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Eric P. Dollard

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  • Hi Dave and all, Here is a document I was shown by somebody or found, can't
    remember, anyway here it is and it is no doubt more useful to you guys who
    speak the language than it is to me.

    If it seems useful feel free to download it and make it available from another source.

    Umm it seems this document is secured so I can't seem to copy and paste any of it.

    Here's a small quote.

    "This paper shows that the emf generated in the secondary of a transformer is
    the result of flux lines that begin outside the core and "cut" the secondary on
    their way to engage the core. This represents a new wrinkle to classical field
    theory which has traditionally asserted that no flux activity exists outside of
    an ideal core."
    Just personally, to me it makes no sense that "new" flux lines would just
    appear inside the core. It would seem to be a contraction or gravitation into
    the core maybe.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 05-17-2012, 06:14 AM.


    • Peter, Whatever happened with Eric P Dollard?

      Peter, Whatever happened with Eric P Dollard?

      This question appeared here on the E.G. forum, Peter, Whatever happened with Eric Dollard? He has just vanished like a fart in the wind. Why?

      Someone arrived in Lone Pine from the Annenburg Foundation. He was sent to talk to Eric Dollard. This person tickled my ear with great promises, golden futures, and how I was such a wonderful discovery in his life. He tells me that he will take my driveshaft into safe keeping. Both him and the driveshaft are never to be seen again. And it is said Eric brought it on himself.

      This is the life story of Eric P Dollard. And of course, Eric always brings it on himself.

      A person shows up at Landers, he "wants to learn" from me and "help" run the station, so he says. Once inside the story changes and I am harassed out of my own installation. His pit bull horns my female coyote and 7 puppies show up at the wrong time. The station turns into his hell hole and Olin Bales finally got it.

      The story is the same again and again, Eric just keeps making his own problems. True, by involving myself with humans.

      A scientific analysis would be massive and is beyond the scope of this E.G. forum except maybe the "American Ruling Class" group. I look around me and see a nation of absolute swine, disgusting human filth, arrogant blobs of putrid pork resin thrusting about in 6 wheel trucks with a homicidal rage. Emblematic skulls and axes abound on every surface. It is a nation of death.

      What you see of my efforts on this forum is the product of two patrons: Captain Don Hughes, and R. Joshua Reynolds. Captain Hughes supported all the Symbolic paper writing, now on the internet, and cemented me into lifetime employment in the S.F. Bay Maritime industry and provided me with a Navy ship. Freedom from the dumpsters. Josh Reynolds funded my aquisition of the Corolla, an important improvement in my life, now I could find work and had a definite home, like a tiny Navy ship. Freedom from the C*nt. These two important individuals are both dead now, there are no more like them on earth anymore, they went the way of the type 80 rectifier tube.

      Ultimately it is only the papers and the Corolla that have survived. All else is gone. The loss at Landers is overwhelming and has left me disabled. Now why would I want to engage in another "Help themselves to Eric Dollard". So this is what ever happened to Eric P Dollard.

      73 DE N6KPH

      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • Sorry about your losses

        I only know you through your borderlands tapes and this blog. The experiments and principles you showed on those borderland tapes were very informative. You impressed me as a leader and a person who was both knowing and competent. My interest in this subject matter died out 22 years ago. Like Rip Van Winkle I awoke and through the googled world, I found out you were homeless and living in out their in the Owens Valley. What a waste I thought. What a shock. I always believed smart disciplined and talented people like you would have good jobs and the material rewards to go along with their creativity. I am one naive guy. Perhaps its time to go back and re-read the Wilhelm Reich story. He is a tragic figure and it seems you and he are following parallel paths in some respects. I don't believe he had to go the way he did. His vision took him far out on a limb and that made him vulnerable.
        When he got to that point, what did he do? He did not come back to the relative safety of the tree trunk. He remained vulnerable and got screwed.

        Please don't do like Reich. I appreciate your gifts and talent and your temper. Your are welcome to come stay at my house in the Midwest anytime. I love learning from you and I believe you have much more to teach. Thank You.
        Last edited by wyndbag; 05-17-2012, 02:24 PM.


