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Eric P. Dollard

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  • that last part is indeed useful, it also is how I'd explain the capacitor transformer core I've been playing with.


    • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
      Cousin Itt,

      Gabriel Kron sits somewhere between Heaviside, Steinmetz, and General Electric. Tell us more about him.

      73 DE N6KPH
      Hello Mr. Dollard,

      please take what I say with a grain of salt. As mentioned I have no educational background nor experience in the field of electrical engineering.

      The problem with Gabriel Kron is twofold. First, it seems that he was quite influenced by Einstein and his theories. Second, his name has been thrown around in a lot of questionable literature - both technical as well as popular. This certainly not Gabriel Kron's fault, but it does give a certain slant to his work.

      The reason why I asked you the question about Gabriel Kron was to see if you consider him as credible a source of information as you do Steinmetz or Heaviside. I mean, if it would be worthwhile to look further into Kron's work or better to say if his work would make it easier to understand Tesla's ideas.

      What I do know about Gabriel Kron is that he was a prodigy. At home I have an incomplete version of his text "Diakoptics - The Piecewise Solution of Large-Scale Systems" published by General Electric in 1957. 90% of this text is way over my head, but I like the concept behind diakoptics and think that it could be a useful methodological and analytical tool. The basic procedure in diakoptics is to "tear" the physical system representing a problem into an appropriate number of small subdivisions, which are then analyzed and solved separately as if the other subdivision were non-existent. Then these partial solutions are interconnected step by step back until the solution of the entire system is accomplished.

      The other thing that really fascinated me with Kron are the following words about his work:

      When one realizes the enormity of his work, one might wonder why Gabriel Kron's name isn't more commonplace than it is. An Electrical Engineer by education and apprenticeship, he formulated an equation that applies to all types of machinery ever designed and ever will be designed in the future. He then used this tensor equation to analyze and systematically design induction motors.

      In this endeavor, Kron's Tensor Equation will be your everlasting friend, willing to venture with you in your searches into the most exotic designs for machines of your choice, no matter what your field or your time - always helping you design better machines by teaching you how to classify the components that form the machine. By neatly classifying the underlying components of the machine in question into purely inductive, resistive and capacitive components and using his trademark analytical method, Kron is able to set up equations and analyze everything from say, a steam turbine governing system (divided into the governor, the linkage, the pilot valve, and the turbine) to the electric speed drive/control (divided into the synchronous motor, the induction motor, and the stationary network).

      Kron himself comments that in his research,he had found that it is interesting that Kirchhof laid the foundations of topology even while working simply with circuits. "It is not a coincidence but a consequence of some hitherto hidden relation between the properties of space and those of electricity that the science of electrical engineering and that of topology meet again on a common ground when both are viewed from an invariant point of view."

      It is worth our while to ponder what we are to make of the fact that nature has designed the phenomenon of electricity such that one equation can serve to model all manner of electrical machinery? Is it something innate to the phenomenon of electricity? Or is the breathtakingly sophisticated mathematical edifice describing all electromagnetic phenomena with the aid of just a few parameters such as impedance (inductive and capacitive), voltage and current and rate of change of current something that derives its seeming perfection from other, even more fundamental?

      Kron himself is clear on this subject. He commented that "Although the method of reasoning will be employed [by him in his book Tensors for Circuits] only for stationary and rotating electrical networks, exactly the same reasoning applies also to mechanical and other physical systems. That is, all reasonings and all symbolic formulas to be studied are independent of electrical engineering. The electrical applications are only illustrations."

      A passage from Kron's book Tensors for Circuits is reproduced below to illustrate not only Kron's mastery of the subject of the analysis of machines but also an inkling of how electromagnetic devices and mechanical devices are different manifestations of the same fundamental geometric and physical phenomenon.

      Pay special attention to section (d) !


      a shed dweller's diary: Would Kron Recognize The Idea Behind The Relativistic Machine?

      As said everything should be taken with a grain of salt, but I would very much like to hear your opinion about Gabriel Kron and his ideas (partially outlined above), Mr. Dollard.

