Vacuum Tubes
"The OA4G has application as a radiant matter detector".
Now you have my undivided attention.
Something I do in the background which could be labelled as building an 'Aether Detector'.
Like 'Energy Synthesis' which probably means the same as 'Enhanced Energy'.
I have been collecting Thyratrons and many other Tubes for a number of years and for those of you who look like this is becoming too much and too costly with respect to Vacuum Tubes, there are many other options open to you for experiment.
The 2050 is classed as a 'Thyratron Gas Type' but there are many others that are worthy of experiment if you cannot obtain exactly what Eric nominates.
Others of choice here are in Miniwatt size - 5696/2D21/EN91/5727 and the older larger style as 'Gas Types' 884/885 and one I am searching for which is 'Gas & Mercury Vapour' - 3C23.
I nominate these types as I have them in my own collection and most are NOS (New Off Shelf).
The 0A4G (zeroA4G) is nominated as a 'Glow-Discharge Tube - Relay Type' with 5823 as an option in Miniwatt.
A small 6D4 may also be suitable for experiment as it is also a Relay Type.
All of 0A3/VR-75, 0B3/VR-90, 0C3/VR105, 0D3/VR-150 are also 'Glow Discharge' Tubes and used as Voltage Regulators but the 0A4G is the only one nominated for Relay switching or On/Off switching and are all 'Cold Cathode' types.
2C22 rang bells and is also called a 7193 in the USA and you are now speaking my language.
This Valve is a bit misleading and is not a dual Triode but has both the Grid and Anode fed to the top caps.
Reason for this is a high frequency problem with inter-electrode capacitance becoming a hassle just as in Tesla Coils and this was an early solution to use the top cap idea for grid isolation.
Have two 7193s NOS and also similar in style and as an aside is a DET19 which is a Dual Triode that was used as the push-pull TX in the Spitfire during WW2.
Once again we have options you can use or experiment with and they are:
VR135, DET20 and of the same era 15E and smaller types in Acorns 954, VT-120, 955, VT-121, 957 and Disk Seal Triodes CV345, DET24.
I nominate these types as they are still readily available NOS and people don't know what they are and don't bid at Auctions like Ebay and come cheaply.
What people also don't realise is that Vacuum Tubes over the years had certain abilities like accidental 'Energy Synthesis' (ES) designed out of their construction and thus the preference for the types dating back into the 30s and 40s.
I have many Valves here that were bought with those specifics in mind and with 'negative resistance' being just one part of their character.
Hope this helps.
Appreciate Eric's time spent on these circuits as I will probably experiment with them if I can see a hint of 'ES' as being a result.
Will put up some pics later of these Valves when I can get things organised.
Bit disabled here with my right arm and not liking it.
"The OA4G has application as a radiant matter detector".
Now you have my undivided attention.
Something I do in the background which could be labelled as building an 'Aether Detector'.
Like 'Energy Synthesis' which probably means the same as 'Enhanced Energy'.
I have been collecting Thyratrons and many other Tubes for a number of years and for those of you who look like this is becoming too much and too costly with respect to Vacuum Tubes, there are many other options open to you for experiment.
The 2050 is classed as a 'Thyratron Gas Type' but there are many others that are worthy of experiment if you cannot obtain exactly what Eric nominates.
Others of choice here are in Miniwatt size - 5696/2D21/EN91/5727 and the older larger style as 'Gas Types' 884/885 and one I am searching for which is 'Gas & Mercury Vapour' - 3C23.
I nominate these types as I have them in my own collection and most are NOS (New Off Shelf).
The 0A4G (zeroA4G) is nominated as a 'Glow-Discharge Tube - Relay Type' with 5823 as an option in Miniwatt.
A small 6D4 may also be suitable for experiment as it is also a Relay Type.
All of 0A3/VR-75, 0B3/VR-90, 0C3/VR105, 0D3/VR-150 are also 'Glow Discharge' Tubes and used as Voltage Regulators but the 0A4G is the only one nominated for Relay switching or On/Off switching and are all 'Cold Cathode' types.
2C22 rang bells and is also called a 7193 in the USA and you are now speaking my language.
This Valve is a bit misleading and is not a dual Triode but has both the Grid and Anode fed to the top caps.
Reason for this is a high frequency problem with inter-electrode capacitance becoming a hassle just as in Tesla Coils and this was an early solution to use the top cap idea for grid isolation.
Have two 7193s NOS and also similar in style and as an aside is a DET19 which is a Dual Triode that was used as the push-pull TX in the Spitfire during WW2.
Once again we have options you can use or experiment with and they are:
VR135, DET20 and of the same era 15E and smaller types in Acorns 954, VT-120, 955, VT-121, 957 and Disk Seal Triodes CV345, DET24.
I nominate these types as they are still readily available NOS and people don't know what they are and don't bid at Auctions like Ebay and come cheaply.
What people also don't realise is that Vacuum Tubes over the years had certain abilities like accidental 'Energy Synthesis' (ES) designed out of their construction and thus the preference for the types dating back into the 30s and 40s.
I have many Valves here that were bought with those specifics in mind and with 'negative resistance' being just one part of their character.
Hope this helps.
Appreciate Eric's time spent on these circuits as I will probably experiment with them if I can see a hint of 'ES' as being a result.
Will put up some pics later of these Valves when I can get things organised.
Bit disabled here with my right arm and not liking it.