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  • Borderland, Tom Brown

    Eric does not buy the "Eric causes his own problems", that is a stock statement. The fact remains that Tom Brown, in conjunction with a wicked female (to say it mildly) kept the money Reynolds sent to move the "Cosmic Lab" from Santa Barbara. This is a fact Mr Brown. The shipyard had to come up with the money and place to move it to, where it finally was lost when the business closed there. Also the Franklin family who owned Camp David say you got them to sign over their land and that you then sold it from under them. And all that common law crap got David in big trouble, how he cannot drive a car and went insane after Camp David went under, good work Tom. And for what, to feed a witch intent on bringing evil to the earth. Looking around at the horned female archetype rampant I say (She) did a good job.

    Eric's problems arise more from the wicked female hate of the "feral male" than almost any other source, and her fabricated cover stories do not cut it anymore. None of it does, the numbers speak the truth. QRT on this matter, not the best use of the forum.

    F.U. DE N6KPH

    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


    • CSN revisited

      Consisted of two 1.5" 38mm cables which were joined together as one.
      L = 32.5uH (my calc)
      Diameter = 49.25' 15.0114 metres This from both William Wysock and the Beograd Museum data
      Length = 154.723' 47.16m
      Frequency = 59khz

      Question arises here as to where they were exactly.
      Are they immediately under the secondary on the same frame or under the ground?
      I notice the front of the building has been raised above the normal terrain by about a foot and consider they may have been placed under the floor into the earth below.". End quote.

      David G Dawson:
      I call your attention to page 193 of the Colorado Springs Notes (CSN) and also to page 36. It seems Tesla used No.9 wires in multiples for his primary. I don't recall seeing 1.5" dia primary wires used in the CSN, in fact they would not fit into the 1 1/8" wide primary grooves provided. On page 68 of the CSN Tesla notes "The secondary will have to be placed in the closest possible inductive relation to the primary...". I hope this clears up some of your questions.


      • Cq, Cq, Cq, De N6kph

        For the next few days I will have direct contact with the "Internem" and can communicate via this forum. It is split now off into T.M.T. Replication, and Crystal Radio Magic, but I will stay on this channel for simplicity.

        I am not sure on Colorado transformer info thus far given, the extra coil is not square. It would be nice to see the pages referenced displayed here. My aim is to make all this pictorial, with few words. Pictures, diagrams, and equations are the language of engineers.

        I recently read a copy of M.W.O. Handbook (Lakhovsky) and seeing my antenna design being used without a bit of compensation, and moreover improperly connected. This re-lit the Borderland Tom Brown fire. It should be pointed out that the creation of T-rex came about when my Corolla's patron ran across the forum. He had spent a lot of money on the "Lindemann crowd" and then produced nothing that works and copied my ideas. The battlefield is set, but I chose to remain more scientific and less a vicious combatant. Since it is now being said that it is my own fault, this and that, including Landers, I have decided to write an entire series on my "Borderland" experience.

        The purpose for getting hard core on legalities is that we are not playing with cardboard tube junk spewing sparks anymore, nor Meyl toys. These networks I am presenting are actual transmission devices and can be dangerous in that they give rise to waves in house wiring that can start fires. My high school years lab allowed me to pull a 3 inch flame off the screws on the garage light switch and the patio lights came on with the switch open.

        For Madhatter, the book by E.P. Thompson, Rotgen Rays, and phenomena of the cathode and anode is a must. Via this book I isolated the Aether element (pre Hydrogen) Coronium. It has a living green green color when excited electrically. I used an unbalanced disruptive setp and duplicated many of Tesla's claims. This was just a Pri:Sec setup connected like that I just put out here, but no switch, but a spark gap in a renewable 400 amp fuse.

        The inductance of coils in a Tesla Transformer has no meaning, they are waveguides not inductors. Can someone print here the pages from "Theory of Wireless Power" that give equations for velocity, impedance, etc. Then these can be applied to everyone's unit and Tesla's at Colorado Springs. Let us try to assemble a compendium of everyone's efforts and include Tesla's Colorado Unit. Hereby science can be turned into engineering, this with a minimum of Babylon.

