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Eric P. Dollard

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  • MagAmp


    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


    • I'm stuck. Can someone please explain what this highlighted symbol means? Below it is the only thing I was able to find in Condensed Intro To Tesla Transformers page 28, but I have no idea what value it's supposed to have or anything? It's also there again on page 26.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • It is a lower case epsilon, ϵ, dielectric constant of the space around the coil.

        In some cases, I have also seen it to denote the natural log base in Eric's notation.
        Last edited by Web000x; 06-18-2012, 06:24 AM.


        • Here are some pictures graciously provided to me by Tom Brown from RCA Bolinas.

          These Photos were taken by Jim Stockford.

          Jim Stockford's girlfriend and Eric:

          Note in this picture the little "ghost" creature circled:

          Tom was able to take a high resolution scan of the photo:
          Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


          • More photos provided by Tom Brown at the Integratron

            Original Tesla Coil at the Integratron. Had only a primary and secondary:

            Eric re-used the original coil form to make a new coil. The "cardboard tube" was removed, and just the bases at the ends used to make the form for the new extra coil. Fiberglass dowels were used between the two bases:

            Eric was able to achieve the same size of discharges with this smaller coil.

            Some nice discharges:

            You were able to control whether the discharges were more branch-like or root like based on what side of the frequency you were on.

            Here you can start to see the Coronium green:

            Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


            • Here is Van Tassel's original 4 Quadrant Theory

              Van Tassel's Memorial:

              Dollard at the Dome:
              Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


              • Manage attachment

                Would someone explain why do we have only a total of 3.34 MB space allowed for jpg. attachments. If I want to post more pictures and clear my allotment then my attachments from previous posts disappear. So what gives?

                dr-Green: I followed your advise and I can load the pictures into the ImageShack program, but I can't drag/incorporate them into my forum posting.

                Eric: I got my next set of test results, unfortunately I could only post them as small pictures on which you would have to click to enlarge. So until I figure out how to place full pictures into my posting I will wait.


                • How to figure out what Tesla knew

                  A Tesla transformer accumulates standing waves in the secondary. Envision a piece of coax aka wave guide inputting rf with a standing wave ratio of infinity. Not one wave gets out of that piece of coax. The energy supplied to the primary is stored inside the coax. We know that coax is a wave guide. In order to transmit em waves to the radiative element it is tuned to the antennae so that a quarter wavelength or a wavelength of a harmonic of the fundamental frequency employed "stands" on the antennae not in the coax. The current flowing in the antennae mass between nodes and antinodes then propogate perpendicular to the antennae mast in an everexpanding torroidal field of diminishing electromagnetic disruption of space it propogate through.
                  Anyone who has ever popped finals in a linear knows to avoid sws in the transmission line.
                  Tesla figured this all out over a hundred years ago. He systematically created a huge piece of coax. Now how does Tesla introduce his power from the scource to the coax?
                  Study his notes. Study the construction of his primary. Study Crookes' tubes. Study coronal discharge losses on transmission lines when one line is deformed compared to the other. Study the true nature of charge and why the magnetic field about a single charge is in alignment with the electric field about that charge and not when the charge moves. Study what Tesla was going to do with his hemispherical terminal on top of the MT. Study why Tesla combined geometry and algebra in determining capacitance and inductance in an effort to avoid any distributed capacitance in his secondary. Study electron cascade events and see where the energy is coming from to manifest these events. Study how coronal losses can be converted to coronal gain. I did now it's your turn if you want to know how tesla was going to take a 100horsepower engine and transmit 10megawatts of power from the MT.


                  • Tesla Monopole & dipole .Virtual ground / Groundplane

                    Greetings all i am a new on this forum ,took first some time to study some of the posting thanks all for the great attribution .
                    Would like to attribute some of my findings of ,

                    The Tesla transmission system

                    mosty found on the internet and copy use the ground system mode.

                    1 with the ground `cable mode `secondairy `s connected to each other .
                    2 the ground earth system with grounding sytem in to the earth .
                    3 the Groundplane disconntected from the earth or issolated to earth.

                    likewise the the normal `Grondplane antenna` use a ground mirror .

                    a tesla monopole don`t need the earth / round rods / ect to work .

                    I made a test settup with a monopole with a aluminium foil. square under it for the Virtual Goundplane or better potential difference plate .

                    the Dipole i use can have spheres or plates the plates can be seen in the tesla patent Tesla Patent 787,412
                    787,412 - Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums

                    So the monopole in the patent can be a groundplane above ground not connected to earth at all !!!

                    Highlike the Tesla Dipole as transmitter will work to .

                    The Plate instead of sphere can have better reception due to the surface area and air capacitance .

                    This is very usefull in communication techniques .

                    For power transmission and amplification :

                    The Direct Ground system and vacuum tube transmission line vacuum inside the tube should be 150 torr or less tesla did use till 120 torr. (can be found in the patents and colorado notes of tesla )

                    Vacuum tube can be a highpressure plastic pipe with and both sides a half Sphere . once at vacuum seald ready to use .

