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Eric P. Dollard

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  • Secondary coil testing

    Hi Eric:
    Attached is the result from the latest test. Space between condenser rings were reduced to approximately 1 mm. Magnification factor is up just over 100. Any practical suggestions on how to improve on the magnification factor?


    • Forbidden pictures?

      Any ideal why Imageshack removed my previously posted pictures? I don't mind doing the testing, putting in effort, but working with the current forum limitations is a real hassle.


      • Comments on Coils

        1) Dr Green #685
        Extra Coil:
        Direct = 2690 Kc/sec
        10 pFd = 2830 Kc/sec

        Dr Green #712
        Secondary Coil:
        Free = 4125 Kc/sec
        Rings = 3670 Kc/sec

        Dr Green #790

        Concatenated Coils:
        First Peak Resonance: 3670 Kc/sec
        Second Peak Resonance: 2344 Kc/sec
        Extra Coil Luminal Frequency: 2310 Kc/sec

        2) Conclusions on Dr Green Setup:
        Two modes of resonance exist, the first is the longitudinal, the second is the transverse. For the first the extra coil input is inductive and thus subtracts from the ring capacitance. For the second mode the extra coil is capacitive and adds to the ring capacitance. The potential meter here is measuring the secondary potential. In the second mode the rings and extra coil all are one terminal capacity so the secondary acts with this as a somewhat lumped LC circuit. In the first mode it is a pair of coupled transmission lines so the magnification factor drops because of travelling waves, and additional losses. Next test is now to measure the potential of the high end of the extra coil and graph the peaks. This is important.

        3) If everyones graph gave in a footnote the following data,
        Luminal Frequency
        Actual Frequency
        Magnification Factor

        It would make things more understandable. Also coil dimensions and number of turns should be given with graphs. It is confusing to search prior posts. A compendium of coil projects needs to be made also.

        The luminal frequency in C.P.S. given by dividing four times the wire length in meters into the velocity of light in meters per second.

        The Free Space frequency is given by multiplying the luminal frequency by the velocity factor in the Wireless Power table, such as 187% for 1:1 coils, and, 100% for a coil 18% height to width, etc.

        Finally given is the actual measured frequency.

        4) Considering the pair of resonant frequencies shown:
        Higher: 3670 Kc/sec
        Lower: 2344 Kc/sec

        The ratio is given as: 1.56

        Taking a Pi over two ratio and 3670 Kc gives a lower frequency of 2337 Kc/sec

        This value is close. The question is there a constant ratio of Pi over two in any extra coil or is it just a coincidence. The same temptation exists to jump upon the fact that the Colorado extra coil and secondary have identical wire lengths and thus identical luminal frequencies. Tesla makes no discussion of this.

        The Colorado Transformer can be scaled to the broadcast band. Important is that the inductance of the extra coil decrease with the square root of the increase in scaled frequency. Also any lumped capacity must also decrease with the square root of the increase in frequency.

        A 15 meter coil at 45 Kc/sec is a .75 meter coil at 900 Kc/sec.

        A 25 milliHenry coil at 45 Kc/sec is a 5.6 milliHenry coil at 900 Kc/sec.

        A 432 picoFarad terminal capacitance is a 97 picoFarad capacitance is a 97 picoFarad capacitance at 900 Kc/sec.

        45 over 900 is .05 and the square root of .05 is .22. Take it from there.

        5) Nhopa's coil seems like the wire is too thin. Number 14 THHN conduit wire is ok here, thicker like number 12 is better. Cut notches in support rods to hold turns. Remember to bake and varnish wooden rods to cut losses. The primary aim is towards the maximum possible magnification factor, this is a great challenge and a must for A.M. reception. A test or exploring coil for node measurements is a number of turns on a small ferrite rod, A.M. radio loopsticks are great for this. Connect test lamp, NOT LED, but incandescent to testing coil and explore magnetic field. A small axial flourescent lamp on a stick works for potential node testing. Node position is of great importance here.

        I have only a few more days to answer questions so try to get these things going. Arguments about the constitution of the Aether or the bible are fine but coil data is more interesting to me. Not a lot of activity to keep me interested in this forum. Try to find engineers and technicians to join in on these ventures, kind of like the church seeking new members through recruitment.

