the losses through the use of simulators and I can achieve staggering COPs in simulations. The motors I have used have had either too much resistance, too little inductance or too many iron losses to make them run this way in practice and the simulations showed why.

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          More coming soon...
          I can't wait


          • #65


            I agree mostly with what your saying. There is nothing unreasonable.
            However I would like to add that Those who attended the conference where John revealed the Ferris Wheel posted wonderful information and pictures of the machine. In fact the thread on the Ferris Wheel grabbed me and got me to build something far beyond What I would have ever thought of. That posted information Drove me to be at the next conference.
            The more stuff those in attendance can post the more exciting the conferences become. And the more driven people are to attend. There is no way to get as much even from a professional video as attending the conference. I love the video's but they are no compensation for the experience.

            The other thing that I feel is very important is replication. That is everything.
            If the attendees can come home from the conference and replicate the work and on youtube, and show motors that use 100 to 200 watts and produce 1HP then nobody is going to miss the next conference, and all the videos are sold before they are made! Real replication is the most viable validation of all the effort you have all put forward in helping this technology move along.

            Real validation is making the machine not just run, it is making the machine run within those parameters. That is where the real action is. The real joy and the real value of going to a conference like this. its so that you can come home and actually do it! Oh, I really wish I could have been to this one Aaron, I can see that replications are going to start coming out and I missed it!!! Dang!



            • #66

              Originally posted by Les_K View Post
              I love the video's but they are no compensation for the experience.

              and all the videos are sold before they are made!

              Real replication is the most viable validation of all the effort you have all put forward in helping this technology move along.

              Real validation is making the machine not just run, it is making the machine run within those parameters. That is where the real action is. The real joy and the real value of going to a conference like this. its so that you can come home and actually do it! Oh, I really wish I could have been to this one Aaron, I can see that replications are going to start coming out and I missed it!!! Dang!

              I agree, no substitution for being there.

              John Bedini also let people take pictures of dozens of papers he never showed before on other things.

              The low watt for hp motor is proprietary. He showed some old company film on this but he did describe what the principles were. There are many engineers there that get what he was saying so they may start experimenting with them.

              The video will show one experiment that is one of the simplest I ever saw to absolutely 100% undeniably prove that the amount of magnetic flux at a coil is not directly related to the amount of watts expended. There were multiple physicists that went up to this speaker to tell him that they will never look at physics again. I'm sure there will be plenty of people doing this experiment. It is dangerous because of the arcing, etc..., so safety first and only qualified engineers should try it of course.

              No payments will be accepted for any videos before they are made - unlike how some people do business. We can only do business above board.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #67
                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                I agree, no substitution for being there.

                No payments will be accepted for any videos before they are made - unlike how some people do business. We can only do business above board.
                Not at all what I was meaning Aaron, I was simply saying people would be in line to purchase. My apologies for that one.



                • #68
                  first video coming

                  Originally posted by Les_K View Post
                  Not at all what I was meaning Aaron, I was simply saying people would be in line to purchase. My apologies for that one.

                  No problem - my misunderstanding. I didn't take offense just wanted to clarify.

                  The fist video is scheduled for release on July 24th!

                  If anyone is not on the Energy Times list, go here and you'll be the first to know: Energy Times

                  The first video will be on Magnetism.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #69
                    Amazing conference

                    I very much enjoyed the conference. The speakers were great, the venue was just the right size, it was well organized and how about those Idaho potatoes

                    Aaron and Chuck did a great job of organizing and all the people I spoke to had a great time.

                    John Bedini split his lecture into two parts, he wanted to spend a little time on answering some of the questions that come up on the forums on the Monopole. Ralph brought his 6 coiler super-pole Monopole to John's shop for a "tune up" and John asked if he would mind showing it off at the conference. Ralph did a great job building this from pictures on the Internet and the Bearden-Bedini FEG book.

