Thanks Sputins, I guess this is the answer.
Seems like I saw some 6 foot ones ever since the web
Anyone else? Got something to say about what the goals are?
I will keep reading. I guess it's time to google it. Generally when
I do that I get either Myth busters or OVERUNITY.
Still it seems like after some 15 -20 years on the web a
simple statement of what the goals are would help people
so as to get a starting point into the work.
I am sure that the goals are stated somewhere so I will keep
reading. When I find out what the goals specifically are, then
I will be able to decide if this is practical or just learning
fun used as some sort of stepping stone to a real device that
can be utilized in some way.
Not everyone can answer this question I guess.
I have listened to ERIC endless hours and hours and hours and
hours and watched videos of many experiments. I saw him go
out on the beach with one and collect the energy he was sending
from miles away.
Is that what this is? A proof that longitudinal waves exist?
Index of /Tesla_Tri-Metal_Generator
Originally posted by Sputins
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Seems like I saw some 6 foot ones ever since the web
Anyone else? Got something to say about what the goals are?
I will keep reading. I guess it's time to google it. Generally when
I do that I get either Myth busters or OVERUNITY.
Still it seems like after some 15 -20 years on the web a
simple statement of what the goals are would help people
so as to get a starting point into the work.
I am sure that the goals are stated somewhere so I will keep
reading. When I find out what the goals specifically are, then
I will be able to decide if this is practical or just learning
fun used as some sort of stepping stone to a real device that
can be utilized in some way.
Not everyone can answer this question I guess.

I have listened to ERIC endless hours and hours and hours and
hours and watched videos of many experiments. I saw him go
out on the beach with one and collect the energy he was sending
from miles away.
Is that what this is? A proof that longitudinal waves exist?

Index of /Tesla_Tri-Metal_Generator

Originally posted by t-rex
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