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    lamare, you/re kind of incredible ... thanks.


    • Aether, the “Genie in a Bottle”; An Uneducated Mans Overview and Inferences [Pt1]

      Forewarning, the material being presented here is HIGHLY theoretical, full of personal bias and bound to contain errors - read at your own risk.



      Ever since I finished watching the 2007 SFTS Lecture, I haven’t been able to get my mind off of the characteristics of the magnetic & dielectric inductions or a basic theory of the structure of the aether; this has yielded many sleepless nights with slow but definite progress, of which I would like to share with everyone here.

      On a side note, I find it funny that I have the greatest personal “breakthroughs” and insights in the moments between sleep and consciousness (before sleep and before waking up). I’ve come to the conclusion that the subconscious mind processes the thoughts you are most interested in, independently, without the conscious mind’s awareness. It would seem that only in the transitory moments between the two mental states, can you gain access to this “hidden information”. The “information” of the subconscious isn’t in the form of “thoughts”, instead its more akin to “feelings” or “gut instincts” that if dwelled upon, crystallize to form new thoughts and ideas. This is profoundly useful, but obviously isn’t the best resource for empirical information, however, it is an invaluable method of collecting granular pieces of important ideas beyond the reach of the conscious mind. This of course, is only useful if you can remember what your subconscious mind was telling you, which happens to be quite the issue to overcome.

      With introductory statements out of the way, let’s advance towards a generalized “common man” understanding of the aether, the primary engineering dimensions, and a functional concept of flux lines. This will be done with liberal usage of inductive-logic and functional-thinking throughout the duration of this discussion.

      The material being presented further on isn’t new and definitely isn’t earth shattering but I hope to provide some interesting considerations and dialogue that might lead to a new development in the fundamentals of the individual and mutual concepts brought up.

      As was best said by Heaviside,

      “There is a time for all things: for shouting, for gentle speaking, for silence; for washing of pots and the writing of books. Let the pots go black, and set to work. It is hard to make a beginning, but it must be done.” Oliver Heaviside

      So let’s begin.

      The Aether, from an Objective Point of View

      When the exact constitution of the aether comes into question, we are left with the answer that we are attempting to contemplating something beyond human comprehension. The exact properties of the aether are much akin to those of “god”, something beyond the gross material world we exist in, yet it must be out there coexisting alongside us. Like “god”, there is no singular or absolute concept of this mysterious and elusive substance, beyond its mere hypothetical existence and basic function, there are however, many denominations with many explanations, each one exclaiming to know the “real” truth behind the properties of the aether.

      “The Aether is a genie in a bottle, it beckons your command. Tell her what you want her to be, and that she will become.” EP Dollard

      Well what is it? What does it do? Why do we insist it exists?

      Let’s start off with a quote from Heaviside,

      “Aether is a very wonderful thing, it may exist only in the imaginations of the wise, being invented and endowed with properties to suit their hypotheses; but we cannot do without it. How is energy to be transmitted through space without a medium?” Oliver Heaviside

      ET Whittaker gives a painstaking historical outline of the many aether theories that man has conjured up throughout written history, in his book “Theories of Aether & Electricity”, which spans all the way from Descartes “plenum” to Lorentz’s theory of the electron.

      “It is thus erroneous to regard the heavenly bodies as isolated in vacant space; around and between them is an incessant conveyance and transformation of energy. To the vehicle of this activity the name aether has been given.”

      The aether is the solitary tenant of the universe, save for that infinitesimal fraction of space which is occupied by ordinary matter.” ET Whittaker

      As we can see in the above quotes by gentlemen much more wise and perceptive than myself, the aether is a medium through which immaterial energy travels and transmits its force or actions through. Light is only ONE such immaterial energy that utilizes the aether for its passage throughout the universe. This could be seen as a slight parallel to the ocean, as the aether, and the fish as the entities that depend upon its existence to traverse “space”, or that in which the ocean fills. Another parallel, one could use to describe the aether’s function, is that of air and sound, without air, a medium through which disturbances propagate, we couldn’t “hear” any sound. The “vacuum and bell” experiment prove that disturbances HAVE TO HAVE A MEDIUM to be able to propagate, or to “move” through space. This stated in another way, material or mechanical vibrations can only be transmitted across space through another material entity or medium. Of-which, the air serves as for the passage of the mechanical vibration of sound. It would follow that immaterial energy and immaterial forces would have to have an immaterial medium through which they propagate and interact. We call this immaterial medium the aether.

