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Eric Dollard

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  • David G Dawson
    A Time Reversal Capacitor of 1 Farad & Negative Resistance

    A Time Reversal Capacitor of 1 Farad & Negative Resistance:
    A precursor to understanding the principles involved here would be to review Eric's 'Extraluminal = Tranverse + Longitudinal' video:

    A brief comparison between the two:
    TEM - Low Pass Filter - Time Delay or Lag Network - zero to infinity
    LMD - High Pass Filter - Time Advance (PI/2*c) 'counterspace' or time reversal - infinity to zero - an ambient superconductor
    TEM+LMD = Broadband or Wideband - Extraluminal

    I need to explain this initially in the solid state format but have advanced into Vacuum Tubes later in the article.
    What I am going to attempt here is to associate Eric's video with 'negative resistance' (NR) which is called an ambient superconductor and holds the same phenomena as the Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric (LMD) wave string.
    Those that know me will understand what I am presenting here as it has been the collective work of many years endeavouring to understand what NR means and after watching the video you should see the same words being used to explain like 'TIME REVERSED'.
    Below is the 'Negistor' article from Marcelo Puhl explaining the NR phenomena and uses words as Eric did in his video:

    KeelyNet on negative resistance - 04/07/00

    On Page 3 at bottom is the Farad capacitor link which is the next two Pages featured at this URL:

    American Radio History: Documenting the History of Radio TV and FM broadcasting

    This is the reference from the 'Radio-Electronics' of March 1985 under 'Designer's Notebook':

    This is a simulated Farad but is of that value never-the-less and you might like now to consider Thomas Henry Moray's device where he was using Farad capacitors but not ones from the shop which are only of a few volts.
    Have been searching for this type of information for years and it has now fallen into place and answers many questions.

    Vacuum Tubes:
    The above information is related to transistors and we now need to apply that same phenomena with Tubes where considerable information is available on negative resistance (NR) with respect to oscillators and dynatrons etc.
    For those new to Tubes, have added this URL in an attempt to make it easier to better understand their properties where 'rp' dynamic plate resistance - 'gm' transconductance and 'mu' amplification factor are concerned where:

    mu = gm * rp:

    The explanation you must read

    Eric presented an article on 'very high transconductance' Vacuum Tubes and mentioned the 6AS7G where this Tube has an 'rp' of 280 ohms and you can see from the chart in the URL, the best is from a 12AV7 with 4,800 ohms.
    The lower this figure is, the better the bandwidth.
    Can you now see why the 6AS7G is 'out of the box'?
    This is real 'broadband' (negative resistance) and why the audiophiles use this as the preferred Tube for headphone amplifiers.
    As an aside, not all the odd harmonics are beneficial in an audio perspective but requires experiment to obtain the 'sparkle' and 'chime' mentioned in the article BUT I believe that all of those odd harmonics are most welcome where energy is concerned.

    Negative Resistance in Tubes was really only first recognised in the Cunningham/RCA C-324-A (24A) which was the very first 'screen grid' Tube which appeared at the end of 1928 - first indications however, dated back to 1918.
    This is the Tube I believe Tesla used in his Pierce Arrow (1931) and have already made implications that he was personally involved in its introduction.
    Nothing here about amplification magic nor over unity but just a TIME REVERSAL and a very broad bandwidth or working in 'counterspace' but what it does do is PI/2*c - 'c' being the speed of Light.
    This is what the Crystal Set/Radio Initiative (CSI/CRI) is all about is a time reversal and working in counterspace where you are able to achieve phenomena which is 'out of the box' and what the Alexanderson antenna system was all about at RCA Bolinas.
    Using Tubes that are not amplifiers like the 6AS7G and similar is also working in this area and the 'guitar studio' document, clearly shows the implications where you widen the bandwidth and it is then that you receive the pristine sounds of real life music.
    What this is actually doing is increasing the bandwidth and including the higher end odd harmonics and this is where the magic begins and the simple reason why you use Vacuum Tubes and NOT solid state for audio amplification.

    I now get back to my Female analogy of energy in that what we currently use is only the positive side, the Male and is now why we need to look at the contractive and Female side.
    This is analogous to the Muslim religion where the Male predominates and the Females are supressed and do not have balance in their lives and why we see this so called terrorism in Male explosion/expansion.
    No longer look at fine tuning, narrow bandwidth Male but to the broadband Female where energy is concerned.
    Male is flat in the horizontal and expansive and has an energy that is dispersed over a wide area and where fine tuning is required to drag in that energy where Female is broad in the vertical and contractive and contains a huge energy resource that is contained in a small area.

