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dR-Green - Eric's comment was for my secondary, he suggested to use heavier wire than my current #17 AWG. I can get bare copper (enameled) wire or insulated close to #11 AWG size. My point was using the insulated cable I could close wound the secondary while maintaining roughly the 62% spacing between the conductors. Using the enameled wire it is more difficult to maintain the 1.4 mm spacing between conductors, especially since my secondary is 64 cm diameter. So I guess the insulation would not effect anything except make wounding easier.
I don't know. But I suppose there's only one way to find out for sure Looking back it looks like one reason you need thicker wire is because your condenser rings are set 1mm apart just to tune it into the intended frequency. A temporary fix might be to use 8mm or 12mm copper pipes instead of 6mm, that should increase the capacitance a bit I would think and let you have bigger rings spacing. Maybe the other reason is if you have thicker wire then you might need less capacitance and the magnification factor will be increased? It would be interesting to see the new vs old results anyway.
It compounds the quarter wave resonant rise of the secondary coil with another quarter wave rise in the extra coil, hence a concatenated resonant rise. This is the holy grail of resonant transformer design and unheard of potentials may be gained in this manner. To derive this analytically is extremely difficult, it is an advance transmission line problem. It might not even be possible to calculate or even achieve this mode of resonance, but we are going to give it a try.
I don't know, but there are certainly two modes of operation that seem to be very different. The easiest way to get the 3670 kc resonance is to set the condenser rings to maximum capacitance, with some additional extra coil terminal capacitance. The size of the required terminal increases rapidly as the condenser rings capacity is decreased. In my opinion there is a balance to be found somewhere between the proper resonance of the secondary with the condenser rings and the extra coil with its terminal capacitance.
New extra coil:
Diameter = 8.28cm
Height = 8.28cm
64.25 Turns
Wire length = 16.47 metres 20 SWG (0.9mm)
Luminal frequency = 4550.8 kc
Free space frequency = 8509.996 kc
Terminal capacitance = connected via approx 36cm 14 SWG earth wire, 15cm diameter ball + apple pie tin resting on top + 2 tinfoil "leaves" for fine tuning
Am familiar with the 3db point, Half Power point, 70.7% and all to do with 'Q' and the narrower the Delta is below, the better.
Did that exercise on my Extra Coil #1 and here are the results:
Carrier AM Radio Station = 1557 Khz
F Carrier = 2443 Khz (pi/2*1557 = 2446 - Multiply)
F LSB = 2423
F USB = 2458
Delta = 35 Hertz
35/2443 = 1/0.014326647 = 69.8
I am unable to see how you achieve a figure say of 130 after looking at the other's charts on their Secondaries and using you above Math.
Will be doing the Secondary tomorrow with the ring as you say that is the base for the Telluric involvement.
Your comments on those figures please with reference to your experience.
It's not clear what you're doing here. Are you using a signal generator? And if so at what frequency? You should do a frequency sweep of the coil, and then take the 70.7% value of the peaks to find the magnification factor.
Further testing indicates that the secondary reading in the "second peak resonance" test appears to be the extra coil being picked up by the probe, not the secondary.
No resonant peaks were found at all in the secondary with the rings set at 29.13pF.
Extra coil tested separately as configured in the experiment from the graphs above was resonant at 2718 kc.
An aluminium plate connected to earth has been employed to form a variable condenser with the extra coil top terminal. Tests seems to have revealed so far that it's possible to shift the second peak resonance by adjusting the terminal vs condenser rings capacitance ratios.
First peak resonance = 3670 kc
Second peak resonance with 29.13pF rings capacitance and "smaller" terminal capacitance = 1838 kc
Ratio = 1.996735582
Latest experiment:
First peak resonance = 3670 kc
Second peak resonance with 28.4pF rings capacitance and "larger" terminal capacitance = 1767 kc
Ratio = 2.07696661
There also seems to be a "point of no return" in terms of a minimum rings capacitance value, where no amount of terminal capacitance will make up for it and allow any resonance at 3670 kc.
It also looks like that a bigger natural terminal capacitance with less "artificial" capacitance via the earthed plate gives a greater output potential than a small terminal and a big capacitance made up through the earthed plate. Tests involving measuring terminal capacitance values will start tomorrow.
