I think that what cyborg is also missing is that this surface wave mutual between the rings of the coil is an evanescent wave in modern language.
Evanescent waves are the tunneling waves in quantum mechanics. They are the mysterious senses that insect seem to have in quantum biology. Paul Dirac pointed out that these wave are found with Maxwell equations if you use imaginary wavelength but this whole Maxwell building simple does not hold when Coulomb lines are really measured and they do not have an infinite velocity.
These evanescent waves are mostly known for tunneling between two optical wave guides. They are from the side where total reflection arises but they are on the other side
The whole evanescent thing is a way to fix Maxwell but it does not work. Take once step further back and you are at the counterspace wave or the longtitudional wave Tesla was talking about. Orgon. The only problem in seeing all this clearly is that we are not ready yet to accept tha we lost something fundamental in our scientific building but we might be in the future when we really understand electro biology.
Evanescent waves are the tunneling waves in quantum mechanics. They are the mysterious senses that insect seem to have in quantum biology. Paul Dirac pointed out that these wave are found with Maxwell equations if you use imaginary wavelength but this whole Maxwell building simple does not hold when Coulomb lines are really measured and they do not have an infinite velocity.
These evanescent waves are mostly known for tunneling between two optical wave guides. They are from the side where total reflection arises but they are on the other side

The whole evanescent thing is a way to fix Maxwell but it does not work. Take once step further back and you are at the counterspace wave or the longtitudional wave Tesla was talking about. Orgon. The only problem in seeing all this clearly is that we are not ready yet to accept tha we lost something fundamental in our scientific building but we might be in the future when we really understand electro biology.