Originally posted by Kokomoj0
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Eric P. Dollard
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And if it is a dielectric, then you could consider the reordering of any polar particle bound in this space to be rotational, which would emit a totally different relative B field than a point a to point b translation in space.
The rotational motion of electrons has been documented through some damn good engineering with EH and HZ antenna, which consequently do NOT communicate with hertzian antenna,
interesting no?
NFG, An Attack upon the U.S.S Nimitz
1) People do stupid things. One is having your dog chase a pack of coyotes. Once the dog is out of your sight the coyotes will kill it. An even more stupid thing is to fire a shot across the bow of a U.S. Naval Vessel, this is suicide for sure.
2) And it came to pass that Joe Blow refused to believe the cross phased generator was electrically rotating backwards. He violently exclaims, slobbering on the switchboard in the process, "There is no backward rotation, look, the sync lights go dark, see, both generators are 60 cycles see, so where is your F***ING Backward Time!" Joe Blow closes the generator breaker and a massive blast results. The entire ship loses power and now is adrift. The ship finally capsizes, killing 20, including Joe Blow.
3) T-Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex, or terrible lizard). A large agressive reptile that bites and tears flesh in the course of its daily existence.
4) So, Joe Blow from Kokomo:
Cease and desist from your disruptive argumentations. You argue using terms you do not comprehend. Further you force your mal-aligned understanding upon others, relentlessly. This pathological behavior is best suited for the pissing wall behind the "Hoon Saloon." If you have no interest in antennae, no interest in anyone's hard earned theories, such as lamare, and if you are defiant against Steiner-Steinmetz projective geometry, THEN GO FIND ANOTHER FREQUENCY jackass. The toilet is made for vomit, not the kitchen sink, so how about a nice big QRT!!
Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories
Eric Dollard 2007 Presentation - Misconceptions of Electricity and More
Eric Dollard 2007 Presentation - Misconceptions of Electricity and More - YouTube
Lamare, excellent post. I myself come from a theoretical physics background and over the last decade have been undergoing a paradigm shift if you will. It started with a conversation I had with a friend that worked at LANL, in that discussion the subject of the fundamental structure of the universe was questioned. Obviously I can't share the bulk of that conversation but it started me on the path of trying to figure out what's going on.
I've come across many many theories and there is a 'theme' between the ones that filter to the top in my opinion. they all have to do with the wave nature of matter. Milo Wolf's work is worth a look, another hands on self-experimenter is Eric Reiter, and then Mike Towlers graduate lecture course on pilot wave theory is another good reference. Quantum theory at the cross roads by Antony Valentini is an eye opener, puts the swiss cheese out in the open. If I get a chance to make over to Italy I'll try and get in his summer program.
Lee Smolin put his neck out early on and shined the light on quantum physics, that's the start of what had me questioning my education. I follow where you're coming from. Oddly I've had to re-learn electricity as QED is very different. Electrostatic optics is all but forgotten today, quantization and eigenvalue steps have replaced the wave function on the fundamental level, a wrong turn was made.
Eric may not be concerned with the fundamental nature of the universe however his work ties right into it whether he knows it or not.
I'm working on adapting some software from MIT's electronic research lab to calculate interturn capacitance and inductance fields to ease the burden on sheer amount of calcs needed to fine tune the parameters. The tentative results on Erics coil calcs are fascinating, Eric has had to have spent time either experimenting or running calc after calc to arrive at his results.
Originally posted by lamare View PostThe toy as such is pretty nice to start with. However, it does NOT transmit longitudinal dielectric waves, which he calls scalar waves.
So, his theories and explanations are full of holes, even though his derivation of his version of the Maxwell equations appears to be all right and his explanation of the existence of vortexes in the ether is a step in the right direction.
Other than this demonstration and these two points, the guy has managed to put out an awful lot of disinformation.
and what is the distinguishing characteristic that you can say unequivocally that is the case?
I personally have not seen any evidence with that regard and likewise that anyone has ever built a tesla version that did.
500 Watt Tesla Dollard-type Scalar Wave System and plans for sale Ebay
Hi there, this is Bill Jensen again. Experimentalist, not a math wizard. Hope I don't cause trouble with this post. I'm the fellow who sells the 1 watt Meyl system on Ebay, mentioned earlier.