      “What relation subsists between the medium which fills the interstellar void and the condensations of matter that are scattered throughout it?” ET Whittaker

      This question arises time and again, the answers to which vary with the time period they are given.

      My uneducated and lacking answerer, would be that the aether IS SPACE ITSELF, utilizing the scientific logic developed since Newton, we can assume that space can be broken down into INFINITELY SMALL UNITS, of which, would form a “substance” that we could call the “aether”. Wherever this substance is we have “space”, or “something” in which gross matter can occupy and material or immaterial energy can traverse. This is my attempt at fixing one of the problems I have with most aether theories, where space and aether are considered SEPARATE ENTITIES, where the aether is that which “fills” the space. This, in my mind’s eye, is a problem of the highest order. Aether, would then parallel gross matter, if it was a substance that had to fill another (space). If we unite the two into one, we develop the conclusion that space itself is the aether and gross matter is that which occupies a portion of its vastness and in doing so, changes the properties of the aether in that local disturbance of its consistency. This gives some insight into the spatial and time properties of dielectric and magnetic energy, Permittivity, Permeability and Hysteresis.

      “Away from matter (in the ordinary sense) the medium concerned is the ether, and μ [mu] and ε [epsilon] are absolute constants. The presence of matter, to a first approximation, merely alters the value of these constants. The permittivity is always increased, so far as is known. On the other hand, the inductivity [permeability] may be either increased or reduced, there being a very small increase or decrease in most substances, but a very large increase in a few, the so-called magnetic metals.” Oliver Heaviside

      It should be pointed out that ALL KNOWN theories of the aether have irreconcilable flaws that have presented opposition to its usage in today’s scientific world and is replaced with a spiritless, vacant and dead “vacuum”. Although, it has been pointed out that even the modern “vacuum” is quite active, but with “quantum fluctuations” or disturbances so small that they are inconceivable and any attempt at observing them directly causes them to “collapse” or cease.

      “…we have also seen that the wave theory of radiation, in the properties of the luminiferous ether, lead to attributes that are contradictory and thereby impossible. We find the same thing in all theories – the chemical, the thermodynamic, etc. It simply means that our present formulation of the ionic theory, of the electromagnetic wave theory, and of all other theories are very far from final correctness, but are at best only very crude conceptions of the nature of things, which will have to be modified again and again with our increasing knowledge before we can expect to reach a moderately rational conception of nature’s laws and phenomena, if we ever arrive there.” CP Steinmetz

      In conclusion, the message of this post, in essence, was to show how LITTLE we actually know about the aether and how UNCERTAIN we are of its exact nature. In the end, we only have the hypothesis (required by human logic) that a medium must exist for “things” (such as sound, light, or ourselves) to be able to traverse “space”. Whether these things be of a material or immaterial origin, we require a medium to exist and without one, our rules of scientific logic breakdown. Furthermore, I don’t think we need to know the “density”, “elasticity” or any other exacting parameters of the aether to use it, and as soon as we start defining such we begin to develop conclusions that are seemingly impossible. Also, it would seem that to get such information is beyond the reach of man. What we can do, however, is perform experiments to analyze it indirectly and come to generalized conclusions as to its structure and inner-workings. We can then use those to postulate new ideas on how to utilize it for the wants and needs of mankind.

      To give some balance to this aether discussion, before moving on to the primary dimensions and theory of flux lines, here is an excerpt from CP Steinmetz about his views of the aether,

      For now, we will leave this discussion and continue it later on with use and reference to a generalized discussion of flux lines.

