Just got back from ESTC and found out that all the pics of the music Dollard showed were blurry. Can some one direct me to the name of the sheets he used? I am trying to re-create the sounds he played here on my kb. I know it was a Fuge and in C. Thanks much
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Eric Dollard
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Originally posted by aminnovations View PostHi,
I have added a new post to my website, this is the first in a series exploring negative resistance and associated phenomena:
Negative resistance is a feature of the I-V characteristic of a discharge between two electrodes, and if correctly utilised can lead to unusual electrical phenomena within an electrical circuit. In this first part on this topic we explore the I-V properties of the negative resistance (NR) region of a carbon electrode spark gap (CSG), or carbon-arc gap. When the CSG is biased into the correct region, and combined with a switched (non-linear) impetus from the generator, the impedance of the circuit can be seen to reduce from the conventional short-circuit case, increasing the current in the circuit and intensifying the light emitted from an incandescent lamp load.
Thank you for the fascinating and well described (as usual!) experimental work. I find your results very noteworthy:
by operating the CSG around the abnormal glow region of its characteristcs more power is drawn in through the line supply, reflecting a reduction in impedance in the experimental circuit below that of the normal short-circuit impedance at the CSG electrodes or through the vacuum relay.
Hi Marcus,
Originally posted by Marcus Neuhof View Post
Dear Adrian,
Thank you for the fascinating and well described (as usual!) experimental work. I find your results very noteworthy:
What potential explanations do you see for the phenomena of reducing impedance below that of a short circuit?
"... From this it is clear that to utilise the unsual properties of negative resistance they must be combined with a non-linear impetus, which also suggests a process that may be related to underlying displacement events. It is always in the presence of a non-linear condition that the mechanism of displacement can be engaged or observable within the electrical properties. It appears to surface in non-linear scenarios where the boundaries of the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction would lead to a discontinuous condition in the electrical properties of the circuit. It is conjectured that displacement appears to "act" in order to rebalance this discontinuous condition and restore dynamic equilibrium between the induction fields within the circuit.
With regard to the phenomenon observed in this experiment, it is conjectured that the apparent reduction in circuit impedance below that of a short-circuit primarily results from a coherent inter-action between the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction. The analogy is drawn to both the superconducting state in metals at low temperature[7,8], and also to ballistic electron transport in a high mobility electron gas[9], also at low temperature. In the case of the superconducting state two electrons became weakly bound together through exchange of a lattice phonon. In so doing they form Cooper pairs where the coherent phonon exchange extends across the entire material on a macroscopic scale. This coherent phonon exchange, and subsequent binding together of Cooper pairs, leads to a band-gap opening in the conduction band of the material, and hence electron-pairs can traverse the dimenion of the material without scattering in this band. In this way conduction of a current via electron movement through the superconducting material has zero resistance, and is considered to be coherent.
In the second case of ballistic electron transport, the electronic energy band structure of the semiconductor is so arranged to provide a quantum well, narrower than the phonon wave number, at the fermi level within the well. This confines electrons to a 2D sheet in the well, reducing scattering and increasing the mean free path. Further confinement laterally leads to a 1D wire where the scattering with the lattice is further reduced and the mean free path of an electron becomes longer than the injection contacts at either end of material. In this case, and at low temperature, electrons can travel ballistically from one terminal to the other (e.g. in a quantum wire channel). The ballistic conduction reduces the resistance between the contacts below that normally expected for the diffusive condition, since the scattering with the lattice has been reduced to a point where the electron path between the contacts can be considered as coherent.
In both of these analogies reduction in impedance of the transmission medium is considered the result of a coherent conduction process. In the experiment reported here I conjecture that the reduction in impedance results from the coherent inter-action of the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction, where that coherent configuration is brought about by a displacement event. The displacement event is in itself revealed through the non-linear drive to the experiment, and "mixed" through the negative resistance properties of the CSG. The final product of the displacement event through the negative resistance characteristics, is to re-balance the electrical dynamics of the circuit by coherently aligning the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction yielding a reduced circuit impedance. This conjecture, based on the results so far, requires considerable further work to establish its scope of validity, and would also ideally benefit from a suitable mathematical treatment, when such a form of mathematics is available to describe the properties and processes under exploration."