I have re-posted on Ebay (it was only up last time for 1 day) a 500 Watt system for sale that duplicates some of the effects seen by Eric Dollard. Its taken me a year to do it. I need funds to continue my research.
eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
Here are my 4 hi resolution videos, done in haste, of the 500W system:
Bill Jensen
Originally posted by wdjensen123 View PostHi there, this is Bill Jensen again. Experimentalist, not a math wizard. Hope I don't cause trouble with this post. I'm the fellow who sells the 1 watt Meyl system on Ebay, mentioned earlier.
I have re-posted on Ebay (it was only up last time for 1 day) a 500 Watt system for sale that duplicates some of the effects seen by Eric Dollard. Its taken me a year to do it. I need funds to continue my research.
eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
Here are my 4 hi resolution videos, done in haste, of the 500W system:
Bill Jensen
Originally posted by lamare View PostSo, the TMT is designed to transmit power into the "ground" connection of the secondary, while the Tesla coil actually is a transmitter for radio waves.
However, on the picture with the transmitter, we clearly see a blue wire coming of the outer winding of the secondary leading somewhere. Where else could it possibly lead but to the water???
Transmission of Power Without Wires (Scalar Waves) - YouTube
At 1:24 there's a view of the whole thing with the table legs, a wire could be hidden along the legs, but I can't see any wires going to the legs or anything.
Also further down the page you linked there are these videos with no evidence of any wires going into the water
The black wire from the secondary does connect to a plate of some kind under the boat, there's a good view of it in one of the videos. But it's all pretty inconclusive as far as the ground connection goesUnfortunately whoever filmed the last video didn't think to follow the other wire to see where it goes.
In Meryl2TeslaTech2007.wmv someone comments on the tower but I can't make out what he says. But either way, according to Eric's crystal radio diagrams and other experiments, the "tower" isn't entirely necessary:
There I'm using metal table legs as the terminal capacitance on the receiver (for convenience purposes of making the video). It's a 2cm x 2cm receiving coil wound around a pine dowel so is only intended for experimental purposes, the plan being that I needed a coil small enough to fit inside a tiny toy radio controlled submarine. Anyway, the point being as the diagram at the start shows, the metal capacitance plate C, instead of being elevated high up in the air, can be placed in proximity with the tank of water, forming a condenser between the water "ground" and the top terminal capacitance plate, the distance of which from the water adjusting the capacitance and the receiver output. So why the big radio antenna looking "tower" on top of Meyl's boat...http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
SFTS powerpoints
As per Dave (Web000x) I have converted Eric Dollard's powerpoint lectures to pdf from the San Francisco Tesla Society Dec 9, 2007 lecture and uploaded them to my site.
Resources – Eric Dollard » Gestalt Reality- Pt.1 – People – Eric Dollard SFTS Powerpoint (pdf 2.29mb)
- Pt.2 – Aether – Eric Dollard SFTS Powerpoint (pdf 12.9mb)
- Pt.3 – Algebra – Eric Dollard SFTS Powerpoint (pdf 85.1mb)
What I find particularly cool is a theory of gravity that Tesla proposed. Imagine two spheres in space. Radiant energy rays strike both objects mostly from all sides. Similar to neutrinos a lot of the rays may pass right through objects. Depending on their density however, some rays will not make it through. For a free standing sphere the energy is striking equally on all sides, however for two spheres "close" together a pressure gradient is formed between the two spheres and the they arepulled towards each other...rather than pushed due to the "low" pressure zone.
Edit: I stand corrected, thanks to lamare. The objects are pushed together in the gravity model. (I got it confused with the prior electrostatic model where things are "pulled apart".)
A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard
Originally posted by Gestalt View PostWhat I find particularly cool is a theory of gravity that Tesla proposed. Imagine two spheres in space. Radiant energy rays strike both objects mostly from all sides. Similar to neutrinos a lot of the rays may pass right through objects. Depending on their density however, some rays will not make it through. For a free standing sphere the energy is striking equally on all sides, however for two spheres "close" together a pressure gradient is formed between the two spheres and the they are pulled towards each other...rather than pushed due to the "low" pressure zone.
It is very similar to how airplane wings create lift:
Lift (force) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If one takes the experimentally observed flow around an airfoil as a starting point, then lift can be explained in terms of pressures using Bernoulli's principle (which can be derived from Newton's second law) and conservation of mass.