Nice work Garrett! I think my vacuum cleaner is on it's way out so when my parents give me the OK I will open her up and pillage her alternator to see if I can replicate your results You mentioned books on non-linear oscillation, I happen to have a copy of Chihiro Hayashi's Nonlinear Oscillations in Physical Systems. Not sure if you're getting that book already or not but if you want I could photocopy some sections which you find important. Here is a photocopy of the contents pages.
Raui, thanks for the reply to my post. As a heads up, you will have a tough time converting the vacuum cleaner motor over to a reluctance motor. At least for me, it took me a whole day to remove the rotor windings and shave the rotor into a rectangle.
I picked up these books,
Forced Oscillations in Non-linear Systems, Chihiro Hayashi, 1953
A Vector Approach to Oscillations, Henry G. Booker, 1965
Oscillations in Non-linear Systems by Jack Hale, 1963
for super cheap ($4 per book) online the other day thinking that they might be useful for this research project. It looks like you have the much newer book by Hayashi, I'm curious what the differences between the 1953 book and his later 1985 book on non-linear oscillations are, if any. At any rate, I think I will pick up a copy of the newer book, when I find a good deal, to be safe.
A little known book that is a true treasure trove for this type of research is "The Parametric Transformer" by E.S. Tez, 1977. Its available for free online, I don't remember the link, but if you did a search you should be able to find it easily.
I have lots of new material regarding the naturally excited parametric oscillator which carries over to other modes of excitation, but will wait to post any new details until I can experimentally confirm everything. I don't want to be spouting nonsense and inaccurate information. But for a nitty-gritty update on the matter, the naturally excited circuit is basically an RLC circuit with a negative resistance as the driving source. The maximum resistive load that will still allow for oscillation, is equal to the source negative resistance subtract the inherent losses due to hysteresis, ect. The addition of a load de-tunes the circuit, but not too much if it doesn't exceed the maximum. This mode isn't the most efficient for power generation, but lots of valuable information has been collected that would help describe other modes of operation.
Also, I have decided to post all future info and updates solely on the "Parameter Variation Machines" thread, so I don't interrupt/hijack the CRI conversation going on here. I believe Dave is going to be posting some of his experimental results there as well, so feel free to drop by if interested.
I can get bare copper (enameled) wire or insulated close to #11 AWG size. My point was using the insulated cable I could close wound the secondary while maintaining roughly the 62% spacing between the conductors. Using the enameled wire it is more difficult to maintain the 1.4 mm spacing between conductors, especially since my secondary is 64 cm diameter. So I guess the insulation would not effect anything except make wounding easier.
The challenge here, as was faced by Tesla, is how to make this "self-capacitance" even smaller. Every connecting lead and nearby insulator burdens the coil.
1) Great response from Farmhand, but do not flatter yourself. My portrayal was directed more towards the free energy secrets guys. In your case I would depict a farm hand engaging in the sodomizing of sheep. An age old practice, but worse things have been known to happen in San Francisco. As far as methyl ether #84, such invertebrae usually do not warrant notice unless you see them squirming in your dogs fecal matter.
I'm not trying to flatter myself, I am a learner when it comes to electronics
but I am proficient at many other things. There is more to life than coils.
Your other comments there show your sickness.
2) Remember your TMT replication? Well now that I made it replicable where did you go? What was your real intent anyway? A little pud that gets all puffed up if told what to do, na na ny na na!
My TMT "replication" was always meant to be a tongue in cheek amateur
crack at it. I never claimed to know anything much, I was experimenting.
The way the title of the thread was written should have been an indicator.
I'm not little either I'm 6 feet tall, and no one tells me what to do unless they
can physically force me or use weapons. I am a human of planet Earth and
my rights are inalienable.
3) My efforts here are on this forum are a unique combination of masturbation and prostitution. It has helped me greatly in restoring my car back to "A" status. For your info I was put here on this forum to be a nemesis by someone who spent too much money on Lindemann's Free Energy Secrets. Lindemann is a serpent from the same ilk as Bearden. He steals the work of others, like robbing the nests of birds.
Fair enough. You don't eat eggs then.
4) What I have done on this forum is salvage the works of the masters from the dumpster and presented them in a simplified manner. It is however that no one here can change a car battery, let alone understand Tesla or his contemporaries. I have been told, "casting pearls to swine", but in reality I have put these works back in public view to be reserved for future non-digitized humans. Little presented here has been my own ideas, but is the words of the masters.