        • Your PRC-47

          Hi Eric,
          I'm very appreciative for all of the great information you have been posting lately, nearly ready to get back to work on all of this stuff, hopefully less than a week. I know you have been putting a vast amount of time into your writing as it takes me quite a while to digest everything, again thank you!

          For the secondary & extra coil, is there other coax that will work well, although it would be a compromise, as the RG-316 is quite expensive. I already have several rolls of RG-8 & RG-8/U (low loss for VHF/UHF) that are extra since installing my tower here, and I recall you preferred to have a hollow secondary. Also have ~1000' of Commscope quad-shielded RG-6 CATV cable (coax is labeled as PR2712 F6SSVV 7461614), but I don't believe that'd be suitable.

          Have you been back to John's in Morro Bay, there has been a PRC-47 waiting for you there since April 20th that I purchased on ebay. The previous owner I bought it from claims it is in full operating condition (stated it worked fine and he used it until the wind took his antenna down). John sent me pictures of it, it looks to be in good condition physically. I hope it get's you back on the air at full output power and perhaps I can work you someday on 40m CW.


          73 DE WX9HV


          • Mutual Induction

            I had some thoughts on the topic Dave brought up:

            The best way to look at "Mutual Induction" (dielectric or magnetic) is FLUX LINES INTERACTING ON OTHER FLUX LINES.

            The permeability of the space surrounding the flux lines acts as a sort of positive or negative pressure so they "flow" to an area where they are at less "concentration", higher permeability yields more "free room" to the flux lines while creating a greater density of them at the same time. Permeability and permittivity are SPATIAL co-efficients they relate to how many lines fit in a section of sq cm "space", so if a section of space (i.e. aether) is modified by gross matter its properties change as well. Flux lines naturally repel one another, so they will always require a certain amount of "space" between one another, here is where permeability and permittivity work their magic, they either cause the "repelling distance" to decrease or they cause the space modified by their property to be "enlarged" either way the same result manifest more lines per sq cm.

            Side note, I don't believe that the circular loops of magnetic induction ever "open up" (or need to "close") they either expand to infinity or reduce to a singularity these being the limiting cases of its motions, they can however become incredibly distorted and take almost any shape that is a line closed upon itself.

            Back to the transformer, the way I look at a transformer isn't necessarily flux lines cutting the wire alone but also a sort of "super position" of flux lines interacting.

            For example, if we plug in a 1:1 transformer into the wall, the voltage from the wall divided by the reactance of the primary will yield an inrush current this in turn will cause an associated H field (intrinsic field) to be formed if there are any materials present other than aether, then we will get a B field (induced field). Since flux lines have to be formed around a bounding metallic surface carrying a current then the H field is existent around the wires looped around the core, the H field then interacts with the permeability of the core and induces a secondary field, the B field, this field lags the H field and this interaction is called hysteresis. Here we already have two sets of flux lines, the loops around the metallic conductors carrying the current and now a group of flux lines outside the bounding wires in the core. This is where the "super position" concepts is helpful.

            The flux lines do move in and back out of the core despite what may be thought. As the intrinsic field falls the induced field follows here the flux lines shrink and return back to a singularity, which ideally is in the center of the original current carrying conductor. In the core, reduction back to a singularity isn't possible in the direction of the flux flow, here we run into a complex issue of the interaction of the induced field with the intrinsic field, which may be too lengthy of a topic to go over.

            From this point, the alternating flux lines of the primary do indeed cut the secondary windings. If a load is put across the secondary a current proportional to the induced voltage divided by the load resistance will manifest. This will in turn produce a second H field and a second B field as well. The fields of the secondary counter rotate with those of the primary. Both exist at the same time, but the net action of each on the core reduces the cores available capacity for storage and thus reduces the impedance of the primary, thus if a load on the secondary increases; the impedance of primary reduces further, and vice versa, if the load decreases the primary impedance increases.

            Mutual induction is all about the interaction of flux lines on one another, in the case of a transformer it's a longitudinal flow of magnetic energy moved through a permeable medium, the core. The counter rotating fields push on one another to transfer the energy across one distinct coil to the other.

            Side note#2, there are two distinct forms of hysteresis, one associated with the velocity of the electromagnetic wave (speed of light) and another associated with the molecular delay of magnetization or polarization of a permeable or permittive medium (domain alignment) this is why we have distinct differences with the "intrinsic field" and the "induced field".

            I may be off in left field but that's how I currently understand how a transformer works.

            Garrett M
            Last edited by garrettm4; 05-18-2012, 12:54 AM.


            • hopefully this will display properly to read. here's a quick numerical layout of the coils in Tesla's Colorado Notes. assume some error as these are ever changing notes and not actual measurements of existing structures today. took some digging and I feel this is the latest in his notes on the coils and their builds.


              • Harmony with nature is goal. True unity.


                I live in Zagreb in Croatia and you and your coyote are welcome at my house at any time. Wife and I have 2 kids, 3 dogs and 4 cats and there is always space for truth and wisdom seekers and their friends. We will manage somehow.

                I have been watching this thread for some time and what seems to me is that all of you are a pioneers of a Tesla's world. This technology is common cultural heritage of all men.

                One day (not so far away) this sumerian system of global fear and death will be transformed into paradise with our efforts. Systems of control are already collapsing.

                There are no small men, all of you are capable of creations like Tesla, and that is just a start. Even Henry Adams, grandson of John Quincy calculated (I think around 1909?), when he applied his "Phase rule to history" that by the end of 2012 human thought will reach critical mass and there will be more scientific breakthroughs than in all history by now.

                I will quote Bill Hicks:

                "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is only a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves. "

                And Gandhi:

                “Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”

                So, I just wanted to say thank you to all for your work and truth vibrations.

                Life energy accumulated here will bring us to the truth and the truth will set us all free.


                • Electric universe

                  Maybe this documentary will be useful to some of you:

                  Thunderbolts Of The Gods - YouTube


                  • Mutual Inductance

                    Mutual Inductance is a strange problem. This term is a depository for many notions, and has been my biggest dilemna in formulating a four energy travelling wave equation. I solved this at Landers in an analog form, but I am unable to recover my notebooks, yes the someone showed up to help Eric again. (Think that's how the PRC-47 from Landers came up on e-bay, goood buddies don't you think?)

                    To use reluctance as an expression for mutual inductance is not such a good idea. In a way this is like equating reactance to resistance. Mutual inductance evokes a space quadrature relation, a space versor. Examining the inner workings of a transformer is helpful in conceptualizing mutual inductance. In general mutual "Enductance" exists outside the windings, self inductance exists inside the windings.

                    It is postulated that magnetism is a flow in the Aether. This flow defies normal conceptions of space. Associated with this flow is Faraday's electro-tonic state, a primordial idea of electro-motive force. The notion of electro-motive force is no less mysterious today than it was in Faraday's era. Maxwell was really of no help either, and today's parrots sing the tune. And to make this even more complex is the electronic interaction. We can form no picture of "Magnetism" and it is futile to know of its ways by throwing more equations filled with quaternions and partial derivatives at the mystery. An entirely new direction must be taken.

                    Relating magnetism as a flow, i, in Amperes, expresses its force. The total quantity of it is given to be the total number of lines of force, Phi. But what lines of force, what do they look like, can I see one on youtube?

                    No matter what direction is taken soon the barbed wire grabs hold. Somewhere between J.J. Thompson and C.P. Steinmetz is the answer as to what is a line of force. Steinmetz says that there are ten to the 8 power of them in one volt-second, and hence it can be said that one individual "strand" is a unit Phi, or line of magnetic induction. Volt-second is "magnetic charge".

                    Mutual enduction exists in a counter-spatial relation with self induction. The two are space conjugates. Here defined is each,

                    1) Self induction, L, Henry
                    2) Mutual Enduction, M, per Henry

                    L represents space and M represents counterspace. M is a form of "magnetic capacitance". The more space between the wires, the more L exists in Henrys, the less space between the wires the more M exists in per Henry. These two quantities are mere reciprocals, that is, until they are differentiated.

                    The dimensions of L is centimeter square and the dimensions of M is per centimeter square. The dimensional operator or first order derivative is the dimension of per centimeter. Hereby dimensionally for distributed constants the distributed inductance is Henry per centimeter, or just centimeter, and the distributed enductance is per Henry per centimeter, or per centimeter cubed. These dimensional relations establish the travelling wave of magnetic inductionin the metrical dimension of space, LM. The dimensions of this travelling wave of induction is LM equals per centimeter square or a second order differential in the metrical dimension of space. This gives rise to a hyperbolic function with respect to distance along the propogating structure such as a transformer winding. Th square root of LM is the hyperbolic angle, Nepers per centimeter.

                    Exactly analogous conditions exist for the dielectric field, where the propogation is now given as CK. Both LM and CK are here given on a per centimeter basis. That is now L is Henry per cm, and etc. While this is customary the distinction is confusing. Lumped constants, and distributed constants are not the same dimensions. Further compounding the confusion is that the permeability, Mu, is also dimensionally in Henry per centimeter. It is a Labyrinth! Break, more to follow

                    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                    • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                      Mutual Inductance is a strange problem. This term is a depository for many notions, and has been my biggest dilemna in formulating a four energy travelling wave equation. I solved this at Landers in an analog form, but I am unable to recover my notebooks, yes the someone showed up to help Eric again. (Think that's how the PRC-47 from Landers came up on e-bay, goood buddies don't you think?)

                      To use reluctance as an expression for mutual inductance is not such a good idea. In a way this is like equating reactance to resistance. Mutual inductance evokes a space quadrature relation, a space versor. Examining the inner workings of a transformer is helpful in conceptualizing mutual inductance. In general mutual "Enductance" exists outside the windings, self inductance exists inside the windings.

                      It is postulated that magnetism is a flow in the Aether. This flow defies normal conceptions of space. Associated with this flow is Faraday's electro-tonic state, a primordial idea of electro-motive force. The notion of electro-motive force is no less mysterious today than it was in Faraday's era. Maxwell was really of no help either, and today's parrots sing the tune. And to make this even more complex is the electronic interaction. We can form no picture of "Magnetism" and it is futile to know of its ways by throwing more equations filled with quaternions and partial derivatives at the mystery. An entirely new direction must be taken.

                      Relating magnetism as a flow, i, in Amperes, expresses its force. The total quantity of it is given to be the total number of lines of force, Phi. But what lines of force, what do they look like, can I see one on youtube?

                      No matter what direction is taken soon the barbed wire grabs hold. Somewhere between J.J. Thompson and C.P. Steinmetz is the answer as to what is a line of force. Steinmetz says that there are ten to the 8 power of them in one volt-second, and hence it can be said that one individual "strand" is a unit Phi, or line of magnetic induction. Volt-second is "magnetic charge".

                      Mutual enduction exists in a counter-spatial relation with self induction. The two are space conjugates. Here defined is each,

                      1) Self induction, L, Henry
                      2) Mutual Enduction, M, per Henry

                      L represents space and M represents counterspace. M is a form of "magnetic capacitance". The more space between the wires, the more L exists in Henrys, the less space between the wires the more M exists in per Henry. These two quantities are mere reciprocals, that is, until they are differentiated.

                      The dimensions of L is centimeter square and the dimensions of M is per centimeter square. The dimensional operator or first order derivative is the dimension of per centimeter. Hereby dimensionally for distributed constants the distributed inductance is Henry per centimeter, or just centimeter, and the distributed enductance is per Henry per centimeter, or per centimeter cubed. These dimensional relations establish the travelling wave of magnetic inductionin the metrical dimension of space, LM. The dimensions of this travelling wave of induction is LM equals per centimeter square or a second order differential in the metrical dimension of space. This gives rise to a hyperbolic function with respect to distance along the propogating structure such as a transformer winding. Th square root of LM is the hyperbolic angle, Nepers per centimeter.