Note that this matches exactly with Paul Stowe's findings:
Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Personal E Mail
I have determined that in my opinion all of physical processes can be defined in terms of the aether populational momenta (p). Such that,
Force (F) -> Grad p
Charge (q) -> Div p
Magnetism (B) -> Curl p
Gravity for example is Grad E where E is the electric potential at x. This resolves to Le Sagian type process as outlined in the Pushing Gravity models. The electric potential E in turn is created by charge which is Div p...
Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Postand what is the distinguishing characteristic that you can say unequivocally that is the case?
I personally have not seen any evidence with that regard and likewise that anyone has ever built a tesla version that did.
All right, that statement was a bit short around the corner. I should have used "hardly" instead of "NOT".
Let's also draw in dR-Green's statement:
At 1:24 there's a view of the whole thing with the table legs, a wire could be hidden along the legs, but I can't see any wires going to the legs or anything.
OK. Now that we have a basic understanding the difference between Tesla's TMT and his Tesla coil, which was also a transmitter, we are in a situation that we can think about designing a Tesla coil for the transmission of longitudinal waves at a frequency of our choosing, basically using well established antenna design principles. After all, if we want to transmit radio waves, we are talking about antenna design and thus need to use antenna design principles.
The most important design parameters in this case are the circumferences of the primary and extra coils. The primary coil should have a circumference such that a whole number of transverse wavelengths fit around the coil and thus it comes in resonance (*), and the extra coil should have an odd number of half transverse wavelengths so that it cancels out the transverse wave and thus becomes a waveguide for longitudinal waves.
(*) Like a "one lambda loop" feed. See: HAM Radio of SM6FHZ 432 MHz Feed comparison
With this in mind, we can calculate (within 10% or so) the frequency our Tesla coil transmiter will operate on, using the following formula for the diameter of the primary:
Code:f_res = 30,000 / (D * pi ) f in MHz, D in cm
With a diameter of 20 cm for the pancake coil and thus 10 cm for the extra coil, the proper (resonant) operation frequency of a Tesla coil transmitter system lies somewhere between 400 and 500 Mhz.
Now what would happen if we would take a sphere with a diameter that is half the diameter of our primary coil, 10 cm in this example?
Right. You would get the same situation with respect to the electromagnetic waves propagating around your antenna: they are out of phase and thus are suppressed.
So, the extra coil is not the only way to emit longitudinal waves, one can also use a sphere. And actually, that was the first direction I thought about with my moon bounce attempt:
Originally posted by lamare View PostSo, I went looking for some information on how to do this in practice, and it seems that all you need to be able to transmit and/or recieve longitudinal waves is spherical antenna:
Monstein, Wesley - Observation of scalar longitudinal electrodynamic waves(2002).pdf
This is the sketch of the aluminium ball antennas from the pdf:
Now if you would mount such antenna's on a set of ordinary sattellite dishes, you could perhaps easily build longitudinal antenna with high gain, as some people do for the transmission of EM WiFi signals:
How-To: Build a WiFi biquad dish antenna -- Engadget
TREVOR MARSHALL - Biquad feed for primestar dish
It seems to me that this is not only doable, but also doable within a reasonable hobby-budget.
However, for the efficient radiation of radio waves with a sphere, one needs to get it into resonance, as with all antennas. EVERY antenna design you study comes down to solving three problems:
1) maintaining resonance in a certain conducting geometric structure, either by the design of the structure itself or by adding capacitances and/or inductances in order to shift the resonating conditions from the natural resonance condition of the structure to a different, desired, frequency. For example, the addition of capacitors for tuning a magnetic loop antenna: 80-20m Magnetic Loop Antenna by Frank N4SPP
2) choosing/tinkering with the geometry of the antenna system, such that the energy is radiated in the desired direction. See for example: HAM Radio of SM6FHZ 432 MHz Feed comparison
3) matching the impedance of the antenna to the impedance of the power source. See for example: Antenna Matching
Properly matching the antenna impedance to the line impedance is important, especially if you're using an automatic antenna controller. [...] Literally thousands of articles have been written about antenna impedance matching.
All right. Now what we are looking at with Meyls system, is a pancake coil with a diameter in the order of 10-20 cm and a sphere with a diameter in the order of 5-10 cm. That means that for such a system to work properly as a longitudinal transmitter, he should work at at least 400 Mhz, while he works at around 1-5 MHz. That's a factor 100 lower in frequency!
So, the question is: what DOES it do??
Well, there is a sphere on top with a radius much smaller than the wavelength he is working with. And that sphere does emit a certain amount of longitudinal waves, because it acts as an isotropic radiator ( Isotropic radiator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). But because of the small size of the sphere in relation to the used wavelength, this works very poorly.