      Cousin Itt


      • Originally posted by madhatter View Post
        that last part is indeed useful, it also is how I'd explain the capacitor transformer core I've been playing with.
        If I understood you correctly, you have the 2 leads from the signal generator going to the copper plates?

        Cousin Itt,

        Appreciate the post.


        • Originally posted by jake View Post
          If I understood you correctly, you have the 2 leads from the signal generator going to the copper plates?

          Cousin Itt,

          Appreciate the post.
          Nope, Jump over to thread I started about the transformer core with capacitor plates.


          • S.V. Avramenko Plug

            I am just getting up to speed on the AV Plug and I found this most interesting article on the Tesla one wire system as rediscovered by Avremenko.

            Resonance methods of electric power transmission
            (Devoted to the memory of Nikola Tesla, /10 july 1856 – 7 january 1943/)


            • N. Tesla and the Electrical Experimenter

              Let us look at the year 1919. World War One has just established the "New World Order", part one. Franklin Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the Navy has successfully outlawed radio in the USA and Tesla is history, he has no possible hope of ever regaining a suitable laboratory in which to carry out his work. His only recourse is to irritate the A-holes with a string of magazine articles. It was great for Hugo Gernsback and his magazine. This just like Eric Dollard on the Energetic Forum, identical.

              Tesla, in his famous "Scientific Illusions"is behaving like a coyote. By interweaving the known scientific conundrums with his own Telluric Radio System, he gets a stab or two into the flesh of G Marconi. However Tesla is a bit one sided in this and gives an unbalanced account of radio in general. Tesla's system is V.L.F. 3 Kc/sec to 30 Kc/sec. Forget the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, he shows that is does not exist in his drawing, all one sixty-fourth of it. But Tesla makes a faulty claim that all radio must be Telluric. This is not true. By 1919 Marconi was kicked out of the USA for ripping off the US Navy (1917). R.C.A. was not yet born so J.P. Morgan's General Electric took charge of the Marconi Installations, hence Steinmetz and Alexanderson rebuilt these stations (KET Bolinas and WII New Brunswick). In retaliation Marconi developed short wave radio, 3 Mc/sec to 30 MC/sec. These waves are not Telluric but are ionospheric. Here then is an "Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide", but not at V.L.F. Tesla is correct about the extreme attenuation of the ionospheric mode in his article for the Electrical Experimenter. A billionth of a watt is now correct, but the Armstrong Regenerative Detector came to pass and it has infinite amplification. David Sarnoff took this invention far, from Marconi to R.C.A. (see PBS video "Empire of the Air").

              So Tesla misinforms his readers to emphasize the singularity of his Telluric System. In my opinion Tesla's later articles were for spitting in the face of his enemies. His later claimed discoveries are most likely re-statements of his 19th century work.

              73 DE N6KPH


              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
              Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


              • MIT Book V5 Index

                MIT Radiation-Lab-Series-V5-Pulse Generators:
                1. Introduction
                2. Hard Tube Pulser
                3. Vacuum Tubes as Switches
                4. Driver Circuits
                5. Particular Applications
                6. The Pulse Forming Network
                7. The Discharging Circuit Of The Line Type Pulser
                8. Switches For Line Type Pulsers
                9. The Charging Circuit of the Line Type Pulser
                10. Performance of Line Type Pulsers
                11. Particular Applications
                12. Elementary Theory of Line Type Pulsers
                13. Pulse Transformer Design
                14. Effect of Pulse Transformer Parameters on Circuit Behaviour
                15. Material and Their Uses In Design
                16. Measuring Techniques
                Appendix B
                List of Symbols

                As I opened up a monthly Scribd account, I have now downloaded the first 7 of the Series up to Magnetrons and a few others that may be of interest on Crystals and Vacuum Tubes.
                Pulse Generators is a gem as it helps me considerably with my own understanding of Impulse technology - Thankyou.
                Did you get the Guillemin pdf at 'n6kph'?
                Let me know what you need from the above?
                Making the pdfs is not a problem.