        73 DE N6KPH

        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


        • Excerpt from Tesla True Wireless:


          Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
          Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


          • Excell spreadsheet anyone

            @ Mad,

            Care to make an excel sheet to provide all the data that we can from our experiments? I was going to give it a try but I am still a little shaky on the calculations and don't have the confidence to post something like this yet.


            • 1/8 wave system

              quote : master dollard

              When a line is operated at an eighth wavelength it has the property of converting the far end impedance to a resistance equaling the magnitude of the far end impedance, this at the sending end of the line. Marconi used this in his flat top at KET Bolinas, and to a certain extent this may be happening in the Colorado Springs extra coil, but only if expressed in a luminal velocity base. Read Steinmetz, "Oscillations of the Compound Circuit", in "Impulses, Waves, and Discharges", very important info on the refraction and reflection of waves at the transition between two independent transmission structures (or coils).

              Thanks for that insight , my system works on 1/8 wave length systems.
              1/8 wave length transmitter and 1/8 wave length receiver . makes a 1/4 wave length total .

              quote master dollard :

              If the line is operated at a frequency of less than that of the quarter wave frequency, the sending end impedance is capacitive

              I my 2 x 1/8 wave system this is so i can tune all the way down by shortning the lenght to the sphere s dielectric antenna `s

              Telescopic with dielectric on the end would be handy to make a HF band receiver coils wich are tuneable . think of the automatic car antenna `s .

              Before i blow up the radio receivers ,i use a high power chip resitors parallel at the receiver prim. loop for attenuation.

              and measure `receive` with a scope before hook it to the radio receiver .
              Scopes can handle high voltages ,spectrum analyzers and radio receivers not.

              Wise words from Master Dollard to hook it up to a crystal radio receiver .
              Would be a lovely sett to show the technology .

              I am still learning the data for the extra coil .

              However i am still experimenting with the flat spirals got some ribbon cable i will try that .

              About Neutrino`s did anyone ever did see a blue flash in space .
              Cherenkov radiation flash.

              i see them more often just pop out of nowhere .

              Perhaps all the neutrino detector scientists should check out the telsla technology .

              keep up all the good experimenting .

              thanks all on the forum for the great input .

              john joosse


              • Originally posted by AstroNod View Post
                quote : master dollard

                When a line is operated at an eighth wavelength it has the property of converting the far end impedance to a resistance equaling the magnitude of the far end impedance, this at the sending end of the line. Marconi used this in his flat top at KET Bolinas,

                However i am still experimenting with the flat spirals got some ribbon cable i will try that .

                About Neutrino`s did anyone ever did see a blue flash in space .
                Cherenkov radiation flash.

                i see them more often just pop out of nowhere .

                Perhaps all the neutrino detector scientists should check out the telsla technology .

                keep up all the good experimenting .

                thanks all on the forum for the great input .

                john joosse
                Hey, what do you think about this experiment I have been doing with the Electromagnet as described by Edward Leedskalnin?

                The Dollard Tesla Leedskalnin Effect; Effect preceding Cause; E.g. Lagging Reaction to Leading Cause - YouTube

                Leedskalnin writes in his book magnetic current to use wire that is 18 inches long and 1/18th inch in radius. He repeatedly talks about "all kind of light" being produced in certain configurations. Eric speaks about two kinds of "light" or rather "Wave". The longitudinal wave of 291,000miles per second, and the transverse wave propagations of 186,000miles per second. Eric describes these two waves as occuring simultaneously across transmission line of the Marconi Wireless System. I think the above video might be of interest to you. What you said about those blue light I have been calling the "blue vertical" for some many months now. I named the effect the "Dollard Leedskalnin Tesla effect" in their honour. I'd never have spotted it if it hadn't been for their insistence on waves from outer space that can move as fast (and were measured by Tesla) as 50C. What are we looking at in the video, Effect preceding cause? An aspect of the longitudinal axis plane of 1d interfering with the transverse propogations of magnetic kind in the future? I have noticed the blue wave travels up to meet the conduct blue radial arc discharge, as if it "knows" when the open terminal wire of the spark gap is going to be closed. It looks like the blue wave travels up in advance at a given speed and in advance of my closing, to "form antithesis" to the travelling wave. This is monumental stuff if I am right.

                All the camera appears to be picking up is some sort of transverse wave light interference. I think it is to do with the way the camera and the human eye sends out rays of light , the transverse kind, and they are somehow interacting with the longitudinal waves that are faster than light - and what is visible phenomenon that is detectable merely travels at the speed of light, but the medium that the detection light interacted with was way faster.

                I'm probably wrong.

                I need proper optical video technology, possibly electrical technology to do a fair test to detect the timing of the blue light wave that precedes the red light wave in the spark and bulbs from transformers.

                Perhaps others will be able to recreate a basic electromagnet setup described by Ed LEedskalnin and see if they can catch the apparent blue vertical light preceding the effect of a closed terminal. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe something about the camera abhors the true representation of the propagating wave. I'm considering the possibility. If I have caught something it may be more spectacular than transverse detection camera's are capable of seeing. Perhaps there is a way to view the longitudinal wave - Tesla did not have the video technology we have now and I think it bothered him deeply that there was no way to reveal this invisible wave quite as spectacularly as he was in other inventions. If I am not wrong this may be a hint on the telluric system of ground transmission as discussed by the N6KPH route, and a consideration that transverse propagations consist of longitudinal propagations on a single axis plane. (Maybe I am wrong). After all I am not an engineer, I am a musician. I have a good idea about sound and that has helped my understanding of magnetic waves to some extent?

                I have another video here: apparently showing the same blue stream of light at 90 degrees flying into an LED , from an iron bar magnetised across the primary and secondary is removed from sitting across the circuit. The LED lights as red, but this blue light always appears before. What is this blue light?

                leedskalnin push pull light suckers thanks bell labs.avi - YouTube

                IF I am right there is more than one current traveling around the circuit as a result of the iron bar breaking from between the coils, and this one triggers a preceding blue light that flies from outside the surrounding aether into the electrical system. Is this the blue dielectric that sits in antithesis to the red magnetic force? One current (magnetic, to dielectric) has a different colour to another perhaps. I don't know enough about electricity to comment further but I do believe my basic experiments and recanting of Dollards counterspace, the Bolinas Marconi Wireless facility propogations and Leedskalnins work with magnetic current all point to an effect preceding cause, or non relativistic propogation of wave. It would seem important how the transformer is orientated in the frame of reference, for instance I do not know many transformers that have 3 points of movement, most are only 2nd order.

                I think this is what Eric Dollard is driving at, I'm a musician though. Sadly not an engineer or a scientist. Reserved to the far edges of what some might consider speculation, I think thought that it is a little bit more than that.

                I really don't know, but it was significantly compelling to me.

                One last thing, I didn't "invent" this effect, I saw it with my eyes, and I saw it with a video Camera. It had perplexed me greatly. Then today I came accross the below picture and I wonder what it was that I was looking at with my basic electricity and sparks from my basic electromagnet and transformer- indeed I wonder if my suggestion of a blue preceding effect is so afar fetched. Indeed if the transverse light is not entangled by other particles, then I am incorrect, but if it is entangled, like lines of rope, then it may very well be that a magnetic change in the future may cause a dielectric change in the past, this might occur for red and blue shift, and might be expressed as a space time vs counterspace dynamics.

                As far as I know no such research exists that isn't apparently classified.

                Tachyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Because a tachyon always moves faster than light, we cannot see it approaching. After a tachyon has passed nearby, we would be able to see two images of it, appearing and departing in opposite directions. The black line is the shock wave of Cherenkov radiation, shown only in one moment of time. This double image effect is most prominent for an observer located directly in the path of a superluminal object (in this example a sphere, shown in grey). The right hand bluish shape is the image formed by the blue-doppler shifted light arriving at the observer—who is located at the apex of the black Cherenkov lines—from the sphere as it approaches. The left-hand reddish image is formed from red-shifted light that leaves the sphere after it passes the observer. Because the object arrives before the light, the observer sees nothing until the sphere starts to pass the observer, after which the image-as-seen-by-the-observer splits into two—one of the arriving sphere (to the right) and one of the departing sphere (to the left).
                Cherenkov radiation (also spelled Čerenkov) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The charged particles polarize the molecules of that medium, which then turn back rapidly to their ground state, emitting radiation in the process. The characteristic blue glow of nuclear reactors is due to Cherenkov radiation. Its existence was predicted by the English polymath Oliver Heaviside in papers published in 1888–1889, but it is named after Russian scientist Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, the 1958 Nobel Prize winner who was the first to characterise it rigorously
                It spooks me out. A lot.

                Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Another thread perhaps? I'm probably wrong. Nevermind.

                Last edited by 7redorbs; 06-25-2012, 11:07 PM.


                • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
                  Any ideal why Imageshack removed my previously posted pictures? I don't mind doing the testing, putting in effort, but working with the current forum limitations is a real hassle.
                  No idea. Are you sure you didn't upload any dodgy pictures by accident?

                  Copying the graph from Excel seems to have worked. The image is a bit small though. It might help if you resize the "canvas" in Paint. Do that by moving the almost invisible little square that's on the lower right of the white canvas, then the actual picture should be the whole image without white around the edges.

                  If the graphs are tiny through being copied from Excel "internally" then the print screen option will let you have it the size it is on your screen, but with a couple more minutes editing required.

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • Originally posted by jake View Post
                    @ Mad,

                    Care to make an excel sheet to provide all the data that we can from our experiments? I was going to give it a try but I am still a little shaky on the calculations and don't have the confidence to post something like this yet.
                    Ok, shouldn't be a problem. I just need to know what you're looking for. I have loads of calcs in excel on the CRI.


                    • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                      Next test is now to measure the potential of the high end of the extra coil and graph the peaks.
                      I wasn't happy with the consistency after leaving things overnight and moving the "probes" around and getting rulers in there to measure things etc, so I reset the whole thing and did the secondary test again and extra coil simultaneously. This is now the setup:

                      Data based on most recent results:

                      Extra Coil:
                      126 turns
                      Diameter = 8.28cm
                      Height = 8.28cm
                      Conductor length = 32.271 metres

                      Luminal frequency = 2322.4 kc
                      Direct = 2694.8 kc - Magnification Factor = 57.07992
                      10pF = 2833.1 kc - Magnification Factor = 81.5891

                      Secondary Coil:
                      20 turns
                      Diameter = 20.7cm
                      Height = 4.08cm
                      Conductor length = 13.079 metres calculated (approx 12.92 metres used)

                      Luminal frequency = 5730.4 kc calculated (5800.9 kc for 12.92m)
                      Free maximum frequency = 4126 kc - Magnification Factor = 63.70233
                      Rings = 3670 kc - Magnification Factor = 83.71159

                      Concatenated Coils:
                      First Peak Resonance: 3670 kc
                      Second Peak Resonance: 2340 kc

                      Ratio = 1.568376

                      Even closer to Pi over two.

                      Last edited by dR-Green; 06-26-2012, 10:49 PM.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • "Ignorance is Bliss", This proverb resembles “What you don't know cannot hurt you.”

                        Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                        ten letters plus
                        Again off topic, I'll keep it short.

                        1 Corinthians 1:18-20 “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Paul writes that those who are perishing consider the word of the cross “foolishness.” Five times Paul will use a form of the word “foolishness.” Basic Greek word is moria. In 1:25 as an adjective—moros. The English word “moron” is from Greek. Ridiculous, ignorant, stupid, and contemptible. “You moron!” But that is the very word that Paul uses here five times. Most people consider the cross to be moronic! The word of the cross is that salvation is freely granted by God’s grace, not human merit or intellect. Furthermore, salvation is extended to all people. This levels the ground at the foot of the cross. Everyone comes to God through faith, based upon the work of Jesus Christ. This offends man’s pride.

                        1 Corinthians 1:27Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

                        Jeremiah 8:9 The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have?

                        The problem with fallen humanity apart from Jesus is that we still don’t have a clue with the knowledge we obtain. The problem isn’t with knowledge but with the wisdom that interprets and applies the knowledge to concerns and struggles. We need to recognize that our knowledge is limited. But God knows everything that can be known or could be known. We need to entrust ourselves to Him and recognize that He loves to cut the wise and powerful down to size.


                        • Extra Coil Math

                          Making several Posts here as I have been talking off line and now coming back with more detail about the basic Math to be used here with regard to the Extra Coil.

                          My conclusions on Tesla at Colorado Springs agree with Eric in some aspects and differ in others and the reason for these Posts.

