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  • Integratron

    The validity of Van Tassel's claims is something we would never know. I had determined that in the later years of the Integratron that it was no more than a "dog and pony show". The surviving people I interviewed were no more than self worshiping UFO queeks. I believe the basic story of the Integratron is well known so I will not spend much effort on that here. My objective was to engineer the Integratron into at least partial operation, and it was left to my efforts by Van Tassel as a project engineered with deliberation. This is to say they had a defined plan and I was left with their "Heath Kit".

    I am not one to believe in "space people". I usually do not want to even hear about it. The UFO Jesus cult in LA took on the Integratron as their holy shrine. I tried my best to not get into that, but it is however they though that Tesla would come back from Venus in a space ship like the second coming of Jesus Christ. This kept Tesla's name alive at least.

    Some thing did happen to change my mind a bit. The deal with the notebook and Lockwood was already weird, but there was more. Lockwood took me to my workplace at Captain Hughes company. The business manager talked with me about why I was picking up my glom (a box of 5C22's) and where was I going. I told him to Landers. Then he told me he was born near there, so why am I going there? To work on the Integratron I told him. He turned white and the office went silent. He then recounted his story of being terrified by a childhood encounter with Aliens in the Integratron! What can I say?

    73 DE N6KPH

    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
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    • Van Tassel Says

      We have the seemingly empty statement by George Van Tassel T equals one over F. So what, a simple inverse just like R equals one over G, right? Lets ask Joe Blow!

      Transference from the dimensional relation of frequency to time is very problematic. This is the home of French math, La'Place and Fourier, great for torturing young minds but of dubious engineering value except for established special cases. But like LSD it works different ways for different people .Oliver Heaviside tried to lead us out of this condition but he was not a good teacher of his ideas. (See E.M. Theory, "Waves of Pure Diffusion").

      The notion came about in my Bell telephone education that the original Fourier concept included backward time frequencies, but these have been ignored to placate the Einsteiner. My Bell telephone research at the Landers installation further indicates a back in time wave exists in the study of broadband carrier telephone systems. Is it not a coincidence that Van Tassel says this in kind of a round about way? Quite possibly his co-workers were on to something. Consider this observation. A television signal several years old broadcast in America, is received in England. How did this happen? The Einsteiner comes up with many explanations but none that can work. My own theory is this: some disorder in the tuning of VHF television power amplifier energizing the broadcast antenna gave rise to a parasitic oscillation.This could be like that of the Caduceus oscillator, possibly, and launched itself through time into the future. To me that is just as plausible as the other theories of bouncing around in space for years, this being unlikely because of its transit attenuation.

      73 DE N6KPH

      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • Tesla X-Ray

        Confusion seems to exist as to the nature of N Tesla's radiant matter efforts. This subject was of great importance to Tesla. All understanding here originates with the ideas of Sir W. Crookes, the inventor of the vacuum tube and thereby the grand uncle of atomic physics. Here is where to start, Crookes. What was Tesla's radiant matter anyway? Rest assured those who talk the most on this subject are the ones that know the least, a fundamental of human behavior. What is claimed to be Tesla is often rather the opposite. Presently, because of the efforts of certain individuals with engineering background, the established pseudo-Tesla mythos is dissolving. For those forces that despise Tesla, some with a pathological fervor, this requires a damage control operation on their part. Hence it can be expected, since the Bearden-Bedini axis has become QRU, a new much more advanced for of dis-info regarding Tesla may come about.

        Tesla's radiant matter is NOT composed of electrons, protons, or quarks. These are but mathematical abstractions. The starting point is the pre-Einstein work done in studying the Roentgen Ray and the phenomenon of the anode and cathode. (E.P. Thompson has a book on this . Vassilatos has several writings on Crookes.) Tesla's radiant matter would be in the form of "Le Sage" particles, or "Thompson Corpuscles", and components of the nucleus Mendelev pre-hydrogen aether gasses.

        Tesla exposed himself to massive intensities of his radiant output. From the electron volt standpoint he should of died a few weeks after these experiments. But he did not, why?

        Tesla utilized direct rays, these from a single element vacuum tube fed by a source of mono-polar electro static potential. This much like radiation from the sun, this is what Tesla was after, a sun in a bottle, lookout Edison! Today the X-Ray is derived from a reflected, not directed, source of radiation.

