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Eric P. Dollard

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  • Originally posted by wyndbag View Post
    Not asking for very much. Thanks for the entry. There are some very smart and experienced posters here. I am curious as to what you receive in the way of a reply. I know that Eric Dollard himself has generously shared much of his vast experience and insight in this forum. I personally have no engineering experience. Wish I did. I envy your forturne. Good luck.

    By the way, I don't have any engineering experience either. I just have the theory.. and that would be all. I believe that the most important is the will to do something good, rather than the knowledge how to do it. Because you can always gain knowledge, but the will cannot be gained without... itself. If you feel it is your call to do whatever needs to be done in this field, then do whatever you can to accomplish it!

    So, good luck to you too, with whatever you do, as long as it results in something good for someone!


    • Originally posted by fefish View Post

      Just a quick introduction of myself, as I have never posted here before (I don't want to introduce myself in the introduction thread, as I am only interested in this part of the forum).

      I am pretty new in the field of tesla experiments. I am an engineering student with about a year and a half left on my studies. I consider myself open minded, while at the same time trying not to fall into naivety (in other words, you may at some point perceive me as a sceptic, but I am not, at least not a blind one). Experimentalism as a "mental state" has been with me all my life, although the money hasn't, at least not until recently. If I would succeed in contributing with something of value regarding tesla technology, my one and only plan is to share it with as many as possible, as soon as possible, and as anonymous as possible. To make this introduction somewhat complete, and to avoid possible future speculations regarding my religious views, it could be mentioned that I'm a practicing catholic.

      Now to the subject of this post:

      I've been reading about Tesla Coils for about a month. The more I read, the more convinced I get that there is too much in this for it to be an absolute scam/fake. However, so far I've failed in finding some kind of "complete guide" regarding the construction of a Tesla Coil, at least the one that is claimed to produce longitudinal magneto-dielectric waves (scalar waves if you like).

      As I recently - believe it or not - not only received a genuine interest for the scalar waves concept from one of my teachers, but also got offered a lab room in the school, I have to know how to build a Tesla Coil, a working one. To make things even more great, I will probably be able to write my thesis on this subject. That in turn limits me kind of in time (I understand this is a BIG subject), so any "shortcuts" would be appreciated (so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel 10 times). Further, as this is a probable thesis subject, I have to do it in a scientific way, in other words, I have to do measurements that prove the existence of scalar waves, or some other "not established" phenomenon. So again, tips on how to setup measurements to detect scalar waves (and exclude the possibility of simple ionizing effects) would be greatly appreciated!

      Shortly put: I would be very grateful if somebody could either link to, or write a "status report" about tesla coil experiments and their currently known results. How many experimenting paths are there (as far as I can see: energy production and energy transmission are two). What do we know about successful constructions? What problems are left to be solved? And so on.

      Also, as I haven't finished my studies yet, I would appreciate if somebody could tell my what areas to prioritize while choosing courses, in order to understand the tesla experiments better.


      /fefish Has lots of Eric Dollard posts relating to your interest.

      Also search crystal radio initiative or visit the crystal radio magic thread for some ideas.

      Good luck


      • Sheet Inductance

        Could someone with the text "The Radiotron Designer's Handbook" see if there are any expressions for calculating sheet inductance? I'm looking for some tools for calculating the inductance of a primary loop made from flat copper sheet.


        • Originally posted by Geometric_Algebra View Post
          Could someone with the text "The Radiotron Designer's Handbook" see if there are any expressions for calculating sheet inductance? I'm looking for some tools for calculating the inductance of a primary loop made from flat copper sheet.
          That one I'm still looking for, there is of course 'static' plane sheet inductance but when you get into time variant high frequency, it changes.

          I have an field solver that compiles this, the problem I have with the primary is the geometry as the field solver runs out of memory to compile it. If I had a bank of computers or server it may work, need to borrow time from a friends lab

          I have long hand equations I've worked out that are real dang close to the output from the solver on the basic round wire coil, if you're interested I can send it to you, drop me a PM with where to send it.

          dug it up from the book, it's an entire chapter worth. I'll post a pdf to the yahoo group for you, give me a few to get that converted out....
          Last edited by madhatter; 05-08-2012, 05:30 PM.


          • Originally posted by fefish View Post
            have to know how to build a Tesla Coil, a working one. To make things even more great, I will probably be able to write my thesis on this subject.

            Shortly put: I would be very grateful if somebody could either link to, or write a "status report" about tesla coil experiments and their currently known results. How many experimenting paths are there (as far as I can see: energy production and energy transmission are two). What do we know about successful constructions? What problems are left to be solved? And so on.

            Also, as I haven't finished my studies yet, I would appreciate if somebody could tell my what areas to prioritize while choosing courses, in order to understand the tesla experiments better.
            First of all, there currently is NO working Tesla coil. Eric Dollard built some 2 decades ago, those worked, but I'm not sure where they went. Also there is no single design spec/schematic, for a working wireless transmitter. The point of this forum is to try and figure that out.

            Second, is this a undergrad, masters, or PhD thesis? It's unlikely you will be able to accomplish much of anything unless it is at least masters or ideally PhD level. Given the time it takes to learn this, plus experiment.