                • Potential & Kinetic Energy

                  I was reading an article written by Mr. Murray and found a section of it to have some fascinating insight into EMF and Electro-static Potential:


                  There are two kinds of energy, which serves to confuse the issue further. There is the energy of motion (kinetic energy), and the energy of position within a defined gradient, (potential energy). While much a do is made about these two forms, they in fact represent the same thing. Both kinetic and potential energy are different forms of potential energy. The only difference between the two is the reference frame of the observer. Although this should be obvious, it is not. It is easy to become confused by the motive aspect associated with the kinetic form and the lack of motion associated with the potential form. The parameter that defines the difference is acceleration, not velocity.

                  A large object moving through space at 25,000 miles per hour may possess a large volume of kinetic energy, but it cannot perform any useful work until it is brought to a sudden stop. In a similar fashion, a heavy weight suspended 100 feet above a particular reference level may possess a very large volume of potential energy, but it cannot do any useful work until it is released and subjected to an acceleration. This is because the definition of “Energy” is the ability to do work, not as the activity of work in progress. Hence, both forms of energy represent potentials in their respective reference frames.


                  Analogous situations exist within the realm of electrical physics, including the assumption that Voltage and EMF are the same thing and can be made equal to one another. When, in fact, EMF is a force, and Voltage is a measure of potential, and the two can only be made equal in magnitude, not in kind."

                  The relation of an EMF (inductive release of energy) to a Electro-static Potential (storage of dielectric energy) is quite the parallel to the KINETIC and POTENTIAL energy of the "object moving through space" that Mr. Murray talks about in the second paragraph of the above excerpt. I really like the conclusion that EMF and Electro-static potential can only be made equal in MAGNETUDE and NOT in kind. This is due to the distinct nature of the two, while both relate to Voltage neither are the same thing, this gives credence to Mr. Dollard's Quadra-Polar view of electrical phenomena.

                  Notes on the above:

                  In an overly simplified view, Magnetic Energy is a "flow" of "current" which is in proportion to the Magnetic Field in which it engenders (or vice versa). This field is composed of flux loops, of which, we denote by the Greek letter Phi. If we equate the "flow" of current to the kinetic model of mechanical energy storage, the only way to release that stored energy is to STOP the flow of current, or more accurately change the relative "acceleration" (or rate of change in the current flow, by varying its magnitude with respect to time).

                  When this happens we see a force equal to the rate in which the "flow" was "stopped" or the relative acceleration seen (whether positive or negative). In Newton's perspective, every "action" has an opposite and equal reaction. In the case of the Magnetic Circuit, a change in the acceleration of current flow induces an equal and opposite reactionary Force.

                  This force is called Electro-Motive Force, and is seen as the collapse (or expansion) of the field engendered by the flow of "current", which subsequently produces a time variant voltage, of which, the magnitude is directly related to the time rate collapse of the magnetic field phi in Webers, Phi/t=EMF. The period of duration, however, is not related to the time rate collapse of the field, but instead, is directly related to the magnitude of the storage capacity (L) per the magnitude of the release of that stored energy (via a dissipative element) (r), L/r=tau where 5*tau=T where T=period or duration. Where, Phi/T=Average Voltage and dPhi/dt=the magnitude at any one moment in time or the plot of the time variant magnitude.

                  In essence, magnetic energy is the direct analogue of mechanical kinetic energy, only a change in the acceleration can cause a storage or release of its potential energy. This is seen in the relative magnitude of the current flow. If the flow of current is "DC" there is NO acceleration and thus no reaction, if it is "AC" (or time variant in general) there is a definite reaction related to frequency. When sinusoidal, this is seen as a constant periodic change of acceleration (due to the change in current flow magnitude) and thus a constant reaction magnitude is seen, Reactance X in +johms, where X=ωL=2πfL.

                  Moving on to the Dielectric Circuit,

                  (will finish writing this tomorrow)

                  Garrett M
                  Last edited by garrettm4; 05-22-2012, 05:04 AM.