        Rather than rays we now have radiation. This is analogous to the primary induction from the sun producing visible light, or radiation, upon its impact with matter. Today the X-Ray tube has a heavy metal (Tungsten) anode. Rays from a thermionic (DC) cathode strike this anode, or target, giving rise to reflected photonic radiations that have been given the name X-Rays. Of course these "Einstein Rays" are destructive to living organisms, but the "Tesla Rays' are not. This is something to think about.

        73 DE N6KPH
        Last edited by t-rex; 05-25-2012, 10:45 PM.

        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


        • Thanks for sharing that Eric.

          Question for those more familiar with neon bulbs, in working with the capacitor/trans core circuit it will easily light a neon bulb. the bulb I have is of unknown age, it glows a pretty soft orange all the way up to 100v so far. I was experimenting with a circuit layout and noticed the bulb would slowly increase it's rate of off time between flashes, then it stopped. taking another ground lead and touching the neon tube on the anode would cause a blinding purple/white flash at which point it resumes the soft orange flashing. assumption is that the capacitor is slowing charging and the bulb stops once it's fully charged. however it shouldn't do this and I was not aware of neon bulb being able to flash so brightly in the white-purple spectrum.

          maybe this is normal, not sure thought I'd ask. it looks like a basic clear neon bulb. the flash is very odd, I can charge a cap up to 120v and discharge is thru the bulb it only flashes orange/red. not sure what's going on?


          • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
            Extra coil was made for 20 turn secondary for 1,188 Kc.
            These are the results using Eric's recommended tuning setup.
            Function generator Wavetek FG2 A, set to 1M sine wave
            Shouldn't the test signal also be set to 1.188MHz?

            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


            • NE-2 Neon Bulb Notes

              I've had some very interesting things happen with neon bulbs in some of my experiments.

              Here's an outline of some personal observations:

              Blue/white.. Explosion, complete destruction of neon bulb, glass cracked sometimes explosively, carbon electrode melted (has 3500C melting point!) The brightness is extreme and quite startling, something that you don't forget easily. Everything "solid-state" in circuit path is annihilated.

              Blue.......... Near failure, dangerous, good indication of extreme impulse passing through. I have never been able to examine the bulb for long enough to see if this is a ball plasma condition like the purple state. Generally, the circuit in which the bulb was shunting the energy away from fails epically, notably the switching power transistor and any power diodes present.

              Purple........ Ball plasma, quite stable if driven right, ball will float around but will stay within the confines of tube. Doesn't matter if it touches electrodes or not. Ironically bulb will remain quite cool but black sputterings appear where the ball plasma resides (electrode evaporation?). No failure of control circuit observed during many observations of this state.

              Red............ Extreme over-current, bulb will fail quite quickly, if not in seconds.

              Orange-red.. Over-current, operating at elevated currents, bulb will fail if left in this condition for too long.

              Orange-pink. Operating in normal region, current is limited to safe levels, will operate indefinitely in this condition.

              Unusual effects are seen with gas discharge tubes, neon's and what not in impulse applications. I find the purple ball plasma and the blue light just before failure to be the most interesting. To get the ball plasma you need impulses of incredibly short duration and high potential, inductive discharges are the best. Frequency doesn't have to be that high, a few hertz can stimulate the ball plasma formation, but higher frequency causes greater stability. Cadacious windings with opposing currents produce extreme EMFs that can also excite the purple ball plasma state, "common mode" chokes work well in this regard.

              At one time I used the neon bulbs for over voltage protection in special circuits (diodes couldn't be used and bi-TVS had too much capacitance) and found them to be too slow. I now use MOVs which are much faster at switching. For those who are looking for the lowest shunt capacitance, the micro arc-gap surge suppressors from KOA Speer are an interesting solution to transient over voltage control, I've forgotten their response time but they are vastly superior to neon's and have less capacity than MOVs. GDTs are useful as well but are quite a bit larger than the micro arc-gaps, although they can shunt much more energy. The only problem with the GDTs and spark-gaps is radio noise emission, which can surprisingly be quite disruptive to TV reception and what not.

              Garrett M
              Last edited by garrettm4; 05-26-2012, 02:40 PM.


              • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                Tesla utilized direct rays, these from a single element vacuum tube fed by a source of mono-polar electro static potential.
                a source of mono-polar electrostatic potential....

                This is what it is said that Avramenko used in his one wire transmission system. How did he do it?

                If the group, following his death, switched to tesla coil methods, then what was Avramenko using to begin with?

                Perhaps close scrutiny of his russian patents would yield the answer. Is there anyone here that is an expert in finding russian patents? Help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.



                • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
                  I've had some very interesting things happen with neon bulbs in some of my experiments.

                  Here's an outline of some personal observations:

                  Blue/white.. Explosion, complete destruction of neon bulb glass cracked sometimes explosively, carbon electrode melted (has 5000C melting point!) The brightness is extreme and quite startling, something that you don't forget easily. Everything "solid-state" in circuit path is annihilated.

                  Blue.......... Near failure, dangerous, good indication of extreme impulse passing through. I have never been able to examine the bulb for long enough to see if this is a ball plasma condition like the purple state. Generally, the circuit in which the bulb was shunting the energy away from fails epically, notably the switching power transistor and any power diodes present.

                  Purple........ Ball plasma, quite stable if driven right, ball will float around but will stay within the confines of tube. Doesn't matter if it touches electrodes or not. Ironically bulb will remain quite cool but black sputterings appear where the ball plasma resides (electrode evaporation?). No failure of control circuit observed during many observations of this state.

                  Red............ Extreme over-current, bulb will fail quite quickly, if not in seconds.

                  Orange-red.. Over-current, operating at elevated currents, bulb will fail if left in this condition for too long.

                  orange/pink. Operating in normal region, current is limited to safe levels, will operate indefinitely in this condition.

                  Interesting effects are seen with gas discharge tubes, neon's and what not in impulse applications. I find the purple ball plasma and the blue light just before epic failure to be quite interesting. To get the ball plasma you need impulses of incredibly short duration and high potential, inductive discharges are the best. Frequency doesn't have to be that high, a few hertz can stimulate the ball plasma formation, but higher frequency causes greater stability. Cadacious windings with opposing currents produce extreme EMFs that can also excite the purple ball plasma state, "common mode" chokes work well in this regard.

                  At one time I used the neon bulbs for over voltage protection in special circuits (diodes couldn't be used and bi-TVS had too much capacitance) and found them to be too slow. I now use MOVs which are much faster at switching. For those who are looking for the lowest shunt capacitance, the micro arc-gap surge suppressors from KOA Speer are an interesting solution to transient over voltage control, I've forgotten their response time but they are vastly superior to neon's and have less capacity than MOVs. GDTs are useful as well but are quite a bit larger than the micro arc-gaps, although they can shunt much more energy. The only problem with the GDTs and spark-gaps is radio noise emission, which can surprisingly be quite disruptive to TV reception and what not.

                  Garrett M
                  just what I was looking for.

                  Had to repeat this a few times and it does form a 'flame front' of an unstable ball. the bulb is also left quite cold after too. no sputtering or damage yet, not that I'm going to keep doing it, was a curiosity mainly.

                  OK, enough noise,back to the thread topic


                  • George Van Tassel

                    There are some more radio interviews from George Van Tassel at this website along with some other pictures. Integratron's George Van Tassel and the Giant Rock Spaceship Conventions with George Hunt Williamson 1950s.

                    Thank you for addressing or answering the "ET question" T-Rex. This was a question I've wanted to ask you but was too afraid to ask.. Lest one gets bitten..! The ET subject is probably for the most part, outside of the technical discussion and teaching going on here. - Although I have myself seen the odd sighting of 'strange' lights in the sky..

                    I have been looking for a diagram, a model or a schematic of the Integatron. Lots of information around that all seems to be junk. Not much technical information around that really seems to be correct at all. Except for perhaps what George says himself. They all just mention 'Tesla' but really have no idea.

                    So lets ask Mr Wizard.. Since you have probably the most knowledge on the subject than anyone on the planet. (From this planet anyway - Hehe).

                    I have also been blown away. gob-smacked by the Electric universe together with the Gravity model you presented, the hollow Earth & planets with a "Farnsworth Star" inside.
                    Also with the Longitudinal Rays or Primary rays, strike a surface (of Earth) and give off the transverse waves (secondary emissions). - These theories, if found to be true (and most likely are) just throws everything on its head, a complete dis-array!