      Oliver Heaviside - Electromagnetic Theory, Vol. 1, 1893
      ET Whittaker - A History of the Theories of Aether & Electricity, 1910
      CP Steinmetz - Electrical Disturbances & the Nature of Electrical Energy, 1912

      Next stop, Primary Dimensions. (This may take me a day or two, to get posted)

      Garrett M
      Last edited by garrettm4; 05-09-2012, 04:57 PM.


      • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
        we can assume that space can be broken down into INFINITELY SMALL UNITS, of which, would form a “substance” that we could call the “aether”. Wherever this substance is we have “space”, or “something” in which gross matter can occupy and material or immaterial energy can traverse. This is my attempt at fixing one of the problems I have with most aether theories, where space and aether are considered SEPARATE ENTITIES, where the aether is that which “fills” the space. This, in my mind’s eye, is a problem of the highest order. Aether, would then parallel gross matter, if it was a substance that had to fill another (space). If we unite the two into one, we develop the conclusion that space itself is the aether and gross matter is that which occupies a portion of its vastness and in doing so, changes the properties of the aether in that local disturbance of its consistency. This gives some insight into the spatial and time properties of dielectric and magnetic energy, Permittivity, Permeability and Hysteresis
        Aether IS space. That is a concept that is seriously bending my mind in wonderful ways. What a delightful challenge! Excellent foray into trying to describe and understand the Aether Garrett. I noticed you shied away from this most pertinent and incredibly subjective topic in your previous posts. The state between sleeping and waking is called the Hypnogogic state. Many great minds as well as Tesla I believe actively utilized this state for enhanced creativity in order to understand the primary dimensions/parameters of their work. I base my sleeping schedule around actively using this state for my benefit. The following is my "mystical" understanding of the aether.....which is subject to great change.

        I think the understanding of Aether as a medium akin to water, or a gas or perhaps plasma is very accurate. It definitely appears to be composed of an infinite number of infinitesimally small "things". But what are these "things"... this "stuff" the aether is composed of? My contention is that to really get at perceiving the aether one needs to take a journey into counterspace. You say aether IS space, and I would agree, and I would take it a step further and say counterspace is the inside of the aether. If we can go inside the aether...then we may figure out what aether is.

        Taking a "trip" into counterspace has given me unique insights into how the aether may work on a most fundamental level, and it is incredibly abstract. Spiraling lines of square fractals that replicate and unfold towards infinity permeate the space between the spaces we observe in our world of matter. Each fractal is a portal into another infinitely small universe, that is expanding outwards in "our" space while simultaneously infinitely contracting inwards into counterspace.

        I believe MC Escher really had an intuitive notion of the strange nature of counterspace.

        The fractals form individual lines very strand like somewhat like strings, in a sprial DNA like fashion. The length of the strings themselves appear to go into infinity in both directions. The lines can also be likened to cords, or even perhaps tubes. They do appears to have bounds.

        When zooming out at a 90 degree angle from the fractal lines...or might I say strings one can see the process of replication and folding, the string grows and bends/folds in a very precise geometric pattern. And that is of the golden ratio, the pattern or formative archetype that underlies all of the natural world!

        Notice how a curve is formed from the relationships of geometric squares. In counterspace there are lots of squares, and cubes, but in our world there is hardly a straight line or "square" in nature. It is as if the universe were constantly trying to outdo itself by creating asymmetry and non-linearity. The female..."dielectric" curves as it were come out of the "magnetic" male squares.

        "As above, so below" according to Hermeticism. By delving into the archetypes of counterspace we may come to know the formative structures..or scaffolding of "our" space. On a side note the Caduceus a symbol of Hemreticism appears to be a standing wave! The parallels to Tesla are uncanny. The Caduceus itself embodies the archetype of duality..magnetism & dielectricity....the contractive and the expansive as well the spiral nature of phi or the golden ratio. It is my belief that the golden ration governs the relationship between the magnetic expansive and the dielectric contractive.