All work in progress.
Best wishes,
Dear Adrian,
That is a very interesting perspective. It is perhaps worth clarifying that we are discussing AC impedance, and not DC resistance, yes?
Since it is AC impedance which is under consideration, could it not be argued that the reduction is due not to any abnormally low impedance of the CSG, but rather due to the (relatively speaking) high impedance of the short circuit?
The "Tesla hairpin circuit" is, after all, a famous demonstration of the high impedance which a short circuit may be made to present.
Hi Marcus,
The AC impedance of the CSG circuit is dominated by the resistive component as shown by the network analyzer scans in the experiment, and is driven at the UK line frequency of 50Hz. For all intents and purposes the circuit appears resistive at low frequency. I do not think AC impedance effects are having a significant impact in this experiment.
I don't think it can be argued that the observed phenomena results from a relatively high impedance of the short circuit, as from my perspective the active source of the change in impedance occurs in the CSG and not at the short circuit. The short circuit appears to remain constant impedance in all configurations of the circuit in the experiment. The active change in the circuit impedance results from the transitions through the negative resistance region of the CSG, where clearly the resistive part of the impedance is changing very dramatically according to bias point and non-linear transient drive. If you remove the CSG from the circuit you will not see any interesting phenomena in the circuit at all, especially at the low drive frequency.
The Tesla hairpin circuit is a very high impedance at DC since it has two blocking capacitors feeding the pins. When spark discharge driven the impedance of the hairpin falls dramatically according to its impulse frequency response, and the loads presented to the the hairpin circuit. The unusual phenomena in the hairpin circuit for me result from the non-linear drive and the boundary conditions presented to the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction. It is a good suggestion, I should start an experimental sequence to look carefully at the phenomenon and measurements associated with the Tesla hairpin circuit.
Best wishes,
Originally posted by aminnovations View PostHi Marcus,
The AC impedance of the CSG circuit is dominated by the resistive component as shown by the network analyzer scans in the experiment, and is driven at the UK line frequency of 50Hz. For all intents and purposes the circuit appears resistive at low frequency. I do not think AC impedance effects are having a significant impact in this experiment.
I don't think it can be argued that the observed phenomena results from a relatively high impedance of the short circuit, as from my perspective the active source of the change in impedance occurs in the CSG and not at the short circuit. The short circuit appears to remain constant impedance in all configurations of the circuit in the experiment. The active change in the circuit impedance results from the transitions through the negative resistance region of the CSG, where clearly the resistive part of the impedance is changing very dramatically according to bias point and non-linear transient drive. If you remove the CSG from the circuit you will not see any interesting phenomena in the circuit at all, especially at the low drive frequency.
Since the effects seem to happen when the voltage is changing rapidly with respect to time, I'm not sure I would discount AC impedance effects entirely. Comparing the above oscilloscope trace to the short-circuit case, it could even be that the main increases in area under the curve occur precisely at those points where the voltage is changing most rapidly:
Unfortunately the given data do not permit me to evaluate whether the crucial parts of the curve occur above the 10MHz upper bound you used for your impedance measurements.
Much has been discussed about the novelties of many spark gaps in series, as in the Steinmetz chapter on lightning arrestors which Eric Dollard has posted here repeatedly and which seems to have been an inspiration for Eric's longitudinal research.
With respect to the phenomena you have demonstrated with this experiment, what effect do you expect to see from multiple CSGs in series?
Hi Marcus,
"What is the frequency content of those portions of the waveform which are active during the negative resistance portion of the experiment?"
That would need to be measured to know for sure, but as an approximation up to the limit of the impedance scan of 10Mc, (where the minimum feature period would be ~ 100ns). From the oscilloscope trace the only portion of the curve that has measured transients that may approach anywhere near this is at 15ms and 35ms (from trace start). The available output power in this region from the generator appears very low, and is most unlikely to contribute to almost 40% increase in dissipated power in the circuit, as compared to the main output cycle whose area under the curve does increase substantially from the short circuit case. Hence it would appear most likely that the negative resistance region in the CSG is active during a portion of the main generator output, but initiated or triggered in the non-linear region prior to the main output. Therefore, I would not expect the phenomena demonstrated to be the product of the ac impedance characteristics of the short-circuit, but rather interestingly, it would appear to support my conjectures on displacement, that non-linear transient dynamics are necessary to reveal/trigger displacement, where the action of re-balancing the circuit leads to substantial changes, in this case, to the voltages and currents in the circuit, (reflected in the area under the main output cycle of the generator).
"With respect to the phenomena you have demonstrated with this experiment, what effect do you expect to see from multiple CSGs in series?"
This would need to experimented and measured to answer this. It would however be much more difficult to bias the CSGs into the correct regions for negative resistance effects, as I would expect any cumulative effect to require synchronisation of the gaps to the same region of their I-V characteristics.
Best wishes,
Originally posted by aminnovations View PostTherefore, I would not expect the phenomena demonstrated to be the product of the ac impedance characteristics of the short-circuit, but rather interestingly, it would appear to support my conjectures on displacement, that non-linear transient dynamics are necessary to reveal/trigger displacement, where the action of re-balancing the circuit leads to substantial changes, in this case, to the voltages and currents in the circuit, (reflected in the area under the main output cycle of the generator).
It occurs to me that perhaps the following statement in your text leads to the most remarkable conclusion of all:
the circuit appears as a constant resistive load that results almost entirely from the cold resistance of the incandescent lamp filaments, 2 x 25W in series, (in the range 175 200Ω each).
However, the implications may be even further-reaching:
We might conjecture that at least 76% of the overall impedance value (including reactive components) derives from the light bulbs, wire leads, and other components outside the "CSG and vacuum relay" system.
This consideration is important as the production of the 40% increase in current would in turn mean a proportional reduction of the overall circuit impedance. Nevertheless, if the CSG-relay circuit sub-system only represents 24% of the total system impedance, even a reduction to 0 ohms impedance (superconduction as in your thesis) in the CSG would not be sufficient to produce a sufficient decrease in the overall system impedance.
Therefore, if it is true that the proportional increase in current was greater than the CSG-relay circuit sub-system's proportional contribution to system impedance, then that would imply the "abnormal glow" region of operation reduced either or both of the reactive and resistive compoents of the impedance of the CSG below zero, while increasing the absolute value of said impedance to a value much larger in magnitude than the resting state impedance.
The immediately obvious explanation is negative reactance (capacitance) storing energy in the dielectric field around the CSG and releasing it at a judicious point in time to produce the momentary increase in current. This would neatly explain the increase in circuit current and increased power consumption, the latter being the product of additional energy being stored prior to its release. Our discussion so far, however, has led to the conclusion that reactance effects are unlikely to predominate. Additionally, the low dielectric constant of air makes it difficult to imagine enough energy finding a home in the CSG's dielectric field to produce this effect.
Since negative reactance, while well accepted, appears insufficient to explain the results, this in turn indicates the experiment potentially achieved "negative resistance" in the most literal sense of the word. If this is so, then one wonders what your PhD thesis advisors would think if they could see where your work had led you...
Hi Marcus,
Originally posted by Marcus Neuhof View PostTherefore, if it is true that the proportional increase in current was greater than the CSG-relay circuit sub-system's proportional contribution to system impedance, then that would imply the "abnormal glow" region of operation reduced either or both of the reactive and resistive compoents of the impedance of the CSG below zero, while increasing the absolute value of said impedance to a value much larger in magnitude than the resting state impedance.
The immediately obvious explanation is negative reactance (capacitance) storing energy in the dielectric field around the CSG and releasing it at a judicious point in time to produce the momentary increase in current. This would neatly explain the increase in circuit current and increased power consumption, the latter being the product of additional energy being stored prior to its release. Our discussion so far, however, has led to the conclusion that reactance effects are unlikely to predominate. Additionally, the low dielectric constant of air makes it difficult to imagine enough energy finding a home in the CSG's dielectric field to produce this effect.
