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Eric P. Dollard

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  • The Final N.F.G.

    I have recently returned from a 600 mile trip into and out of “Babylon”, this in order to read new interesting material on this forum. I had noticed bits and pieces of this here in the “free world”. Well lo-and-behold when I landed in Babylon and looked on the forum all this material had just vanished like a “fart in the wind”. Then further, to “throw poison into the soup” is the yammerings of Joe Blow from Kokomo.

    Let us develop an animal story. Joe Blow exists in analogy to a Trichinosis Cyst. In this is a small parasitic organism, a worm so to speak, that lies dormant in the human body, it awaits the proper conditions for growth. This parasite kills by consuming the muscle tissue of its host. It is contracted from the ingestion of pork.

    Joe Blow was awakened from its dormant condition by the exposure to “Negative Time”. This is a concept that made it violently squirm. Considering this fact, it is quite possible the organism can be eradicated from the victim host by heavy exposure to B.W.V.-1080. So, let us travel backward in time. On the date in time of April 3 it was presented on this forum a page from C.P. Steinmetz where he plainly states that in A.C. work R is not equal to one over G. This is very basic Electrical Theory. Now it came to pass, in response, Joe Blow displays on this forum, on or about the date in time of April 4, the same aforementioned Steinmetz page. At the bottom of the page Joe Blow exclaims that Yes indeed R is one over G, the opposite of Steinmetz's own words! What are we to think, is this a pathological situation?

    This is an open and shut case in my mind. Joe Blow is hereby charged with willful and malicious interference to a civil communication channel. Where now is the F.C.C? Ham radio operators call this intentional QRM. In the military it is called “Enemy Jamming”, and hereby I must engage the C.R.M.-114 between myself and this forum. General Turgison, U.S.A.F. Will brief you on the function of the C.R.M.-114. (“Dr. Strangelove”). The O-P-E is my postal addresss, this will circumvent the QRM. Hereby specific questions can be responded to, without harassment.

    Next, for Lamare: His story is developing into the arch-typical example of what a college “education” can do to the human mind. Here again we meet with a pathological condition. As a case in point it is to be noted that it was put forth on this forum a very basic engineering proposition, the forces acting upon a D.C. Powerline, like the one I am looking at as I sit here now. Assuredly one possessing a “Masters” degree in electrical engineering could provide an answer very quickly, at least one would think so. But the response to this and other important questions was only quantum babble. I would suspect that these “high degree” engineers could not even wire a D.C. switchboard on a tugboat, not even at the point of a gun!

    There can be no excuse here that I have not provided adequate material to further the longitudinal transmission initiative, the Steinmetz Sphere in space, the Steinmetz lightning wave and the resulting Marx Generator, the waveguide modes, and even the J.J. Thompson idea that a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field. However Lamare just side steps it all and gives us another later of Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke. For all the volumes of material that I have put on this forum little of value has come back from these pendantic “high degree” engineers and physicists. Hence my “experiment” here on this forum has shown the college “education” to be useless for the understanding of electricity.

    Verily this forum is not a kitchen sink of ideas but it is more like a Greyhound bus station toilet bowl filled one foot above the seat. I have no inclination to engage in a “Bengal Squat” on the seat of this forum. However I will continue to transmit on the forum as usual, this as before is directed to the “Silent Majority” such as conceived by R.M. Nixon. All material is given from the standpoint of electrical engineering and ham radio. The directive here is the physical and mathematical experiment, only thru experiment can useful engineering knowledge be gained.

    It should be remembered that I am not here on this forum because I really want to be. My presence here is only a consequence of a concatenated series of disasters, a lost coyote, an impaired Corolla....abject destitution, all this in a nation of absolute swine hurtling into a violent self destruction. That is how I ended up here. My real ambition is to put my efforts behind the fence of a military installation, not out to Bevis and Butthead in the Greyhound station. After all this is what the Landers Installation was all about, a confidential project for government use only. This is what I once had and this is again what I want. (Is the Navy listening?).