            Third, most school courses will be of little benefit to you this endeavor. In fact they may fill your mind with a whole host of unnecessary garbage and backwards thinking royally confusing you. That being said Math, power engineering & electrical engineering (grid transmission, industrial power, 3-phase type stuff....NOT electronics) is your best bet.

            Fourth, watch all the videos, READ ALL the posts/articles by Eric Dollard plus referenced books posted on my site here. Also read everything Tesla wrote. That is your starting point. Get cracking! Rome wasn't built in a day.
            Last edited by Gestalt; 05-08-2012, 06:26 PM.
            A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


            • Originally posted by jake View Post

     Has lots of Eric Dollard posts relating to your interest.

              Also search crystal radio initiative or visit the crystal radio magic thread for some ideas.

              Good luck
              Thank you for your reply!

              Yes, I've been on that thread (actually, that thread is the reason why I found this forum). I will revisit it again though, and focus more on gathering what's relevant (unfortunately it seems that there are some/a lot of(?) "distractors" writing in it, so getting a "this is where we are today" feeling is not easy in that context). Maybe I'll try to build up my own resource "library" based on that thread...

              Well, thanks anyway!



              • Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                First of all, there currently is NO working Tesla coil. Eric Dollard built some 2 decades ago, those worked, but I'm not sure where they went. Also there is no single design spec/schematic, for a working wireless transmitter. The point of this forum is to try and figure that out.

                Second, is this a undergrad, masters, or PhD thesis? It's unlikely you will be able to accomplish much of anything unless it is at least masters or ideally PhD level. Given the time it takes to learn this, plus experiment.

                Third, most school courses will be of little benefit to you this endeavor. In fact they may fill your mind with a whole host of unnecessary garbage and backwards thinking royally confusing you. That being said Math, power engineering & electrical engineering (grid transmission, industrial power, 3-phase type stuff....NOT electronics) is your best bet.

                Fourth, watch all the videos, READ ALL the posts/articles by Eric Dollard plus referenced books posted on my site here. Also read everything Tesla wrote. That is your starting point. Get cracking! Rome wasn't built in a day.
                Thank you for your website! I reference it constantly, you did a great job!


                • Thank you for your reply!

                  Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                  First of all, there currently is NO working Tesla coil. Eric Dollard built some 2 decades ago, those worked, but I'm not sure where they went. Also there is no single design spec/schematic, for a working wireless transmitter. The point of this forum is to try and figure that out.
                  Ok, that was kind of big news to me (i.e. that there are no working TCs today). Apparently it is not always too easy to determine which information is real, and which is a scam or simply false.

                  Anyway, this makes me wonder why Eric hasn't published any detailed instructions on how to build a TC (or has he)? I don't expect you to know this, but maybe somebody else knows?

                  Now that I know that there is no working TC today, I'd like to know if there are any experiments one could do in order to prove that at least some of the alleged flaws/misses/errors in established science are real? And if not, then what is it that motivates you to research on this? Is it the elegance of the theory? (absolutely no pun intended here! just asking)

                  Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                  Second, is this a undergrad, masters, or PhD thesis? It's unlikely you will be able to accomplish much of anything unless it is at least masters or ideally PhD level. Given the time it takes to learn this, plus experiment.
                  It's a master. Yes, that's what I'm afraid of too. It would just be very practical for me to have this research as part of my thesis, as then I could invest a lot of time in the experiments (as opposed to doing a boring/pointless thesis and therefore lacking time to these experiments).

                  Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                  Third, most school courses will be of little benefit to you this endeavor. In fact they may fill your mind with a whole host of unnecessary garbage and backwards thinking royally confusing you. That being said Math, power engineering & electrical engineering (grid transmission, industrial power, 3-phase type stuff....NOT electronics) is your best bet.
                  Ok, thanks for pointing that out. I was just heading for a lot of electronics courses... but I did that in hope that understanding current/established theory could help me understand this theory (and make a conscious choice regarding which one seems most reasonable). I'll look into what courses could match those areas you've mentioned here.

                  Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                  Fourth, watch all the videos, READ ALL the posts/articles by Eric Dollard plus referenced books posted on my site here. Also read everything Tesla wrote. That is your starting point. Get cracking! Rome wasn't built in a day.
                  Great! I was looking for exactly that, and as I didn't find it, I began to build my own offline library of Eric's texts and other related stuff, but that is just a bunch of files in some folder, so I definitely prefer browsing through your page than this folder.

                  Last edited by fefish; 05-09-2012, 09:38 PM.


                  • [QUOTE=fefish;192076]Thank you for your reply!

                    Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                    First of all, there currently is NO working Tesla coil. Eric Dollard built some 2 decades ago, those worked, but I'm not sure where they went. Also there is no single design spec/schematic, for a working wireless transmitter. The point of this forum is to try and figure that out.

                    Ok, that was kind of big news to me (i.e. that there are no working TCs today). Apparently it is not always too easy to determine which information is real, and which is a scam or simply false.

                    Anyway, this makes me wonder why Eric hasn't published any detailed instructions on how to build a TC (or has he)? I don't expect you to know this, but maybe somebody else knows?