                    We have been so blind!
                    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                    • Extra coil tuning

                      Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                      Shouldn't the test signal also be set to 1.188MHz?
                      Actually I did set the test signal to 1,188 Kc, but there was no response from the meter at any capacity setting or can position. The posted data show the only response frequencies at which the meter reads a maximum. On my coil I have a tap at 49 1/2 turns. If I make that point the end of the coil then I am measuring through 124 1/4-49 1/2=74 3/4 turns, at this point I peak the meter at 1085 Kc, 30 uA, 14 pF, can at 5 cm. If I turn the coil 180 degrees and measure between the tap and the coil end, that is at 49 1/2 turns, then I measure 2033 Kc, 22 uA. Based on this it seems to me that the coil is over designed and the meter would give the max response at somewhere between 49 1/2 and 74 3/4 turns, most likely between 65 and 70 turns. Tesla himself often took turns off the extra coil in order to obtain the desired frequency. In his Colorado Springs Notes on page 80 in connection with the extra coil he states "...the actual length of wire being always smaller than the theoretical length...".
                      I still find it strange that the ground connection has absolutely no effect on the reading, like it is not even necessary.


                      • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                        Tesla X-Ray

                        Confusion seems to exist as to the nature of N Tesla's radiant matter efforts. This subject was of great importance to Tesla. All understanding here originates with the ideas of Sir W. Crookes, the inventor of the vacuum tube and thereby the grand uncle of atomic physics. Here is where to start, Crookes. What was Tesla's radiant matter anyway? Rest assured those who talk the most on this subject are the ones that know the least, a fundamental of human behavior. What is claimed to be Tesla is often rather the opposite. Presently, because of the efforts of certain individuals with engineering background, the established pseudo-Tesla mythos is dissolving. For those forces that despise Tesla, some with a pathological fervor, this requires a damage control operation on their part. Hence it can be expected, since the Bearden-Bedini axis has become QRU, a new much more advanced for of dis-info regarding Tesla may come about.

                        Tesla's radiant matter is NOT composed of electrons, protons, or quarks. These are but mathematical abstractions. The starting point is the pre-Einstein work done in studying the Roentgen Ray and the phenomenon of the anode and cathode. (E.P. Thompson has a book on this . Vassilatos has several writings on Crookes.) Tesla's radiant matter would be in the form of "Le Sage" particles, or "Thompson Corpuscles", and components of the nucleus Mendelev pre-hydrogen aether gasses.

                        Tesla exposed himself to massive intensities of his radiant output. From the electron volt standpoint he should of died a few weeks after these experiments. But he did not, why?

                        Tesla utilized direct rays, these from a single element vacuum tube fed by a source of mono-polar electro static potential. This much like radiation from the sun, this is what Tesla was after, a sun in a bottle, lookout Edison! Today the X-Ray is derived from a reflected, not directed, source of radiation.

                        Rather than rays we now have radiation. This is analogous to the primary induction from the sun producing visible light, or radiation, upon its impact with matter. Today the X-Ray tube has a heavy metal (Tungsten) anode. Rays from a thermionic (DC) cathode strike this anode, or target, giving rise to reflected photonic radiations that have been given the name X-Rays. Of course these "Einstein Rays" are destructive to living organisms, but the "Tesla Rays' are not. This is something to think about.

                        73 DE N6KPH
                        Hi T-rex

                        Can you tell me more about this PVEED
                        Crystal Rectangle Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device pentagen covalent bond reactor

                        Top secret private Pentagon's military sector acquired extra-terrestrial exchange program known as Crystal Rectangle Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device pentagen covalent bond reactor.

                        covalent bond is a kind of chemical bond which forms when electrons are shared between two atoms, so each atom contributes electron to form a pair of electrons that both atoms share to attain a lower state of energy, 2 pentagen atoms forming a covalent bond results in an excess of energy.

                        Since 1956, many experiments were conducted using the extra-terrestrial PVEED device. Most of the top scret experiments were conducted by Los Alamos as a contractor for the US Department of Energy.

                        PVEED device has this specifications: The dimensions 26cm x 17cm x 2.5cm. The PVEED
                        weighs 728 grams. There are exist minimum two versions of PVEED devices. One has weighed 668 grams and other 728 grams.

                        There was a secret notation in a high order classified document that read: PVEED-1 (Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device). This would indicate presence of PVEED-2 and high!
                        Many involved Scientists don't refer to the CRPVEED as a CRPVEED or shortly CR but as a PVEED, or as "The Magic Cube".