    On a much darker note we are being plunged into another Dark Age, the Sun is even going dead. This will be an era of Scientific Totalitarianism. This is the Al Gore, Commonweal, Grean-Peace, all fruiting bodies from the mycelium of The Beast. This is “the group”. It is quite ironic however that they are not really the friends of the Navy. The harassments by Barbera Boxer is one example. Now the Navy is expected to be a prostitute for the “Clinton Global Initiative”. And “the group” does not want you think back to the fate of the AGTF-5. No backward in time! (History)

    Eddy Hartzenstein, also known as “The Los Angeles Times” is an ardent advocate of Scientific Totalitarianism. Hartzenstein exclaims in his editorials that the Theories of Relativism, Evolution, Global Warming, etc. must be made LAW! Hartzenstein goes on to state that “one should not have an open mind" on these theories, there must be no more discussion. It does not end here, Al-Goreda aka The Commonweal is developing legislation that says questioning the “State Science” (S.S.) is to be considered a “hate crime”, this to be enforced by none other than the A.C.L.U. (Anti-Christ Lawyers Union). Can we see where this is going, so all I can say is


    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


    • Thanks a lot to Eric, Dave & Lamare for making Eric's huge presentation available! A lot food for thought & consequently to build up an experiment.
      Here's lamare's torrent link again:
      During the next days (our night time) I'll keep my PC online as a torrent seed, too.


      • @Kokomoj0

        Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
        On the contrary you are showing the world that you are gagging everyone from posting precisely on topic information with regard to dollards theories and you want them out of the way. On every other board in the world that is considered gagging by degree, or constructive gagging.

        It is patronizing, cheerleading, and billboarding Dollard by removing challenges from the thread in which the topic and claims originated.

        By doing that you will create a thread that caters ONLY to those who agree with Dollard, exactly as Hartiberlin did with the rubbish TPU thread on his board as I told them all it WILL BE A FAILURE.

        That was 4 years ago, it was a failure then, it is a failure now and forever will be a failure.

        Do you want to see Teslas work come to fruition or simply set up a Dollard cheerleading squad? Dollard has NOT shown us any sort of working device that does anything at all! (Meyl has).

        Dollard ridicules people starting with Einstein and totally disrespects anyone with an education, Lamare and myself and other bonafide engineers, but challenging Dollard is out of bounds? Who does not even support his theories with a device?

        When an on topic challenge is construed as a disruption, the appropriate definitions are patronizing, protectionism, billboarding and as can be seen in the case of the TPU can even extend as far as disinformation. It is designed to suppress discussion not encourage it.

        Just like George Bush did when he insured protestors out of DIRECT sight of the media. Is that fair and balanced?

        Dollard has contradicted himself several times. Why hasnt anyone pointed it out? Am I the only one here who is smart enough to put his puzzle together?

        If Dollard wants a podium why doesnt he simply make a web site with no way to contact anyone or respond, what better podium could he wish for?

        So will you be fair?

        If I create a thread challenging Dollard will you put it up as a sticky as long as his posts are up here as stickys so that those of us who disagree with dollard or have different concepts get equal billing with our own podium same as you are giving dollard, just to keep the playing field even?

        Thats Fair enough right?

        ps: I took down the gag avatar as a
        gesture and extension of my good will.

        Thanks for changing the avatar but you are twisting the context of everything by ignoring my first message to you:

        Please read my first post to you:

        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Feel free to disagree or argue your points but please do so without insulting those that happen to be interested in Eric's understanding.

        Also, please notice that I called this thread "Eric P. Dollard".
        I have zero reason to prevent people from disagreeing with Eric. I clearly said to post your disagreements but "do so without insulting those that happen to be interested in Eric's understanding." I believe that is really straightforward and non-cryptic. Saying to post your disagreement without insults is far from gagging anyone. I asked you to start your own thread when you apparently had a problem with my first request.

        You are also stating a lot of false claims. There are many videos with Eric showing demonstrations as well as photos, notes, and other documentation of other experiments that he built based on his understanding of Tesla's work. There are many credible witnesses that vouch for Eric's work and one of my friends and partners was even the cameraman for some of these demonstrations.

        Here is the problem - if you deny what he is saying without actually building something just like Eric says, do you actually have room to dispute his claims. Again, he has shown working models and has made many demonstrations of different experiments to many people over the years. If you don't know that, you should do more research.

        I have seen this countless times. The one who has proven themselves says exactly how to do it, for the most part nobody listens and does it their own way - the experiment winds up not working and the inventor gets blamed. This is a classical psychological issue that plagues the masses.

        Anyway, you discount what Eric has shown and what has been available for many years while saying only Meyl has. And to even use Meyl as an example - that puts a damper on your credibility when it comes to understanding Tesla. I can use a clapper to turn a remote lamp off and on but that doesn't mean I'm doing what Tesla did. That's half way a joke but am just making a point. MIT and others think they doing wireless Tesla transmission by inductively charging a battery. Well, wireless battery powered toothbrushes have been charged from their base like this for many years. Not saying that is what Meyl is doing - again, just making a point. Just because something is wireless doesn't mean it is what Tesla did.

        I'm not sure why criticizing Einstein is a bad thing. Claiming space is "curved" and the gravitational "field" is static eliminating a reaction to the mass that causes this displacement and preventing it from being a source of potential that can do work makes Einstein the prime candidate for the village idiot prize. Einstein is a trouble maker and was too egotistical to swallow his pride and give Dayton Miller any credit for the valid experiments that he did that were later verified by plenty of credible scientists afterward including Michelson himself, who verified a dynamic aether. But who is quoting this? They just quote the garbage that defends the lies. Einstein even admitted all his work falls to pieces if Dayton Miller was right, which he was - destroying Einstein but Einstein couldn't let that happen could he? Einstein can be proven wrong with a 25 cent rubber ball, a $2 laser pointer, a few pinballs - a dremel and a few pieces of wood, etc... countless experiments reveal Einstein's smoke and mirrors show and most can be done by an elementary school child - even a monkey can bounce a ball or shine a laser pointer.

        Anyway, Eric has obviously put a LOT of time into his work and he is freely sharing and I don't believe he ever asked you for anything. He is just very blunt - at least nobody has to wonder what he is thinking. I can see he is frustrated when he shares something and says a,b,c and someone then tries to turn it into x,y,z - I'd be annoyed too if it was my thread and someone wanted to understand my work and it starts to deviate off the original trajectory.

        Basically, you completely contorted what I said and put words in my mouth. Just so there is no mistake, I'll quote myself again:

        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Feel free to disagree or argue your points but please do so without insulting those that happen to be interested in Eric's understanding.
        If you feel that first message to you sets the stage for gagging you, then I'm not sure what your real agenda is here.

        The answer is no on making your thread a sticky. I'm not going to sticky a skeptic thread - especially when no builds are shown - talk is not enough. You think Eric is just talk but remember, he has demonstrated many things to many people over many years.

        So, Eric is proven whether you like it or not, you however are not. Build something according to how Eric says to build something and show that it does not work - with all details for a full analysis and I'll make sure more than enough qualified people can examine your work. I believe that is more than fair. You have your opportunity. If you walk your talk and show you are right, I'll make a sticky out of your thread long enough that everyone knows about your work.

        Can you make those fractal patterns on a bulb? Can you show the wireless transmissions like Eric has shown? Can you cause a vacuum bulb bulge OUTWARDS from what looks like radiant matter emissions? And on and on and on? Eric has shown all these things in the past. Where is your portfolio showing that you can do these things? I haven't seen it.

        I'm not a cheerleader for Eric. I'm going based on recorded history. Who are you and where is all your work so everyone can examine it?
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Power Multiplication Principal - Experimental Results

          Hello all,
          I thought I would present you with a very simple experiment I did today which proves what a few of us have been saying about power multiplication (see this post;

          I setup this apparatus;

          Using 3 values for R:
          r1 - 111.1 Ohms
          r2 - 4.00k Ohms
          r3 - 4.49k Ohms

          The power dissipated over the resistor was calculated as;

          The capacitor was charged then disconnected from the battery and the resistor is then connected to the capacitor and the waveform/voltage measured with an oscilloscope. Attached is the zip file containing the wfm file and excel files so you can verify the data yourself.

          Here's some graphs for your viewing pleasure;

          I would appreciate if others can replicate this very simple experiment so we can show that this effect can be reliably measured and actually exists. I will try do a video of the setup tomorrow or the next day if anybody wants me to.

          Further evidence is that the effect exists is that nature operates at times using the principal:
          The energetics of the jump of the locust Schistocerca gregaria
          The jump of the click beetle (Coleoptera, Elateridae) - Evans

          I would also like to point out that if this very simple experiment can be done by a 'cheerleader' then it can be done by a 'certified engineer'. Also if anyone sees a problem with the logic of my results let me know but I think it's pretty conclusive.

          Excell & WFM files: Power Multiplication - - online file sharing and storage - download

          Last edited by Raui; 04-16-2012, 11:17 PM.
          Scribd account;


          • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
            Next, for Lamare: His story is developing into the arch-typical example of what a college “education” can do to the human mind. Here again we meet with a pathological condition. As a case in point it is to be noted that it was put forth on this forum a very basic engineering proposition, the forces acting upon a D.C. Powerline, like the one I am looking at as I sit here now. Assuredly one possessing a “Masters” degree in electrical engineering could provide an answer very quickly, at least one would think so. But the response to this and other important questions was only quantum babble. I would suspect that these “high degree” engineers could not even wire a D.C. switchboard on a tugboat, not even at the point of a gun!

            There can be no excuse here that I have not provided adequate material to further the longitudinal transmission initiative, the Steinmetz Sphere in space, the Steinmetz lightning wave and the resulting Marx Generator, the waveguide modes, and even the J.J. Thompson idea that a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field. However Lamare just side steps it all and gives us another later of Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke. For all the volumes of material that I have put on this forum little of value has come back from these pendantic “high degree” engineers and physicists. Hence my “experiment” here on this forum has shown the college “education” to be useless for the understanding of electricity.

            Verily this forum is not a kitchen sink of ideas but it is more like a Greyhound bus station toilet bowl filled one foot above the seat. I have no inclination to engage in a “Bengal Squat” on the seat of this forum. However I will continue to transmit on the forum as usual, this as before is directed to the “Silent Majority” such as conceived by R.M. Nixon. All material is given from the standpoint of electrical engineering and ham radio. The directive here is the physical and mathematical experiment, only thru experiment can useful engineering knowledge be gained.
            I assume you are referring to this post?


            I have a D.C. transmission line, the conductors are 2 inches in
            diameter, spacing is 18 feet. How many ounces of force are developed
            upon a 600 foot span of this line, for the following;
            1. 1000 ampere line current.
            2. For 1000 KV line potential?
            I am waiting.
            You can calculate this using Ampere's law:
            Ampère's force law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            The best-known and simplest example of Ampère's force law, which underlies the definition of the ampere, the SI unit of current, states that the force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors is

            where kA is the magnetic force constant, r is the separation of the wires, and I1, I2 are the direct currents carried by the wires. This is a good approximation for finite lengths if the distance between the wires is small compared to their lengths, but large compared to their diameters. The value of kA depends upon the system of units chosen, and the value of kA decides how large the unit of current will be. In the SI system,[1] [2]

            with μ0 the magnetic constant, defined in SI units as[3][4]

            newtons / (ampere)^2.
            IB Physics Notes - Electricity - The Force Between Two Parallel Current Carrying Wires and the Definition of the Ampere

            A wire carrying a current generates a magnetic field. A current carrying conductor in a magnetic field will experience a force. This implies that if two wires both carrying currents are brought near to each other, there will be a force between them. If the wires are parallel, the expression for this force takes a very simple form.

            The field at the position of wire 2 due to the current in wire 1 is where is the permeability of the substance in which the wires are embedded.

            The force felt by wire 2 is where L is the length of wire 2. The force per unit length is then This argument is symmetrical so the force per unit length on wire 1 is also

            So, we would get:

            F = L * (mu * I_1 * I_2) / ( 2 * pi * r) 
              = L * (4 * pi * 10^-7 * I_1 * I_2) / ( 2 * pi * r) 
              = L * (2 * 10^-7 * I_1 * I_2) / r
            All right, now L = 600 foot, or 182.88 m and r = 18 feet or 5.49 m and I=1000.

            Then F would be 182.88 * ( 2 * 10^-7 * 1000^2) / 5.49 = 6,66 Newton.

            Note that pi drops out of the equation. Interesting detail...

            Update: Oops, there were two questions. For the other question, we have to calculate the capacitance of the wires and then apply Coulomb's law to calculate the forces:

            Capacitance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Pair of parallel wires:

            a: Wire radius
            d: Distance, d > 2a
            l: Length of pair
            With that, you can calculate the charge q present upon the (open) conductors and when you have that, you can apply Coulomb's law:

            Coulomb's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            The scalar form of Coulomb's law is an expression for the magnitude and sign of the electrostatic force between two idealized point charges, small in size compared to their separation. This force (F) acting simultaneously on point charges (q1) and (q2), is given by

            where r is the separation distance and ke is a proportionality constant. A positive force implies it is repulsive, while a negative force implies it is attractive. The proportionality constant ke, called the Coulomb constant (sometimes called the Coulomb force constant), is related to defined properties of space and can be calculated based on the speed of light to be exactly:

            Coulomb's law states that: "The magnitude of the Electrostatics force of interaction between two point charges is directly proportional to the scalar multiplication of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them."

            In SI units, the meter is defined such that the speed of light in vacuum (or electromagnetic waves, in general), denoted c, is exactly 299,792,458 m·s−1, and the magnetic constant (μ0) is set at 4π × 10−7 H·m−1. In agreement with electromagnetic theory, requiring that

            the value for the electric constant (ε0) is derived to be ε0 = 1/(μ0c2) ≈ 8.85418782×10−12 F·m−1. In electrostatic units and Gaussian units, the unit charge (esu or statcoulomb) is defined in such a way that the Coulomb constant is 1 and dimensionless.
            How interesting that once again pi drops out of the equation, that the meter is defined by taking a fixed speed of light and thus that μ0 is also defined in terms of per meter, or, expressed in terms of the assumption that the speed of light is fixed...

            Now what happens if we try to re-define this stuff with a propagation speed for the electric field of pi/2 times c??

            Last edited by lamare; 04-16-2012, 11:34 AM. Reason: Oops. Only one of the two questions answerd.


            • Lamare,

              Another way to approach the problem of the ratio of magnetic force to dielectric force on a conductor (I know this isn't the exact problem we are posed but this ratio is the reason this question is being asked I believe) is that the impedence of a balanced line is equal to the surge impedence. Here is Eric talking about it;
              This condition of Equal and Opposite forces, or “Neutral Condition” is of the nature of an Impedance, but it just as well could be an Admittance. It is a ratio, and as an Impedance it is the ratio of Electro-Static Potential, e, drawing the conductors nearer to each other, to the Magneto-Motive Force, i, pushing the conductors away from each other. Thus by Ohm’s Law, e over i equals Z, in Ohms. Hence the Neutral Condition is expressed as an Impedance and this condition will result from this impedance having a specific value, that is, a defined ratio of e to i. This is our “Magic Number”.

              Based upon reasoning developed in the prior discussion of this subject, for the Neutral Condition, the ratio of the potential, e, in Volts, to the M.M.F., i, in Amperes, is numerically equal to the Natural Impedance of the line. This has yet to be proven, but the mathematical reasoning thus far leads toward this conclusion. It makes sense from an Intuitive Level, so this path will be followed. The lingering complication surrounds the use of the Aether Constants, the Permeability, Mu, and the Permittivity, Epsilon. Here seems to be where all electrical theories fall short of a concrete definition. This situation was seen in the analog of Inductance and Capacitance as a “Car Dynamic”, and the use of pounds per square inch.
              The condition of neutral force is a condition of the Impedance in the flow of Electrification. If this flow matches the Natural Impedance of the Transmission Line, the condition of equal and opposite forces exists. Hence a condition of mismatch must give rise to forces acting upon the conductors of the Transmission Line. It can be reasoned that when forces appear the conductors of the line, the flow of Electrification is not matched to the line thru which it is propagating. It may be said that it is a “Forced Fit”, and therefore forces appear as a strain upon the Forced Fitted Transmission Line. These forces upon the conductors can be equated to an excess of Magnetic, or Dielectric, Energy bound by the Transmission Line. This stored energy gives rise to physical forces upon the conductors of the Transmission Line. These forces can reach destructive magnitudes during fault current conditions.

              The Natural, or Characteristic, Impedance of the Transmission Line can also be equated with the Natural Power of the Line. Consider a Transmission Line with no distant end, and Infinite Line. Because of the Finite Velocity of Propagation, it’s sending end never sees the non existent distant end. Hereby Power can be supplied to this Infinite Line Indefinitely, forever. Connecting such a Line to a source of constant potential gives rise to a traveling wave, this wave charging the Line on its way to the non existent end of the line. See Heaviside, “E.M. Theory”, “Plane Electro-Magnetic Waves”. This wave goes on forever, a D.C. Power Flow. This gives rise to the continuous consumption of power from the source of constant potential, a nine volt battery let’s say. The battery is drained charging the Line. Thus the sending end of the Transmission Line with no distant end acts as a constant resistance. This resistance is called the “Surge Impedance” of the Line. The magnitude of this Surge Impedance is defined as the square root of the ratio of the Inductance, L, to the Capacitance, C. This is the same relation as that for the Natural Impedance of the line. This continuous flow of power into the Line with no end is called the “Natural Power” of the Line.
              Scribd account;


              • Eric, I hear you railing against the "Babylon" system, the "false scientific" dictatorship and the Beast system..... I get it...

                But it is ridiculous to think that the Navy and the US military is nothing but a BIG arm of that same system. So why are you so eager to help them out when they're a major part of the problem. (Not talking about the many well meaning poor that serve the lower ranks to only be feed into the meat/soul grinder but the people running the thing who are nothing but Satan worshipping sycophants.)

                Aside from the obvious mass killing done by the US men and women to serve in their own self destruction here at home.... if making laws to "legalize" sex with animals for the military is not an obvious symptom of satanic Babylonian extremities, I don't know what else is.

                Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military |

                And how do these people get paid for their service when they're done?

                Veterans get put on terrorist watch list...

                Obama administration putting any veterans on the terrorist watch list is a disgrace

                Boy scouts train to attack veterans...

                » Boy Scouts Train to Become Homeland Gestapo Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                Then when these poor saps die in service, the government steals their death benefits and leave the widows with nothing...

                » Veterans Agency Made Secret Deal Over Benefits Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                If the "US" military including the Navy are not Babylon, nothing is. They were taken over a long time ago and no longer really work for the people of the US.

                Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                I have recently returned from a 600 mile trip into and out of “Babylon”.....

                It should be remembered that I am not here on this forum because I really want to be. My presence here is only a consequence of a concatenated series of disasters, a lost coyote, an impaired Corolla....abject destitution, all this in a nation of absolute swine hurtling into a violent self destruction. That is how I ended up here. My real ambition is to put my efforts behind the fence of a military installation, not out to Bevis and Butthead in the Greyhound station. After all this is what the Landers Installation was all about, a confidential project for government use only. This is what I once had and this is again what I want. (Is the Navy listening?).

                On a much darker note we are being plunged into another Dark Age, the Sun is even going dead. This will be an era of Scientific Totalitarianism. This is the Al Gore, Commonweal, Grean-Peace, all fruiting bodies from the mycelium of The Beast. This is “the group”. It is quite ironic however that they are not really the friends of the Navy. The harassments by Barbera Boxer is one example. Now the Navy is expected to be a prostitute for the “Clinton Global Initiative”. And “the group” does not want you think back to the fate of the AGTF-5. No backward in time! (History)

                Eddy Hartzenstein, also known as “The Los Angeles Times” is an ardent advocate of Scientific Totalitarianism. Hartzenstein exclaims in his editorials that the Theories of Relativism, Evolution, Global Warming, etc. must be made LAW! Hartzenstein goes on to state that “one should not have an open mind" on these theories, there must be no more discussion. It does not end here, Al-Goreda aka The Commonweal is developing legislation that says questioning the “State Science” (S.S.) is to be considered a “hate crime”, this to be enforced by none other than the A.C.L.U. (Anti-Christ Lawyers Union). Can we see where this is going, so all I can say is

                QRT DE N6KPH


                • Originally posted by Raui View Post

                  Another way to approach the problem of the ratio of magnetic force to dielectric force on a conductor (I know this isn't the exact problem we are posed but this ratio is the reason this question is being asked I believe) is that the impedence of a balanced line is equal to the surge impedence. Here is Eric talking about it;

                  Never mind. It's clear that my contributions are considered not to be of value and are labelled as "Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke":

                  Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                  There can be no excuse here that I have not provided adequate material to further the longitudinal transmission initiative, the Steinmetz Sphere in space, the Steinmetz lightning wave and the resulting Marx Generator, the waveguide modes, and even the J.J. Thompson idea that a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field. However Lamare just side steps it all and gives us another later of Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke. For all the volumes of material that I have put on this forum little of value has come back from these pendantic “high degree” engineers and physicists. Hence my “experiment” here on this forum has shown the college “education” to be useless for the understanding of electricity.

                  I have repeated over and over again that longitudinal dielectric waves do NOT have a magnetic component, that the magnetic field IS a displacement current running in circles and thus is a result of the dielectric field. And I have stated in many ways that you CAN have a pure dielectric wave WITHOUT magnetic component and that the union of dielectric energy and magnetic energy is a union of two forms of one and the same phenomenon and that therefore something is missing in the picture, which is why no-one thus far has been able to explain the pi/2 propagation speed difference.

                  I have followed Eric's waveguide modes suggestion and it didn't work. Why? Because when you use a sheet of conducting material as walls in a wave guide, the damn metal ruins the party because you DO get magnetic fields. Fine that "a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field", but these don't reflect dielectric waves and can thus also NOT be used as the walls in your waveguide. So, I concluded you need to use a coil as your waveguide, because that 1) conducts only in one direction (more or less) and 2) does reflect your waves. And that is what I am going to do next with my moon-bounce attempt.

                  I have repeatedly pointed at the work of Paul Stowe, which offers a foundation for a unification of physics, including gravity, based upon solid ether physics. No quantum bogus, no Einsteinian stuff, just plain ether physics.

                  Apparently all that is useless, so why bother posting on this thread anymore?

                  After all, one can lead a horse to the water but one cannot force it to drink.


                  • Hi SilverToGold:

                    Could you please skip the politics and concentrate on the experiments. How about answering my questions I posted last week, now that would be helpful. What is the status of your coil winding? What do you think of the recently started "Aether" discussion? If your reply will be negative, just send me a private response.


                    • Originally posted by Raui View Post
                      I would appreciate if others can replicate this very simple experiment so we can show that this effect can be reliably measured and actually exists. I will try do a video of the setup tomorrow or the next day if anybody wants me to.
                      I would be interested in replicating this experiment. If you did a video of the setup that would be great.
                      A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                      • Boy I'm out for a week on business and I miss all the mud slinging fun.

                        Eric seems to be surprised that the military complex isn't in communication with him. Honestly if they did indeed want his information they would be in contact with him. There's also a real good chance they have what they want already.

                        I'm going to play 'connect the dots' this is all based on public information, it just requires some further in-depth knowledge of science and technology to get the bigger picture.

                        First up is research work in "Parametric transverse andlongitudinal excitation in plasma" Plasma physics is an interesting research field and full of strange phenomenon. a quick google scholar search for "parametric transverse waves plasma" will turn up many articles worth reading thru.
                        Phys. Rev. A 5, 355 (1972): Parametric Excitation of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves near the Plasma Frequency

                        Dot 2:
                        Falcon HTV-2
                        DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Dot 3:
                        IEEE Xplore - Abstract Page

                        For those playing along at home that have a deeper understanding of physics and QED, will notice that there is a link.

                        For those who may not see it right away, this link deals with 'radio blackout' Communications blackout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        when there is a ionized plasma field around an object it blocks and interferes with the transverse B and E field waves for communication. The research that is not directly mentioned and classified deals with being able to communicate thru an ionized plasma field. There are many implications of this type of technology, FTL is one however you will never see it published or unclassified. That as far as I will publicly mention this research. what's posted is public information and can be interpreted in any manner one wishes, these are my opinions and musings and do not reflect the actual research and development that is or has been in progress or may or may not be undertaken by any agency whether public or private.


                        • As a spectator, I appreciate your posts Lamare. I think Kokomojo has also made some interesting contributions to this dialogue. I wish I had enuf training to put my two cents in. This is deep challenging and fascinating stuff, I hope you hang in there. Nobody here gets through this without some feather ruffling.


                          • I'll add that in a plasma there are 3 types of waves, based on its polarization. EM- transverse electromagnetic, ES- longitudinal electrostatic and Hybrid.

                            a cursory overview:
                            Waves in plasmas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            electrostatic plasma optics is where Farnsworth was doing research and is very different from solid state devices that have replaced the tubes of yesterday. Erics cosmic inducer was powered with tubes and thus a plasma wave, using solid state power supplies will not result in effects he saw, also going back to Tesla his coils were powered thru capacitors that exhibited plasma waves (dielectric ionization), one reason he had much trouble keeping them from blowing up.


                            • Transverse & Longitudinal Propagations


                              As usual, you have ideas and information that are ACTUALLY USEFUL and provide meaningful discussion. I would like to thank you for posting that, it reminded me of a Tesla quote on the aether:

                              "The assumption of the Maxwellian ether was thought necessary to explain the propagation of light by transverse vibrations, which can only occur in a solid. So fascinating was this theory that even at present it has many supporters, despite the manifest impossibility of a medium, perfectly mobile and tenuous to a degree inconceivable, and yet extremely rigid, like steel. As a result some illusionary ideas have been formed and various phenomena erroneously interpreted. The so-called Hertz waves are still considered a reality proving that light is electrical in its nature, and also that the ether is capable of transmitting transverse vibrations of frequencies hover low. This view has become untenable since I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the air." Nikola Tesla

                              Now I don't think anyone, not even Tesla, can empirically prove that the aether (or space as I see it) is a gas, BUT I think we can ALL agree that a PLASMA is an electrified gas. It would seem that LONGITUDINAL waves are the DOMINATE propagation in such a "gaseous medium" (plasma). At least that's what I got out of the references you listed, if I am mistaken then disregard this whole post.

                              I think the plasma experiments do corroborate longitudinal electrical propagation's (E & H vectors are in parallel as opposed to perpendicular to the "direction of propagation") as proposed by Tesla, and subsequently for which he was shunned by the whole world for not believing that transverse electrical vibrations were all that could exist.

                              Garrett M


                              • no final decisions to leave ...

                                Hi lamare, Eric, and others who may be tired of all the discussion and - from my perspective - differences in use of language to express certain facts.

                                I want to express my wish that you stay here on this forum - even if you decide to post less frequent - that would be o.k. for me.

                                When I got a faint idea who Eric Dollard might know from Tesla, Steinmetz and many others of the time window 19th to 20th century, it was lamare who alarmed me on his site Tuks DrippingPedia : Home Page that Eric would be around and even posting from time to time.

                                Now that really got me going and this year I found Dave (web000x) relaying donations to Eric.
                                But I assume we didn't collect enough kilo-bucks to enable him buy good old electronics from a scrapyard to start with a few of his experiments again.

                                Then I found that something else is going on here: Eric gave the posters of this thread some tasks in order to build-up experiments and come back with their findings & difficulties.

                                But that doesn't seem to work either - at least from the point of view of those here who have experimented a lot (e.g. Eric, madhatter, raui, Garrett, and others).
                                I understand that Eric must have given all he had to get his research & setup going - many times in his life, and he has been disrupted many times & chased away by any means. How discouraging is that?

                                As madhatter gave the keywords "connecting the dots" in his post above - I believe the only way to connect the dots in this thread would be by exchange of experimental data & experience / proposals / improvements etc.

                                Raui made a simple proposal - one which I can do within some evenings (including making a few fotos and a short description of what I did).

                                The experiments lamare, Eric, madhatter, raui and others normally discuss - simply take some weeks to be set-up properly.

                                But to prepare lamare's moonbounce project, there must be one at least who could accompany lamare in his preparations (if he wishes so ;-).

                                When they come back in this thread with what they found so far (including what went wrong etc.) - that is encouraging enough for others to delve in Eric's material (and so much more connected to this) and make their way to contribute with their own setups following what has been told here in this thread.

                                I would love to see you all staying here so that some have the time to grasp where to start and report what they find.

                                I'm still in a state of amazement and awe - which might be funny & kind of useless for an experienced experimenter, but what can I do.
                                O.k. - enough said - you all stay safe & sound!
                                ... and here in this thread .
                                Last edited by Martin_L; 04-16-2012, 08:09 PM.