                  • I feel like this video should be viewed and compared with Eric's recent transmissions on electricity in tune with the golden ratio spatial proportions. It is kind of interesting that the producer of the video refers to a diagram that I have seen in "Electric Discharges, Waves, and Impulses" by Steinmetz. However, this diagram didn't refer to electrical waves under the video's representation, rather an archetypal male/female existence. It did suggest the male and female projections of dielectricity and magnetism just like Eric described them a while back.

                    Spirit Science 10 - Math of God - YouTube



                    • Tunig setup for secondary coil

                      Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                      @All Crystal Radio Builders,

                      The following is a test procedure used to determine the resonance of the coils.

                      The tuning setup for secondary coil shows a test coil of 1 turn - 50 Ohms and 3 turns of 500 Ohms, so what is this test coil and how to make it?


                      • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
                        The tuning setup for secondary coil shows a test coil of 1 turn - 50 Ohms and 3 turns of 500 Ohms, so what is this test coil and how to make it?
                        I attempted to use coax draped around the Secondary but was not successful and used the 2 turn Primary instead which worked fine.
                        Distance between Primary and Secondary was about 1.5" 40mm.

                        Have the integrated Condenser all cut out and will assemble tomorrow.
                        Using an Alloy G Clamp to hold it all tightly together and can be used as a means for tuning.
                        Using crinkled Aluminium and embossed Polyester (house damp course) as a trial.



                        • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                          There seems to be little progress in the longitudinal moon bounce idea, this because we do not know what it is that is bouncing off the moon or if it even bounces at all. It seems necessary to go back to "square one".

                          It was said that you cannot see the stars in outer space. Is there some reason why you should see them? If then there is no primary light in outer space beyond the influence of the earth then there is no velocity of light since there is no light. This is to say there is not a delay in time when viewing objects in deep space, no light years, etc. The distant galaxies then appear here just as they are, not images of a distant past. Relativity crashes into oblivion. What is known on earth as light is electro-magnetic waves. These light waves of course propagate at luminal velocity.

                          The sun and stars in this view emit primary induction, not electro-magnetic waves. This is to say that while man made waves that take 8 minutes to travel from sun to earth, the primary induction of the sun arrives at earth much sooner, if not instantly. It is the envelope of the earth itself that engenders the sun light. Through a better understanding of this primary induction a transmission system utilizing it can be developed. The idea here is NOT to get too hung up on theory and innumerable details but to make something work, and this is in the face of impossibility. This is like a military situation, make it work or the ship sinks. The Navy has no secret Telluric system, and moreover they gave up on E.L.F., 76 cps.

                          Marconi just does not work at those frequencies. If there was such a Navy Telluric transmission, it would be received at Landers. The Landers antenna was capable of detecting underground nuclear detonations, and the Navy 25 Kc/sec fleet broadcast was overwhelmingly strong, requiring the use of band reject networks. Break, more to follow

                          I am having trouble with your Caduceus Coil and the Landers antenna.
                          You mention the new lady owners ripping out the Caduceus windings and were they the ones on the first floor ceiling?
                          Not sure I understand your drawing.
                          Was the Integratron also acting as an antenna that could detect earthquakes before the event?
                          Appreciate your information you are providing here as I have an interest in George Van Tassel and his theories as well as the MWO.
                          Was George's death untimely?

                          Have uploaded the first 6 Chapters of the MIT V5 Pulse Generator document at 'n6kph'.



                          • 5C22 Hydrogen Thyratron

                            As per Mr. Dollard's request, here's some diagrams and literature on hydrogen thyratrons with a detailed diagram of a 5C22:

                            Here are some basic circuit layouts using a thyratron, I believe this is for reference to those who want to apply impulse drive to their TMT (however, I may be wrong on this):


                            MIT Radiation Lab Series; Volume 5, Chapter 8, Section 10, Pages 335-354


                            The "MIT Radiation Lab Series" is a 27 volume compendium of American microwave and radar knowledge, circa 1940s. It literally is a treasure-trove of insightful information, of which I have never found a parallel of, at least for the subjects presented.