                    We ran some tests in the shop the day before the conference which showed 9 times the output than input! We did this 3 times to be sure it wasn't just a fluffy charge. There is no secret to doing this, you just have to build it like John says how to build - that's it! John pulled me out of the audience to explain how to tune the Monopole, I only reinforced everything that John has been saying for years.

                    The second part of John's lecture was on the crystal batteries, this was a great presentation followed up by everyone making their own to take home with them. Kudos to Chuck for getting all of the kits together. The two big crystal batteries John and Chuck made were awesome, powering a large bank of LEDs.

                    I also met lots of great people who are all passionate about the same thing. It was great to have a relaxing environment where you could network with people from all backgrounds and different parts of the world.

                    I can hardly wait for the next conference

                    John K.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by John_K View Post
                      We ran some tests in the shop the day before the conference which showed 9 times the output than input! We did this 3 times to be sure it wasn't just a fluffy charge. There is no secret to doing this, you just have to build it like John says how to build - that's it! John pulled me out of the audience to explain how to tune the Monopole, I only reinforced everything that John has been saying for years.

                      Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am still confused as to your stance on the monopole. In the above quote, it would seem that you tested a monopole that is capable of swapping batteries around while maintaining enough ampere-hour capacity to keep the machine running indefinitely. Is this correct?

                      At the 2011 conference when asked about your personal setup at home, you replied to the gentleman telling him that your 10 coiler was run off of solar power which in turn charged your batteries. If you are only reinforcing what John has said for years, why is it that you ten coiler cannot be run like the monopole in the above quote? Are you using the solar panels because you already had them and it would only make sense to utilize them?

                      Again, don't think that I am attacking you. I have just heard a thousand different takes on the monopole, and in my personal experiments, I have only seen an efficient battery charger. What will your ten coiler do if it is run off of batteries alone?



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Web000x View Post

                        Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am still confused as to your stance on the monopole. In the above quote, it would seem that you tested a monopole that is capable of swapping batteries around while maintaining enough ampere-hour capacity to keep the machine running indefinitely. Is this correct?

                        At the 2011 conference when asked about your personal setup at home, you replied to the gentleman telling him that your 10 coiler was run off of solar power which in turn charged your batteries. If you are only reinforcing what John has said for years, why is it that you ten coiler cannot be run like the monopole in the above quote? Are you using the solar panels because you already had them and it would only make sense to utilize them?

                        Again, don't think that I am attacking you. I have just heard a thousand different takes on the monopole, and in my personal experiments, I have only seen an efficient battery charger. What will your ten coiler do if it is run off of batteries alone?

                        Hi Dave,

                        I will make this short because I don't want to hijack this thread which is about the conference. There were many more excellent speakers at the conference, not just JB.

                        I must make very clear if you want to have success with Bedini's Monopole is that you CANNOT swap the primary and charge batteries around without modifying the circuit.

                        This is why I use solar panels with one of Bedini's solar chargers to keep the primary charged.

                        If you want to discuss this further please open up another thread and we can discuss there.

                        John K.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Web000x View Post

                          Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am still confused as to your stance on the monopole. In the above quote, it would seem that you tested a monopole that is capable of swapping batteries around while maintaining enough ampere-hour capacity to keep the machine running indefinitely. Is this correct?

                          At the 2011 conference when asked about your personal setup at home, you replied to the gentleman telling him that your 10 coiler was run off of solar power which in turn charged your batteries. If you are only reinforcing what John has said for years, why is it that you ten coiler cannot be run like the monopole in the above quote? Are you using the solar panels because you already had them and it would only make sense to utilize them?

                          Again, don't think that I am attacking you. I have just heard a thousand different takes on the monopole, and in my personal experiments, I have only seen an efficient battery charger. What will your ten coiler do if it is run off of batteries alone?