        However back to the Aether. The aether itself appears to composed of lines. Magnetism and Dielectricity then are susbstansive forces that do "stuff" to the fractal lines of the aether.

        "Electricity is embodied in the aetheric state of matter, or “proto-matter”. Electricity is aether in a state of dynamic polarization; magnetism is aether in motion, dielectricity is aether under stress or strain. The motions and strains of the aether give rise to electrification. " ~ Eric Dollard

        Now what is interesting to note about long lines...or chords...or strings is their inherent music like nature. When set into vibration or resonance...or oscillation these forces will cohere other lines within the vicinity. Dielectricity a contractive force, can be thought of as analogous to feeling or emotion. The rhythm of emotion is a contractive dielectric force that brings coherence to a system. The parallel here is to the feminine, the emotional the contractive the dielectric! Longitudinal dielectric transmission utilizes contractive dielectric squeezing...polarization of the aether that causes a cascading like domino effect of incredibly fast propagation in counterbalance to the magnetic expansive. Space itself...or the aether as it were is set into pressure contraction and dilation, when the expansive forces of magnetism and the contractive forces of dielelctricity impinge their musical effects on the aether in "space conjugation" you get longitudinal propagation.

        A great little game/exercise in this link, gives a more intuitive feel to how I believe the space/aether fabric itself responds to rhythm, harmony, oscillation and vibration. However I believe the fabric is not a flat like tapestry as Einsteiners would have you believe, rather it is an immersive world which goes out vectorially in all directions. All modes of propagation as well as all our "space" is Aether and therefore occurs in the ocean of space-aether.
        Last edited by Gestalt; 04-15-2012, 07:19 AM.
        A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


        • Seems a bit strange not to mention Walter Russell here and his book The Universal One. It's labelled as Alchemy but I'm not sure why.

          Walter Russell-The Universal One- Alchemy Chemistry

          Here are some diagrams.

          I have some zip files with almost all of the diagrams from the book in them
          in full size.
          I can provide some links for those if anyone wants them.


          • Aether

            Thank you garrettm4, Gestalt and Farmhand. A discussion on the aether was way over due. I doubt we can satisfactorily resolve this issue but at least we may come up with some plausable explanation, concept we can better understand and utilize in our research.
            An interesting reading of aether by Felix F. Gorbatsevich "The Fundamentals of Non-Empty Ether Theory", Contents .
            And now here is my 5 cent worth. I myself often wonder about the aether, I tend to visualize it as a rigid cubic structure that covers the universe. At the cornes of the cubes are located those yet unkown/undefined entities that make up the aether. They permeate all matter from atoms to the univers. How do they interact with matter, radiation, wave motion, gravitation, etc., is not known. A better understanding of the electric, magnetic, dielectric and gravitational behavior/interaction could yield to an uniform deduction and explanation of the aether's properties.
            Although "Academia" ignores the existence of aether they do speak of "Gray matter" and "Black matter" present in the universe. Could these matters be aether with different densities? We are looking and thinking in terms of our universe, our immediate surrounding, but what about the big picture?


            • Originally posted by Martin_L View Post
              lamare, you/re kind of incredible ... thanks.
              Credits go fully to Dave on this one. Thanks a lot!

              All I did was copy the torrent from the Yahoo group to my site. I guess you need to be a member of the Yahoo group in order to be able to download the torrent from there.

              The torrent seems to be pretty popular. I got 8 peers downloading now.


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                Your gagged avatar is not cute, neither does it have anything to do with reality.

                On the contrary it does in fact apply.

                If you have opinions different than what Eric wants to share in his own thread, go start your own thread and post your opinions there.

                That is gagging! You want to filter any on topic disagreement or challenge to dollard from this thread, the thread dollard is posting in.

                That is NO longer discussion that is GAGGING!

                It gets old when disruption isn't tolerated and then this forum is accused of censoring people, which it has never done.

                So challenging dollards theories is now classified as a "disruption" on this board?