Lot's of people can change car batteries, don't be fooled by your own level of
multiskilling. Myself I was racing cars at 15 with mostly my own money and I
was able to modify the cars and do a lot of the maintenance myself also.
Don't flatter yourself, people are dangerous enough all by themselves. And
there is nothing extra dangerous about a Tesla Coil, unless of course one can
afford or build the 10 kW power supply needed to make it really dangerous.
There are many dangers in life, a crane driver almost dropped a rail wagon
on me once. Please explain how will someone go on a kill spree with a Tesla coil ?
So in about a month I will be on the back side of the fence again, "what ever happened to Eric Dollard." Lucifer Lightship's Vassilatos debunked has shown me the sheer futility of operating in a public forum. It will end and the circle jerk can carry on without any teeth marks from T-Rex. I have finished my service to the silent majority, and nature will take its course. Thank you Aaron.
Thank you oh great one.
In case you didn't notice I have never tried to dispute your work, I just defend my right to do my things, my way, in my time.
No one need be concerned about me posting any more because unless I am
written about in a way I don't like I have no intention of posting any further.
I feel sorry for Eric Dollard. He puts all this neat stuff on a forum, freely, might I add. He takes several decades of his time, and is repeatedly pissed on by Point Reyes, CommonWeal, Peter Lindermann and anyone else who generally thinks they know what's what. Including foolish rants that he receives on a public forum where he is trying to communicate to the best of his ability "the fiction" that we call reality. And the reality as it is that is seen as "the fiction". We have been lied to about radio, it's history, and how it works.
there will always be "pissants" and arrogant self righteous egotists that will be unable to accept a person like Eric Dollard. Such genius rarely asserts itself gently. Afterall to a genius it is seen as much more brightly and clearly - the complex is reduced to the foolish and ignorant. That is a guarantee I can be sure of. The truth may be that we are as inferior eachother for as long as we fight eachother.
This does not change the fact that people like Farmhand's and their attempt to embitter and alienate one of the most valuable members of humanity left; someone who wants to build technology that is decent, not for a profit. Sound familiar? Tesla all over again.
It also does not change the fact that idiots like you Farmhand are the exact reason why humanity may live for another 100 or maybe several thousand years before figuring this out. Trouble makers distract geniuses. Edison had his own street gangs to do this. You belong to that club. Shame on ya.
Because small little men like you don't like the idea of being wrong or un-useful to society, so you find people who are, like Eric and criticise them. I am telling you that you are wrong about Eric right now. I've spent literally 3 years of my life going through his entire biographical history, which is hard because he doesn't have a biography. So I had to build one from what I could find. Eric is nothing but a forgotten genius. I have for the last 2 years worked relentlessly to try and get him into the public domain. It has worked to a degree, it is a great relief to me.
The small little man situation - It all ends with everyone acting like a small-headed idiot, because what's the point of a person helping a stupid monkey, what is the point of giving them the gun, the pandora's box, the great arch? They are likely to harm themselves with it, or yourself. The truth is that this is nature's law - and what BS comes from the few, or in this case the majority, is a lesson for the silent minority.
Don't give up Master Dollard. You are the only master left. After all, some of us appreciate your sense of humour greatly. I am still cackling at the Einstein is dialing 911 and Tesla is rotating in his grave at 1800rpm. Funny stuff.
It would be great if we can continued discussing Faster than Light, those Longitudinal Waves and transverse (reflections), and if possible touch on delayed lenz effect, and the difference/ratio between the longitudinal wave propagation speed and the transverse propagation speed.
Obviously there is a reason for the difference in the speed of the two waves that could be simplified greatly. I have attempted to do this, as well as express energy in a more universal way (orbiting atomic force). This was an attempt to create a more universal descriptor for energy storage and conversion that had a bearing in chemistry, and physics. We are so close, or rather, you are so close - I can feel it. David Dawson had the tanedem working, and it looks like the concatenated T.M.T builds are just starting to get interesting!
The question is will we give up this quest ourselves, and sacrifice our efforts, and will it ultimately lead to the sacrifice of a better humanity; in the place of the small minded would we as intellectuals and "prodigy" substitute our impatience or bitterness for the rest of man? Should we flee from the spoilt choice of the flock when they bite our hands? What if it can feed them indefinitely? One would conclude that it was dangerous to give them that sort of power, since they already bite the hand that helps them - this is self destructive. I believe this is what Eric see's when he looks at humanity.
I have not been paid for a long time now, I am working full time on Eric's work to my best abilities, I cannot do this alone for sure. I have combined it with the work of Steinmetz and the work of Leedskalnin.
If only people knew the importance of the square root of -1. Then we would not be having the conversations that are pointless. The question is if not you Eric, then who. There is nobody else.
Eric, don't let this one slip away with you too. That already happened to Leedskalnin and others. It is time - the world is ready to know - and our sins, be separate to our saviours by the refining of the achievement, and our steadfastness is to hope as the abandonment of it in achievements wonders. You can make this happen. I am much like you, I think very differently and I consider myself "surrounded".
I don't want you to give up Eric. Please don't. We need you. (Humanity). People like Leedskalnin and Tesla really did know it, and we both know they left many clues in their work to make sure it was not lost. Have you left enough clues Eric. We do not live forever as individuals and if we have a philosophy that is more like the new babylon than the original sin that we call society today, then you will need to speak up, speak up and loud, and ignore distraction be it I or any other fool who stands in your way. This is what must be done to liberate humanity. This is not supposed to be easy.
Whilst it's obviously my opinion that people like Farmhand do a lot of damage to the usefulness of your transmissions, and whilst him, and others like myself may distract you. We are obviously less than you in intellect, and that is merely the difference between the student and teacher. Teachers do not go around looking for their equals, that is what human beings want to do though. I know it is what I search for, I am very different and I was never lucky enough to meet my equal, someone who considered the wideness of my ideas. Such as intercepting the energy from the moon that makes the sea move. This is not small stuff, this is amazing stuff that can and will one day liberate humanity. Eric's ideas are wide - and it should be respected at the very least that Dollards credentials check out. Regardless of the fact that small minded people do not like the idea that the square root of -1 is capable of growing energy that appears to be "life-like" from the thin air - or that people like you, like me , that believe in self sacrifice for something good and desirable over profit, or deception - you have my deepest respect and condolences.
Living in this humanity is but torture to me, but where else do we go? People like me, people like Farm, they did not have a proper education. I think that is clear. This thread is supposed to be for that means, not for Farm to have some sort of "tit for tat" argument in a thread that is meant for something else quite different. Moderators?
No one need be concerned about me posting any more because unless I am
written about in a way I don't like I have no intention of posting any further.
There was good reason why the other thread was closed, in attempt seal off the leak before the ‘sh##’ spread out of control, so why bring it up again and let it pollute here too? Granted, you have the right to reply, but is it really necessary?
Mr Farmhand while you and T-Rex have not quite seen eye to eye from the beginning due to reasons of ego and misunderstanding mostly, however I don’t believe that you are the real enemy here Farmhand. You do have things of value to offer here, so don’t run off in a huff just because you might be bitten now and then.
I think you are slightly over-reacting to T-Rex’s comment in the other deplorable thread. His comment was an analogy, you know that and I doubt you really took offense by it. (It was rough but accurate). It was brought on by his anger directed at those provoking with sharp sticks. You also dared to bite back at the T-Rex, (to perhaps get even)? It seemed T-Rex though, even gave you a back-handed compliment to your reply. So just let it be.
Some of the Shills and Antagonists were exposed which was useful. So let’s just let it rest, seal it off and let’s move on without the pollution being spread here too.
Tesla coils are dangerous, (or can be) and the teachings here are also dangerous if the implications are fully understood. A proper understanding of Tesla & his technology may lead to the betterment of humanity which is true, but everything can be twisted & turned into a weapon, as man tends to do. The Death Ray for example is something that would certainly be ‘Classified’ as dangerous.
Last edited by Sputins; 07-05-2012, 09:41 AM.
Reason: spelling
"Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD
Today I was able to piece together a copy of 'Basic Mathematics in Electrical Communications' by James Perrine which is the pre-published edition of 'Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communications' by Perrine. Here's something Dollard has said regarding this book;
But Philo did, and he made a noteworthy remark: Philo stated that “if you were to develop a system for the Hyperbolic Functions, rather than the Circular Functions, then you would have found the Holy Grail of Electrical Engineering”.