This is very similar to trying to make low frequency bass sounds with a small loudspeaker, such as an earphone. Yes, you can emit hearable low-frequency sounds with an earphone that are detectable at some distance, but it remains a toy compared to a decent bass speaker.
So, what we are left with is the piece of wire between the sphere and the coil, the coil secondary, and the connection to either ground, a ground plane or the receiving coil.
Now with a frequency around 3 MHz, you are working with a wavelength of about 100m, so for the efficient transmission of energy, you would either need huge antenna's or settle for something smaller and then get that into resonance. This is being done all the time and is called "Electrical lengthening":
Electrical length - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electrical lengthening is the modification of an aerial which is shorter than a whole-number multiple of a quarter of the radiated wavelength, by means of a suitable electronic device, without changing the physical length of the aerial, in such a way that it corresponds electrically to the next whole-number multiple of a quarter of the used wavelength. A lengthening is only possible to the next whole-number multiple of a quarter of the radiated wavelength. Thus an aerial with a length corresponding to the eighth of the radiated wavelength can be extended only to a quarter-wave radiator, but not to a half wave radiator.
There are two possibilities for the realisation of the electric lengthening.
1) switching in inductive coils in series with the aerial
2) switching in metal surfaces, known as roof capacitance, at the aerial ends which form capacitors to earth.
Often both measures are combined.
We have a spherical roof capacitance and a pancake inductive coil in series with the aerial, which also acts as the means to couple in the energy from the transmitter/signal generator into the antenna system.
So far, so good.
Thus we have established that Meyl's "scalar wave transmitter" is in essence an electrically lengthened whip antenna that is thus capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves reasonably efficiently.
The only thing is that there are two "whip" antennas connected to one and the same lengthening coil: the wire going to the top capacitor, and the "ground" wire.
All in all, this gets pretty complicate to further analyze, but the bottomline is that this system has everything it needs to transmit normal TEM waves reasonably efficiently, while it only has this little "earphone" on top to transmit longitudinal waves with.Last edited by lamare; 04-05-2012, 09:59 AM.
Free antenna simulator software
It looks like there is an interesting antenna simulator available that can be downloaded for free:
4nec2 antenna modeler and optimizer
4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display and/or compare near/far-field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler.
When running frequency sweeps, linear or logarithmic style SWR, Gain, F/B-ratio and impedance line-charts are produced. With the included Optimizer and Sweeper one is able to optimize antenna- and/or other environment-variables for Gain, resonance, SWR, efficiency and/or F/B, F/R-ratio. With the sweeper one is able to graphically display the effect of changing one or more of these variables for a specified range of values/frequencies.
For the starting modeler a graphically based 3D geometry-editor is included which requires no additional NEC knowledge while still enabling you to create and visualize and compare current-distribution, far/near-field patterns and Gain/SWR charts. More experienced modelers can use the gradient style and/or the genetic algorithm based optimizers to improve their designs.
4nec2 screenshots
A quick tour:
4nec2 antenna simulator quick tour - YouTube
A quick tour around the 4nec2 antenna simulator software. This software is free and works very well. If you are interested in antenna simulators, this software allows up to 11000 segments (with optional free engine) and comes standard with about 500 segments.
Apparantly, it also runs on Linux under Wine:
Antenna Modeling, Courtesy of Ubuntu and Wine
Here's someone that already simulated a spiral antenna:
Modeling Indoor Spiral Antenna with 4NEC2? - Digital Forum
And there's a wikipedia page on NEC, the "engine" within 4nec2:
Numerical Electromagnetics Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) is a popular antenna modeling software package for wire and surface antennas. It is credited to Gerald J. Burke and Andrew J. Poggio, and was originally written in FORTRAN in the 1970s. The code was made publicly available for general use and has subsequently been distributed for many computer platforms from mainframes to PCs.Last edited by lamare; 04-05-2012, 02:24 PM.
Eric, could you please explain to us how this depiction of gravity leads to the conclusion that all the planets and sun are hollow? I've been wondering about this since I heard your statement in the video. I would just like to hear more of your thoughts on this since it is literally "earth changing" information. Thank you!
From Eric latest video “This is what causes objects in space to move towards each other, actually pushed externally, it really is the most sensible view of how gravity operates. But it lead us to conclusions that are very unpopular, because by this type of theory all the planets and the sun have to be hollow, and people don’t like to talk about that.”