                Last time I seen that construction was when people challenged the "Steven Marks" promoters and we all remember the sound of that flushing toilet!

                Again, go start your own thread - you're 100% welcome to go have your say so there and get real - change your avatar because if you think you're being censored, you simply amusing yourself. I know I'm not amused.

                I honestly have ZERO issue with you posting your opinions, whatever they are but just be respectful of those that have the podium in their own threads and if you're asked to not disrupt the flow, go start your own thread - there is nothing stopping you from doing that.

                No you do have an issue with where I post my opinions because they do not agree with Dollards "opinions"

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                This thread is a continuation of:


                which is:

                Senior Member
                Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?
                Just watched the "Tesla transverse and longitudinal electric waves" video again, and remembered that I should ask you, since you were part of the "gang" there...


                How can the continuation of a thread addressed to Peter Lindemann be classified "Dollards Podium".

                If that is the way you want it to be then lets be fair and restrict all posts except Dollards posts and give him a podium, not allow cheerleaders to post and getting rid of everyone else.

                Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                While the "Captain's Mast" was the fate of Joe Blow, the Mr. Wizard achievement award goes to Geo-Algebra. This is for the meritorious effort in determining the frequency of the C.R.I. coils. 1600 Kc is just what I wanted. This can be loaded by a variable condenser down into the center of the broadcast band. More on this later.

                While the greatly increased activity on this forum is very encouraging, La-Mare is drifting far off course, and this is compounding the confusion. The "T.M.T." and the Tesla Coil are not distinct modes. Also Meyl is a waste of time and I see a new trend coming to distort Tesla's real objectives. The "Tesla Coil"is not an antenna. Two modes do exist however, Telluric Excitation and the Earth-Ionosphere Condenser (Air). Excitation of the Earth-Ionosphere condenser runs the aeroplanes.
                Yeh I said it first didnt I!

                La-Mare's biggest error is the insistance upon a transverse component, that physics poison from his university training. The L.M.D. is NOT, NOT, NOT, the T.E. or T.M. The L.M.D. wave has both Phi & Psi in the direction of propogation, there is NO transverse component. Also it would be helpful if La-Mare would stop using the term electric for dielectric. This can only hamper the Steinmetz view on electricity. I went thru great efforts to set the wording right and it would be nice if we could stick with it, or is it that the curse "College Education" causes permanent brain damage? Also La-Mare may find my M.W.O. Antenna (Which Lindemann profits from), may be his moon bounce antenna. I will credit this however, La-Mare's theory about the circumference and length Pi over two factor is getting me thinking, something lurks here of importance.

                Break more to follow
                DE N6KPH

                Meanwhile Dollard has no requirement to be respectful?

                In that thread, link to this one as the thread that you have a debate with if you like.
                On the contrary you are showing the world that you are gagging everyone from posting precisely on topic information with regard to dollards theories and you want them out of the way. On every other board in the world that is considered gagging by degree, or constructive gagging.

                It is patronizing, cheerleading, and billboarding Dollard by removing challenges from the thread in which the topic and claims originated.

                By doing that you will create a thread that caters ONLY to those who agree with Dollard, exactly as Hartiberlin did with the rubbish TPU thread on his board as I told them all it WILL BE A FAILURE.

                That was 4 years ago, it was a failure then, it is a failure now and forever will be a failure.

                Do you want to see Teslas work come to fruition or simply set up a Dollard cheerleading squad? Dollard has NOT shown us any sort of working device that does anything at all! (Meyl has).

                Dollard ridicules people starting with Einstein and totally disrespects anyone with an education, Lamare and myself and other bonafide engineers, but challenging Dollard is out of bounds? Who does not even support his theories with a device?

                When an on topic challenge is construed as a disruption, the appropriate definitions are patronizing, protectionism, billboarding and as can be seen in the case of the TPU can even extend as far as disinformation. It is designed to suppress discussion not encourage it.

