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Eric Dollard

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  • Hi it is on page 28 of this document:

    But it is also in the new document or the crystalradioinitiative pdf.

    It is about the longitudional induction along the coil perpendicular to the coil windings.

    You see three wires cut and you see the magnetic field that is mutual to the three wires around them all three. The electric field is between the wires.

    Now the longitudional energy is the induction of the magnetic and the electric field in the same direction perpendicular to the coil windings. To be honest the electric field is only perpendicular to the coil windings between the wires. The magnetic field is only perpendicular to the coil windings in the interior of the coil or outside of the coil in the opposite direction.

    So I do not get the picture of the composite flux at all. It seems all wrong. They go in the same direction but are not on the same place. And the lowest lines go in the opposite direction not as the composite flux picture shows.

    The pictures on the transversal flux are on page 26 they do make sense to me.

    Anyway I was also thinking if the longitudional energy is an induction like the transversal energy is an induction than it could be a kind of exchange between electric and magnetic field in the same direction like the transversal wave is an exchange between electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other. Than the energy would make a longitudional magnetic field and that energy would go into a longitudional electric field etc.

    That would be something else than a longitudional wave in electric or magnetic field lines. That wave would be restricted to the field while the wave that is the result of longitudional induction could travel outside the field like the Hertzian transversal waves do.

    The fact that Eric mentions induction of the field makes me think he means a real longitudional wave like energy exchange but I am just guessing here.

    Glad to share
    Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-13-2015, 12:13 PM.


    • I think that if my above reasoning on the longitudional induction is right. Than there would be a magnetic field in a capacitor in the same direction as the electric field? There would be an induction law like that a changing electric field causes a magnetic field in the same direction and visa versa? When I think of that it seems ridiculous as someone would have measured this induction like Faraday measured the transversal induction. It would meen that a straight wire going through a magnetic field would have a potential difference and if shorted would cary a current. Now that has never been observed as far as I know.

      But it could also be that the longitudional energy travels in the electric field and separate in the magnetic field? In that case the energy would not need to be exchanged between electric and magnetic in a wave like pattern. The energy would be confined to the fieldlines but I think Tesla saw the earth as a large metal globe and fieldlines would be everywhere.

      I think Eric must meen this and longitudional induction is not to be understood as wave like exchange between the fields.


      • Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
        see thats the WAY I ALWAYS DO THINGS. WHen a statement, doesnt make sense, yo8u see no sense in it, I reword it, and make it make sense taking the same values from it. then it says it's real meaning.


        10,000 people trying to be in the same place at the same time = people going nowhere. Have you encountered the concept of a traffic jam?

        It's a known fact that humans are unable to control themselves. A population who have been told that an earthquake is coming will clog up the roads, and furthermore they'll trample over each other to be the first out of the door.

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • Originally posted by orgonaut314 View Post
          Hi it is on page 28 of this document:

          He I got an answer to my question considering the thickness of the conductors on the coils. How thick can we make the wires? Eric says on page 68 that eddy currents will stop the magnetic longitudional induction so the conductor should be very thin.

          For the rest I have reread the part on versors and I am afraid nobody in this complete world understands what he is doing there because he does not explain versors. So in confusing the world about electricity Eric does his share


          • Originally posted by orgonaut314 View Post
            For the rest I have reread the part on versors and I am afraid nobody in this complete world understands what he is doing there because he does not explain versors. So in confusing the world about electricity Eric does his share
            I think that's explained either in a recent book or interview. Might be the video on the CRI, not sure.

            [edit] Or it could be the interview with the musician. Or it could be neither one of these.

            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


            • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
              LMD & Spark Gap Energy Synthesis:

              TEM/LMD Tests JL Naudin:

              The L.M.D./T.E.M.Test

              About to do some work on the LMD array as I have a theory about the capacitance being used as having insufficient capacity to achieve a much better OU result as I found out with the high voltage Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier chain.
              This could also apply to the Inductor being used.
              Hi I looked into the first url you link of the longitudional network and decided to simulate that network myself. I remember Eric saying that the Kirchhoff laws for currents and voltages normally apply so that confirms that the simulation agrees with real measurement. On the link we see that some measurements where made and they did not contradict the simulations. However it is not so clear in the link that he only made a few measurements so all these waves you see are simulations.

              When he comes to the power simulations he makes a mistake as it is impossible to get over power with a simulation that follows Kirchhoffs laws. When I plot the current I into the last coil multiplied with the voltage V on the last coil I get a positve and negative power flow as the power flows into and out of the coil. He takes the root mean square of the voltage times the current ignoring the flow direction (RMS vallues) and that way it seems there is more power on the end than there is on the beginning. By the way I first determined the resonant frequency with a frequency sweep simulation.

              Now what I find more interesting is that clearly this longitudional network follows Kirchhofs laws and because Eric says it is the analoque of the coil I think the coil will also follow Kirchhoff laws. So the power from the coil will not be anything like over unity. The special thing is just the longitudional induction of the energy in the fields. The special fact that this energy seems to go through screening metal and through the earth. I am right now thinking of a way to experimental test this hypotheses. The signal should not be just the magnetic field going through metal how do I make sure that it indeed an electrical signal that I measure?

              Here is the pciture of his link that shows power win. See how he uses RMS vallues in the simulation. Squaring the negative energy to positive vallues.

              I am very sorry that my investigation seems to debunk the given link.
              Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-15-2015, 10:09 AM.


              • Animals 'can predict earthquakes'

                Animals appear to predict earthquakes by sensing electricity in the air, the first study to find reliable evidence of the phenomenon has shown.

                Camera traps revealed an "amazing" drop in the number of animals spotted up to 23 days before a major quake hit their rainforest home at Yanachaga National Park in Peru.
                Animals 'can predict earthquakes' | Daily Mail Online

                Ignore all other content on the page unless you care what brand of makeup a certain celebrity uses and such.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • He guys I simulated the experiment Eric Dollard did with the longitudional network. Eric says he used 5 simple networks with 0,68uF and 40mH see 'Pt.3 - Algebra - Eric Dollard SFTS Powerpoint' close to the end of that doc.

                  When I use 4 networks my resonant frequencies are exactly right. I also simulate 0,7V input but my voltages are somewhat different. See for yourself.

                  It is just for fun and to illustrate that the voltages follow Kirchhofs laws and the magic is not in the vallues. I am pretty convinced that it is possible to simulate the CRI coils too with concatenated networks as Eric shows how to build them. It would take a lot to make a distributed line like the coil is but than the vallues of the voltages would probable match to the simulation.

                  Not usable to calculate coils I am afraid.

                  Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-16-2015, 09:59 AM.


                  • Now since this is a coil element we could in principle simulate the coil

                    Tesla did not have Orcad LOL
                    Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-16-2015, 10:05 AM.


                    • Originally posted by orgonaut314 View Post
                      So the power from the coil will not be anything like over unity.
                      I don't think anyone claimed there would

                      Due to the complications with the tentative extra coil calculations Eric did advise to experiment with an extra coil driven by an LMD network instead of the secondary for the concatenated resonance.

                      Looks good that the frequencies can be accurately simulated. There are 5 inductors in your simulation though so maybe how the "element" is defined isn't perfect.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • Notes On Operation Earth Point

                        Looking up materials for constructing the earth terminal, it turns out that regular earth rods are not so good after all.

                        Rod length = 1.2 metres, diameter = 14mm
                        Length is not enough requiring at least double the number of rods + connectors
                        Cost for 34 rods for length (depth) of 2.4 metres + 17 connectors = £241.23

                        Copper pipe length = 3 metres, diameter = 15mm
                        Cost for 20 copper pipes = £122.40

                        Plus 3 pipes left over. Also iron and steel pipes and rods are more expensive so copper pipes is the way to go.

                        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                        • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                          I don't think anyone claimed there would

                          Due to the complications with the tentative extra coil calculations Eric did advise to experiment with an extra coil driven by an LMD network instead of the secondary for the concatenated resonance.

                          Looks good that the frequencies can be accurately simulated. There are 5 inductors in your simulation though so maybe how the "element" is defined isn't perfect.
                          Yes you are correct. Eric always said the coils could be calculated it just took the solution of 4th order differential calculations an effort that was never finished.

                          In the Borderland video the network actually contained 4 elements. With 5 elements the frequencies are off. The internal resistance of the powersupply greatly influences the voltage so I guess the simulation is pretty good

                          I also found out that the voltage and the current are greatest at the last coil compared to the first coil just as Eric measured. The network is a very wild one. I'll post a simulation of the voltage and power (reactive power) from the last coil. Driven with 0,7V the vallues are nice but driven with 220V I got 1MegaWatt reactive power and peaks of 50kV!!!

                          Voltage final coil Vin=0,7V:

                          Reactive power final coil Vin=0,7V:


                          Vin=220v Reactive power of 1MegaWatt!
                          Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-16-2015, 07:21 PM.


                          • I have one question. Did anyone measure the magnetic field on the secondary coil and was it maximum at the top? It should be if the longitudional network is right but I never measured. Thanks.

                            Ok done a measurement and indeed the magnetic field is stronger on the last loop of the coil
                            Last edited by orgonaut314; 06-16-2015, 09:51 PM.


                            • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                              Looking up materials for constructing the earth terminal, it turns out that regular earth rods are not so good after all.

                              Rod length = 1.2 metres, diameter = 14mm
                              Length is not enough requiring at least double the number of rods + connectors
                              Cost for 34 rods for length (depth) of 2.4 metres + 17 connectors = £241.23

                              Copper pipe length = 3 metres, diameter = 15mm
                              Cost for 20 copper pipes = £122.40

                              Plus 3 pipes left over. Also iron and steel pipes and rods are more expensive so copper pipes is the way to go.
                              Ok I am going for a little less rigorous earth. I have one copper tube in the ground now and I will add three more to start with in a sort of circle. Now I have to make a doghouse to cover the coil under it.


                              • He I get it. This is in fact the analoque of the Tesla coil:

                                But if you simulate this one it behaves like the longitudional network.

                                The Alexanderson network is in fact a little different. I wonder why Eric stil thinks the Alexanderson antenna can replace a Tesla coils or is even better.

                                The Alexanderson has the shunt K in series with L.

