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  • Vacuum Tubes


    "The OA4G has application as a radiant matter detector".

    Now you have my undivided attention.
    Something I do in the background which could be labelled as building an 'Aether Detector'.

    Like 'Energy Synthesis' which probably means the same as 'Enhanced Energy'.

    I have been collecting Thyratrons and many other Tubes for a number of years and for those of you who look like this is becoming too much and too costly with respect to Vacuum Tubes, there are many other options open to you for experiment.
    The 2050 is classed as a 'Thyratron Gas Type' but there are many others that are worthy of experiment if you cannot obtain exactly what Eric nominates.
    Others of choice here are in Miniwatt size - 5696/2D21/EN91/5727 and the older larger style as 'Gas Types' 884/885 and one I am searching for which is 'Gas & Mercury Vapour' - 3C23.
    I nominate these types as I have them in my own collection and most are NOS (New Off Shelf).
    The 0A4G (zeroA4G) is nominated as a 'Glow-Discharge Tube - Relay Type' with 5823 as an option in Miniwatt.
    A small 6D4 may also be suitable for experiment as it is also a Relay Type.
    All of 0A3/VR-75, 0B3/VR-90, 0C3/VR105, 0D3/VR-150 are also 'Glow Discharge' Tubes and used as Voltage Regulators but the 0A4G is the only one nominated for Relay switching or On/Off switching and are all 'Cold Cathode' types.

    2C22 rang bells and is also called a 7193 in the USA and you are now speaking my language.
    This Valve is a bit misleading and is not a dual Triode but has both the Grid and Anode fed to the top caps.
    Reason for this is a high frequency problem with inter-electrode capacitance becoming a hassle just as in Tesla Coils and this was an early solution to use the top cap idea for grid isolation.
    Have two 7193s NOS and also similar in style and as an aside is a DET19 which is a Dual Triode that was used as the push-pull TX in the Spitfire during WW2.

    Once again we have options you can use or experiment with and they are:
    VR135, DET20 and of the same era 15E and smaller types in Acorns 954, VT-120, 955, VT-121, 957 and Disk Seal Triodes CV345, DET24.
    I nominate these types as they are still readily available NOS and people don't know what they are and don't bid at Auctions like Ebay and come cheaply.
    What people also don't realise is that Vacuum Tubes over the years had certain abilities like accidental 'Energy Synthesis' (ES) designed out of their construction and thus the preference for the types dating back into the 30s and 40s.
    I have many Valves here that were bought with those specifics in mind and with 'negative resistance' being just one part of their character.
    Hope this helps.
    Appreciate Eric's time spent on these circuits as I will probably experiment with them if I can see a hint of 'ES' as being a result.
    Will put up some pics later of these Valves when I can get things organised.
    Bit disabled here with my right arm and not liking it.



    • Vacuum Tubes

      Some more on Vacuum Tubes for those that may like further information.
      Have attached some pics below with explanations.

      Image 1833:
      Top Left across page etc.
      6BK4/6BD4/1B3GT/CV6065 Corona Supressor/Jennigs Cap 30pF and note colour of glass ends as green indicating Radium content/872A Rectifier/813 and 805 for Power as in a Linear Amp.
      2X2 Rectifier/2C53 HV Shunt Reg/1S2/1B23 spark gap/Heil Tube which led to Klystrons/Geiger Tube showing Copper Anode/1B22 spark gap and my own Ion Valve in Aluminium with pure Tungsten Cathode and have another in Copper and another in Carbon.

      Took this pic some time back when I was looking at Vacuum Tubes to be used as Ion Valves or as Eric puts it 'as radiant matter detectors'.
      Some you may recognise as out of old tube TVs as the high voltage shunt regulator.

      Image 2226:
      Jan7289 or 3CX100A5 Planar Triode Pulse/Acorn 954 or VT120/Acorn GL957/Disk Seal Triode DET24 and CV397/15E Triode Radar/2050 Thyratron/884 Thyratron.
      0A4G Relay Thyratron/0D3 voltage regulator as a comparison/CV354 Disk Seal Triode/5C22 Mullard Thyratron/327-A Triode Radar/Multivibrators large and small as used in Eric's PP-18/AR.
      DET19 Spitfire Tx/2C22 or 7193 Triode/5R4WGB Dual Rectifier/815 Twin Pentode/QQV04/15 Twin Tetrode/832A Twin Pentode.
      829B or 3E29 Twin Pentode and QQE03/20 Twin Tetrode.