    Hope this is making some of what we talk about being more acceptable to the reader as where we are is entirely new and requires correction from our corrupted education.
    No apologies for the long Post as I needed to get this all together and where better than here.
    All the best.

    Last edited by David G Dawson; 07-15-2016, 04:07 AM. Reason: URL missing

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  • t-rex

    Cross phase is a power line term where two different phases are connected giving a short circuit condition.

    In this case it is when both contacts in a SPDT switch contact the central terminal shorting the normally open to the normally closed contact.

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  • David G Dawson
    TEM & LMD NETworks

    TEM & LMD NETworks:

    Communication Networks - Ernst A Guillemin:

    This is the book Eric is referring to with respect the related organisations.
    It is of significant interest to me in building the 'Spherics Tetrahedral Device' (STD) as it means I need to know in which direction to rotate the invisible vortex motor and I also need to know if I should be leading or lagging where phase is concerned.
    My direction is indicated by a Weather Low Pressure System in the Southern Hemisphere by rotating CW as that is where the energy is being generated and not in the High.
    LMD is significant in its relationship with light where we see something happening before it actually does as related to PI/2 * c where 'c' is the speed of light.
    Notice that the TEM Eric calls the Low Pass Filter and the LMD the High and the two together are Wide/Broadband and this is significant in that we will attempt to be opposite to what current/today technology represents in what is termed 'fine' tuning where all the Cosmic noise including the Aether is eliminated.
    This is as applied to an ambient energy extraction device which we are currently working on from many angles.

    Later - unfortunately the PDF is only to Page 135 at the beginning of Chapter IV with the full version containing 581 pages but gives you an idea of what's ahead.

    Last edited by David G Dawson; 07-13-2016, 04:19 AM.

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  • David G Dawson
    EP Dollard Response

    EP Dollard Response:
    Thankyou for your responses and will work on those as we proceed.
    Hope the Conference went well.

    The acronym you are probably referring to is not one at all but the very name of a Chinese Company that was manufacturing Delay Lines at Passiac, New Jersey and called AD-YU.
    They eventually went before the courts to explain why they were giving away information to China that was considered to be of a National Security interest.
    I am very aware of the acronym problem and you will note that I specifically DO explain anything that is made brief.
    I am ex spacetrack NASA Tidbinbilla, Australia and we (the DSN - Deep Space Network) were given the very job by DSN/Intell (4040) who were the very first remote control chip manufacturers involved with this huge task, to keep all the acronyms the same and be meaningful at the same time.
    Without the Space Industry we probably would be back with 1990 computers.
    We started in a huge room about 50 meters long by 20 wide with 3 full rows of 19" racks with about 12 operators (about 30 subsystems) and in the end, after about 12 years I was the last man standing at the RF front end and all the rest was being handled by two others in the control room - Computers and where it all began.

    This is a picture of the opened top of the AD-YU showing the L & C organisation and have done some in circuit measurements with the following results:
    3 randomly chosen strings:
    500/281/258pF - 913mH
    262/976/531pF - 811mH
    643/318/933/525pF - 1.429mH

    Confirmed an in circuit measurement of my own 5 place PFN (Pulse Forming Network or NET) with the following results:
    mH 168/192/193/69/73
    Do not know why the two at one end are low as they were made equally but may suggest something out of the ordinary may be occurring here?
    uF 0.053/0.029/0.029/0.029/0.052
    As you can see the two outside Cs are about double the inside and is in accordance with your suggestion to 1/2 the outers.

    The bottom ceramic cap string line is from the Don Smith 'Impulse Discharge' experiments where I also believe a phenomena is occurring due to the caps being in a series string when stressed under an extra high voltage - caps are 20kv 100pF.

    Steve McGreevey: - Natural VLF Radio - Sounds of Space Weather - The Music of the Magnetosphere

    We already have the Crystal Set/Radio Initiative (CSI/CRI) working and considering now for it to be duplicated into the final TX/RX configuration using my Extra Coil and not yours as we differ on the fundamental reasoning.
    Results on this when I can get the time.
    Thankyou again for your answers and wish you all the best.


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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Mr Dollard,

    What do you mean by " cross phased on time for SPDT contacts" ?

