Originally posted by Tenaus
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Early on I took a step back and instead of honing in on the technical irregularities and differences from Eric's notes and works to mainstream physics, I looked at what he was trying to convey, where he was coming from and then set about reading up on the books and references he gave. It was then that I was able to get where he was coming from, the confusion over terms is a roadblock to mainstream science, now weather that's is intentional or just a by product of his autodidact education, I can't say.
For most that are not educated in a formal setting they would never know, for those who have been, present company included, it was honestly at first a bit of a roadblock, sure I could have simply discarded all of it as balderdash and moved past it for technical and prejudicial reasons, but that's not really fair to science when in the case of Eric, the proof is in the pudding with his lab work and hands on experience that has been able to re-create Tesla's work.
It was really for that reason I took a deeper look into what Eric has written and spent some time going over it, there is/was another poster here who's a mathematics professor and we spent a fair amount of time going over his work, took some back and forth correlation to current physics and mathematics but it panned out.
for what it's worth I still hold that quaternions are better suited to the task of the electric field in hyper-dimensional planes.
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