Magnets and the Aether
Magnets and the Aether:
An update PDF from Ken L Wheeler On 'Uncovering The Missing Secrets Of Magnetism':
Mentions that Eric P Dollard guy many times and is up there with all the other well known truthful pioneer scientists like Tesla, Maxwell, Heaviside, Edison and Steinmetz.
As an addition, here are some of the references that Ken Wheeler is using to disclose his magnetic theories:
Theory Of Natural Philosophy - Ruggero Boskovich - 1922:
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - James Clerk Maxwell - 1873 :
Divina Proportione - Luca Pacioli - 1445 1517:
I would like to confirm here that Tesla considered his rotating vortex as his ultimate discovery and have attached a picture from Ken Wheeler that announces that very fact.

This is why I am building the Tetrahedral Vortex Generator (TEG) as that is exactly what Tesla was referring to.
Many have not considered this phenomena and simply consider it to be a novelty as they have failed to listen to the real educators like Eric.

The Power Supply here is a replication of the original CTC-5 from the 1966 RCA Color TV that imploded in Chicago killing the young Negro boy as documented by Steven Mark himself which led him onto the TPU discovery.
This is also a TPU but uses later information that homes in on the real theory behind the design but has been further improved by the use of variable time delays which are under the supporting base board.
What I have since discovered is the frequency of the TV Neck Ferrites to be about 423 khz but do not use this frequency in the TV itself and more like 15,750 khz horizontal and 60hz for the vertical.
Why 423 khz - so very very close to the magic of 432hz which is being in tune with the Universe and is directly related to Schumann Resonace at 7.83 hertz.
The frequency of Iron is the same as that of the Aether (there are probably many others with a specific task like in keeping your heart beating etc) at 432hz or khz or mhz etc and this is the sole reason why your blood supports haemaglobin which is Iron and is red and is the supporter and transporter of Aether energy in the human system.
What I am also doing here in the physical design is to make logical associations with the 432 in making the Neck Ferrites 108 mm from the focal point on all four - 432/216/108 etc.
The 3 lower coils are for the vortex generation with a 120º phase shift at the same frequency with the top coil at a x3 frequency and all with some 300 volts on the coils initially but with plans to use whatever is necessary to promote an 'Energy Synthesis'.
These lower coils are also 108 mm apart at their centres.
This is called 'Intelligent Design' and is taken from the work of Wayne Thompson and his 'The Measuring System Of The Gods' - Vedic Math.
What I am now being told is that the TV Implosion was caused by a capacitor of all things that gradually changed value over time and finally arrived at the 432 point with dramatic results.
This is what capacitors do when they age, change the tuning entirely and the only other candidate could be a carbon resistor but am staying with the cap as the culprit.
Progress is slow here but hoping to get back to the Lab shortly.
Have now obtained high voltage transformers where they will be used in reverse to downconvert the expected high voltage into a 240 50/60 hertz and have also just received Thyratrons (NL-710L 7509A National Electric) that may be needed to be switched at that frequency and these are also proposed for my other discovery in the 'Impulse Discharge' device.
And now you know why I built the EP Dollard 'Cosmic Ray Detector' (CRD) - Thyratrons!
Magnets and the Aether:
An update PDF from Ken L Wheeler On 'Uncovering The Missing Secrets Of Magnetism':
Mentions that Eric P Dollard guy many times and is up there with all the other well known truthful pioneer scientists like Tesla, Maxwell, Heaviside, Edison and Steinmetz.
As an addition, here are some of the references that Ken Wheeler is using to disclose his magnetic theories:
Theory Of Natural Philosophy - Ruggero Boskovich - 1922:
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - James Clerk Maxwell - 1873 :
Divina Proportione - Luca Pacioli - 1445 1517:
I would like to confirm here that Tesla considered his rotating vortex as his ultimate discovery and have attached a picture from Ken Wheeler that announces that very fact.

This is why I am building the Tetrahedral Vortex Generator (TEG) as that is exactly what Tesla was referring to.
Many have not considered this phenomena and simply consider it to be a novelty as they have failed to listen to the real educators like Eric.

The Power Supply here is a replication of the original CTC-5 from the 1966 RCA Color TV that imploded in Chicago killing the young Negro boy as documented by Steven Mark himself which led him onto the TPU discovery.
This is also a TPU but uses later information that homes in on the real theory behind the design but has been further improved by the use of variable time delays which are under the supporting base board.
What I have since discovered is the frequency of the TV Neck Ferrites to be about 423 khz but do not use this frequency in the TV itself and more like 15,750 khz horizontal and 60hz for the vertical.
Why 423 khz - so very very close to the magic of 432hz which is being in tune with the Universe and is directly related to Schumann Resonace at 7.83 hertz.
The frequency of Iron is the same as that of the Aether (there are probably many others with a specific task like in keeping your heart beating etc) at 432hz or khz or mhz etc and this is the sole reason why your blood supports haemaglobin which is Iron and is red and is the supporter and transporter of Aether energy in the human system.
What I am also doing here in the physical design is to make logical associations with the 432 in making the Neck Ferrites 108 mm from the focal point on all four - 432/216/108 etc.
The 3 lower coils are for the vortex generation with a 120º phase shift at the same frequency with the top coil at a x3 frequency and all with some 300 volts on the coils initially but with plans to use whatever is necessary to promote an 'Energy Synthesis'.
These lower coils are also 108 mm apart at their centres.
This is called 'Intelligent Design' and is taken from the work of Wayne Thompson and his 'The Measuring System Of The Gods' - Vedic Math.
What I am now being told is that the TV Implosion was caused by a capacitor of all things that gradually changed value over time and finally arrived at the 432 point with dramatic results.
This is what capacitors do when they age, change the tuning entirely and the only other candidate could be a carbon resistor but am staying with the cap as the culprit.
Progress is slow here but hoping to get back to the Lab shortly.
Have now obtained high voltage transformers where they will be used in reverse to downconvert the expected high voltage into a 240 50/60 hertz and have also just received Thyratrons (NL-710L 7509A National Electric) that may be needed to be switched at that frequency and these are also proposed for my other discovery in the 'Impulse Discharge' device.
And now you know why I built the EP Dollard 'Cosmic Ray Detector' (CRD) - Thyratrons!