Eric Dollard on earthquake detection
Hello All, Thx Aaron for the link and posting , i can read the formula` s ok here however the lettertype is a little small .
Just had a peek at the You Tube SmartScareCrow with Eric
20140206 - Eric Dollard on earthquake detection - YouTube
The Analog computer system you can hear about it at 1:10 in the show .
The system of frequencies selection , discrimination output goes in to the LC filters for the right frequency spectrum to been picked out or filtered out . Here in the netherlands there no navy VLF Tx all is nato here one is in germany .
With ELF reception the powerlines need to be filtered , 60Hz in usa 50Hz in europe , and some harmonics from the grid .
Clearly eric`s system is not what most reseachers use, eric use transmission line system and shunting to ground .
linear network he talks about it at 0:33 loading networks with connection to the ground system basic like alexanderson systems best is to use 30 a 40 miles of telephone wires , think due to the wavelength . Smaller size do work like at landers 800 feet underground overgound was 600 feet .
Here one important part at 0:38 how a earthquake builds up that the Interference will go up in frequency till in the VLF range 18 a 20 KHz .
piezoelectric stress is what make the signals and piezoelectric stress is earth movement activity . Gary Hendershot than make a little weird comment spool out a VLF antenna for the SUB. eric than goes in to the topic where the edge is for overground and underground is about 18KHz a 22KHz there is the zone here submarine commication is done mostly to to cancel the interference out.
Seismic drops than back down in frequency with less impulse and more cohenrent. like wise from poping cracking to like a chord , build up swinging pops to a constant tone is the expression to a earthquake to come .
For Lots of good data and information for reception VLF ELF ULF ect.
RADIO WAVES below 22 kHz
here some exapmles:
BASICS abotme
Here is the link of the receiver eric did talk about .
S. P. McGreevy BBB-4 Natural VLF Radio Receiver Plans
Here you can listen online to VLF receivers
Live VLF Natural Radio
and in stereo to :
Live VLF Natural Radio
Its easy to make if someone would like a receiver or components to make your own just send me a message .
And to the US navy / space command Where is your T.M.T. for the subs ....
don` t panic call leviathan
de PD7Z
Hello All, Thx Aaron for the link and posting , i can read the formula` s ok here however the lettertype is a little small .
Just had a peek at the You Tube SmartScareCrow with Eric
20140206 - Eric Dollard on earthquake detection - YouTube
The Analog computer system you can hear about it at 1:10 in the show .
The system of frequencies selection , discrimination output goes in to the LC filters for the right frequency spectrum to been picked out or filtered out . Here in the netherlands there no navy VLF Tx all is nato here one is in germany .
With ELF reception the powerlines need to be filtered , 60Hz in usa 50Hz in europe , and some harmonics from the grid .
Clearly eric`s system is not what most reseachers use, eric use transmission line system and shunting to ground .
linear network he talks about it at 0:33 loading networks with connection to the ground system basic like alexanderson systems best is to use 30 a 40 miles of telephone wires , think due to the wavelength . Smaller size do work like at landers 800 feet underground overgound was 600 feet .
Here one important part at 0:38 how a earthquake builds up that the Interference will go up in frequency till in the VLF range 18 a 20 KHz .
piezoelectric stress is what make the signals and piezoelectric stress is earth movement activity . Gary Hendershot than make a little weird comment spool out a VLF antenna for the SUB. eric than goes in to the topic where the edge is for overground and underground is about 18KHz a 22KHz there is the zone here submarine commication is done mostly to to cancel the interference out.
Seismic drops than back down in frequency with less impulse and more cohenrent. like wise from poping cracking to like a chord , build up swinging pops to a constant tone is the expression to a earthquake to come .
For Lots of good data and information for reception VLF ELF ULF ect.
RADIO WAVES below 22 kHz
here some exapmles:
BASICS abotme
Here is the link of the receiver eric did talk about .
S. P. McGreevy BBB-4 Natural VLF Radio Receiver Plans
Here you can listen online to VLF receivers
Live VLF Natural Radio
and in stereo to :
Live VLF Natural Radio
Its easy to make if someone would like a receiver or components to make your own just send me a message .
And to the US navy / space command Where is your T.M.T. for the subs ....
don` t panic call leviathan

de PD7Z