                      Exactly analogous conditions exist for the dielectric field, where the propogation is now given as CK. Both LM and CK are here given on a per centimeter basis. That is now L is Henry per cm, and etc. While this is customary the distinction is confusing. Lumped constants, and distributed constants are not the same dimensions. Further compounding the confusion is that the permeability, Mu, is also dimensionally in Henry per centimeter. It is a Labyrinth! Break, more to follow
                      I like how you get me thinking
                      New puzzle pieces to play with, capacitor plates and mutual inductance. need to pencil a few things down.....

                      Oh and definitely hyperbolic functions within Clifford algebra for this. new frontiers...


                      • a quick thought, will try later tonight.

                        The magnetic field of parallel plates of a capacitor is similar to the M of the transformer core. build a core as a stacked capacitor, mutual capacitance should create a magnetic field, add transformer windings and see if it induces voltage. either thru an AC signal on the capacitor plates or thru the windings to see if it induces the capacitor. simple enough to test on the bench. I'll report back later...


                        • Mutual Elastance

                          The dielectric field exists as a conjugate relation to the magnetic field. Like the magnetic field it can be expressed is self inductive and mutual inductive components, these in a space vs counter space and space quadrature existence. Here given is the self capacitance and a mutual elastance. In general the self capacitance is outside of the winding space, and the mutual elastance is inside the winding space. As with magnetism here is a space versor.

                          It is postulated that dielectricity is a tension in the Aether. Again it seems to defy notions of space, such as if a line of force has no broken end in space then how can it propogate? It cannot propogate if it did not already exist. Another bottomless pit. Associated with this tension is a displacement current, a notion of Maxwell, but it is like EMF, it is an idea. Relating dielectricity as a tension, e, in volts expresses its force. The total quantity of dielectricity is again considered to be the total number of lines of force, Psi. What lines of force.

                          The trap is the same as that encountered with mangetism. J.J. Thompson seems to think there are 1000 of these lines of force terminating upon todays electron. The electron hence contains 1000 Thompson Aether corpuscles. Heretical! Here the quantity of dielectric induction in lines of force is given in Ampere-seconds and this established their number as the "dielectric charge" just as the Volt-secind defined "magnetic charge".

                          Self capacitance is in a counter-spatial relation with mutual elastance. The two are space conjugates. Here defined is each,

                          1) Self Capacitance, C, Farad
                          2) Mutual Enductance, K, per Farad

                          C represents space and K represents counter space. K is a form of "dielectric inductance" but not in the same way as L & M. Complications exist here in description since magnetism is intrinsically spatial and dielectricity is instrinsically counter spatial. It is not so easy to just "step through the looking glass".

                          The two quantities are reciprocal relations, one is the inverse of the other, again, until differentiated.

                          The dimensions of C are one over c square (the "hand" on the monochord). This is thus second square over centimeter square and hence the dimensions of K are c square or centimeter square over second square. The dimensional operator or first order derivative is the dimension of per centimeter. Hereby dimensionally for distributed constants, the distributed capacitance is Farad per centimeter or second square per centimeter cubed, and the distributed elastance is per Farad per centimeter or centimeter per second square. Denoting now, as with the magnetic component, the distributed capacity as C and the distributed elastivity as K, the travelling wave of dielectric induction in the metrical dimension of space is CK or per centimeter square. This is a second order space differential. This gives a hyperbolic function with respect to distance along the propogating structure. The square root of the product of distributed constants, CK, is the hyperbolic angle, or propogation constant, Nepers per centimeter.