                          On monopoles not built exactly as John said, I got 97% charge efficiency plus around 20% mechanical power. All you need to do is harvest that mechanical power and add it into the system. Unfortunately I never quite got there. The best way was to feed the output of the pickup coils to a capacitor across the input, the supply being isolated from this capacitor by a diode but the capacitor causes a 50% loss from these coils. The diode also stops the bouncing effect of the Bedini circuit on the source battery reducing the efficiency and adds an impedance

                          On a trifilar wound fan, I did, the charging was higher than the input but this was only when using battery swapping. I don't know why it does not work when you loop it back to the source but it doesn't, I assume it is to do with how the battery is charged and discharged. The problem here was after a number of cycles, the battery crystallized and became useless.

                          Remember the gain in the bedini circuits is to do with the batteries and how they are used. If a third battery was charged from the pickup coils, after about 5 to ten battery swaps this battery should be charged and contain enough power to make up the losses in the two other batteries but we would be doing a lot of swapping work for a small gain

                          So why hasn't the monopole been the solution to the energy problem?

                          It is not built exactly as John said and the gains are small.


                          • #73
                            A few testimonials about the conference

                            "Hello John B, Peter, Aaron,Chuck and John II...ha...ha... Just sending my sincere thanks for the conference. The conference was really inspiring to me. I was especially pleased to get a chance to talk to John B. I wasn't really expecting that. I came away kicking myself for not trying harder to get to talk to him more. I have a few questions that would help clarify some things. For example what is the specific geometry of the window motor such that impedance is not too high or even what relationship does the number of turns or length of wire have to the power of the mags. Anyway, it was really great hearing Paul Babcock and Also David. It occurs to me that rather than even having to "use" power to saturate the core one might use an amped up Leedskalnin PMM to maintain the saturation for free etc. Don't know it that's possible. Anyway I was really inspired and would love to be on the mailing list for anything like it in the future." - Bob G. (Shale)

                            "I really liked the conference and plan to attend next year. What impressed me most was the accessibility of the speakers. All of you spent so much answering questions. That really set the tone of the meeting." - Mark

                            "The conference was not only outstanding but inspirational. These kind of events are a must if our world is to move forward with new discoveries. It is my sincere hope that the conference becomes an annual event." - Marty Frantz

                            "Yes I made it from Northern Canada again, this was a wonderful conference as were the others. This was a special one,and having it at the Eagles with its relaxed setting made for a great weekend, the one on one time available to all was wonderful. The extra time and being able to share a few pints right on site allowed us to make friends, not just casual participants in a ordinary conference. Having Ron doing groove mods outside the door was perfect, His poetry at our table the last evening was stunning , a" very talented" man I must say. A special thanks to John Bedini for his extra 41 pages of drawings and explanations of how to build magnetic motors in his second edition of Free Energy Generation .I read it twice while waiting in airports on my way home, and for me it clears up much of the unknown about magnetism . Having purchased and experimented with various kits from previous conferences I was still in the dark about what was really happening. Thank you John for your foresight and generosity. I would highly recommend that anyone wanting to pursue building magnetic motors get a copy of John's book and read it till they understand it. The Crystal Battery building workshop was very good . I believe some of us would attend a few weekend specific topic workshops through out the year if it was possible. Being part of hands on building something is a very productive way of transferring knowledge. I hope 2013 will see conference number 4, if so, you can put my name down now as a certain attendee." - Ken Rombough

                            "Thank you for putting on this conference. I learned so much from this one event, amazing. I am especially interested in the super efficient motor technology." - Jerry

                            "Thank you for making such a dramatic improvement over last years conference. The information was clearer and much better presented. A much more professional and organized showing this year! I can appreciate only some of the slings, arrows and trials that have been endured, to reach this point. There is an ever growing community of people, prepared to stand up and defend what is true, right and correct. I'm sure that I speak for the majority, when I say, please remember to call on us, if help and support is ever required. Again, thank you for making this years conference so much improved." - Will