                          Crystal Set Initiative Data:
                          AM Radio Frequency = 1557 Khz
                          Diameter Primary/Secondary = 488mm
                          One Turn = 1533mm
                          30645/1533 = 20 Secondary Turns but best at 17 as proven by empirical means.
                          Wire Length = c/2piF

                          Extra Coil:
                          MULTIPLY: Where my Math is with a working TMT.
                          1.557*(pi/2) = 2.4457 Mhz
                          2.4457 * 4 = 9.7829 Mhz = Full Wave = 30.645 meters

                          DIVIDE: Where Eric's Math is with a non working TMT.
                          1.557/(pi/2) = 991.2 Khz
                          991.2 * 4 = 3.9649 = Full Wave = 75.612 meters

                          Extra Coil detail:
                          Diameter = 195.2mm
                          One Turn = 613.24mm
                          Turns = 30645/613.24 = 50
                          Length of Extra and Secondary are the same.

                          Tests I did in the Lab are similar to the previous day's with regard to comparison of the 3 Extra Coils.
                          Instead of having the 'Intensity Meter' connected to the pick-up head, I connected it direct to the end of the Extra Coil and kept the Sig Gen level constant and measured response at the meter as I changed the Coils after first peaking the signal.
                          Turns in brackets is maximum on the coil and my #1 and #3 need slight trimming.

                          Ecoil #3 - 11 awg Turn 42 best (56) 1146 Khz 44uA - close to expected
                          Ecoil #1 - 14 awg Turn 49 best (55) 919.4 Khz 38uA - close to expected
                          Ecoil #2 - Erics Turn 125 390.8 Khz 14.5 uA 21 awg - way too low and signal dies with load from added C and L - parasitics.

                          Note please that Sig Gen level was the SAME for all 3 tests.

                          What I expected to happen here is that the frequency would peak at around the 990 Khz point and that is exactly what happened with my two but not with Erics.

                          You will note from yesterday's Post - I didn't Post yesterday but have the data here - that my peak frequency on #1 & #3 was close to the 'C omega' of 2446 Khz ABOVE (Multiply) where Eric's was down at 1024.9 Khz BELOW (Divide).

                          What my drawing is showing that there are two operating points, one ABOVE and one BELOW and to use the point below is difficult as this is where all the inductance/capacitance problems arise with small wires, long number of turns and operating at a point BELOW the frequency of concern, in my case the 1557 Khz.

                          What is required in lay terms is for the frequency of concern to become established before you can begin working at the 'C omega' point and my MULTIPLY method allows this to happen where Eric's DIVIDE method doesn't as he is attempting to generate a standing wave before the frequency of concern can establish itself.
                          That's what my drawing is showing and hope this can be understood.
                          Been messing with too many coils and real bad electronics over the years and this just makes pure sense to me.

                          I Posted this at 'n6kph' that I thought Tesla may have realised this problem but due to equipment limitations he chose to work on the 'difficult' side but then again I ask, why did he not just drop his frequency down where he could work at say 60 Khz centre vice the 95?????
                          He wasn't aware there were/are two sides to everything, not being critical just observant?

                          There is no 1/4 wave involved with any of this as we are working fully with the FULL WAVELENGTH of the 'C omega' calculated standing wave and that is why my method peaks at the 2446 Khz (1557 * pi/2 = 2446 Khz).

                          The only way I see anyone comprehending the Math here is to build using my method as it will give you a working TMT and all that detail is given in my simple little 'Multiply/Divide' drawing - it is GOLD, value it please.
                          Imagine now what is going to happen when we power this device?
                          It is already magnifying as I have previously explained and being a 'sensitive' you can feel the energy radiating out of this coil with the palm of the hand.



                          • Copper Mass & Surface Area

                            Here is the data on the Copper Mass and Surface Area that I have been working on in an attempt to clarify the reality of the Tesla CSNotes:
                            Tesla Coils Copper Mass & Surface Area:

                            COPPER MASS:
                            37x0.01031296x154.723x12x2 = 1417.0 ins3 = 23,220.5 cm3

                            17x0.00881255x154.723x12 = 278.2 ins3 = 4,558.9 cm3

                            Extra Coil:
                            98x0.0205722x311 = 627 ins3
                            2x0.00881255x311 = 5.48 ins3
                            Total = 632.5 ins3 = 10,364.8 cm3


                            Primary:Secondary = 5.1:1
                            Secondary:Extra = 1:2.3

                            COPPER SURFACE AREA:

                            Primary 9 awg D = 2.91mm R = 1.455mm
                            Secondary 10 awg D = 2.69 mm R = 1.345mm
                            Extra 6 awg D = 4.1mm1 R = 2.055 mm

                            9.142x37x47160x2/100,000 = 319.04 meters2

                            8.4509x17x47160/100,000 = 67.75 meters2

                            12.912x100x2514.6/100,000 = 32.469 meters2


                            Primary:Secondary 4.7:1
                            Secondary:Extra 2.1:1

                            1. My belief is that it is not the Mass that is significant here but more so the Surface Area.
                            This is being made evident today with high voltage transmission connections being of a hollow nature such that both the inner and outer surfaces can be used for transmission of a wave.

                            2. CSNotes Page 193 Tesla clearly states 'primary and secondary are to have same amount' and as you can see in the final 'magnifying' state that the true ratio for Mass is 5.1:1 and Surface Area is 4.7:1

                            3. Emphasis is being made here that the Secondary and the Extra Coils are of the same length and this is significant in the 'magnifying process'.

                            4. The Extra Coil Mass is considerably more than that of the Secondary with mass Ratio of 2.3:1 but the reverse applies with regard to Surface Area with Ratio 1:2.1.
                            Experiments are currently being carried out on this aspect of the 'magnifier' design to see if the increased mass is of any consequence in Extra Coil # 3 using 11 awg wire.
                            However a new coil will now be built to approximately halve the Surface Area from the current 14 awg and this calculates out to 20 awg.
                            The smaller wire size may also affect the inter-turn capacitance which may simulate better Tesla's true Extra Coil.

                            5. CSNotes Page 193 shows a good diagram of Tesla's actual Primary/Secondary construction.

                            6. Tesla's actual construction shows the Extra Coil sitting at the same horizontal level of the Primary/Secondary 'fence' and this is also under investigation as it is felt that not only the Secondary is of consequence but also the effect of the Primary on the Extra coil in the middle of the 'magnifier'.
                            So in effect what we see are two distinct radiating/induced fields into both the Secondary and the Extra Coils from the Primary at the same time and position of the Secondary and Primary may be significant in the generation of the required 'magnifying' standing waves into the Extra Coil.

                            7. Application of a powered Impulse into a working TMT is now to be investigated as it is expected that the radiant field from the device will be able to light Lamps and other devices that have a suitable tuned receiver attached exactly as Tesla demonstrated.
                            I have made prior arrangements for this event as I have several Carbon Lamps in my collection and these are the type that Tesla was able to just stand there and have light up in his hands.
                            The 'closed loop' principle will also be investigated.

                            8. The author sincerely wishes that others will follow the 'Multiply' Math example to produce a working TMT which is able to magnify a passive Telluric signal and amplify that signal so that the Extra Coil radiates that same signal for air reception some distance remotely from the source without contact.

                            9. The wave radiated is distinctly not of an ElectroMagnetic nature as it does not need an antenna of any kind.
                            The 'Fence Antenna' experiments have shown that it is necessary to actually place the probe head on the wire to receive the local AM Radio Station Hertzian transmission and this is not the case with the 'magnifier' as the probe head just needs to be in the vacinity of the Extra Coil to achieve reception.

                            10. A Kapanadze style device is also being built to model the TMT using the 'Multiply Math' theory.
                            This construction began before the 'CSI' but was being built through observation alone but was being assembled on Copper Sheet open coils and all that is now required are the suitable length coils as we now have the Math to replicate/produce a working device.

                            11. None of the above would have happened without the tireless efforts and inputs of Eric P Dollard and a few special others.

                            Have spent considerable time over the above correcting errors and believe it to now be a rational document.



                            • Extra Coil Math

                              Eric Dollard Quote:
                              It is best if the magnification factor is given by coil maker, here is how it is done. Find peak reading on meter, its frequency noted as "carrier". Go down in frequency until meter reads 71% of the peak reading, this frequency noted as "Lower Side Band" (LSB). Go above carrier (CXR) frequency until again the meter reads 71% of the peak reading, this frequency noted as "Upper Side Band" (USB). Now subtract the LSB from USB. Take this difference, or 3dB bandwidth, and divide it by the CXR frequency. Finally take this result and divide it into one. Hence derived is the magnification factor. It is most important that this be as large as possible and every effort must be made to maximize it. The magnification transformer

                              Thankyou for that as I was wondering how you came up with those numbers.
                              Am familiar with the 3db point, Half Power point, 70.7% and all to do with 'Q' and the narrower the Delta is below, the better.