        K DE N6KPH
        Last edited by t-rex; 05-15-2012, 08:09 PM.

        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


        • Originally posted by madhatter View Post

          Your extra coils should be on the ends of the secondaries, not separate. Do it as in the picture below:

          Make sure the winding directions are completely opposite on both sides. You have a kinked standing wave. The node is not in the middle. Might have to balance out the coupling. Everything must be equal and opposite on both sides otherwise they won't balance. The two primaries should be in series and connected to a common capacitor. And the center tap connected to neutral. That'll help.

          When are you going to hook it up to a multipactor tube? Farnsworth said a
          balanced multipactor tube and Tesla coil are a "marriage made in heaven"

          Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
          Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


          • Theory of Wireless Power Equations

            All equations here will work with everyone's coils. They have been tested experimentally and are known to work.

            On this last page the values listed in table 3 are wrong. They need to be recalculated from the equations in the text.

            Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
            Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


            • For Madhatter,

              This replaces the B field idea.

              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
              Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


              • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                Your extra coils should be on the ends of the secondaries, not separate. Do it as in the picture below:

                Make sure the winding directions are completely opposite on both sides. You have a kinked standing wave. The node is not in the middle. Might have to balance out the coupling. Everything must be equal and opposite on both sides otherwise they won't balance. The two primaries should be in series and connected to a common capacitor. And the center tap connected to neutral. That'll help.

                When are you going to hook it up to a multipactor tube? Farnsworth said a
                balanced multipactor tube and Tesla coil are a "marriage made in heaven"
                I did set it up that way however I didn't have the primaries on a common capacitor, each with it's own. the voltage was far higher on the CCW set then the CW one by about 2:1 however the CW set caused interference with my cell phone that was in my breast pocket at the time, the CW side would light an LED in it's vicinity as long as the LED/diode circuit was held with lucite rod or plastic clip. will modify and post results.

                I had moved the extra coils out to see if they would still work when not axial aligned, they do but the geometry of where is highly specific and narrow.

                I'm currently working on leads with vacuum tube mfg's in Europe. still need to finalize construction details and hopefully reduce it down to a few different ones. cost is going to be the biggest issue. doping agents are the unknown factor, do you know if Farnsworth had his grids doped?

                With the sheer amount of material to go over and what I have been able to cover I'm starting to see a very interesting thing with electrostriction and your work. From what I can gather so far, the capacitive field and it's ES wave are time invariant the TMT set would work with this greatly and if done properly the TMT becomes the conductor to the ES wave. adding in the multipactor would increase the efficiency.

                my only concern is that there are losses when the transition from ES to EM occurs, the tube would require a very clean hard vacuum otherwise the ES wave will loose some efficiency to photon output.

                thank you for mentioning the coupling of the multipactor to the TMT as that fits the picture I was developing the other day on the flight home and trying to resolve a ES discharge conductor that wouldn't give rise to an EM transition. need to work out a lot of details still.


                • re-set the coils axially, had to adjust the extra coil distance in what I call the round robin, make an adjustment re-measure and then check the other side which requires adjusting again, back and forth for about an hour I was able to get both sides balanced in that the peak voltage is equal on both extra's at the same fq.

                  interestingly a diode on the end of the extra will increase the voltage reading when they are balanced if they are not, it doesn't happen. the increase is about 1.5v.

                  adjusting the extra coil distance is frustrating as the slightest touch near where it needs to be will cause massive fluctuations. also needed to use a wood stick of about 3ft length, if i was any closer my body capacitance caused issues.

                  the led lights in free space between the secondary and extra coil field and near the end of the extra only if I touch any of the metallic conductors of the LED/diode circuit.

                  need to sit and take notes next time, was quickly fiddling around to get a feel for it.


                  • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                    Post numbers here refer to the Crystal Radio Magic Thread

                    Post 73, Jake.

                    Standing wave on coil indicates proper operation. A voltage node must exist exactly at the neutral terminal. Tesla could move this node about in the earth. This is important and in an optimum state the voltage node is right at the point of earthing. A projected wave velocity exist on the earth surface, infinite at the earth connection, and luminal 90 degrees around the planet. It is a tangent function with Pi over two as the "Effective velocity". Hence velocity here is only a projection on the earth surface, not a true velocity, like your shadow at sundown it goes to infinity.
                    Thank You,
                    and understood

                    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                    Post 156, Jake

                    Do not replace 100 pF condenser with LED, it will distort and rob power from the audio. Use a completely separate setup for LED. Try Ne 2 neon lamps. Also a 10-15 watt fluorescent lamp is a good standing wave "wand", this for tuning.

                    I would recommend using a 6SN7 Triode section with cathode drive from function generator and the primary as the plate tank circuit. See the figure. This will greatly improve resonance for tuning. 50 Ohm across primary NFG, 6SN7>6000 Ohm general.

                    Multiple tuning peaks indicate overly tight coupling between coils. Slowly separate them until only one resonant peak. Multiple modes of stray reception and strong local stations will make grounding and tuning very confusing. An isolation amplifier 6SN7 triode isolates amplifier from function generator interaction and gives more power to light neon lamps. Both sections of 6SN7 in parallel give more power.

                    73 DE N6KPH
                    6SN7: prices vary on ebay $5-50 does anyone know what the difference in brands is regarding tubes. What do I want, what do I stay away from??

                    I was waiting for a reason to work with tubes..


                    • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                      Eric does not buy the "Eric causes his own problems", that is a stock statement. The fact remains that Tom Brown, in conjunction with a wicked female (to say it mildly) kept the money Reynolds sent to move the "Cosmic Lab" from Santa Barbara. This is a fact Mr Brown. The shipyard had to come up with the money and place to move it to, where it finally was lost when the business closed there. Also the Franklin family who owned Camp David say you got them to sign over their land and that you then sold it from under them. And all that common law crap got David in big trouble, how he cannot drive a car and went insane after Camp David went under, good work Tom. And for what, to feed a witch intent on bringing evil to the earth. Looking around at the horned female archetype rampant I say (She) did a good job.

                      Eric's problems arise more from the wicked female hate of the "feral male" than almost any other source, and her fabricated cover stories do not cut it anymore. None of it does, the numbers speak the truth. QRT on this matter, not the best use of the forum.

                      F.U. DE N6KPH
                      I am requesting that the administrators ban Eric from this forum until he stops spewing lies and defamatory statements about people.

                      Eric was banned from Tom Valentine's Radio Free America after trying to pass off some of these lies on air back in 1995 when I provided Tom with the exact documentation to verify the facts of the matter.

                      After all, I allegedly got his friend "David in big trouble, how he cannot drive a car and went insane after Camp David went under."

                      Eric fails to mention that we were processing through court on his request over that matter, and when I showed in court I was surrounded by angry Sheriffs with hands on guns because Eric called them just before and said that there "would be another Waco" if they didn't back off. Of course they then ruled against us and bulldozed the property. Doesn't take a genius to figure that!

                      Being an electrical genius is one thing, being an angry liar is another. This forum is no place for that and I'm happy to explain the facts elsewhere to anyone prone to believe Eric's bitter nonsense interspersed with his obvious genius. However, I will respond to every lie about me he posts till he is banned, otherwise this forum is liable for allowing his ongoing defamation to continue.



                      • @ Zinky (Tom) & T-Rex (Eric)

                        Sounds to me like a classic case of miss-communication and misunderstanding going BOTH ways. Eric thinks Tom is a liar, and Tom thinks Eric is a liar. We now have both your versions of the story, we get it. Please keep this civil and don't drag this out into a flame war unless you honestly think can you can resolve this here and now. These past dramas of yours are currently helping no cause, least of us who are trying to learn.

                        This technology and knowledge are at a much bigger stake than any of our personal reputations and egos.
                        A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                        • Thanks for the info Eric. I'm short on time so this is all I have for now.