                            "This was my first such conference in 30 years, the last being a 1982 U.S. Psychotronics Conference in Boulder , Colorado. It was well run and well supported by your people. Even though I hated the venue, it was very supportive. Love the smokers, hate the smoke... The information presented was good. Do you think Aaron M.’s spark technology parallels Intelegentry’s Plasmic Transition Phase motor/plasma engine, the latest incarnation of the Papp motor? I wish he could have presented, or you could have had someone there from Intelegentry. I saw that motor represented on the slide show by Jeane Manning, but no time left to describe it to everyone... Most important to me, were the contacts I made at the conference. Houston is nowhere near as open an environment as the Pacific Northwest , and I have been eagerly anticipating involvement in Free Energy networking since I moved here 2 years ago." - Steve Grubbs

                            "Many thanks for this conference. The organization was perfect and the presentations were excellent. My language skills did not always allow me to catch every detail of the talks ; that is why I will be particularly interested in accessing to the videos, as soon as they will be available." - NB, France

                            "Yes, we are interested in the videos. Yes, we both enjoyed the conference, their presentations & information and are glad we attended." - Kathleen

                            "Flying from Germany (where I live) to Idaho was a LONG flight, but the rewards from seeing, learning, and connecting to others with similar 'interests, experiences, and goals for life' was well worth the time and cost of attending the Bedini-Lindemann Conference! Further, I was impressed with the patience, time, and knowledge shared by John B, and Peter L with ALL the participants at the 2012 Conference. I truly felt a part of the Conference and not just a number, or bystander attending. This is something I will try to attend each year! I teach in Germany at a US Dept of Defense school (for US military kids) and have taught and made Bedini projects for the past 6 years with my Technology / Beginning Electronics classes. We have used Bedini DVDs and Youtube downloads as a guide in our attempts at mastering the concepts behind his motor/generators and lighting. After attending the 2012 Conference in Idaho I will be able to take my teaching to a new level and challenge my students even more due to the networking with others, personal visits with John, Chuck, and others, and being able to purchase materials I was able to send back to Germany for my students. I will try to make this an 'annual' event as the wealth of knowledge, presenters, and experience I gained will be with me for decades to come. If I didn't get to visit with you this year, I will hope that next year I may be able to make new friends and improve my net-working with fellow "Bedinians". - Jim Davis, Tech Ed'n / (pre)Engineering teacher - DoD's teacher, Germany
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #74
                              A few testimonials about the conference Part 2

                              "A "grassroots" movement can change the world. Enjoyed the trip, meeting new friends, and the wonderful weather!" - John, Alabama

                              "Taking a few moments to tell you and the conference organizers how great the Bedini - Lindeman conference was. I had signed up back in February after speaking with Peter Lindemann and later became very enthused when the speaker listing was posted. It was a long journey from Vermont to the civilized Hayden area, but it was worth every minute and dollar. I truly enjoyed the majority of speakers with the high point of the conference being the last three speakers: 1) Paul Babcock gave a tremendously useful seminar that was simple and straightforward such that anyone paying attention could grasp the principles of magnetics and why magnetism can produce energy. His show and tell of the high speed switching motor left me wanting to see and hear more - ran out of time... 2) Dave Squires' seminar on the pulsed DC motor was more technical, yet comprehensible. His step by step explanation of how to overcome the major issues in standard dc motor design was absolutely great - his solutions to old problems in a real world design, well, brilliant. He even used a standard design software to prove the elegance of his solutions in producing a motor design that yields an output of 1 hp on 200 watts of input. I guess the world has turned on its head... 3) Peter Lindemann's seminar on the history of perpetual motion
                              machines was an instant classic. He raised many important questions on some of the basic classical laws of thermodynamics - his injection of humor was very appreciated for an otherwise dry, though interesting subject. Very thought provoking... The other speakers also held my interest and I came away with a good appreciation of their knowledge, information and expertise - all were very good... Karl Smith's presentation, while the subject matter was interesting, the constant product push and miraculous results came across as a hard sell. The product may live up to its claims, however the presentation mode requires some fine tuning, at least in this writer's mind. Last, but not least, John Bedini's continual presence and patient answering of endless questions certainly raised my respect for him, both as a person and as a teacher. Oh yes, his presentation was a hoot with the questions and answers. Thank you John... In closing, this conference, in my opinion, was truly an excellent and thought provoking experience - met many great people from all over this country and abroad with perhaps the beginnings of many new worthwhile friendships. So, sign me up for the next course. Best regards to all, including the Korean, Beijing and Hong Kong Boys; Craig G, Bud M, Gadgetman, John J, John R, Mike (San Diego), Ralph (SSG), Andrew J, Breeeee and side kick, Owen M and many others." - Yaro Stanchak