He offered no explanations on this remark but then gave me one of his father’s books. It was “Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communications” by Perrine. This was the genesis of my work in Versor Alegebra.
So if that interests you give it a read. Personally I have found this book great from what I have read, it's surprisingly easy to understand.
Raui, thanks for the reply to my post. As a heads up, you will have a tough time converting the vacuum cleaner motor over to a reluctance motor. At least for me, it took me a whole day to remove the rotor windings and shave the rotor into a rectangle.
I picked up these books,
Forced Oscillations in Non-linear Systems, Chihiro Hayashi, 1953
A Vector Approach to Oscillations, Henry G. Booker, 1965
Oscillations in Non-linear Systems by Jack Hale, 1963
for super cheap ($4 per book) online the other day thinking that they might be useful for this research project. It looks like you have the much newer book by Hayashi, I'm curious what the differences between the 1953 book and his later 1985 book on non-linear oscillations are, if any. At any rate, I think I will pick up a copy of the newer book, when I find a good deal, to be safe.
A little known book that is a true treasure trove for this type of research is "The Parametric Transformer" by E.S. Tez, 1977. Its available for free online, I don't remember the link, but if you did a search you should be able to find it easily.
I have lots of new material regarding the naturally excited parametric oscillator which carries over to other modes of excitation, but will wait to post any new details until I can experimentally confirm everything. I don't want to be spouting nonsense and inaccurate information. But for a nitty-gritty update on the matter, the naturally excited circuit is basically an RLC circuit with a negative resistance as the driving source. The maximum resistive load that will still allow for oscillation, is equal to the source negative resistance subtract the inherent losses due to hysteresis, ect. The addition of a load de-tunes the circuit, but not too much if it doesn't exceed the maximum. This mode isn't the most efficient for power generation, but lots of valuable information has been collected that would help describe other modes of operation.
Also, I have decided to post all future info and updates solely on the "Parameter Variation Machines" thread, so I don't interrupt/hijack the CRI conversation going on here. I believe Dave is going to be posting some of his experimental results there as well, so feel free to drop by if interested.
Good Luck,
Garrett M
Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I will try another avenue then. I wish I could tell you a bit more about the book but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Hopefully by the end of the holidays I will have started it. That is unless I can get a copy of Communications Networks before because I do really want to check that book out. I haven't seen the Tez thesis before but looking at it now it looks like you're right - it's a treasure trove. I'll wait til I've had time to read it a bit more to further comment on it though.
Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I will try another avenue then. I wish I could tell you a bit more about the book but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Hopefully by the end of the holidays I will have started it. That is unless I can get a copy of Communications Networks before because I do really want to check that book out. I haven't seen the Tez thesis before but looking at it now it looks like you're right - it's a treasure trove. I'll wait til I've had time to read it a bit more to further comment on it though.
Don't let me discourage you in building the reluctance motor, I only wanted to let you know that it wasn't as easy to do as I first thought it would.
On another note, I have Ernst Guillemin's Communication Networks Vol 2 (book), Theory of Linear Physical Systems (book), Mathematics of Circuit Analysis (.pdf) and access to his Introductory Circuit Theory (online only book) Via HathiTrust.
So if you know of any chapters you would like for reading let me know and I will scan them in for you.
Hehe, thanks Sputins Those spiral coils you posted before were looking nice too. How are they coming along?
My spiral coils were an attempt at replicating what Eric had done in his early videos. They were under construction prior to the CRI being offered. They are constructed in a similar manner, 16 wooden (well dried) spoke like supports make of Tasmanian oak, coated with polyurethane. Each with two times ten turns (20.5 turns) or 26.5 meters of RG-178 co-axial cable, coils oppositely wound. I have the copper for the primary now but it requires further construction. However with my current situation these have taken a long time to complete and there is also the loading coil or the Alexanderson coil which makes up part of the original design. However the spiral coils may be better utilised for other projects perhaps?
Last time I showed something I built, I think I annoyed T-Rex or let him down, as it wasn’t constructed per the instructions given but worse, I complained that I had a limited workshop, tools, equipment, time, money and space to work with. – This when Eric lost much of his life’s work, notes, equipment and almost everything, so my complaints are and were pathetic in comparison to his situation. So I sincerely apologise Eric.