                    Now that I know that there is no working TC today, I'd like to know if there are [i]any[i] experiments one could do in order to prove that at least some of the alleged flaws/misses/errors in established science are real? And if not, then what is it that motivates you to research on this? Is it the elegance of the theory? (absolutely no pun intended here! just asking)

                    It's a master. Yes, that's what I'm afraid of too. It would just be very practical for me to have this research as part of my thesis, as then I could invest a lot of time in the experiments (as opposed to doing a boring/pointless thesis and therefore lacking time to these experiments).

                    Ok, thanks for pointing that out. I was just heading for a lot of electronics courses... but I did that in hope that understanding current/established theory could help me understand this theory (and make a conscious choice regarding which one seems most reasonable). I'll look into what courses could match those areas you've mentioned here.

                    Great! I was looking for exactly that, and as I didn't find it, I began to build my own offline library of Eric's texts and other related stuff, but that is just a bunch of files in some folder, so I definitely prefer browsing through your page than this folder.

                    electronics classes could be classified more under "digital" where we are looking for analogue.


                    • Originally posted by fefish View Post
                      Now that I know that there is no working TC today, I'd like to know if there are [i]any[i] experiments one could do in order to prove that at least some of the alleged flaws/misses/errors in established science are real?

                      I don't know if this counts, but I'm guessing you're not "supposed" to be able to light 240 volt bulbs in your hand

                      Light, The Tesla Way-01 - TMT 72.4 Scale - YouTube

                      Also Eric has posted coil construction calculations in the other thread, the coil in that video was made using the equations labelled "20 turn secondary coil general formulae in centimetres" and "Tentative extra coil dimensions" Note: The calculation reckons the extra coil will be 50.25 turns but the conductor length is actually for 126 turns with the given dimensions.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • The following are two responses written via 'snail mail' from Eric to a 'Juliet Charlie' on the N6KPH Yahoo group. They are detailed tuning methods for all interested in getting a true Tesla Coil up and running.





                        • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                          The following are two responses written via 'snail mail' from Eric to a 'Juliet Charlie' on the N6KPH Yahoo group. They are detailed tuning methods for all interested in getting a true Tesla Coil up and running.



                          Excellent stuff, thanks

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                            The following are two responses written via 'snail mail' from Eric to a 'Juliet Charlie' on the N6KPH Yahoo group. They are detailed tuning methods for all interested in getting a true Tesla Coil up and running.



                            Really really good stuff


                            • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                              The following are two responses written via 'snail mail' from Eric to a 'Juliet Charlie' on the N6KPH Yahoo group. They are detailed tuning methods for all interested in getting a true Tesla Coil up and running.



                              Now this looks great, at least initially! Thanks a lot!! It inspires me to snail mail Eric myself, once I have some construction plan ready.


                              • Originally posted by fefish View Post
                                Anyway, this makes me wonder why Eric hasn't published any detailed instructions on how to build a TC (or has he)? I don't expect you to know this, but maybe somebody else knows?
                                Building a TC is not as simple as going to a store, buying a kit and following instructions. The TC requires complex tuning and setup that you wont be able to do unless you understand exactly how it works. Thus understanding Erics theory is crucial in building a TMT. He has given instructions, however they are interspersed with lots of theory. Hence why you need to read through his posts/transmissions.

                                Originally posted by fefish View Post
                                Now that I know that there is no working TC today, I'd like to know if there are [i]any[i] experiments one could do in order to prove that at least some of the alleged flaws/misses/errors in established science are real? And if not, then what is it that motivates you to research on this? Is it the elegance of the theory? (absolutely no pun intended here! just asking)
                                The goal is to understand first and then replicate what Eric Dollard accomplished 20 years ago and what Tesla accomplished over 100 years ago.

                                Originally posted by fefish View Post
                                It's a master. Yes, that's what I'm afraid of too. It would just be very practical for me to have this research as part of my thesis, as then I could invest a lot of time in the experiments (as opposed to doing a boring/pointless thesis and therefore lacking time to these experiments).
                                Write a thesis on Eric Dollard himself. You can always do the crystal set initiative, or play around with a Tesla "Hairpin" which is just the primary of the TMT...but has some neat unconventional effects. Also watch the Dollard videos, there are numerous experiments in there that you can replicate that show some of these unconventional effects.

                                Originally posted by fefish View Post
                                Ok, thanks for pointing that out. I was just heading for a lot of electronics courses... but I did that in hope that understanding current/established theory could help me understand this theory (and make a conscious choice regarding which one seems most reasonable). I'll look into what courses could match those areas you've mentioned here.
                                Like Armagdn03 said, you want to stick with the old school analogue. Sadly very little of this is taught in the annals of modern dogmatic academia. You want to get your hands on the nitty gritty, stuff usually only taught in tech institutes and trade schools. It's the utility side stuff, Transformers, Transmission lines, Generators, Motors, Relaying, Switching, some basics such as communications/antenna design may be of minor benefit. You want to understand and work with electricity in a real tangible way.
                                Last edited by Gestalt; 05-08-2012, 11:08 PM.
                                A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard

