The Final N.F.G.
I have recently returned from a 600 mile trip into and out of “Babylon”, this in order to read new interesting material on this forum. I had noticed bits and pieces of this here in the “free world”. Well lo-and-behold when I landed in Babylon and looked on the forum all this material had just vanished like a “fart in the wind”. Then further, to “throw poison into the soup” is the yammerings of Joe Blow from Kokomo.
Let us develop an animal story. Joe Blow exists in analogy to a Trichinosis Cyst. In this is a small parasitic organism, a worm so to speak, that lies dormant in the human body, it awaits the proper conditions for growth. This parasite kills by consuming the muscle tissue of its host. It is contracted from the ingestion of pork.
Joe Blow was awakened from its dormant condition by the exposure to “Negative Time”. This is a concept that made it violently squirm. Considering this fact, it is quite possible the organism can be eradicated from the victim host by heavy exposure to B.W.V.-1080. So, let us travel backward in time. On the date in time of April 3 it was presented on this forum a page from C.P. Steinmetz where he plainly states that in A.C. work R is not equal to one over G. This is very basic Electrical Theory. Now it came to pass, in response, Joe Blow displays on this forum, on or about the date in time of April 4, the same aforementioned Steinmetz page. At the bottom of the page Joe Blow exclaims that Yes indeed R is one over G, the opposite of Steinmetz's own words! What are we to think, is this a pathological situation?
This is an open and shut case in my mind. Joe Blow is hereby charged with willful and malicious interference to a civil communication channel. Where now is the F.C.C? Ham radio operators call this intentional QRM. In the military it is called “Enemy Jamming”, and hereby I must engage the C.R.M.-114 between myself and this forum. General Turgison, U.S.A.F. Will brief you on the function of the C.R.M.-114. (“Dr. Strangelove”). The O-P-E is my postal addresss, this will circumvent the QRM. Hereby specific questions can be responded to, without harassment.
Next, for Lamare: His story is developing into the arch-typical example of what a college “education” can do to the human mind. Here again we meet with a pathological condition. As a case in point it is to be noted that it was put forth on this forum a very basic engineering proposition, the forces acting upon a D.C. Powerline, like the one I am looking at as I sit here now. Assuredly one possessing a “Masters” degree in electrical engineering could provide an answer very quickly, at least one would think so. But the response to this and other important questions was only quantum babble. I would suspect that these “high degree” engineers could not even wire a D.C. switchboard on a tugboat, not even at the point of a gun!
There can be no excuse here that I have not provided adequate material to further the longitudinal transmission initiative, the Steinmetz Sphere in space, the Steinmetz lightning wave and the resulting Marx Generator, the waveguide modes, and even the J.J. Thompson idea that a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field. However Lamare just side steps it all and gives us another later of Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke. For all the volumes of material that I have put on this forum little of value has come back from these pendantic “high degree” engineers and physicists. Hence my “experiment” here on this forum has shown the college “education” to be useless for the understanding of electricity.
Verily this forum is not a kitchen sink of ideas but it is more like a Greyhound bus station toilet bowl filled one foot above the seat. I have no inclination to engage in a “Bengal Squat” on the seat of this forum. However I will continue to transmit on the forum as usual, this as before is directed to the “Silent Majority” such as conceived by R.M. Nixon. All material is given from the standpoint of electrical engineering and ham radio. The directive here is the physical and mathematical experiment, only thru experiment can useful engineering knowledge be gained.
It should be remembered that I am not here on this forum because I really want to be. My presence here is only a consequence of a concatenated series of disasters, a lost coyote, an impaired Corolla....abject destitution, all this in a nation of absolute swine hurtling into a violent self destruction. That is how I ended up here. My real ambition is to put my efforts behind the fence of a military installation, not out to Bevis and Butthead in the Greyhound station. After all this is what the Landers Installation was all about, a confidential project for government use only. This is what I once had and this is again what I want. (Is the Navy listening?).
On a much darker note we are being plunged into another Dark Age, the Sun is even going dead. This will be an era of Scientific Totalitarianism. This is the Al Gore, Commonweal, Grean-Peace, all fruiting bodies from the mycelium of The Beast. This is “the group”. It is quite ironic however that they are not really the friends of the Navy. The harassments by Barbera Boxer is one example. Now the Navy is expected to be a prostitute for the “Clinton Global Initiative”. And “the group” does not want you think back to the fate of the AGTF-5. No backward in time! (History)
Eddy Hartzenstein, also known as “The Los Angeles Times” is an ardent advocate of Scientific Totalitarianism. Hartzenstein exclaims in his editorials that the Theories of Relativism, Evolution, Global Warming, etc. must be made LAW! Hartzenstein goes on to state that “one should not have an open mind" on these theories, there must be no more discussion. It does not end here, Al-Goreda aka The Commonweal is developing legislation that says questioning the “State Science” (S.S.) is to be considered a “hate crime”, this to be enforced by none other than the A.C.L.U. (Anti-Christ Lawyers Union). Can we see where this is going, so all I can say is
I have recently returned from a 600 mile trip into and out of “Babylon”, this in order to read new interesting material on this forum. I had noticed bits and pieces of this here in the “free world”. Well lo-and-behold when I landed in Babylon and looked on the forum all this material had just vanished like a “fart in the wind”. Then further, to “throw poison into the soup” is the yammerings of Joe Blow from Kokomo.
Let us develop an animal story. Joe Blow exists in analogy to a Trichinosis Cyst. In this is a small parasitic organism, a worm so to speak, that lies dormant in the human body, it awaits the proper conditions for growth. This parasite kills by consuming the muscle tissue of its host. It is contracted from the ingestion of pork.
Joe Blow was awakened from its dormant condition by the exposure to “Negative Time”. This is a concept that made it violently squirm. Considering this fact, it is quite possible the organism can be eradicated from the victim host by heavy exposure to B.W.V.-1080. So, let us travel backward in time. On the date in time of April 3 it was presented on this forum a page from C.P. Steinmetz where he plainly states that in A.C. work R is not equal to one over G. This is very basic Electrical Theory. Now it came to pass, in response, Joe Blow displays on this forum, on or about the date in time of April 4, the same aforementioned Steinmetz page. At the bottom of the page Joe Blow exclaims that Yes indeed R is one over G, the opposite of Steinmetz's own words! What are we to think, is this a pathological situation?
This is an open and shut case in my mind. Joe Blow is hereby charged with willful and malicious interference to a civil communication channel. Where now is the F.C.C? Ham radio operators call this intentional QRM. In the military it is called “Enemy Jamming”, and hereby I must engage the C.R.M.-114 between myself and this forum. General Turgison, U.S.A.F. Will brief you on the function of the C.R.M.-114. (“Dr. Strangelove”). The O-P-E is my postal addresss, this will circumvent the QRM. Hereby specific questions can be responded to, without harassment.
Next, for Lamare: His story is developing into the arch-typical example of what a college “education” can do to the human mind. Here again we meet with a pathological condition. As a case in point it is to be noted that it was put forth on this forum a very basic engineering proposition, the forces acting upon a D.C. Powerline, like the one I am looking at as I sit here now. Assuredly one possessing a “Masters” degree in electrical engineering could provide an answer very quickly, at least one would think so. But the response to this and other important questions was only quantum babble. I would suspect that these “high degree” engineers could not even wire a D.C. switchboard on a tugboat, not even at the point of a gun!
There can be no excuse here that I have not provided adequate material to further the longitudinal transmission initiative, the Steinmetz Sphere in space, the Steinmetz lightning wave and the resulting Marx Generator, the waveguide modes, and even the J.J. Thompson idea that a displacement current in an insulator does not give rise to a magnetic field. However Lamare just side steps it all and gives us another later of Quantum-Bearden Coyote Puke. For all the volumes of material that I have put on this forum little of value has come back from these pendantic “high degree” engineers and physicists. Hence my “experiment” here on this forum has shown the college “education” to be useless for the understanding of electricity.
Verily this forum is not a kitchen sink of ideas but it is more like a Greyhound bus station toilet bowl filled one foot above the seat. I have no inclination to engage in a “Bengal Squat” on the seat of this forum. However I will continue to transmit on the forum as usual, this as before is directed to the “Silent Majority” such as conceived by R.M. Nixon. All material is given from the standpoint of electrical engineering and ham radio. The directive here is the physical and mathematical experiment, only thru experiment can useful engineering knowledge be gained.
It should be remembered that I am not here on this forum because I really want to be. My presence here is only a consequence of a concatenated series of disasters, a lost coyote, an impaired Corolla....abject destitution, all this in a nation of absolute swine hurtling into a violent self destruction. That is how I ended up here. My real ambition is to put my efforts behind the fence of a military installation, not out to Bevis and Butthead in the Greyhound station. After all this is what the Landers Installation was all about, a confidential project for government use only. This is what I once had and this is again what I want. (Is the Navy listening?).
On a much darker note we are being plunged into another Dark Age, the Sun is even going dead. This will be an era of Scientific Totalitarianism. This is the Al Gore, Commonweal, Grean-Peace, all fruiting bodies from the mycelium of The Beast. This is “the group”. It is quite ironic however that they are not really the friends of the Navy. The harassments by Barbera Boxer is one example. Now the Navy is expected to be a prostitute for the “Clinton Global Initiative”. And “the group” does not want you think back to the fate of the AGTF-5. No backward in time! (History)
Eddy Hartzenstein, also known as “The Los Angeles Times” is an ardent advocate of Scientific Totalitarianism. Hartzenstein exclaims in his editorials that the Theories of Relativism, Evolution, Global Warming, etc. must be made LAW! Hartzenstein goes on to state that “one should not have an open mind" on these theories, there must be no more discussion. It does not end here, Al-Goreda aka The Commonweal is developing legislation that says questioning the “State Science” (S.S.) is to be considered a “hate crime”, this to be enforced by none other than the A.C.L.U. (Anti-Christ Lawyers Union). Can we see where this is going, so all I can say is