                        A small dot moves around the inside when an energy demand was placed on the PVEED.
                        Los Alamos's scientists have discovered the substance contained in the dot. The dot was found to be a perfectly rounded particle of charged antimatter. They still don’t understand how this piece of antimatter can remain stable until it is tasked with such a movement. They still don’t understand why once a demand is made to the PVEED the antimatter starts its movement and creates energy. So they have found the PVEED is made of an unknown extra-terrestrial material. But several elements have been detected. One of the materials is similar to carbon, but not exactly like carbon as we know it. Another substance is similar to zinc, but not the same consistency of zinc. D. Nor one scientist can't explain the action of the antimatter and the actions of neutrons that are created and then disappear when the demand is lifted. Also they can't explain why the constant temperature of the extra-terrestrial PVEED is 72 degrees. Even when heat is directed on the PVEED, the temperature remains at 72 degrees.

                        When an energy demand is placed on the PVEED, it creates a signal, that can be measured at 23.450 MHZ. However, when increased demand is placed on the PVEED the frequency is modulated from 23.45MHz to 46.90MHz or double the original frequency. However, when the demand is reduced, the frequency drops to 1.25KHz, which is a constant frequency when no demand is placed on the PVEED. Regardless of what power demand is placed on the PVEED, the frequency NEVER raises to more than 46.90MHz!

                        Inside device a small set of squares contains horizontal wires. The wires are similar to tungsten. The wires somehow conduct the energy by bouncing the neutrons off these wires back into the fluid. The small dot bounces against the wire when energy demand is placed on the PVEED. Only certain wires would react or expand when energy demand was placed on the PVEED. Some scientists think that, depending on the demand, only certain wires would expand. Somehow, the energy output would be controlled by the amount of squares used.

                        The US.Government duplicate of the PVEED device. The US.Government made one in 2001 that actually worked for a very short period of time. The operation was EXTREMELY CLASSIFIED and the device blew up at the Nevada Test Site, injuring two employees.

                        The timeline for the US.Government's extra-terrestrial PVEED device is as follows:

                        1947 year: PVEED device found in the second crash site.

                        1949: Los Alamos scientists first conducted experiments with PVEED. At this time, no one knew what it was. Some scientists thought it was just a window.

                        1954: Sandia Labs conducted several experiments with the PVEED, but still didn’t know its actual use.

                        1955: PVEED was lent to Westinghouse for experiments.

                        1958: PVEED was lent to Corning Glass in an effort to determine its construction material.

                        1962: PVEED’s first official test conducted at Los Alamos and published in a classified report.

                        1970: PVEED was determined to be more than a window. The PVEED device was found to fit into a space on the spacecraft. Scientists at Los Alamos determined PVEED was some sort of energy device.

                        1978: PVEED determined to be a high powered energy device that provided electrical power to the spacecraft.

                        1982: PVEED was first tested and produced energy.

                        1987: PVEED was given to E-Systems for extensive testing.

                        1990: PVEED was proven to be an UNLIMITED ALIEN POWER SYSTEM. The construction and contents of the PVEED was learned. However, no one knew just how it worked.

                        1998: PVEED project know as The Magic Cube was started in an effort to accelerate the knowledge of the device.

                        2001: PVEED top secret project, The Magic Cube was transferred from Los Alamos’ Futures Division to its "Special Projects or Section K" division.

                        2012 Currently, as of September 2002, the PVEED is contained at the Section K division facilities, Los Alamos. The system can generate energy equivalent to a nuclear explosion from a range of up to 350 KTons. Without any damaging radiation. Not x-rays at all.

                        PVEED system can generate this enormous amount of power, without any residual harmful radiation to any organic entity.

                        In official science, there are only two basic types of bonds by which atoms form molecules: ionic and covalent bonds. When two hydrogen atoms approach each other, their combined energy becomes lower if they SHARE their electrons. Well with pentagen the energy is MULTIPLIED by the number of atoms that is bonded.

                        Inside PVEED chamber sit two plates of metal. This chamber is a PERFECT VACUUM. A tube running from one chamber into another pushes a gas inside. A third chamber forces still another gas to enter the first chamber. Los Alamos scientists know that the gases push against two plates of metal cause an ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF ENERGY TO BE CREATED.
                        Also the metal strips are set perpendicular to each other at exactly 6.54 cm apart. Each metal strip measures 18.45 cm x 9.43cm x 3.46 cm wide. The sides of the strips facing each other contain a unknown shiny metal coating. The opposite sides contain a dull coating. Looking at the metal strips from above, one will notice that another substance is sandwiched between the outer two substances.

                        Lastly, just before the gases are mixed, there is a form of light that is focused against the outgoing energy. This light is of a visible lower frequency spectrum. According to official theory, a small frequency means a lower energy. However in PVEED system, the lower frequency of light was measured to contain an enormous amount of energy exerted upon this outgoing energy.