                Just like George Bush did when he insured protestors out of DIRECT sight of the media. Is that fair and balanced?

                Dollard has contradicted himself several times. Why hasnt anyone pointed it out? Am I the only one here who is smart enough to put his puzzle together?

                If Dollard wants a podium why doesnt he simply make a web site with no way to contact anyone or respond, what better podium could he wish for?

                So will you be fair?

                If I create a thread challenging Dollard will you put it up as a sticky as long as his posts are up here as stickys so that those of us who disagree with dollard or have different concepts get equal billing with our own podium same as you are giving dollard, just to keep the playing field even?

                Thats Fair enough right?

                ps: I took down the gag avatar as a
                gesture and extension of my good will.

                Last edited by Kokomoj0; 04-15-2012, 05:30 PM.


                • Kokomoj0, I think the point is that the strongest impression that comes across from you is that you are totally unwilling to build something and experiment. It's not a matter of questioning things as far as I see, you just don't seem to be interested in doing anything with it, so it's the whole context in which you ask the questions as well. I read somewhere on here years ago someone mentioning that the good thing about this forum is that people are working on things and not just talking, and most members don't respond kindly to people who insist things with words but are not doing anything in terms of experiments. And like I say the strongest impression is that you don't want to experiment at all, so anything you say will be perceived in a certain way.

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                    Dollard has NOT shown us any sort of working device that does anything at all!
                    Your wrong kokomoj0. Apparently you didn't catch my post.

                    Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                    @ All the skeptics and naysayers that have recently hijacked this thread and are questioning Eric Dollard's work and the theory. Remember that Mr.Dollard ACTUALLY DEMONSTRATED longitudinal transmission through the earth based on the theory he has developed. Go back and watch Eric Dollard, Lindemann & Brown's Tesla Logitudinal Electricity video on youtube. Eric demonstrated real application of theory, and until YOU can demonstrate something equal or better you have little or no right to question his ideas and think you somehow know better.
                    Koko, I think it would be nice if you created your own thread. If enough people like your ideas and think they are valid, then you won't need a sticky and your thread will remain near the top. Your truths will be self-evident and you can demonstrate for us your insights with real working technology like Dollard did with Lindemann in the above linked video.
                    A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                    • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                      About two weeks ago I was banned from the facebook group "Tesla's Ambassadors". I've been suspecting some nonsense going on there for a while and so put it to the test. They insist such things, based on watching someone else's youtube videos, that the energy is transmitted through the air, certain individuals keep, repeatedly, posting the Tesla generator crap, they post any old nonsense that has the world "Tesla" in it as if they are totally obsessed. If you claimed that Tesla invented god then you would be their hero. This is how "enthusiastic" some of them are, factual info is not an issue.

                      Anyway I started being productive, purposely, posting technical information, Eric's lectures, and commenting that the Tesla generator is a scam whenever I got annoyed enough at seeing it on my screen. It sort of became a game, how long will it be before this person realises that every link she's posting is the same as the last one, and the last one was a scam, she seems to have no brain or is doing it on purpose. These people will "Like" just about everything, but they did not "Like" Eric's information very much. I guess it either wasn't entertaining enough (didn't say exactly what they wanted to hear, not enough conspiracy), or it goes against their group policy - confuse everyone with false information.

                      I noticed towards the end that one of the admins started "Liking" Eric's videos that I was posting. Suddenly the head admin returned from wherever he had been, posted a message to the group to the effect of "It has come to my attention certain members are posting scams relating to Tesla. This will not be allowed", and I knew what was coming so kept refreshing the page in anticipation. Suddenly I had the "Content not available" or whatever error. Banned from "Tesla's Ambassadors", the reason being for posting "scams", the reality being posting Eric's lectures and saying that the Tesla generator is a scam. I messaged the admin in case he had gotten confused in his absence pointing out that I was saying what the scams were, NOT posting more scams, and he replied with "Ok sorry about that!!! Bye." and completely blocked my facebook profile so I couldn't even look him up. Also the other admin who 10 minutes earlier was "Liking" my posts had blocked me.