An important factor to consider here is that a non-linear impetus from the generator is required to observe this phenomenon, and if you drive this circuit linearly you will not see any of these effects, as demonstrated in the video. This serves for me as crucial key in understanding what may be the source of this phenomenon. So many, if not all, of the unusual phenomena I have observed throughout my research so far, appear to emerge, or become observable, in the presence of a non-linear transient generator drive, and often combined in circuits that also have inherently non-linear properties, (as in the case of the CSG biased to the abnormal glow region, or from radiant energy emitted from a non-linear driven TC or TMT system, or from other as yet unexplained impulse over-unity devices).
This non-linear impetus and its unusual phenomena, for me suggests underlying principles and mechanisms within electricity that as yet we know almost nothing about, that are only observable under transient conditions, and yet lead to powerful and unexplained phenomena, and that as of yet we could only dream about how to utilize. This hidden or inner-world of electricity and its associated principles and mechanisms I have coined in my research as Displacement, and which I suspect has a completely different set of characteristics to those we currently know in the field of electricity. On this basis I would assert that this "negative resistance" phenomenon observed in my reported experiment cannot be explained or accounted for using our current knowledge of the magnetic and dielectric fields of induction, or to say it another way, from our current understanding of this outer-form of electricity. All my current research is orientated towards uncovering and understanding more about Displacement, and I believe Tesla spent much of the latter part of his work studying the same underlying principles and mechanisms, most of which it seems he never shared.
Since negative reactance, while well accepted, appears insufficient to explain the results, this in turn indicates the experiment potentially achieved "negative resistance" in the most literal sense of the word. If this is so, then one wonders what your PhD thesis advisors would think if they could see where your work had led you...
Best wishes,
I have added a new post to my website:
In the first part of the post I review some of the most important experimental considerations for coil geometry that I have observed and encountered throughout my research so far. In the second part I take a look at a cylindrical coil design suitable for plasma effects and other discharge phenomena when combined with an extra coil, and similar to a design by Eric Dollard for his cosmic induction generator.
Best wishes,
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Eric Dollard had two presentations that offer material that he has been wanting to put together for decades.
First of all, write down this coupon code and make sure you leave it all lower case: epd2020 - this code will give you 25% off in the shopping cart for each individual presentation or the combo, which is at a huge discount already. This coupon expires in 2 days!
Also, for the first time, you can purchase multiple presentations at the same time in one transaction. The above coupon code is only for Eric Dollard's presentations but the multiple purchase option like a normal shopping cart is a huge time saver.
The two presentations are:
Eric Dollard - Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation, A Sequel to the Work of Oliver Heaviside of the Same Title - https://emediapress.com/shop/electro...aviside-title/
Eric Dollard - Method of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied to the Solution of Polyphase Networks, A Sequel to the Work of Charles Fortescue of the Same Title - https://emediapress.com/shop/method-...rtescue-title/
Or get the COMBO with both of Dollard's presentations here: https://emediapress.com/shop/combo-e...hase-networks/
Eric Dollard’s organization is a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit in Nevada so all donations are tax deductible. Donations are badly needed right now to cover some expenses - if you are able to send a check/money order or even give by PayPal, details are here: https://ericpdollard.com/donate-to-eric-dollard/ and of course a portion of the proceeds from all video sales goes to EPD Laboratories, Inc. That is what pays most of the bills besides donations.
Dr. James DeMeo's two presentations from the 2020 ESTC will be released in a couple days.
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
This looks like a direct rip-off of Dollard’s Golden Ratio Log Antenna he designed. Looks like a direct copy of the Eric’s pattern found in the Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook?
https://polaraidhealth.com/"Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD
Originally posted by aminnovations View PostHi,
I have added a new post to my website:
In the first part of the post I review some of the most important experimental considerations for coil geometry that I have observed and encountered throughout my research so far. In the second part I take a look at a cylindrical coil design suitable for plasma effects and other discharge phenomena when combined with an extra coil, and similar to a design by Eric Dollard for his cosmic induction generator.