      The Twin Triodes are there to give you some idea of others that can be used and these can be snapped up from Deceased Estates on Ebay.
      People today do not know what these things are and are there for the taking cheaply.
      One word of caution that these Valves may have been in a collection for many years, how about 80 years and may not perform as intended but that is what a Valve Tester is for.

      Further alternatives for a 2050 are EN32 and 6574.
      For a 0A4G try Z400T and PL1267.

      So that's it and covers the small, medium and large and may help in giving you some idea of where to start.
      Have a full resource here of information and material and happy to answer any questions.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by David G Dawson; 06-02-2012, 09:23 AM.


      • Miniwatts

        I missed the 3 Miniwatts:
        5696 Thyratron/PL5727 Thyratron and a Minwatt 0D3 to compare to the one above top left of it in the older style.



        • may I request for a comment?
          in regards to the image attached?
          Any errors? is this correct?
          I substituted E with U for voltage, as E is for energy?

          Best regards,
          Stevan C.


          • Smokey thanks for the tube info.

            A question on the 2C22's 'mickey mouse ears' tubes. The military used them apparently in radio transmission but it's not stated as to what function. any idea? maybe Eric knows. They can also be picked up for about $5usd all day long for now.

            The 3C45's by RCA are getting hard to find, not terribly expensive but getting rare. There also seems to be a a lot of variation on the 5R4G YB's and huge price deltas as well.

            I've managed to find 2 0A4G's they are about $20usd ea.

            It's a shame tubes are not made like they used to be. good ones are getting stratospheric in price and the remfg ones out of china are NFG for the most part. Honestly I'm a young guy and tubes are not something I know enough about to know what can be used where, substitutions etc.. it's getting to be lost knowledge.

            Thanks for sharing.


            • T-Rex Very Constructive Comments from 6-1-2012

              Dear T-Rex,

              Thank you again for providing such specific and concise tecchnical comments to my questions about your 1989 work. Your cooporative assistance is most appreciated in exploring this phenomena.

              I shall attempt to return the favor in kind with full disclosure of any data collected.



              • Comments, Puke, and Questions

                (I) E is not energy, U is not volts, these are Euro-Physic holdovers, these represent the very reason why Steinmetz and Tesla came to America. Only in America could electrical engineering advance. Thank the Lord himself that America did not end up with 50 "Hertz" or 220 V/380 Y! But here in America the emerging "dot communism" is setting a course backwards. Like rats gnawing on your car wiring, the "dot commies" are destroying the engineering infrastructure of this country. The actual reason for this defies theoretical analysis.

                Also the pre-historic Maxwellian concepts of the "E field" or the "B" field can become an impediment to the study of the electric field. These are mathematical abstractions upon the total magnetic induction, Phi, and the total dielectric induction, Psi, the true quantities under consideration. Steinmetz states that anything other than the product of Phi and Psi, or its time dimensional derivative the activity in watts to be mere "mathematical abstractions". To instill this concept into the tiny mind of the "dot communist" is an entirely fruitless effort. I give up.

                (II) How many untold millions of Kilo-watt hours of human energy have been "pissed down the bowl" on yet another useless "Grey Tube replication", how many? It verily exceeds human understanding, like the Grey tube itself. Well golly be, now it is found out that it was already made by the British Radar effort of World War Whatever (WWW). It is called the CV-125. Let's see if we can find it on e-bay!

                Also, someone lit a LED by sticking a galvanized nail and a copper nail into a cat turd, free energy secrets abound!

                It is a bottomless pit, with bloated dead rats floating to the surface. Who needs a conspiracy to obstruct the knowledge of Tesla and electricity in this scenario, let the human poultry do it to themselves!

