Cosmic Ray Detector & Rain Making & TPU
Hello Sputins,
Working in the background but very much still here.
Contrary to what Eric has said about the CRD, mine worked perfectly but was only compromised by the ringing bell arrangement which required too much attention.
Worked also very well with his modifications and now have a door bell ringer 'ding-dong' solenoid arrangement that I was going to use but too busy with real 'Energy Synthesis' and not implemented as yet.

Let me know if you need any schematics for power supplies or whatever as this is always going to be a big task where Vacuum Tubes (VT) are involved.
Have a host of circuits for EHT for the Geiger Tube or whatever you are going to use as the 'receptor'.
The need for 'Energy Synthesis' that is able to power your home is my real goal but not withstanding Eric's VT devices were all very interesting but to me a distraction.
Currently working on the Steven Mark TPU after reading all that I could on the subject and from the excellent work of Bruce_TPU - Bruce (Bruce Tentzer).
This is all based upon an incident with an imploding RCA colour TV in Chicago back in 1967 where for an instant, something like a 'black hole' was formed which attracted everything metallic from within the room.
A young Negro child was killed in the incident where nails extracted from the walls went through his body killing him.
The nails were all corkscrew in shape.
Having a good Vacuum Tube and occasional TV repair background has led me on this trail as I am already well stocked with GLOM from that era of TVs in flybacks and Neck Ferrites and their horizontal and vertical Copper windings.
Also still working on the Thomas Henry Moray device but secondary to the TPU.
Unfortunately for you, you are copping it badly weatherwise where I am just out of those frontal system effects and quite pleasant working outside but this is also taking me away from the Lab so progress is slow.
Aetheric Weather Engineering (AWE) is in progress and have a new weapon in a long range water powered '6Pack' (3 x 12' and 3 x 6') and just put together the parts for a local 6 meter long water powered single gun as we are in dire straits here with respect to a lack of rain and right up and down the east coast.
The '6Pack' has already met with considerable long range successes and the single 20' gun is already well known to work as that is where I first started on all of this - 'the garbage bin rainmaker'.

Am at the end of a 4 day TJ Constable device 'Stir' using 5 of his based devices where we do a polar rotation N/W/S/E and this in the past has delivered rain.
Also being used are twin bazookas called 'Matildas' and a Negative Ion Generator (NIG).
Devices are actually still running but will conclude at midnight.
After a break of a week or two, the David Wells Machine (DWM) will be activated in a similar polar rotation non-stop over 4 days.

Rainmaking in Australia doesn't appear to follow conventional means and we have to use a different methodology and that is what I am developing.
Just built a new battery charger where the charge volts is at about 15.5 volts and not at the 13.4 volts normally used where your battery never charges fully and eventually sulphates up due to regular incomplete charging (John Bedini - Peter Lindemann).
Batteries are required for the DWM.
Also currently refurbishing a Philips GM2891 TV Waveform and Alignment Generator (13 Vacuum Tubes) and a Taylor 94B (23 Vacuum Tubes) to assist in the TPU analysis but I am using actual TV Neck Ferrites.
Back in those days, TV workshops were always nice and warm and I wonder why.
Am not going to apologise for being off topic as all that I do is associated with everything about Eric and his 'Energy Synthesis' and the sooner we achieve that goal, the better for us all.
Let me know what you need.
Hope I have brightened up everybody's day with a little variety.
I might be old and cranky but there is much to be done!
I am back to using Imgur photo image hosting and have selected 'Large Thumbnail' and 'BBCode' and hope that that is correct as I can't find my previous detail.
Hello Sputins,
Working in the background but very much still here.
Contrary to what Eric has said about the CRD, mine worked perfectly but was only compromised by the ringing bell arrangement which required too much attention.
Worked also very well with his modifications and now have a door bell ringer 'ding-dong' solenoid arrangement that I was going to use but too busy with real 'Energy Synthesis' and not implemented as yet.

Let me know if you need any schematics for power supplies or whatever as this is always going to be a big task where Vacuum Tubes (VT) are involved.
Have a host of circuits for EHT for the Geiger Tube or whatever you are going to use as the 'receptor'.
The need for 'Energy Synthesis' that is able to power your home is my real goal but not withstanding Eric's VT devices were all very interesting but to me a distraction.
Currently working on the Steven Mark TPU after reading all that I could on the subject and from the excellent work of Bruce_TPU - Bruce (Bruce Tentzer).
This is all based upon an incident with an imploding RCA colour TV in Chicago back in 1967 where for an instant, something like a 'black hole' was formed which attracted everything metallic from within the room.
A young Negro child was killed in the incident where nails extracted from the walls went through his body killing him.
The nails were all corkscrew in shape.
Having a good Vacuum Tube and occasional TV repair background has led me on this trail as I am already well stocked with GLOM from that era of TVs in flybacks and Neck Ferrites and their horizontal and vertical Copper windings.
Also still working on the Thomas Henry Moray device but secondary to the TPU.
Unfortunately for you, you are copping it badly weatherwise where I am just out of those frontal system effects and quite pleasant working outside but this is also taking me away from the Lab so progress is slow.
Aetheric Weather Engineering (AWE) is in progress and have a new weapon in a long range water powered '6Pack' (3 x 12' and 3 x 6') and just put together the parts for a local 6 meter long water powered single gun as we are in dire straits here with respect to a lack of rain and right up and down the east coast.
The '6Pack' has already met with considerable long range successes and the single 20' gun is already well known to work as that is where I first started on all of this - 'the garbage bin rainmaker'.

Am at the end of a 4 day TJ Constable device 'Stir' using 5 of his based devices where we do a polar rotation N/W/S/E and this in the past has delivered rain.
Also being used are twin bazookas called 'Matildas' and a Negative Ion Generator (NIG).
Devices are actually still running but will conclude at midnight.
After a break of a week or two, the David Wells Machine (DWM) will be activated in a similar polar rotation non-stop over 4 days.

Rainmaking in Australia doesn't appear to follow conventional means and we have to use a different methodology and that is what I am developing.
Just built a new battery charger where the charge volts is at about 15.5 volts and not at the 13.4 volts normally used where your battery never charges fully and eventually sulphates up due to regular incomplete charging (John Bedini - Peter Lindemann).
Batteries are required for the DWM.
Also currently refurbishing a Philips GM2891 TV Waveform and Alignment Generator (13 Vacuum Tubes) and a Taylor 94B (23 Vacuum Tubes) to assist in the TPU analysis but I am using actual TV Neck Ferrites.
Back in those days, TV workshops were always nice and warm and I wonder why.
Am not going to apologise for being off topic as all that I do is associated with everything about Eric and his 'Energy Synthesis' and the sooner we achieve that goal, the better for us all.
Let me know what you need.
Hope I have brightened up everybody's day with a little variety.
I might be old and cranky but there is much to be done!
I am back to using Imgur photo image hosting and have selected 'Large Thumbnail' and 'BBCode' and hope that that is correct as I can't find my previous detail.