                        If you have more information i will be glad to read and know more !!


                        • Integratron & Wheels Of Destiny

                          Thankyou for your continuing exposure of the Integratron as every little piece I can gather will help in a model replication.
                          I see you as being the only individual alive that is able to supply any reliable information on this fascinating device other than George's books.
                          Appear to have a knack in developing these devices from little information as I have already established.

                          Have a device here called 'The Wheels of Destiny' (WOD) which are two rotating Neo magnetic assemblies on spokes that intermesh and form a Vesica Pisces (VP).
                          This device is based on sqroot 2 and the designer and myself have considerable data on the Math and Theory.
                          I equate the physical magnet interaction here as similar to a Caduceus winding.
                          The designer's original was finger powered and eventually broke due to the magnet intermeshing where mine is solid meshed and powered and able to be adjusted for the required rpm as I have fitted a bicycle Pedometer.
                          Maximum rpm to date is about 660 and is reversible for Inflow or Outflow, Male or Female.

                          Note the following all around 1.5:
                          pHi = 1.618 Nature
                          pi/2 = 1.571 Tesla TMT & Ratio Radius:Circumference = 3.14
                          sqroot 2 = 1.414 Circles & Vesica Pisces

                          I place this device as being close to the Integratron as the designer quotes producing a 'ring of thunderstorms', which I have been able to replicate but also Alien visitors and other mystical manifestations.
                          As far as we know, this is the only device of its type on this Planet and the designer has asked me not to use but am now obtaining permission as I would like to see what manifests at a frequency of 404.59 hertz, Earth resonance - Time Travel?
                          Whenever I have run this device he has reported high winds in his area of New Mexico and thus the reason why he does not want me to rotate.
                          I was naturally drawn to this device by the mention of thunderstorms which fitted into my Aetheric Weather Engineering work.
                          Can see the Integratron as being a vehicle to also supply rain to the SW USA Deserts.

                          Have attached some data on this device.
                          SW of USA is full of Military type installations and Tremantino NM is just one of those but displays the Vesica Pisces symbol which is identical to the WOD.
                          The Lightning pics were unfortunately taken late as they were all around me when the action first began but I was asleep at the time.
                          WOD is shown before magnets were intermeshed and am currently running with about 85% mesh.
                          Magnets are assymetrical Neos.
                          The central support of Aluminium is placed so that items can sit in the centre of the VP area and the original contained a large Stainless Steel ball.

                          Again, thankyou for the detail as a schematic is slowly being developed here.
                          Apologies for interest in the Integratron but the CSI continues.

                          When are we going to review the Extra Coil Maths as it is NOT in agreement with Teslas.
                          Anyone who is building should also check what is there at the 17th turn on your Secondary and you will be surprised.
                          Looks like I will build a 50 turn 11 awg (don't have a 9) Extra here to fit Tesla's real Math.

                          Last edited by David G Dawson; 06-19-2012, 08:24 AM.


                          • Wheels Of Destiny

                            Have an extra drawing here which may assist understanding which I missed in the last Post.

                            Last edited by David G Dawson; 06-19-2012, 08:21 AM.


                            • to all:

                              Hi. I need informations about all anomaly events from 1815-1817 at North America. (terrestrial and extra-terrestrial).

                              Look at this Tesla sketch from 1925. Examine and study it carefully and tell me what are you thinking about 8 standing waves around globe. Have you any good idea but on the strong logical base ??

                              ps. If somebody want to contact me here is my email:
                              Attached Files


                              • The electrostatic monopolar radiant energy idea has me intrigued. Years ago, while messing around with Kirlian photography, I exposed some photo paper to an indirect light. Actually the light source was traveling parallel to the photosensitive surface instead of the normal perpendicular. I noticed cool looking shooting star like effects so I kept exploring. I wanted to know if certain sorts of "invisible" phenomena could be viewed this way.

                                I set up a shoe box with a slit in the bottom, put the lid on top and exposed the film briefly to a non scientific uv light source through the slit. I did a whole series of experiments with this technique. Genuine crackpot science.

                                Among the objects I investigated was a pancake coil hung above the path of the light stream. A pancake coil is type of magnetic monopole. Anyway, I was able to generate quite a bit of anomalous fog with that coil. It was not
                                electrified or charged artificially at all. The other interesting thing was that if I did electrify it, I got a really different kind of fog, but only once per coil.

                                Just some foggy remembrances.