                      So be warned. If you give them information in certain Tesla enthusiast groups how to actually build something you will annoy them and get yourself banned I can't say 100% for sure it's an organised disinfo group, but highly suspicious behaviour going on there.

                      There are 100's if not thousands of boards out here. One board I am on alone has well over 3000 people viewing it at any given time. Now I support teslas work, but if they happen to do that to someone who does not support teslas work, literally anything negative said on any of those large boards drowns not only tesla ambassador but effects all of us because people (the general public) already have the preconception it not only does not but can not work and they do not believe any of this in the first place, so that sort of thing in their minds only confirms their beliefs and they summarily write it off and never look back.

                      I get tired of defending teslas work on these other boards when these people fail to consider the consequences of their actions and the amount of bad PR they bring down on tesla and the whole wireless movement.

                      People doing tesla work have it much more difficult because it drives a stake in the heart of academia. Going off on tangents and double talk wont get past 101 so if people want to revive the work of tesla we cant go around with semantics and simply give it a different label and expect academia to be quiet. Its always better to resolve these differences within prior to that step.

                      I am not surprised, wrong as it is for that board ot do that, its the way it is and implies its agenda driven or purely misguided in the first place.


                      • Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                        Your wrong kokomoj0. Apparently you didn't catch my post.

                        Koko, I think it would be nice if you created your own thread. If enough people like your ideas and think they are valid, then you won't need a sticky and your thread will remain near the top. Your truths will be self-evident and you can demonstrate for us your insights with real working technology like Dollard did with Lindemann in the above linked video.

                        I caught your post, I will not elaborate but that test did not prove the core elements of what you think. Dollard stopped at showing the distinction and has done NOTHING and provided NO EXPERIMENTS beyond making the distinction yet you all call it PROOF, its not. Not even close. Just because one can make a distinction does not prove Dollards constructive theoretical attachments to those distinctions.

                        NO ONE TO DATE has CONCLUSIVELY shown longitudinal to exist not even meyl IN THE TERMS DOLLARD PUTS IT.

                        STOP watering down and discounting my post.

                        If you think I should not have a sticky than neither should dollard.

                        ANYTHING LESS IS NOT EQUAL BILLING. Cheerleaders will read it and not post anything because they do not have the background or they will post off point as the point or their own misconstructions.

                        I do not expect you to understand that.

                        I spent my life working in with electricity too.

                        I do not mean this in any disrespectful way at all, however when you post that link as your proof of concept when I know for a fact is is not, my mind instinctively disqualifies you because you are not taking everything into account that needs to be to make that determination as I believe I have pointed out above.

                        see this is why the thread gets distracted. I make a statement and someone comes along with 500 miles of assumptions puts it up as fact and when I in turn argue their error they turn right around and claim its a distraction.

                        Dollard is the one who should be responding and he is AWOL.

                        Anyway I am not going to drag this on, gawd help I disrupt the cheerleader flow.
                        Last edited by Kokomoj0; 04-15-2012, 06:26 PM.


                        • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                          Kokomoj0, I think the point is that the strongest impression that comes across from you is that you are totally unwilling to build something and experiment. It's not a matter of questioning things as far as I see, you just don't seem to be interested in doing anything with it, so it's the whole context in which you ask the questions as well. I read somewhere on here years ago someone mentioning that the good thing about this forum is that people are working on things and not just talking, and most members don't respond kindly to people who insist things with words but are not doing anything in terms of experiments. And like I say the strongest impression is that you don't want to experiment at all, so anything you say will be perceived in a certain way.
                          Take notice that dollard does not DIRECTLY attack or challenge ANYTHING that I or Lamare has said. He only ridicules me and everyone else who puts him on the hot seat and gloats over himself. I am sure there is a reason for that. I wont get into it.

                          I have been in electricity and worked as an electrical engineer and a believer in Tesla my whole life, had a full blown lab at the age of 19 and you want me to build what exactly?

