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Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity TOC2
Section Three . . . . . . . . page 186
Practical Aspects of Quadrapolar Versor Algebra
Part I The Method of Descartes . . . . . page 187
[1] The Cartesian Co-ordinate System page 188
(1.1) Sine and Cosine page 188
(1.2) Symmetrical Co-ordinate Systems page 192
(1.3) Latitude and Longitude page 196
(1.4) Co-ordinate Derived Positions page 199
(1.5) Pythagorean Ratios page 200
[2] Ratios Derived from the Unit Radius page 203
(2.1) Positions in Terms of Co-ordinates page 203
(2.2) Radius of Unit Value page 204
(2.3) Electrical Analog page 233
(2.4) Angular and Rectangular Representation page 234
Part II The Method of Steinmetz . . . . . page 235
[1] Application of Versor Algebra page 236
(1.1) Symbolic Representation page 236
(1.2) Steinmetz' Method page 236
(1.3) Promethean Myth page 238
[2] Steinmetz the Wizard page 239
(2.1) Experiments page 239
(2.2) The Lizard page 240
(2.3) His Origin page 241
(2.4) The Educator page 243
Part III The Rotary Field of Nikola Tesla . . . page 245
[1] The four Quadrant Archetype page 246
(1.1) Quadrantal Natural Laws page 246
(1.2) Quadrantal Attributes and Archforms page 247
[2] The Synchronous Machine page 253
(2.1) The Invention page 253
(2.2) Real and Imaginary Currents page 256
(2.3) Rotating Transformer page 257
(2.4) Synchronous Motor page 258
(2.5) Space-Time Phase page 259
[3] Motor Operation page 261
(3.1) Basic Motor layout page 261
(3.2) The Four Motor Poles page 262
(3.3) Sine and Cosine Functions page 263
(3.4) Rotating Magnetic Pole page 265
[4] The Vision of Nikola Tesla page 268
(4.1) Goethean Vision page 268
(4.2) Rotating Pole page 270
(4.3) Four Phase A. C. page 270
(4.4) Epilog page 271
Appendices . . . . . . . . page 273
[1] In the Beginning, Versors page 274
[2] Four Quadrant Energy Exchange page 286
[3] Quadrapolar Resonant Circuit page 320
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Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity TOC1
Originally posted by orgonaut314 View PostSeems very interesting! I'll buy it anyhow but is it possible to see the index page to know the topics?
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . page 10
(1.1) Objectives page 10
(1.2) Subject Division page 11
(1.3) Misnomers page 12
(1.4) Origin of Subject page 13
(1.5) Initiation page 14
Section One . . . . . . . . page 15
Metaphysical Aspects of Quadrapolar Versor Algebra
Part I Pythagoras of Samos . . . . . page 16
[1] Pythagoras page 17
(1.1) Introduction page 17
(1.2) Pythagorean Theorem page 17
(1.3) Island of Samos page 18
(1.4) Origin of Mathematics page 29
(1.5) The Pythagoreans page 31
[2] Ancient Concepts page 33
(2.1) Chaldean Number System page 34
(2.2) Geometric Manifestation page 36
Part II Van Tassel of Giant Rock . . . . . page 42
[1] Van Tassel and His Integratron page 43
(1.1) Four Quadrant Theory page 43
(1.2) The Integratron page 46
(1.3) Integratron Operation page 47
(1.4) Epilog page 61
Section Two . . . . . . . . page 63
Mathematical Aspects of Quadrapolar Versor Algebra
Part I The Knowledge of Electrical Phenomena . . page 64
[1] Alternating Current Machines page 64
(1.1) Rotating A. C. Apparatus page 65
(1.2) Arithmetic Expression page 65
(1.3) Algebraic Expression page 65
(1.4) Higher Order Expression page 66
[2] The Long Line Problem page 68
(2.1) Electric Transmission page 68
(2.2) Electric Wave Theory page 69
[3] Space Algebra and Electricity page 71
(3.1) Cartesian and Quaternion Systems page 72
(3.2) Michael Faraday page 76
(3.3) James Clerk Maxwell page 80
(3.4) Oliver Heaviside page 85
(3.5) Quaternions and Maxwell page 93
(3.6) Lost in Space page 95
(3.7) Engineering Reality page 97
Part II Symbolic Representation of Cyclic Phenomena . page 105
[1] Primordial Symbolic Representation page 106
(1.1) Nature page 107
(1.2) Quadrapolar Geometry page 108
(1.3) The Lunar Cycle page 109
[2] Lunar Versors page 110
(2.1) The Four Lunar Phases page 110
(2.2) Exponents of the Phases page 111
[3] Quadrapolar Relations page 118
(3.1) Quadrapolar Arithmetic page 118
(3.2) Real and Imaginary Lines page 119
Part III The Versor Operator j . . . . . page 123
[1] Rotational Operation page 124
(1.1) The Unit Rotation page 125
(1.2) Bipolar Operations page 128
[2] Real and Imaginary Operators page 129
(2.1) Arithmetic Operations page 129
(2.2) Alternating Current Analog page 131
(2.3) Four Versor Operators page 132
(2.4) The Rotational Operator page 137
(2.5) Versor Operations page 137
(2.6) The Bipolar Operator page 142
(2.7) The Alternating Operator page 143
(2.8) Real and Reactive Power page 144
[3] The Quadrapolar Versor Operator page 146
(3.1) Bipolar Operation page 146
(3.2) Fourth Order Expression page 146
[4] Duo-Binary Representation page 150
(4.1) Bipolar Real and Bipolar Imaginary page 150
(4.2) The Exponential Series page 150
(4.3) Roots of a Unit page 151