                    Superconductivity is a second option for the coil systems .

                    use this with a direct ground connection issolated from earth for total absorption of the transmitted and More important No scalar pressure in the earth of bigg powers if you respect mother earth and all living on the planet .

                    ground plate issolated from earth to each other 1/3 wide of its lenght to the coils.
                    (any shorter will influance the resonance frequency dramatic by the lenght of the grond WIRE (inductor).

                    use small powers for transmission communication or small power transfer applications by use a ground earth system .

                    By use with a virtual groundplane or dipole the earth is not connected to the system and can not be be used to measure the power out of the earth to find your location of transmission by use that technique. However satellite could measure other scalar potentials.

                    By the use of dipole / monopole virtual ground for Communication with extraterrestrial or air band communication

                    Resonance frequency is a bit higher in monople to dipole mode compare to groundplate model ... i did measure about 1 Mhz higher at 16Mhz

                    Use a variable capacitors to fine tune the inductive p. tesla coil or loop on resonance frequency . (extra butterfly or dual capacitor can give better SWR
                    however i did not use it by so for got good SWR with just the parallel capacitor. this sytem replace a `normal`antenna tunner .

                    do not use normal antenna tuners. it will blow up amplifiers . i use mostly 200mWatt or about 24dBm to see if the systems work .

                    i did use it with higher power with no problem running 2 electric motors however due to high frequency ,rectifier needs high demands, a tuned rectifier (diode own capacitance) is a option or high frequency rectifiers however i use it for communication experiments mostly.

                    measure the resonance frequency of the p. coil or loop . (without capacitor)

                    use in ground cable mode about 450/res. freq. in Mhz to get the wave length of the secundairy pancake coil .

                    measure the surface area of the p. coil try to match it with the needed sec. coil wire lenght . use no more wire length little less is ok about 25%

                    there other factors like sphere / plate capacitance and the wire lenght to the sphere or plate due to the system max resonance and Energy conversion efficiency.

                    More variations are possible like a tesla train system with more coils with same resonance hooked up in serries each sett with a own groundplate issolated from earth . Magnetic loop antenna`s with secondairy pancake coils . plasma spirals, VHF UFH SHF tesla systems, ect.

                    likewise a SHF telephone with tesla dipole ,normal EMF at 2.3GHz is your microwave oven frequency.

                    to all thanks for all the postings and special thanks to E.Dollard.

                    goodluck with experimenting and keep your resonance frequency`s secret before someone give you free energy .

                    John Joosse
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by AstroNod; 06-18-2012, 09:00 PM.


                    • Steinmetz, and the Law (Theory) of Electro-Magnetic Induction

                      The following series is a re-construction of the mathematical formulations of C.P. Steinmetz on Electro-Magnetic Induction, or Faraday's Law. These formulae are given in various editions of his book “Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena”. The objective of this re-construction is its application to the developments of Ernst Alexanderson, in particular, the Magnetic Saturation Amplifier and the Rotating Reluctance Alternator. The need for the re-construction effort is necessitated by the following impediments to understanding within the Steinmetz A.C. books.

                      1) Dimensional incongruity in various equations

                      2) Typo errors in various equations,

                      3) Use of the same letter for multiple parameters, or letters commonly established for unrelated parameters,

                      4) Hidden partial differential relations by reduction to unit value without a connecting versor operator.

                      These impediments to understanding results in his books readable only to those with a more advanced understanding, leaving the beginner behind. Hence the effort here to re-construct Steinmetz's writings from basic dimensional relations.

                      Part 1 Steinmetz

                      (1) In his writings, C.P. Steinmetz is only interested in the most direct path to a concrete engineering solution, even if some toes get crushed en-route. Steinmetz went one step further in seeking experimental verification of his mathematical results. For his efforts Steinmetz became known as the “Wizard of Schenectady”. However, to those whose toes got hit, the “Royal Society”, P.E.E.E., he may have been known as the “Lizard of Schenectady”, as will be shown.

                      (2) The wizard enabled general electric to earn billions in profits thru his particular understanding of electricity. In order to facilitate the work of Steinmetz, G.E. Provided him with the needed facilities, this gave Steinmetz the most complete experimental facilities that any individual in history had at his disposal. One can only imagine the nature of late night experiments carried out by Steinmetz and his partner in these efforts T.A. Edison.

                      Thomas Edison had an intent interest in producing a system thru which to contact the dead. The ghost tubes of W. Crookes gave introduction to these concepts. Carl Steinmetz was the “Time Wizard” as shown in his writings on waves in the dimension of Time. As was Nikola Tesla, Carl Steinmetz was considered a modern day Jove, the Thrower of Lightning. It can be imagined that the “extracurricular activities” of Tom and Carl served as the theme to The Outer Limits “Borderlands” episode. Here lay the persistent, but occult, legend that Steinmetz mad a “Timer Camera” in his Schenectady Laboratory.

                      (3) In order for General Electric to “Contain” C.P. Steinmetz certain allowances were required, considering the peculiar nature of Steinmetz. Karl Rudolf Steinmetz was born in the Breslau, now in Poland. Then it was in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In his university years Steinmetz became a communist agitator.* He went on to establish his subversive newsletter which denounced the ruler of this empire. Fleeing arrest and possible execution, Steinmetz fled to the “Free World”. He began his career in America working in Herr Ecenmyer's motor shop.