                              Did that exercise on my Extra Coil #1 and here are the results:

                              Carrier AM Radio Station = 1557 Khz
                              F Carrier = 2443 Khz (pi/2*1557 = 2446 - Multiply)
                              F LSB = 2423
                              F USB = 2458
                              Delta = 35 Hertz
                              35/2443 = 1/0.014326647 = 69.8

                              I am unable to see how you achieve a figure say of 130 after looking at the other's charts on their Secondaries and using you above Math.

                              Will be doing the Secondary tomorrow with the ring as you say that is the base for the Telluric involvement.

                              Your comments on those figures please with reference to your experience.



                              • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                                I have been working on in an attempt to clarify the reality of the Tesla CSNotes:
                                Tesla Coils Copper Mass & Surface Area:


                                Primary:Secondary 4.7:1
                                Secondary:Extra 2.1:1

                                1. My belief is that it is not the Mass that is significant here but more so the Surface Area.
                                This is being made evident today with high voltage transmission connections being of a hollow nature such that both the inner and outer surfaces can be used for transmission of a wave.

                                2. CSNotes Page 193 Tesla clearly states 'primary and secondary are to have same amount' and as you can see in the final 'magnifying' state that the true ratio for Mass is 5.1:1 and Surface Area is 4.7:1

                                3. Emphasis is being made here that the Secondary and the Extra Coils are of the same length and this is significant in the 'magnifying process'.

                                Ratio 1: 291,000/186,000 = 1.56451 61290 32258 06451 61290 32258 1
                                Ratio 2: PI = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399

                                Ratio1 (Longitudinal speed/transverse speed) + Ratio 2(PI) = 4.70610 87826 22051 30297 87724 15479

                                e.g. 4.7(coil ratio) - 3.14159 (PI) = 1.55841 (C)


                                I believe this could be helpful in less than understated way, for instance if I am right this would allow for more precise engineering of the the superposition of the "wave guide" aspect of the T.M.T, as it is likely that 4.7 is not the exactly precise dimensions of the wave ratio harmonics, and it will be more like a ratio between the travelling waves themselves as well as the geometry of the coils, per time. - rather than purely coil length etc etc. So the coil length and mass is dictated by the speed of propagating waves in a transformer, and the propagating waves are determined by the mass. The mass is simple the ratio of exchange of those wavelengths. AT least if any of Einstein is to be believed.

                                High precision engineering I am certainly not capable of. David , but you and Eric and others may be. I believe the ratio between the speed of longitudinal wave propagations and the transverse wave propagations as claimed by Tesla and Dollard , is extremely important in getting to where you have got David. Maybe you realise this already, but if you have not I do believe the maths here should be noteworthy in your investigations.

                                If we could all pull our "opinions" together, tolerate each others madness & Frustration, God you are so close David! Then - I am confident we would have something very special indeed. David. Thanks for continuing your important work. Eric, David is a good man that has worked hard, if he has something here. Which I believe he most CERTAINLY does - especially his comment about using the inside surface area and the outside surface area of new electrical wires.

                                Eric/David I have a transformer I am building that has an outside metal around the coil and an inside metal core in coil. Think about that, and the ratio that would exist if the outer core were attached to the inner core, and how it would effect the propagation of electricity. This whole thing as Eric and David have said is essentially dividing electrical current. I do believe I have shown that the magical 4.7 is derivable to Tesla's velocity equation of PI/2 *C , in that the speed of the 1.54 coefficient/ratio that exists between Longitudinal and Transverse waves, when added to the PI ratio, gives your magic number "4.7" to much greater numeric, symbol and divisive detail at the base of division. This was important to me, as a musician and a researcher, because it is what I would expect to find if this "counter-space" can exist, per time. Of course if the magnification properties of the T.M.T are in itself not expressions of counter space, or high speed capacitor discharges reaching for asymptotic growth of compressed impulses at a single point in space, this case being the spark gap, or vacuum tubes, whereby the capacitor is folding space into.

                                For instance, if we were to take away from your 4.7, PI, we are left with the ratio between 291,000miles per second longitudinal waves and their transverse wave counterparts.

                                E.g. 4.7 - 1.56451 = 3.13549

                                Your ratio is off by a few atoms. :-) This is very very promising David. Well done. And the above is for the ratio of the primary given as 1:4.7.

                                The next part is an analysis of the secondary ratio given of 2.1:1 this seemed more interesting and perplexing to me than the primary ratio , and It was not immediately obvious the ratio's were proportionate to pi , the speed of light and the speed of longitudinal waves of 291,000miles per second, much more interesting stuff is going on in the mathematics of the secondary ratio from what I can see.

                                e.g. 2.1 - 1.5645161290322580645161290322581 = 0.535483870967741935483870967742 = 97/62 = 249pi/500 = -2e! + 7 +1/e + e = 391129/250000 = 1+ 141129/250000

                                1/2 pi = 1.564516129032258064516129032258 /2 = 0.782258064516129032258064516129

                                e.g. So let 1.564C/2 = 0.782258C

                                Please note that 0.7820805C+2.1 = 2.8820805 an Pythagorean Triple Constant

                                (1/The Pythagorean Constant) + 1 = 2.8820 = (4-(40*Shallit constant))/49=2.882080

                                Note the shallit constant is C=1.369451 *

                                The inverse of 291,000/186,000 (as previously above) and 186000/291000 can be expressed as the two ratio values, 1.54 and it's inverse of 0.639 respectively.

                                RATIO 1 = 186,000/291,000=0.63917525773195876288659793814433.
                                RATIO 2 = 291,000/186,000=1.5645161290322580645161290322581.

                                RATIO 1 + RATIO2= 2.2036913867642168274027269704021

                                i.e. 2.1 - 0.639 = 2/(SQRT(e * PI) / 2) = 2/(40pi/43) = 1.461 = Cubed root of PI. E.g PI/PI -1 = 2.14159
                                e.g. 2.20369 - 0.639 = 1.56469 = ~1/2 PI = ~291000/186000 = C*1.54/C*1.0

                                "IF only the world knew the magnificence of the 3 6 9?" -Tesla? The quote that is wiped off the planet history books?

                                This is a "wild Adam guess" - but I am guessing the correct ratio's could be as David says. Look at how the math fits in and the co-efficients. Am I crazy? Yes, but I might be right. I do not think it is an uneducated guess. Who would have thought the surface area would effect the speed of propogation and fit so mathematically perfect? Not I. Eric, could it be possible that David has something here? I know I have something and I am almost positive that David does too.

                                as I believe you can see there is some interesting maths here, from myself, I was a certain someone who was classified as "inept" in his schooling. Funny that, I felt the same way, about my teachers. Oh well. My suggestion is try 4.70610 87826 22051 30297 87724 15479:1 and 2.14159:1 instead of 2.1:1 and 4.7:1. I believe I have set out the dimensional relationships that could, perhaps possibly be missing from our conscious thoughts as of this moment. With this more complete ratio hypothesis you might be able to create some interesting parallel arrangements using and repeating it, instead of a single coil. I appreciate that is a little far away right now. It is also interesting to note in several of the equations I present the quarterwave presents itself time and time again, as does the half wave. Perhaps Eric is right about it boiling down to the half and quarterwave, it certainly is what tesla claimed phase velocity=Pi/2*C. There is a geometrical function of a halfwave and a ratio to C here. So the quarterwave is implied by Tesla, and if not by Tesla then by potentially the ratio's of your geometry to the ratio of longitudinal to transverse kind light. In this case it is a surface area ratio of the cube root of pi, at least on the secondary. I believe the primary mathematics is more elementary. Perhaps that was part of the confusion here?

                                You have no idea how excited I am. Thank you David!!!!! I also appreciate your paying attention to my posts. The intention of this post was to expose that the ratio's that are " working" for the T.M.T are explicit to the mathematical equation given by Tesla for the speed of the propogation of his waves, and indeed, the ratio of the speed of light over the longitudinal wave speed, and it's inverse. This could not be a coincidence. Not ever in my mind. Lets see what other people have to say.

                                Last edited by 7redorbs; 06-26-2012, 03:13 PM. Reason: u