                          So-called "Frequency Allocation Table"


                          There is an "Article 5" referred to in that document (page 29), this being the most relevant I've found so far

                          Article 5 - Frequency allocations

                          But I don't see any information that I expect to see after a quick glance through any of it


                          From Colorado Springs Notes


                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • CSN Data

                            Thankyou for that as I had missed that page as it was amongst the Tower data which held no interest at the time.

                            Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
                            Consisted of two 1.5" 38mm cables which were joined together as one.
                            L = 32.5uH (my calc)
                            Diameter = 49.25' 15.0114 metres This from both William Wysock and the Beograd Museum data
                            Length = 154.723' 47.16m
                            Frequency = 59khz

                            Question arises here as to where they were exactly.
                            Are they immediately under the secondary on the same frame or under the ground?
                            I notice the front of the building has been raised above the normal terrain by about a foot and consider they may have been placed under the floor into the earth below.". End quote.

                            David G Dawson:
                            I call your attention to page 193 of the Colorado Springs Notes (CSN) and also to page 36. It seems Tesla used No.9 wires in multiples for his primary. I don't recall seeing 1.5" dia primary wires used in the CSN, in fact they would not fit into the 1 1/8" wide primary grooves provided. On page 68 of the CSN Tesla notes "The secondary will have to be placed in the closest possible inductive relation to the primary...". I hope this clears up some of your questions.
                            Diameter = 15m, 49.25'
                            Cable = 1 1/8" made up of 37 wires of #9 (2.91mm) 'with rubber and breading'.
                            This looks to be a wire with diameter of 15mm and about 6.75mm of insulation with total diameter of 28.5mm.
                            Notice that Tesla used 37 turns for his first Secondary which matches the number of turns of individual wires in his Primary.
                            The final Secondary was only 17 turns so that Primary mass to Secondary = 17/37 = 0.46 or roughly a 1/2.

                            Missed out on 3 other factors as follows:
                            1. Final Capacity on Page 317 = 0.1296 uF
                            2. Secondary wire size on Page 196 = #10
                            3. My working Extra Coil (CW) was wound in opposition to the Primary and Secondary (CCW) as I happened to stand on the wrong side whilst winding.
                            Have just finished the rewound original but made this CCW so that all coils are now wound in the same direction.

                            Calling a coil 'square' simply means that the diameter equals the height - it is not 'square' as in a block or cube.

                            Page 196 also confirms roughly my wire size where I am winding both Secondary and Extra with the same size wire (14 awg) where Tesla used #10(2.69mm) for his Secondary and #6 (4.11mm) and two at #10 for his Extra.

                            We have problems with the Extra Coil as I believe the tentative data is incorrect as it does not match what Tesla was using.
                            If you go through my Maths at 'Crystal Radio Magic' you will see why and why my Extra Coil is working.

                            Tesla was very careful with noting his Inductances right throughout his experimentation and is of significance and not to be disposed of lightly.



                            • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
                              What is the actual wire diameter of the #26 SWG wire with insulation? With Enamel wire you can wound 20.3 turns per centimeter, or on 8.28 cm length approximately 168 turns close wound. But you only need 126 turns, so you have about .008" space between the turns with enameled wire. Indeed very difficult to maintain.
                              This is enamel wire, 0.45mm diameter. More turns will fit on there like you say, but I think this scale is too small to really be practical in terms of building it efficiently. Any bends or kinks in the wire are basically magnified and add to the spacing issues that already exist because it's all so small etc, there are lots of reasons why I think a bigger scale would be better and easier to build.

                              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                              • Originally posted by jpolakow View Post
                                Just a quick reminder for anyone who posts documents or links. Because Eric is not computer savvy, it makes it MUCH easier for him if, when possible, the information contained in links is posted here in the thread if space allows. It ensures Eric will see the material. Anything outside this thread is "Babylon". Also if you can, when you post pictures try to post them using an online photo hosting service, so Eric (or anyone else) doesn't have to be logged in to see the pictures. This is a common complaint from Eric, that he can't see the material. Often times he is not logged in when viewing the thread from a coffee shop. Thank you for locating the material purelyconstructive
                                No problem. I had thought that might be necessary...I will also include them here as attachments for anyone who needs them.
                                Attached Files