    It is interesting that the PP-18 no longer seems to do what it used to do. Extended time constants are consistent with my own experience.

    It is my hypothesis that our projects here operate in a domain where the apparent rules of reality are no longer quite as reliable as one tends to believe they are.

    It may well be that a "free energy device" is only possible when its existence is known to very few.

    Its existence would, according to this hypothesis, demand too great a shift from the ambient thought framework.

    This would also represent an explanation of the mysterious events which have dogged your work.

    It is very much a film from the "computer reality" but you may nevertheless find the following to be of interest:

    If this hypothesis is correct then the bringing about of "abundance" on a large scale would require a different approach than the design and engineering of a single device.

    It would also perhaps explain the secrecy which has always surrounded the deeper aspects of the so-called "occult."

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  • t-rex
    To David and all - Q & A

    David Dawson: Ok, you figured the Farad dilemma out.

    Please do NOT use acronyms - I do not get it with them, nor do others. Spell the whole thing out.

    The 2C22 circuit is to make a regenerative receiver. Start with a normal tuned circuit and feedback coil, get the "hang of it" here before trying the Tesla Transformer, which will present difficulties.

    As for underground vs overground delay, put one signal into scope vertical, other signal into scope horizontal, diagonal line in phase, ellipse out of phase.

    Remember, mutual inductance between network coils make things different, usually for the better however.

    The network values for the recent video are 0.2 microfarad & 88 millihenry. Be sure to use half values at the ends or distortion will result.

    PP-18 aircraft radio power converter. I cannot get it to do what it used to do. Do not know why this is. However, I still do get extended time constants, contact adjustment is critical for this. I suggest for independent mercury reed contacts driven by variable time functions for each.

    Chris Carson died before we could finish analysis of his efforts. That unit was very hard to construct!!!

    Indeed, sparking was taking place when the PP-18 acted as a "perpetual charged condenser." That means cross phased on time for SPDT contacts.

    Remember the 1B22's are very rare and valuable. Do not Foxtrot them up! Keep pulse currents small and short.

    I did make a very sophisticated switching unit for Peter Lindemann, Mike Knox and Chris Carson at S.B. but it vanished like a fart in the wind. So what is new?

    The ringing Geiger Counter is a sales product. Remember Japan! Steve McGreevey has new box so you can hear the severe U.H.F. digital world you like to live in. It is horrifying how much power is swirling about and pecking away!!

    Ron Cole setup is no more than a simple Tesla Impulse Generator, so use Tesla's name, not Ron Cole. A Guillemin Condenser, the name for his networks instead of regular condenser may make for interesting elements.

    For the Tesla Transformer Pulse Generator, put a 50 ohm resistor in series with the 0.1 uF input condenser, it will extend tube life.
    Last edited by t-rex; 07-11-2016, 08:37 PM.

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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Here is a transcript of a video where Mr. Dollard discussed the PP-18 and explained why and how it produces anomalous results.

    Unfortunately I am still not able to tell why my attempts to replicate his results have not been successful.

    Telluric3.MP4 - "Eric Dollard's Telluric Research 2007, Part 3"
    Video available from

    Interjections from other persons in the video have been omitted from the transcript.


    All this stuff is so simple, and so easy, and just little simple algebraic equations, simple little motors and things that have been around all the time, not the laws of conservation of energy...

    I've got a little aircraft vibrator box in my car, that was designed to take a 12V aircraft, and turn it into 24 volts for 24 volt radio equipment.

    Now the way this device does it is, it was before solid state reality that destroys all power flow relationships in any kind of power system because it's unidirectional!

    So what this does is it has a pair of vibrators on a common reed.


    So like the vibrators in an old car radio except it's a pair on a common reed. So it's got 8 pins instead of 4 or 5.

    Now what this does, it's very simple, simple little device that has two electrolytics in it.

    Contacts are on the A side.

    The two electrolytic capacitors are hooked in parallel and connected to the 12 volt battery in the car.

    The series inductance charges the capacitors to 12 or actually 14 or whatever.

    The vibrator at that time charge rate, after they're done, it's constant about 100 cycles a second vibrator, goes to contact set B.

    Contact set B takes the two electrolytic capacitors and connects them in SERIES, now you have 24 volts, and connects them to the 24 volt battery.