                              "I greatly appreciated all of it. Especially appreciated getting better gas mileage from the gadget man.Otherwise, I'm not an expert in electronics, so I only understood other lecturers in part. It was well worth the cost of the seminar though." - Dr. Loyd Jacob

                              "Thank you for organizing and making this energy conference happen. I thought the conference was very well organized and there was an abundance of excellent information presented, especially from Paul Babcock and David Squires. Unfortunately, I had to leave the conference a little early and couldn't take in Peter Lindemann's talk. I think Peter always has excellent information and is a good presenter of that information. So, I am looking forward to hearing his talk when it is made available. My personal goal is to develop a free energy motor or transformer. I am always inspired by these conferences to apply myself to achieve that goal. Thanks again for this excellent conference. The trip from Edmonton is well worth it." - Dan Wiebe, Edmonton, Alberta

                              "Amazing conference. I very much enjoyed the conference. The speakers were great, the venue was just the right size, it was well organized and how about those Idaho potatoes/ Aaron and Chuck did a great job of organizing and all the people I spoke to had a great time. John Bedini split his lecture into two parts, he wanted to spend a little time on answering some of the questions that come up on the forums on the Monopole. Ralph brought his 6 coiler super-pole Monopole to John's shop for a "tune up" and John asked if he would mind showing it off at the conference. Ralph did a great job building this from pictures on the Internet and the Bearden-Bedini FEG book. We ran some tests in the shop the day before the conference which showed 9 times the output than input! We did this 3 times to be sure it wasn't just a fluffy charge. There is no secret to doing this, you just have to build it like John says how to build - that's it! John pulled me out of the audience to explain how to tune the Monopole, I only reinforced everything that John has been saying for years. The second part of John's lecture was on the crystal batteries, this was a great presentation followed up by everyone making their own to take home with them. Kudos to Chuck for getting all of the kits together. The two big crystal batteries John and Chuck made were awesome, powering a large bank of LEDs. I also met lots of great people who are all passionate about the same thing. It was great to have a relaxing environment where you could network with people from all backgrounds and different parts of the world. I can hardly wait for the next conference." - John K.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #75
                                1st Video from Conference is Released! Magnetic Energy Secrets

                                "Physicists Have Always Said That Magnetism Isn't a Source of Energy. Well, They're Wrong! What You're About To Learn is Something That Has Been Kept Secret From The Public For Over 170 Years! These Really Are The Magnetic Energy Secrets That You've Never Seen Before!"
                                REVEALED: Multiple methods to tap magnetism for a power gain in electrical circuits. Learn why universities throw this researcher out when he demonstrates these things to graduate students!

                                Magnetic Energy


                                Paul Babcock

                                Paul Babcock has twenty-nine years of experience in industrial electronic applications, as a technician, training specialist, service manager, project manager and applications and design engineer. Paul has worked with public entities and private organizations in fields ranging from avionics, power generation, telephony and alternative energy. He has broad experience designing and implementing custom communication and electronics systems in both the public and private sectors, and in developing large-scale communications solutions for the oil and gas industry. Paul is recognized for his expertise in alternative energy systems and power generation for companies and individuals, especially in remote locations.

                                GET YOUR COPY NOW: MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS

                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