Best wishes,
Tesla[9] suggested and established this requirement clearly, in that the conducting boundary conditions for Ψ and Φ must ensure the maximum balance, continuity, and coherence for these two inter-dependent fields when moving from one section of an electrical system to another. In this way he established that the requirement between the primary and secondary of a magnifying transformer should be made from equal volumes of conductor.
It is conjectured that the ratio and balance of this distributed inductance and capacitance determines the cavity properties, and hence the formation of a pressure wavefront, where Ψ and Φ establish and maintain a phase alignment to each other. The outer boundary conditions of the longitudinal cavity are dynamically defined, where significant electrical reflections from impedance mismatch will collapse the phase alignment between Ψ and Φ, and lead to dissipation of the LMD mode.
In a matched TMT system, as in my transference of electric power experiments, the longitudinal cavity can be extended all the way from the “transmitter” cavity through the transmission medium to the “receiver” cavity. In principle when the longitudinal mode is established stably in this cavity, electric power can be passed between the source and load over very great distances, (in the far field condition), and is considered to be a key principle in Tesla’s telluric transmission of wireless power.
Thank you for clarifying the effects of coil geometry on transference of electric power!
Maximum power transfer in a TMT system appears to occur when Ψ and Φ are maintained in dynamic balance, through optimal geometry of the TMT coils, transverse tuning to match the resonant frequencies of transmitter and receiver, and longitudinal mode tuning through obtaining a clearly defined standing wave within the cavity, (accomplished primarily through adjusting the electrical path length of the transmission medium to obtain a strong simultaneous null point for Ψ and Φ at the cavity centre).
When the extra coil is arranged to resonate at the third harmonic of the secondary induction system, and where the quality factor (Q) of the extra coil is very high, the output from the top-end of the extra coil will be a very powerful, low distortion, sinusoidal oscillation at a single frequency.
When combined with an extra coil into the Colorado Springs experimental arrangement, and with suitable Telluric tuning and matching, then far-field longitudinal transference of electric power may also be possible, and appears to remain one of the ultimate goals of this field of energy research. In my research so far I have measured far-field Telluric power transfer, (at ~ 3 miles between transmitter and receiver), of around 10dBm in the 80m amateur band from the upper resonant frequency of a carefully tuned TMT system.
It is conjectured that perhaps the most interesting GR relationship would exist directly between Ψ and Φ, which could be arranged through geometry, tuning, and generator and load characteristics. This area of research and investigation requires considerable further work, and remains work in progress at this time, and to be reported at a future point.
Therefore I am discriminating between displacement events and their associated phenomena, and the different properties of Tesla coils and TMT systems that result from the difference in balance between the differentiated dielectric and magnetic fields of induction, that are brought about by varying coil geometries. Said in yet another way, Tesla’s Radiant Energy and Matter, and other coherent electrical phenomena are not the product of coil geometry, but rather underlying coherent processes that constitute the inner, and as yet unexplored, workings of electricity.
The non-linear transient impetus will reveal displacement based phenomena related to the undifferentiated coherent induction field. The linear sinusoidal drive will reveal phenomena related to the balance of the differentiated induction fields Ψ and Φ, through the balance between the transverse and longitudinal modes, and the tuning and boundary conditions of the longitudinal cavity established in the system. Transverse tuning is about selectively coupling as much energy as possible from the generator to the transmitter, and from the receiver to the load, whereas tuning of the longitudinal cavity and its properties, is about transferring as much energy as possible between the transmitter and receiver.
In summary, this is a vast, and probably one of the most fascinating areas of electrical phenomena, that arise from Tesla coil based systems, and warrants considerable further research, observation, and measurement. Suffice to say for now, I would conjecture that the distinction between the undifferentiated and differentiated induction fields, is in my view key to discriminating between phenomena that relate to displacement (coherent and inner), and those that relate to transference (incoherent and outer).- Differentiated versus coherent fields of induction
- Longitudinal versus transverse propagation modes
- Longitudinal versus transverse cavities
- Magnetic versus dielectric fields
When driven by a primary with coupling coefficient to the secondary of ~ 0.1-0.3 the lower resonant frequency can become shifted down from the resonant phase change, set by the wire length, by as much as 500kc, and the upper resonant frequency shifted up by as much as 1500kc.