                            Here's what MIT's website had to say about this publication:

                            "After the end of World War II, the United States government continued to pay key people who had worked at the Radiation Laboratory for six months to enable them to write about their work. From the forward of each book:

                            The tremendous research and development effort that went into the development of radar and related techniques during World War II resulted not only in hundreds of radar sets for military (and some for possible peacetime) use but also in a great body of information and new techniques in the electronics and high-frequency fields. Because this basic material may be of great value to science and engineering, it seemed most important to publish it as soon as security permitted.

                            However, an altruistic drive to publish the Lab's achievements in open literature was not the only impetus. As C. C. Bissell observes:

                            The imposing 27-volume [sic] Radiation Lab Series was not only a technological statement, but also a political statement about the role the United States was to play in the post-war world... that in the post-war world the United States would be the intellectual driving force of science and technology, as well as the economic and political super power."

                            Hope this helps,

                            Garrett M
                            Last edited by garrettm4; 05-23-2012, 12:14 AM.


                            • Thyratrons

                              Here are some basic circuit layouts using a thyratron, I believe this is for reference to those who want to apply impulse drive to their TMT (however, I may be wrong on this):

                              Thankyou for the information.
                              My reason for interest in Thyratrons at this time is for a Don Smith device where I have a Flyback/Spark or Ion Valve/Bridge Rectifier setup that is able to rapidly charge Oil Filled Capacitors to High Kv levels.
                              The problem is downconverting this stored energy into 50/60Hz for energy use.
                              After much research I decided that Thyratrons were going to be the best bet
                              but the problem is that the 5C22 is overkill and the others I have here are voltage limited at 300/600 volt area.
                              Am looking for 1Kv> types like 3C23 but no luck as yet but do have 2 x 2C53which are good for 8Kv.
                              I also have brand new unopened 3CX100A5s which are much later Pulse Tubes that are Ceramic and good for 1Kv.
                              What I do have here are many high Kv TV Tubes which I will probably begin testing with.
                              The other option are the many NPN 1.5Kv Horizontal Drivers in Solid State also from TVs and working with those now.
                              I believe this circuit is OU but just another project awaiting the time to investigate further.
                              I agree that the MIT data is goldmine material.



                              • Sheva, the princess of Satan

                                The "Landers Antenna" was a tandem pair of an Alexanderson Antenna (Earth) and a beverage antenna (sky), this is the earthquake system. This was constructed on the land of Walt Deroche, a retired Aerospace worker. This system was developed long after the Sheva forced me and then Lockwood out of the Integratron. The Sheva strongarm George Riddle tried to grab my laboratory at the Integratron but failed (we had guns too!). This gear became the lab seen in the Borderland videos. The Sheva stripped stripped out and scrapped everything Van Tassle put there including the "Ceiling Coils". Later they put up their own coil improperly, and then spread rumors that " I would burn down the dome" when they finished it, which of course they have no intention of doing. The Landers Antenna came about after I lost the Integratron to the Sheva. It is unfortunate but I do not remember its makeup and Roy Stolti will not respond to requests for the return of my notebooks. This is the earthquake system, not the Integratron.

                                The Sheva, and its component the "thing" that took over the mind of Tom Brown and Borderland works to bring a female Satan to Earth. This is also the primary objective of Commonweal in Bolinas, CA. That destroyed most of the RCA station there.

                                The Caduceus Coil is as drawn in diagram, notice the polarity dots, two coils wound opposite upon each other. Van Tassle says the wires of the conjugate coils should cross at 22.5 degrees. A 16th order versor is an important factor underlining all of George Van Tassle's efforts. Also his relatives claim that a second wife Doris killed George, and later she was drugged to help get the Integratron away from Lockwood.

                                73 DE N6KPH
                                Last edited by t-rex; 05-23-2012, 07:10 PM.

                                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories

