Originally posted by David G Dawson
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Making several Posts here as I have been talking off line and now coming back with more detail about the basic Math to be used here with regard to the Extra Coil.
My conclusions on Tesla at Colorado Springs agree with Eric in some aspects and differ in others and the reason for these Posts.
Crystal Set Initiative Data:
AM Radio Frequency = 1557 Khz
Diameter Primary/Secondary = 488mm
One Turn = 1533mm
30645/1533 = 20 Secondary Turns but best at 17 as proven by empirical means.
Wire Length = c/2piF
Extra Coil:
MULTIPLY: Where my Math is with a working TMT.
1.557*(pi/2) = 2.4457 Mhz
2.4457 * 4 = 9.7829 Mhz = Full Wave = 30.645 meters
DIVIDE: Where Eric's Math is with a non working TMT.
1.557/(pi/2) = 991.2 Khz
991.2 * 4 = 3.9649 = Full Wave = 75.612 meters
Extra Coil detail:
Diameter = 195.2mm
One Turn = 613.24mm
Turns = 30645/613.24 = 50
Length of Extra and Secondary are the same.
Tests I did in the Lab are similar to the previous day's with regard to comparison of the 3 Extra Coils.
Instead of having the 'Intensity Meter' connected to the pick-up head, I connected it direct to the end of the Extra Coil and kept the Sig Gen level constant and measured response at the meter as I changed the Coils after first peaking the signal.
Turns in brackets is maximum on the coil and my #1 and #3 need slight trimming.
Ecoil #3 - 11 awg Turn 42 best (56) 1146 Khz 44uA - close to expected
Ecoil #1 - 14 awg Turn 49 best (55) 919.4 Khz 38uA - close to expected
Ecoil #2 - Erics Turn 125 390.8 Khz 14.5 uA 21 awg - way too low and signal dies with load from added C and L - parasitics.
Note please that Sig Gen level was the SAME for all 3 tests.
What I expected to happen here is that the frequency would peak at around the 990 Khz point and that is exactly what happened with my two but not with Erics.
You will note from yesterday's Post - I didn't Post yesterday but have the data here - that my peak frequency on #1 & #3 was close to the 'C omega' of 2446 Khz ABOVE (Multiply) where Eric's was down at 1024.9 Khz BELOW (Divide).
What my drawing is showing that there are two operating points, one ABOVE and one BELOW and to use the point below is difficult as this is where all the inductance/capacitance problems arise with small wires, long number of turns and operating at a point BELOW the frequency of concern, in my case the 1557 Khz.
What is required in lay terms is for the frequency of concern to become established before you can begin working at the 'C omega' point and my MULTIPLY method allows this to happen where Eric's DIVIDE method doesn't as he is attempting to generate a standing wave before the frequency of concern can establish itself.
That's what my drawing is showing and hope this can be understood.
Been messing with too many coils and real bad electronics over the years and this just makes pure sense to me.
I Posted this at 'n6kph' that I thought Tesla may have realised this problem but due to equipment limitations he chose to work on the 'difficult' side but then again I ask, why did he not just drop his frequency down where he could work at say 60 Khz centre vice the 95?????
He wasn't aware there were/are two sides to everything, not being critical just observant?
There is no 1/4 wave involved with any of this as we are working fully with the FULL WAVELENGTH of the 'C omega' calculated standing wave and that is why my method peaks at the 2446 Khz (1557 * pi/2 = 2446 Khz).
The only way I see anyone comprehending the Math here is to build using my method as it will give you a working TMT and all that detail is given in my simple little 'Multiply/Divide' drawing - it is GOLD, value it please.
Imagine now what is going to happen when we power this device?
It is already magnifying as I have previously explained and being a 'sensitive' you can feel the energy radiating out of this coil with the palm of the hand.
My conclusions on Tesla at Colorado Springs agree with Eric in some aspects and differ in others and the reason for these Posts.
Crystal Set Initiative Data:
AM Radio Frequency = 1557 Khz
Diameter Primary/Secondary = 488mm
One Turn = 1533mm
30645/1533 = 20 Secondary Turns but best at 17 as proven by empirical means.
Wire Length = c/2piF
Extra Coil:
MULTIPLY: Where my Math is with a working TMT.
1.557*(pi/2) = 2.4457 Mhz
2.4457 * 4 = 9.7829 Mhz = Full Wave = 30.645 meters
DIVIDE: Where Eric's Math is with a non working TMT.
1.557/(pi/2) = 991.2 Khz
991.2 * 4 = 3.9649 = Full Wave = 75.612 meters
Extra Coil detail:
Diameter = 195.2mm
One Turn = 613.24mm
Turns = 30645/613.24 = 50
Length of Extra and Secondary are the same.
Tests I did in the Lab are similar to the previous day's with regard to comparison of the 3 Extra Coils.
Instead of having the 'Intensity Meter' connected to the pick-up head, I connected it direct to the end of the Extra Coil and kept the Sig Gen level constant and measured response at the meter as I changed the Coils after first peaking the signal.
Turns in brackets is maximum on the coil and my #1 and #3 need slight trimming.
Ecoil #3 - 11 awg Turn 42 best (56) 1146 Khz 44uA - close to expected
Ecoil #1 - 14 awg Turn 49 best (55) 919.4 Khz 38uA - close to expected
Ecoil #2 - Erics Turn 125 390.8 Khz 14.5 uA 21 awg - way too low and signal dies with load from added C and L - parasitics.
Note please that Sig Gen level was the SAME for all 3 tests.
What I expected to happen here is that the frequency would peak at around the 990 Khz point and that is exactly what happened with my two but not with Erics.
You will note from yesterday's Post - I didn't Post yesterday but have the data here - that my peak frequency on #1 & #3 was close to the 'C omega' of 2446 Khz ABOVE (Multiply) where Eric's was down at 1024.9 Khz BELOW (Divide).
What my drawing is showing that there are two operating points, one ABOVE and one BELOW and to use the point below is difficult as this is where all the inductance/capacitance problems arise with small wires, long number of turns and operating at a point BELOW the frequency of concern, in my case the 1557 Khz.
What is required in lay terms is for the frequency of concern to become established before you can begin working at the 'C omega' point and my MULTIPLY method allows this to happen where Eric's DIVIDE method doesn't as he is attempting to generate a standing wave before the frequency of concern can establish itself.
That's what my drawing is showing and hope this can be understood.
Been messing with too many coils and real bad electronics over the years and this just makes pure sense to me.
I Posted this at 'n6kph' that I thought Tesla may have realised this problem but due to equipment limitations he chose to work on the 'difficult' side but then again I ask, why did he not just drop his frequency down where he could work at say 60 Khz centre vice the 95?????
He wasn't aware there were/are two sides to everything, not being critical just observant?
There is no 1/4 wave involved with any of this as we are working fully with the FULL WAVELENGTH of the 'C omega' calculated standing wave and that is why my method peaks at the 2446 Khz (1557 * pi/2 = 2446 Khz).
The only way I see anyone comprehending the Math here is to build using my method as it will give you a working TMT and all that detail is given in my simple little 'Multiply/Divide' drawing - it is GOLD, value it please.
Imagine now what is going to happen when we power this device?
It is already magnifying as I have previously explained and being a 'sensitive' you can feel the energy radiating out of this coil with the palm of the hand.