                          I make suggestions to people and they go completely unheeded, and they have core value, but because it does not go along with the cheerleaders it goes unnoticed.

                          I do not need to wind coils to prove the majority of the theories incorrect that are being tossed around here. I have spent lots of time in the lab and have a whole rack of varying size wire at my disposal that I have not touched because I only need very specific key elements elaborated upon that can only be answered by someone who actually has a working model.

                          They are not being answered by anyone. (get my drift)

                          I will not spend my time building pied piper projects [see steven marks and the tpu] when I can see in advance gaping holes in their theories and they go AWOL when they are questioned. sorry.

                          Now understand this; these theories are not wholy incorrect, but have parts of them that are being misrepresented and incorrectly constructed after the fact.

                          Anyway I am not real thrilled and enthusiastic with posting on this topic anymore.


                          • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                            They are not being answered by anyone. (get my drift)

                            I will not spend my time building pied piper projects [see steven marks and the tpu] when I can see in advance gaping holes in their theories and they go AWOL when they are questioned. sorry.
                            I don't know how many people actually have a working setup anyway, basing it on people who either post pics of their setup or who openly say they are currently building/built something. There's only a couple of people that I know of, everyone else seems to be pretty quiet about it. So I'm not sure it's just a matter of no one is willing to answer or avoiding it.

                            Anyway, the difference here is that this is a scaled down version of Tesla's Colorado Springs coil. You could equally read the CS Notes and use those measurements and scale it down, completely bypassing the convenience of Eric's information. The construction of the frame which holds the wire is shown in a diagram with measurements for the grooves and space between the grooves etc, not a bad place to start if you don't want to "follow" Eric. If there is any pied piper in terms of building something then he is Tesla because that's where it comes from.

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • Tesla Ground Radio vs. Hetzian Air Radio

                              To the naysayers, skeptics (and other "sophomoric excuses for human excrement"):

                              I believe the reason most people don't post anything on the details of their build is multifaceted:

                              1, they are embarrassed how it looks
                              2, they not confident it is built "right"
                              3, they don't have the expensive equipment needed to make accurate measurements
                              4, they don't know how to take those measurements
                              5, they don't have the money or time needed to build and perform the experimentation

                              I currently haven't completed by build yet. I have been collecting the parts needed and also acquiring the very expensive equipment needed to measure, with results worthy of proper scientific argument. In all, I have spent over $2k of my insignificant income and spent an inordinate amount of my personal time in this endeavor, how many people can say they have done that much? Much is required for a project of this order - if you want to have empirical results that wont be laughed at by the working engineers and scientist of today.

                              Not everyone can fill the shoes required for something like this, people can build a model with the scrap parts that they find but can they empirically say that it works? Would you believe them anyways? The answer is no. The lack of "working" examples and results by "replicators" is limited because of these issues. NOT because the principle doesn't work. When I am satisfied with my design, I will be posting my results, but this isn't something that will happen over night, I assume (like myself) we all have to go to work and do other things that interfere with the development of this project. (Time is a precious and elusive entity of which we have a finite amount of.)

                              No one is getting paid to do this as a "day job" so get real, and start doing something yourself or stop you childish complaints. We can complain all day, that SOMEONE ELSE isn't doing anything BUT did we ever think about WHAT WE ARE DOING? This seems to be the 21st Century Disease, blame others for trying, and then go watch ET News, because we care more about what Tom Cruse is doing than what WE ourselves are doing.

                              The naysayers contribute the LEAST to society, they are the arrogant bottom-feeders, the ones who steal other peoples ideas and claim them to be theirs all along. Lets "wake up", and strive to become people who are actually USEFUL to society, that starts with actually doing the experiments to PROVE OR DISPROVE this technology (and maybe watching less tv and playing less video games).

                              Garrett M


                              • Walter Russell diagrams.

                                To all interested.

                                Here are the zip files of the Walter Russell diagrams.


                                Last edited by Farmhand; 04-16-2012, 09:31 AM.