                          Considering now both fields of induction, the magnetic and the dielectric, there exists a pair of propogation constants, the square root of LM, the magnetic propogation, and the square root of CK, the dielectric propogation. Both distributions are a hyperbolic function of distance but now cannot properly be called single energy. Both the magnetic and dielectric propogations are time scalar, no time delay exists but the distribution in space is instantaneous. It may be postulated that the mutual magnetic and mutual dielectric components L and K are not affected by metallic obstruction but now the metallic is rather a conduction through its counter spatial dimensions. Break, more to follow

                          Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                          Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                          • Mutual Induction & Counterspace

                            The following is some of my personal dimensional brainstorming. I think in images, so I am going to provide as close of visual imagery to approximate my imagination as possible. I think I my need to hire myself a graphic artist.

                            The fabric of space IS COMPOSED of counter-space. Aether is this weird thing because it is coutnerspacial. However if counterspace is manipulated/polarized just right it manifests itself into space "things". Matter and all tangible energy in space comes from and is a polarization of counterspace.

                            It is very difficult to talk about space without referring to counterpace. Counterpace is the structure (archetype) upon which space itself is manifested/constructed. Space and counterpace are like two unique sides of the same coin, the sides may be different, however they are inherently linked. This can make conceiving of these things and then trying to articulate them, rather challenging. All duality frames have two different ways they manifest and thus their unit measurements are also be different. Although they may be referring to the same coin. Or in math speak conjugates.

                            Space being in cm
                            Counter-space being in per-cm

                            Raui and myself talked to each other in circles (or was it squares!?) about the concept of duality and how it relates to just about everything.

                            Nature is not governed by laws, rather it is governed by mutually interactive reciprocities.

                            Thesis x Antithesis = Synthesis

                            Counterspacial phenomena can be thought of as a process of folding inwards infinitely. Spacial phenomena can be thought of as a process of folding outwards.

                            Personally I believe this folding process occurs vortexially, however I doubt it matters much at this point.

                            In any case back to Mutual Induction. As Garrett said it is FLUX LINES INTERACTING ON OTHER FLUX LINES.

                            This is sort of how I envision mutual induction might work counterspacially. Mutual Induction is a flow or transfer of energy. Remember the standard magnetic field lines "L" is the storage of energy. The following wormhole represents the transfer of energy from one magnetic line to another. It probably happens orthogonally as well since 90 degrees appears to be a magic number like phi. So in a way energy disappears from Point A in space into counterspace, re-emerging from counterspace into space at Point B.

                            On another note.

                            Talking to Jim Murray defined Reluctance as the inverse of Inductance.

                            Magnetic Reluctance - how much current can be sustained with flux
                            Magnetic Inductance - lines of flux you can sustain to create current

                            So building on this with Raui, in a similar way
                            1. Mutual Inductance = Amperes/Webers = 1/L = M
                            2. Self Inductance = Webers/Amperes = Henry = L
                            Last edited by Gestalt; 05-18-2012, 02:16 AM.
                            A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                            • OK interesting, lets work this out.
                              a quick and dirty core was made of 4 large flat washers, 3.5" dia with a 1" hole in the center, layered with poly plastic. 22ga mag wire wound 4 turns in traditional manner. 2nF capacitance on the core.

                              applied an .5v 1kHz sine wave to the 'capacitor plate' core and picked up a AC signal on the windings, applied same .5v sine wave to windings and picked up the AC signal on the core. nothing in this setup is optimized it was simply to see if the magnetic field would induce voltage in the windings and vice versa, it does.

                              So now the question is how?, esp the capacitor arrangement.

                              going to build a another core with the capacitor plates arranged vertical and see what that does to the magnetic field.

                              the sine wave was feeble in getting a response, a square wave would be best, however the signal generator I have doesn't output square, need to build a full bridge circuit and re-test.


                              • Electric, Magnetic & Dielectric Circuits

                                Here's some thoughts from Mr. Vladimir Karapetoff, "Electric Circuit 2nd Ed [1912]:

                                Notes, the "electrodynamic" could be said to be the electro-magnetic or "electric" circuit, the electrostatic is equivalent to the dielectric circuit.