(4.4) Lunar Representation page 151
Part IV Versor Relations Between Sun, Moon, and Earth . page 152
[1] Versor Attributes of Light and Dark page 153
(1.1) Quadrapolar Aspects page 153
(1.2) Positions of the Sun and Moon page 154
(1.3) Co-Axial Systems page 156
(1.4) Quadrature Relations page 156
(1.5) Ratios of Light and Dark page 159
[2] Solar-Lunar Co-Axial Versors page 160
(2.1) The Pair of Cycles page 160
(2.2) Solar-Lunar Cycles page 161
(2.3) Counter Rotational Cycles page 163
(2.4) Alternating Current Analog page 164
Part V The Lunar Phases page 165
[1] Light and Dark on the Lunar Face page 166
(1.1) Proportion of Light and Dark page 166
(1.2) Positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth page 167
[2] Electric Analogs page 170
(2.1) Lunar and Electric Phases page 173
(2.2) Proportion of Energy page 173
(2.3) Cycle of Light and Dark page 173
[3] Co-Axial Versor Form page 175
(3.1) Energy Relations page 175
Part VI Ratios, Projections, and the Sine and Cosine
Functions page 177
[1] Projections of the Cycle page 178
(1.1) Image of Light and Dark page 178
(1.2) Lunar shadow page 179
(1.3) Sine and Cosine page 181
(1.4) Shadows page 184
(1.5) Co-Operation of the Sine and Cosine Functions page 184
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Originally posted by Aaron View Post
We are very excited to finally be able to launch Eric Dollard's * MONUMENTAL * book, which is what his presentation at the recent conference was based on. Many of you already saw the video presentation or attended the conference.
Finally, here is the book version, which countless people have been screaming for since the conference.
Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity is a 324 PAGE book and is THE definitive book on the mathematics that describe AC electrical power. If you ever wanted to see the world through the eyes of Nikola Tesla when he created his rotating magnetic field technology, this is the only book in existence that can actually do that!
By getting your hands on a copy of this book, you are supporting Eric Dollard and his non-profit foundation EPD Laboratories.
A & P Electronic Media
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Originally posted by orgonaut314 View PostOk, clear point there is conductance!
I'm working on my first test setup still. I might not have the right frequency generator. The one I'm having now was a cheap tube based generator that is also very heavy and difficult to operate but it serves as an AM modulator too so may be useful later. I think I'll search for a normal digital generator first.
I've got an analogue 0-100uA meter. And the rings in place.
But I have to read a lot to get a clear picture of what I'm doing.
For example why tuning with the two rings? Is not the frequency of the secondary leading to everything else? Why would I tune it to another frequency? Is that to match the extra coil?
btw I found using the search function for user t-rex and than search for secondary very helpful
The second point I hope I understand correct that I have to adjust the impedance of the secondary with the rings to transfer as much energy to the extra coil as possible. I wonder if someone can point me to the theoretical calculations for the ring capacitance. I guess it would be the square root of Z1*Z2? But in experiments this must be easy to figure out.
Still waiting for my frequency generator but I found a nice one up to 20MHz
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Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity BOOK by Eric Dollard
We are very excited to finally be able to launch Eric Dollard's * MONUMENTAL * book, which is what his presentation at the recent conference was based on. Many of you already saw the video presentation or attended the conference.
Finally, here is the book version, which countless people have been screaming for since the conference.
Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity is a 324 PAGE book and is THE definitive book on the mathematics that describe AC electrical power. If you ever wanted to see the world through the eyes of Nikola Tesla when he created his rotating magnetic field technology, this is the only book in existence that can actually do that!
By getting your hands on a copy of this book, you are supporting Eric Dollard and his non-profit foundation EPD Laboratories.
A & P Electronic Media
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Extra coils in the making and the template for the wire distribution.
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Originally posted by T-rex View PostThe discharge seen is about 7200 Volt at 10,000 Amperes The short circuit current exerts hundreds of pounds of force, pushing the conductors apart.
This is what propels the discharge down the line, it is the magnetism trying to escape the short circuit confinement.
Heat convection also plays a part. Think of a "Jacob's Ladder Arc."