                      Steinmetz was severely deformed at birth, this to the level his own father was considering euthanization. Steinmetz grew to be a hunchback dwarf. The figure of C.P. Steinmetz is much like that of Igor, the switchboard operator, in the movie “Dr. Frankenstein”. Moreover this movie gives a kind of Tesla figure to Dr. Frankenstein himself. And the of course “the monster”, General Electric (G. Sorose).

                      Noteworthy in the movie theme is two subjects: First is that the monster is endowed with the life force by the application of the “Violet Ray”. This is gathered by galvanic kites, drawing in the anima-electrical forces. Secondly interesting is that Igor (Steinmetz) drops the bottle containing the “Healthy” Brain onto the floor. To cover his mistake Igor replaces it with the bottle containing the “Criminal” Brain. Unknowingly Dr. Frankenstein (Tesla) utilizes the criminal brain and tragedy ensues. It would seem that the producers of the Frankenstein movies were making a statement on electrical developments.

                      (4) Steinmetz spent much of his time living in the bush, often in a canoe.

                      If G.E. would get on his case about his particular cigar smoke he would up and vanish into the woods. It could take G.E. Weeks to find his hole where he lived with the rats and the lizards. Here is where he wrote the books we talk about today.

                      Steinmetz did not live like “normal” people. His house was made into a sort of terrarium, containing toxic, and large aggressive flesh eating, reptiles. He was the Central Lizard. The house wiring was of high voltage construction with exposed knife switches for the room lights. Fortunately for Steinmetz he had one or two good friends. They served as his social workers to keep him functional in so called normal society. Steinmetz died in 1924 at age 59, but only recently is he becoming forgotten.

                      (5) C.P. Steinmetz makes a closing comment on his view of modernistic theory as contrasted by engineering reality. It is found in his “Electrical Disturbances and the Nature of Electrical Energy”, and important paper. To quote; “These and other numerous contradictions to which the conception of the ionic (electronic) theory leads, do not mean that the ionic theory is fundamentally wrong in principle: we have also seen the wave (aether) theory of radiation, in the properties of the Luminiferous Ether, lead to attributes that are contradictory and thereby impossible. We find the same thing in all theories – the chemical, the thermo-dynamic- etc. It simply means that our present formulation of the ionic theory, of electro-magnetic wave theory, and of all other theories are very far from final correctness, but at best only very crude conceptions of the nature of things, which will have to be modified again and again with our increasing knowledge before we can reach a moderately rational conception of nature's laws and phenomena, if we ever arrive there.” C.P. Steinmetz. More to follow.

                      73 DE N6KPH

                      Reference Book
                      “Steinmetz, Engineer and Socialist”, Philip Alger.

                      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                      • Too Quiet Here

                        With all the material I have provided, this for one year now, why has it not created any activity here. Little comes back out of this effort to promote any advancement in understanding. What is there to maintain my interest?

                        It did get my car back in shape and a replacement PRC 47.

                        It would seem "Sparks" has figured it all out. Great! Perhaps he can begin in a series of writings here to explain in an engineer's terms his understanding.

                        73 DE N6KPH

                        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                        • Hello Sir E. Dollard , good to hear from you .
                          Great news about your Car.
                          Ed gray did love those sparks to .
                          I did leave a posting just before your new Steinmetz, and the Law (Theory) of Electro-Magnetic Induction.
                          However i am a new bee here and bussy with a plasma waterheating to make a test settup for full documentation.
                          What you think of my posting on the Tesla Monopole & dipole .Virtual ground / Groundplane subject.
                          Perhaps old news ,with some new light on it could bring good things .
                          post more pictures in the comming postings.

                          73 AstroNod
                          Last edited by AstroNod; 06-18-2012, 07:40 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                            It is a lower case epsilon, ϵ, dielectric constant of the space around the coil.

                            In some cases, I have also seen it to denote the natural log base in Eric's notation.
                            Thanks Dave, I'll get back to work shortly Been trying to redo what Eric did with the coil results in an effort to try and understand how it was done and see what the newest results show.

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
                              dr-Green: I followed your advise and I can load the pictures into the ImageShack program, but I can't drag/incorporate them into my forum posting.
                              You might have to sign up. Then after you've uploaded the image it automatically displays the image with links, I then click on "My Images" on the top right and click "Share It" for that image and it offers more options. [edit] ... In the web based version. Dunno about the program.

                              Normally you need to put the IMG tag around the link to make it display on the forum, but the "Forum link" already has all the necessary code so it's just a matter of copy and paste into the message.
                              Last edited by dR-Green; 06-18-2012, 08:11 PM.

                              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                              • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                                It is a lower case epsilon, ϵ, dielectric constant of the space around the coil.

                                In some cases, I have also seen it to denote the natural log base in Eric's notation.
                                ϵ = 1 ? [edit] Nope. I think I found it now.

                                From Radiotron Designer's Handbook 3rd edition

                                4th edition

                                Last edited by dR-Green; 06-18-2012, 09:59 PM.

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