                (III) As for radio-active items; WARNING radioactive materials and orgone type structures in the same room can make you sick. The green glass in vacuum devices is uranium glass. This is used where displacement currents and electro-static potentials are at very large values. It is not radium. Radium, Bromide, Isotopic Krypton Gas, and Isotopic Thorium are common in certain classifications of vacuum tubes. A tube # ending in WA is often radioactive.

                (IV) The 0A4-G was selected for a very definite reason. First is that it contains neon gas, a low voltage gas. Second is that it operates on field emission, not thermionic emission, Tesla and Farnsworth were not fond of thermionic emission. Third is that this tube is not radioactive and thus safe for orgone experiments. I know of no other tube that meets all of these requirements- only the 0A4-G.

                The 0A4-G does not in itself detect cosmic rays in this application. Detection is carried out in the cosmic anode. The cosmic anode takes in the cosmic ray and in turn becomes an electronic cathode by launching a secondary emission negative corpuscle. This gives rise to a positive displacement at the starter electrode of the 0A4-G, firing off the neon gas thereby engaging the bell. The "Vril Compendium" by Gerry Vassilatos is a great wealth of information regarding Cosmic Rays, Telluric Currents, Navy V.L.F., and much more. Here is where to find information on cosmic anodes. Luigi Galvani and the starter lead on an 0A4-G, so to speak.

                (V) Many fascinating vacuum tubes have been manufactured. The experimental possibilities are infinite, but the supply is not, it is one over Epsilon. One could get lost forever playing with innumeral tube types but let's try to keep to important developments.

                The pressing need for U.H.F. (300 to 3000 megacycle) oscillators for the war effort led to exotic vacuum tube designs. These tubes were constructed to operate within the metallic-dielectric geometry itself. The multi-cavity magnetron, top secret during the war, operated in the metallic dielectric geometry itself by enclosing it in a vacuum envelope. Electricity and electronics united in a common structure. The ability for these tubes to directly interact with distributed constant networks such as the M.W.O., Caduceus coils, and Tesla Transformers is what gives them a singular value here. The 15-E is one of my favorites, it has a 5000 volt pulse rating with a 3E29 modulator. The complication in utilizing these tubes is the stray fields caused by the filament leads, this necessitates bifilar or special techniques. The biggest problem here is the suppression of parasitic oscillation, a very complex endeavor. This parasitic energy can give rise to un-explainable meter readings, FORGET DIGITAL, and also smoke and fire.

                I can see where this can become a plethora of new groundless free energy claims with snake oil salesmen pandering to it. Finally someone burns out the computer in the house next door, now a whole new form of TVI. "I can see the excitement coming" (Tesla).

                (VI) Final consideration here is a basic situation. It could make an Einstein story but I am QRU. Consider an international shortwave broadcast station, "Voice of Russia", let us say. Interconnecting two extremities of its co-linear broadside array elements is a glass insulator. The station is exciting this antenna at near 25 megacycle per second. 30 kilovolts of potential exists end to end on this glass rod insulator. The glass rod is about as long as your arm and about 3 inches in diameter. A thermo-ammeter is connected between the wire end and the cap of the insulator supporting it. The reading is 2 R.F. Amperes, giving an electrical activity of 60 Kilovolt-Amperes within the glass of the insulator. The question is this: Does the 2 Amperes of Axial displacement current pulsating within the glass give rise to a circulatory magnetic field transverse around the outside of the glass rod? Stating this in another way: does the displacement current in the glass rod give rise to a circulatory magnetic field, and is this field identical to an equivalent "conduction" current in an equivalent metal rod? This may very well be the most important question in electrical science.

                73 DE N6KPH

                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                • Distributed Line Vacuum Tubes

                  RCA JAN 800 Tube:


                  Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                  Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                  • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                    Comments, Puke, and Questions

                    (I) E is not energy, U is not volts, these are Euro-Physic holdovers, these represent the very reason why Steinmetz and Tesla came to America. Only in America could electrical engineering advance. Thank the Lord himself that America did not end up with 50 "Hertz" or 220 V/380 Y! But here in America the emerging "dot communism" is setting a course backwards. Like rats gnawing on your car wiring, the "dot commies" are destroying the engineering infrastructure of this country. The actual reason for this defies theoretical analysis.

                    Also the pre-historic Maxwellian concepts of the "E field" or the "B" field can become an impediment to the study of the electric field. These are mathematical abstractions upon the total magnetic induction, Phi, and the total dielectric induction, Psi, the true quantities under consideration. Steinmetz states that anything other than the product of Phi and Psi, or its time dimensional derivative the activity in watts to be mere "mathematical abstractions". To instill this concept into the tiny mind of the "dot communist" is an entirely fruitless effort. I give up.
                    73 DE N6KPH
                    I'm not trying to hold onto the E and B fields, I was using the maxwell equations as a reference point and to show that they in fact do not help in regards to what is happening in the charge field of the capacitor plates.

                    The total Psi of the plates has been useful in seeing a relationship. I can understand that, so now I need to discard the E & B. simple enough.

                    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                    (VI) Final consideration here is a basic situation. It could make an Einstein story but I am QRU. Consider an international shortwave broadcast station, "Voice of Russia", let us say. Interconnecting two extremities of its co-linear broadside array elements is a glass insulator. The station is exciting this antenna at near 25 megacycle per second. 30 kilovolts of potential exists end to end on this glass rod insulator. The glass rod is about as long as your arm and about 3 inches in diameter. A thermo-ammeter is connected between the wire end and the cap of the insulator supporting it. The reading is 2 R.F. Amperes, giving an electrical activity of 60 Kilovolt-Amperes within the glass of the insulator. The question is this: Does the 2 Amperes of Axial displacement current pulsating within the glass give rise to a circulatory magnetic field transverse around the outside of the glass rod? Stating this in another way: does the displacement current in the glass rod give rise to a circulatory magnetic field, and is this field identical to an equivalent "conduction" current in an equivalent metal rod? This may very well be the most important question in electrical science.

                    73 DE N6KPH
                    Very good question, and from what I've seen so far my answer is that the glass rod is purely a Psi conductor and there is no Phi flux until the Psi encounters the paramagnetic director, giving rise to the conjugate pair.

                    There is whole field that can be explored it seems on the psi field overtime. interesting things.


                    • @ T-Rex:

                      I had an interesting public debate last week (in Dutch) with a professor, an ex University Teacher and a mathematician of the Skeptic foundation, who make it a hobby to silence alternative researchers:

                      Skepsis en Niburu op Windesheim over watergas

                      First, we discussed Einstein's relativity theory, which of course did not go very well from their side, since I already had disproven that one theoretically:

                      Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

                      I also nicely referred to the definition of science vs. pseudo-science:

                      Pseudoscience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      How on Earth are "virtual fotons", "dark matter", "strong nuclear force", "weak nuclear force", etc. falsifiable?

                      And you are suggesting I am a pseudo scientist?

                      In page 2 of the comments I managed to ditch Quantum Mechanics as well, on the argument that when with the dual slit experiment you get an outgoing signal in phase, the incoming signal also *has* to be in phase and otherwise it won't work.

                      One of the guys managed to talk himself nicely into the corner by arguing that you can also have interference with lasers, provided you manage to keep them in phase, which of course was the whole argument.


                      • 0a4g

                        Thankyou for the Comments and especially the detail wrt Vacuum Tubes.
                        (Puke) You are correct, Uranium and not Radium - I had intended to correct in my edit but didn't, my apologies.

                        Uranium glass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        I noticed the glass used in the 327A was also green and the 1B22.
                        Anybody who has read Walter Russell will understand why Eric has used the word 'Puke' here.

                        2C22s and similare Valves were the initial effort to overcome grid parasitics involved with VHF and these were mainly used with Transceivers.
                        Of note here are the 829B/3E29 and the European QQE series where they all suffered from the parasitic oscillations and required external neutralising.
                        For once, the Europeans came out first with internal gridding where no neutralising was required in their QQV series.

                        There are many variations from manufacturers in the making of the 0A4G as the pic below will reveal.
                        Philips/Valvo, Raytheon, GE.
                        Sylvania, RCA, Telefunken.
                        Both Philips and Sylvania believe they can make the same quality Tube from the conventional voltage regulator style of body as used in the 0A/B/D/Cs and this may be of interest.
                        Here the outer tube is the Anode and the central wire as the Cathode and the same construction as my Ion Valve.
                        The 'real' 0A4G has a glass tube up the centre with only a small portion of the wire contained sticking above the convex hood as looking like an ignitor.

                        Keeping an eye on Eric Dollard courtesy of Google:
                        Eric P. Dollard - Page › ... › Renewable Energy
                        6 posts - 4 authors - 2 days ago
                        It is called the CV-125. Let's see if we can find it on e-bay! ... (V) Many fascinating vacuum tubes have been manufactured. The experimental ...

                        REL38C / CV125

                        MIT Series again in Volume 5 Pages 332~334 and see below.
                        So good is this information that I am downloading all 28 Volumes.
                        Have had some Trigatrons come up on Ebay but not sure if they were CV125, was going to buy but never did.

                        Attached Files


                        • Projects shown

                          Originally posted by jpolakow View Post
                          The 2050 is cheap, safe, and you won't kill yourself playing around with it. It's only about 500 V. There is plenty of power to experiment with.

                          Could you show any pictures, circuit schematics, etc. of the equipment you have built or are currently building? Or of the mercury switch?

                          [Note the following is not directed at you Sputins, it is for everyone contributing to this thread]

                          Eric wants to see pictures of things, schematics, specifications, diagrams. Not just words. He quickly grows bored of the forum with just talking, he likes to see actual equipment, so others can learn from what you're doing. What really gets him excited is people actually attempting to build stuff and experiment; then posting their results for others to see. It is important, as he is teaching us, we must also help teach others. Not every one knows how to build the equipment to experiment with disruptive discharges. This is how this problem of "secrecy" of Tesla technology came about in the first place, people not sharing information.

                          Quote from Eric: "I'm not going to hold your pecker while you pee, you guys are going to have to do some of this sh*t yourselves".

                          What he is referring to here is people doing the requisite background research to understand what he's talking about. Actually doing experiments and learning from them. Very little can be achieved by just reading the material he posts. Also you have to read the references he posts, to be able understand the material.

                          With me at least, he has given me some references to study to aid in building the CIG. I have to do the reading and understanding myself. To be clear, he is not holding my hand through this, I have to do the work and build it myself. So I have to do the reading, study, calculations, etc. He'll offer advice where needed. The same goes for this forum. Sort of like "the more stuff you put out, the more you get". This is how this thread can be more productive. I certainly plan on sharing as much as possible of my build, so others can see what I'm doing, maybe offer advice, or learn. I am pretty sure I know less than a lot of people here, and I'm sure I'll make some mistakes and show my lack of understanding in some areas, but I'm not concerned about that. I have very little practical electronics experience, but I'm diving in with both feet!
                          Hello all,

                          Firstly I would openly admit that my own construction and experimental effort does not match the effort that T-Rex has provided for us here. This is unfortunate. I myself have had a lot of personal issues to contend with and if I were to spell them out for everyone, you would all understand, I would be sure. Nevertheless, I have done something as apposed to nothing and just sitting on my ass.

                          First with the mercury switch: This effort was done quite awhile ago and it has been shoved to the side for the time being. These experiments took place at another location where I had better facilities and machinery to so. This was the same location where I did most of the LMD network, where the “stinging shockwave” happened. This location is where most of my “glom” is kept but is not my current location.

                          The Mercury switch effort was set aside, after the little explosion that spread glycerine and mercury everywhere! An unhappy sticky event indeed. Glycerine is NFG for a dielectric liquid even though it has a constant of 42. As it is basically sugar, and it “carbonised” under the pressure of an arc. (I should have known better). Regular transformer oil may be better for this?

                          At my current location I only have about a 12 x 12 foot area and with only hand tools to work with, so along with my personal issues, progress is slow for now. Enough excuses?

                          Recently I have been slowly constructing apparatus for both the CSI & the CIG. I was hoping to construct it in a way so that the various components can be exchanged, or configured as I wished. I am still waiting / saving $ for the primary material and await the 3rd order for more coax. (The 2nd order went missing, never received missing in the post? – pain in the bum)!