                                In the "magnetic circuit", reluctance is the equivalent of "magnetic resistance" and is closely related to Self-Inductance NOT Mutual-Inductance. Reluctance is the RECIPROCAL of Permeance, which is the equivalent of "magnetic conductance". Thus, reluctance can be seen to be TURNED 90 Degrees in the circuit, series, as opposed to Permeance which is in parallel (or shunt). (note, when you encounter "reciprocal quantities" they generally represent a 90 degree rotation in the physical circuit, this represents a transformation of parallel to series or vice versa.)

                                Reluctance is the measure of opposition a medium or body and its geometric configuration, present to the flow of magnetic flux lines, and can be looked at as the analog of resistance in an electric circuit. The reluctance of a uniform magnetic path is proportional to its reluctivity, ρ, and length, l, and inversely proportional to its cross-section, A.

                                Permeance is the ease or lack of obstruction a medium or body and its geometric configuration, present to the movement of magnetic flux lines, and can be looked at as the analog of conductance in an electric circuit. The permeance of a uniform magnetic path is proportional to its permeability, μ, and cross-section, A, and inversely proportional to its length, l.

                                Reluctance and Permeance are used to help calculate for SELF INDUCTANCE, and as far as I am aware, NEVER for mutual inductance directly. (note, reluctance and permeance are generally used in a "ohms law" type proportional relation with magneto-motive force and phi, where phi is one maxwell or one "line". The flux is the "current" the mmf is the "potential" and reluctance is the "resistance" and permeance is the "conductance"; mmf = reluctance * phi or phi = mmf * permeance)

                                Mutual inductance is the NET affect each coil's flux has on one another. (It could be thought to be a LONGITUDINAL transfer of energy via magnetic flux lines pushing on one to the other.)

                                So in conclusion it can be seen that mutual induction relates to LINKAGE of flux-on-flux. NOT reluctance or its reciprocal permeance, which relate to self induction. Whereby reluctance and permeance notably relate to the length, cross-section and relative permeability of the magnetic flux path, and consequently, to the total storage capacity of the magnetic circuit in question. NOT to the LINKAGE OF DISTINCT FLUXES of two or more coils.

                                Pulling from "Allied's Radio Data Handbook", circa 1943:


                                Mutual Inductance

                                The mutual inductance of two r-f coils with fields interacting, is given by


                                (Personal note, you measure the two coils in SERIES NOT PARALLEL; for the AIDING measurement, both coils are in series with windings in the "same" direction, for OPPOSING measurement, both coils are in series but windings are in "opposite" directions.)



                                Allied's Radio Data Handbook [1943], Page 7

                                Vladimir Karapetoff
                                The Magnetic Circuit [1911], Pages 7 & 9
                                The Electric Circuit 2nd Ed [1912], Page xii

                                Side Notes:

                                Interestingly, with M we have flux loops pushed "flat" between two surfaces and with C we have lines terminating on two surfaces, it can be seen that both fluxes are positioned in a sort of counter space, or reciprocal space, where C relates to storage and M to transfer, where the respective lines are at 90 degree angles to one another and where more lines placed in a smaller "space" equates to a larger value of both M and C.

                                Mutual-inductance may relate to "counter-space" due to the "compression" of flux loops, the more compressed the loops are against one another the more "push" they have on one another and thus the more tightly coupled the coils are. Oppositely the less "compression" or more space the loops have between each other the more self-inductance present in the individual coils. This presents two limiting cases; A) 100% M (transfer of energy) with 0% L (storage of energy) and B) 0% M (transfer of energy) with 100% L (storage of energy) existent between two distinct coils.

                                The relationship between L & M (with two distinct and separate coils) is described by the "Coupling Coefficient, k".

                                Again, pulling from "Allied's Radio Data Book":


                                Coupling Coefficient

                                When two r-f coils are inductively coupled so as to give transformer action the coupling coefficient is expressed by



                                Hope this isn't off the mark,

                                Garrett M
                                Last edited by garrettm4; 05-21-2012, 02:33 AM.