Hi Marcus,
That's quite a lot to answer, so I may need to split my response into two, I will see what the forum allows me to submit.
Originally posted by Marcus Neuhof View PostIt appears that you are saying that the equal volumes of conductor requirement ensures a smooth impedance transition (impedance being the ratio of dielectric to magnetic field) between primary and secondary, yes?
Given that the impedance of a transmission line is characterised by inductance and capacitance per unit length, plus losses, how is this situation any different from any other transmission line?
How is it possible to maintain a constant impedance (dielectric-magnetic field ratio) in the transition between secondary coil (cavity) and transmission medium? Even a very low inductance ground system would appear to present a very different set of propagation conditions than the secondary of a TMT.
Why must the extra coil be designed to resonate at the third harmonic, instead of e.g the second or fundamental?
You mean -10dBm, yes? That is quite a good result.
Indeed, it would be very interesting to understand what produces the relative proportion between dielectric and magnetic induction.
If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that the balance between dielectric and magnetic fields is a product of coil geometry, but the presence of the "differentiated" (transverse) versus "coherent" (longitudinal) modes and/or the ratio between the two is separate and independent of geometry?
Things do appear to have gotten a bit more complex than I anticipated. We now appear to be contending with a number of separate quantities:
1. The undifferentiated magnetic and dielectric fields of induction is an underlying coherent state in the inner workings of electricity, which is governed by the inclusive principle and mechanism of Displacement. Displacement acts to maintain dynamic balance and equilibrium and as such is a fundamental process within the wheel-work of nature. A displacement process or event is coherent both temporally and spatially, and can result in phenomena such as energy injection into a system, stimulated emission like radiant energy, and power transmission without loss or even with gain. Displacement is always triggered by the “need” of the system, and can be experimented with and observed by introducing non-linear transient and impulse events into a system held in dynamic equilibrium e.g. a designed TC or TMT system. Displacement is inclusive, inner, undifferentiated, temporally and spatially coherent.
2. The differentiated or separated fields of induction result in principle and mechanism of Transference. Transference results in all the electrical properties currently understood and utilised in the fields of electromagnetism and the outer workings of electricity, and ultimately result from the differentiated inter-action of the induction fields within a system. Transference can be coherent either temporally or spatially, but never coherent in both at the same time e.g. a TEM wave is coherent temporally but not spatially. When considering the differentiated fields and there effects in forms, that is in terms of voltages and currents, then coherent translates to in-phase. Transference is separated, outer, differentiated, temporally or spatially coherent.
3. The longitudinal mode or LMD mode belongs to transference, and results from the differentiated fields of induction acting in the same direction together as the direction of propagation. The LMD mode forms in the cavity of a TC, which can include the single wire extension, or can extend across a TMT system. The LMD mode results in single-wire phenomena, high-efficiency transference of electric power in a tuned TMT cavity, and certain dielectric and plasma effects. The LMD mode can be measured by looking for the standing wave null in a TMT system cavity, or better by measuring the changing phase relationship between voltage and current along the length of the single wire transmission medium. The longitudinal mode is spatially coherent, but not temporally.
4. The transverse mode or TEM mode belongs to transference, and results from the differentiated fields of induction acting in an orthogonal direction to the direction of propagation. The TEM mode can radiate in space and results in all the transverse electromagnetic wave characteristics currently known and utilised, including communications, power generation and distribution, electronic and electrical circuits etc. The TEM mode is temporally coherent, but not spatially.
It seems strange that you would describe the fundamenal (lower resonant) frequency as shifting downwards at the same time as the second harmonic (upper resonant) frequency is being shifted upwards. Since the 2nd harmonic varies according to 2*f one would also expect it to have a range twice that of the fundamental (1000kc) but you give a range three times as large (1500kc).
Managed to get it all in the same post.
Best wishes,
AdrianLast edited by aminnovations; 09-08-2020, 02:03 PM.