                          The ‘balanced’ TMT that I have under construction is shown. (It only a mock-up at present) The Primary coil is not yet constructed. It has a flat spiral coil for the secondary, followed by an adjustable coupling capacitor(s) (2 to 50pf) then the extra (1:1) coil that awaits winding. The silver ball on the end just represents a reflecting capacitance. The flat spirals may soon be replaced by the secondary design as specified for CSI. (The frame made & is seen in the background). The primary coil standoff’s are Teflon and the rods for the extra coil are also Teflon.

                          So I hope that the pictures demonstrate that I have been doing something at least and it may encourage others to show their handy work here also.

                          Lastly, thanks again Eric for all of your wisdom.

                          "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                          • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                            Thankyou for the Comments and especially the detail wrt Vacuum Tubes.
                            (Puke) You are correct, Uranium and not Radium - I had intended to correct in my edit but didn't, my apologies.

                            I noticed the glass used in the 327A was also green and the 1B22.
                            Anybody who has read Walter Russell will understand why Eric has used the word 'Puke' here.

                            2C22s and similare Valves were the initial effort to overcome grid parasitics involved with VHF and these were mainly used with Transceivers.
                            Of note here are the 829B/3E29 and the European QQE series where they all suffered from the parasitic oscillations and required external neutralising.
                            For once, the Europeans came out first with internal gridding where no neutralising was required in their QQV series.

                            There are many variations from manufacturers in the making of the 0A4G as the pic below will reveal.
                            Philips/Valvo, Raytheon, GE.
                            Sylvania, RCA, Telefunken.
                            Both Philips and Sylvania believe they can make the same quality Tube from the conventional voltage regulator style of body as used in the 0A/B/D/Cs and this may be of interest.
                            Here the outer tube is the Anode and the central wire as the Cathode and the same construction as my Ion Valve.
                            The 'real' 0A4G has a glass tube up the centre with only a small portion of the wire contained sticking above the convex hood as looking like an ignitor.

                            Keeping an eye on Eric Dollard courtesy of Google:
                            Eric P. Dollard - Page › ... › Renewable Energy
                            6 posts - 4 authors - 2 days ago
                            It is called the CV-125. Let's see if we can find it on e-bay! ... (V) Many fascinating vacuum tubes have been manufactured. The experimental ...

                            In gas tubes what appears to be the plate or disc is actually the cathode, not the anode. It's important to remember that gas tubes operate backwards with respect to vacuum tubes. The glass insulated wire up the center is the anode. The very fine wire above the disc is the starter.

                            Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                            Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                            • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                              @ T-Rex:

                              I had an interesting public debate last week (in Dutch) with a professor, an ex University Teacher and a mathematician of the Skeptic foundation, who make it a hobby to silence alternative researchers:

                              Skepsis en Niburu op Windesheim over watergas

                              First, we discussed Einstein's relativity theory, which of course did not go very well from their side, since I already had disproven that one theoretically:

                              Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

                              I also nicely referred to the definition of science vs. pseudo-science:

                              Pseudoscience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              How on Earth are "virtual fotons", "dark matter", "strong nuclear force", "weak nuclear force", etc. falsifiable?

                              And you are suggesting I am a pseudo scientist?

                              In page 2 of the comments I managed to ditch Quantum Mechanics as well, on the argument that when with the dual slit experiment you get an outgoing signal in phase, the incoming signal also *has* to be in phase and otherwise it won't work.

                              One of the guys managed to talk himself nicely into the corner by arguing that you can also have interference with lasers, provided you manage to keep them in phase, which of course was the whole argument.
                              If you really want to jam the skeptics in the butt then send them a copy of my "Theory of Anti-Relativity". They shouldn't be able to take a crap for a week after that.

                              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                              Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                              • I'm disappearing into the bushes for an indefinite period of time. I'm not really planning to come back out. I will no longer have internet access, so question and answer time is over. I plan to install the PRC 47 in the beginning of next month.

                                73 DE N6KPH SK

                                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories