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Eric Dollard Live
Tonight's interview with Eric Dollard was about 1 hour 45 minutes. I'll get it on youtube in the next few days.
Some questions that were asked were in Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ericpdollar...46039758886843
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Power Line Flame Out
Originally posted by dR-Green View PostThis is an interesting video, the energy appears to come "thundering back down the line" as Eric would say.
This is what propels the discharge down the line, it is the magnetism trying to escape the short circuit confinement.
Heat convection also plays a part. Think of a "Jacob's Ladder Arc."
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Eric Dollard Live Today!
Today, Eric Dollard will be live on a conference call today. We'll be reviewing some of the latest updates including Eric Dollard's new book launching this Thursday the7th!
Then, we'll be opening up for live questions. We'll try to take some questions live on the phone and the rest can be asked by typing them into Eric's Facebook thread, which will be started for the call.
The call will be today (November 5th) at 5pm Pacific time zone.
To get on this exclusive live call with Eric Dollard call (218) 862-7200
The pin code is 582590 and you may have to enter a * at the end when asked.
Eric's Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/ericpdollard We'll set up a thread where you can post questions. Even if you can't get on the call, your questions will be answered and we'll give out the recorded call info later.
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Originally posted by dR-Green View PostHow did your tests go?
I don't think the terminals act as capacitor plates, the soil and water (the soil is damp) is conductive so it would be sorted out, although it would be a very high DC resistance. It's essentially a single wire transmission system. But the coils can also be capacitively coupled, it's not very obvious in the video but the signal is received when I put my hand on the plastic side of the bucket and hold the receiver input in my other hand. You can replace the soil with air but then the transmission distance is greatly reduced because there is no longer a conductor joining them together. It all loads the coil differently so ideally the receiver should be retuned each time I change the configuration in the video. I would say that the idea behind the "wireless" is simply that wherever you go on the planet, you are always standing on the same conductor.
Simple experiments can reveal obvious and important things. For example I mentioned that in the video I'm using 6mm diameter steel rods instead of the (much better) 22mm diameter copper pipes. The difference is obviously observable when you test them side by side. Also the signal can be observed to get progressively weaker in proportion as the terminals are pulled out of the soil. So the better your grounding, the better your reception.
I'm working on my first test setup still. I might not have the right frequency generator. The one I'm having now was a cheap tube based generator that is also very heavy and difficult to operate but it serves as an AM modulator too so may be useful later. I think I'll search for a normal digital generator first.
I've got an analogue 0-100uA meter. And the rings in place.
But I have to read a lot to get a clear picture of what I'm doing.
For example why tuning with the two rings? Is not the frequency of the secondary leading to everything else? Why would I tune it to another frequency? Is that to match the extra coil?
btw I found using the search function for user t-rex and than search for secondary very helpful
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Originally posted by dR-Green View PostYes I didn't say any more because I would be guessing. But I would guess that based on the fact it's moving so slowly it would be some sort of transient or extremely high peak caused by a phasing effect, that is, when two waves are not quite at the same frequency a new very low frequency is produced as a result so it appears to gradually move down the line as the phase shifts between the two higher frequencies. Like you say the 60 CPS can be heard throughout so that would be my guess.
Transmission wires are Aluminum, weather was a factor, lighting strike? barometric pressure? northern latitudes and solar activity, magnetosphere etc..
most likely a severed line further down from a lighting strike, the wire was probably ASCR, Aluminum with steel core.
from an IEEE paper--
"The presence of a steel core in the commonly used aluminum conductor, steel reinforced (ACSR) on overhead transmission lines causes an increase in the AC resistance of the conductor, as a result of the magnetic induction in the core. This induction, which is higher with an odd number of aluminum layers, causes hysteresis and eddy current power losses in the steel, and a redistribution of current in the layers of aluminum wires."
When I was 10or so the power line across the street was hit by lighting, it was cut and the result was the same thing a ball of plasma burning it's way to the pole transformer followed by a very large explosion as the oil went POP, it actually took out a couple pole transformers, 3 as I recall. The neat part was the sidewalk was turned to glass anywhere the downed line touched it till the transformers blew and the line went dead. I gather that the intense current couldn't ground to the concrete and when it tried the glass formed from the silica created an insulator and the plasma charge went down the line till it grounded. the glassed concrete was neat, black streaks and splash puddles, like some kind of laser war in space, right out of star wars
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Fact: the swastika is ASYMMETRICAL
Fact: the swastika until the west go hold of it was associated with the AEther/Atma
Facts: NOBEL PRIZES – The Importance of Asymmetry and How Einstein Made Asymmetry, the AEther, the Atma and the Swastika Disappear
NOBEL PRIZES – The Importance of Asymmetry and How Einstein Made Asymmetry, the AEther, the Atma and the Swastika Disappear | Alternative Thinking 37
Facts: the swastika = agni = jesus
selah VLast edited by Raphael37; 11-05-2013, 02:29 AM.
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