So within the confines of my small workshop I have various things under construction: The Spiral coils, (in CIG format), the CRI under re- construction, ground system and most recently I have been attempting to build a pulse generator circuit utilising the 2050 Thyratrons. I have the tubes, sockets, HV DC supplies and I have just completed the heater supply for the 2050. It needs 6.2 volts at 0.6 amps, so I have used this power supply design attached. Hopefully it is acceptable and not NFG. It should do for one, perhaps two or more 2050 Thyratrons. Is there anyone else making a pulse generator circuits, using these or other Thyratrons? In November I should have a lot more time to work on these projects, so I should be able share my activity then. However there are many other domestic issues that require my attention before then.
@Garrett, the parametric work you are doing is fantastic, I would like to get involved also (too many projects on the go already though). However I’d attempt a high rate of change of capacitance, a rotary capacitor like Chris Carson built. However somewhat larger! Variable balanced capacitor plates could be constructed, laser cut; good bearings with quad rings to seal the drive shaft; contain the assembly within a suitable airtight housing, maybe even gas filled or under a vacuum? Or maybe it needs to open to the ‘air’?
@ T-Rex; Mr Wizard; N6KPH; Mr Eric Dollard: Don’t let those damn Hydrozoan Organisms get the better of you!
Farmhand isn't a trouble maker, it's just a misunderstanding/miscommunication that has obviously completely spiralled out of hand. I was also involved in the TMT "Replications" thread and if it wasn't for that then I probably wouldn't be here now. I learned loads through observable effects during its course that is being applied now. There was no instruction manual so we were progressing in "real time" and sharing things in the thread, it was all a learning process that happened to be posted on a public forum. It was thought that besides digging out information from Tesla's writings and patents, the mistakes and the practical approach described in such a sequential way could be useful to anyone else who was also learning. Which conveniently leads into the fact that the coil I've been testing here was built taking some of Farmhand's build ideas into consideration. If it wasn't for him building it first and sharing his creative input in the forbidden thread then I would have had some things that would have needed fixing construction wise, which I would have only found out about after building it and testing it. But fortunately, I was able to build it with those fixes already in place. That was the good thing about the forbidden thread that unfortunately isn't seen here.
[edit] Although things would quickly get swamped and lost if everyone was sharing everything in the same place so it wouldn't be ideal here, it's still nice to have that kind of technical information that could save countless hours of work etc.
"A fool learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others."
My spiral coils were an attempt at replicating what Eric had done in his early videos. They were under construction prior to the CRI being offered. They are constructed in a similar manner, 16 wooden (well dried) spoke like supports make of Tasmanian oak, coated with polyurethane. Each with two times ten turns (20.5 turns) or 26.5 meters of RG-178 co-axial cable, coils oppositely wound. I have the copper for the primary now but it requires further construction. However with my current situation these have taken a long time to complete and there is also the loading coil or the Alexanderson coil which makes up part of the original design. However the spiral coils may be better utilised for other projects perhaps?
Sounds like a lot of work went into them. I don't know how the loading coil is supposed to work, but I managed to get two spirals with a lot less work than you've put into them to work* without it. You can certainly do some cool one wire/no wires via capacitive coupling mains voltage filament bulb and lighting bulbs in your hands tricks with it if not for transmission purposes. That should get any visitors to your workshop scratching their heads at least
*Disclaimer: "Working" and "working properly" may be two completely different things But you should get some sort of results anyway. This is what I was originally up to with spark gaps in the tread that annoyed Eric.
@Nhopa: I think the reason why your images got deleted might be due to the image size (dimensions, not file size).
[edit] Progress report: The extra coil terminal capacitance arrangement was not satisfactory so the planned tests have not begun. Taking the same "pressure fitting" suspension principle of the extra coil on the 20mm PVC conduit, a fitting was constructed to support a 22mm x 5cm piece of copper tubing, onto which fits an in-line connector allowing for connection of another 15cm length, with a second in-line connector at the top for easy attachment and changing of the capacitance terminal, with intention for different ones to be securely fitted to various pieces of split copper tubing. The centre piece of tubing may also be as easily replaced with a different length allowing for terminal height adjustment.