    So what you've done with this device is I have a 24 volt battery, and I have a 12 volt battery, hooked in parallel, with out a blast, because it's an exact 2:1 DC transformer, and you can't operate a transformer unless you involve the dimensions of per second.


    And it gets the per second okay, by the vibrator.

    Now if you take an inductance coil, like in a motor, an induction motor, and you take that inductance coil and you vary the inductance with respect to time...

    And that's what an induction motor does, because of the rotation...

    An inductance is in the dimensions of length squared divided by time. And that gives you the dimensions of resistance.


    So if I take an inductance coil, and I make the core hop in and out, I will get the same phase angle, the some phase angle a proper phase angle, same frequency as the AC that's going through the inductance coil but what will happen is, is I will either extract energy from that vibrating coil or I will deliver energy to that vibrating coil in the form of a resistance, you see what I mean?

    You know because energy is entering or leaving the field. It's a loss. Resistance is negative. Inductance is a negative, lag. Other side of the equation you have capacitance... Okay now just because all the textbooks took the negatives and erased it, they didn't ... wrath of Steinmetz, I'll use the negatives, positives, oh yeah yeah yeah, change old signs around... okay...

    So the other side you capacitance... a varying capacitance with respect to time... gives you the dimensions of conductance, which is one over resistance, ok. That actually turns out to be the energy generating component.

    If I have a system of electrical networks, and one of them is an alternator, okay, that's a conductance, that's generating in the system.


    The motor is dissipating, it's the resistance in the system. The transmission line is the inductance and, has to have all four elements, I have the energy creation, energy destruction, energy storage, energy return, it's a complete loop.

    So what this device in the car is doing, it's varying capacitance with respect to time and creating an energy component synthetically, through its dimensions, a piece at a time.

    And what that thing does, okay, is I can take the car and unplug it from the station, turn off the military radios which are a big drain, leave the scanner on, which pulls 100 milliamps.

    That vibrator, and that oscillating back and forth battery (???) will keep the scanner running indefinitely with draining the car battery. And sometimes I can't turn the thing off.

    That's all there is to free energy. It's that simple.


    I built a whole system to be studied in lab at Santa Barbara. I spent months, man, to build these networks to try to duplicate this effect and bring it out, so this could be so faint that you wondered if you might not be fooling yourself ... and of course they all went off to La-La Land and you know, abandoned the whole project, and you know I went back to the dumpsters.


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  • Marcus Neuhof

    I briefly reviewed the PDF you linked to in regards the Imhotep circuit. However I see no evidence that it is producing a surplus of "energy." The description implies that it is merely more efficient and, notably, the schematic diagrams all contain batteries.

    Are you able to confirm that the Imhotep circuit was able to operate in a self-sustaining fashion, i.e with no battery?

    Your allusions to low pressure, negativity, implosion and such are, as you are no doubt aware, reminiscent of Viktor Schauberger. In the "Ere many generations pass" thread on this forum, there are discussions of a Tesla device along those lines.

    Nevertheless I would suspect that any "worship of the female principle" would be considered by Mr. Dollard to be an error.

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  • David G Dawson
    Impulse Discharge

    Tesla's Radiant Energy & Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator:'s%2...Oscillator.pdf

    Did the Imhotep Oscillator and it worked and worked well but only briefly.
    What you depend on here is the relay continuing to operate with much arcing at the contacts and eventually the relay fails but it worked.
    Also why the Car Radio multivibrators were something of a pain in the neck for that very same reason and required regular contact cleaning and adjustment.
    That is why the plasma gap appeared to be an answer as there was simply no longer any maintenance and why Tesla used the Magnets across his gap.

    That is now why the 'Impulse Discharge' or 'Self Generating Discharge' is of such interest as it eliminates the main problem of maintenance.

    I keep seeing the Kapanadze setup with the four high spark gaps arcing like crazy and ask myself for how long?

    In my scratchy note page I mentioned a spark gap Vacuum Tube and that is a 1B22 and there are others similar and this also includes an Ion Valve from Bruce Perrault.

    In looking for the Imhotep information I came across a statement that clearly indicated that you need to go negative to be able to invite the ambient energy into your circuits and this is also what I myself have continued to say.
    This is why I charge a Joe Cell into the negative that people fail to understand.

    In my Weather engineering it becomes a simple fact that a Low pressure system contains considerable energy compared to the High pressure system.
    Expansion is hot and dry and calm and Male and positive, Contraction is cold and wet and packed full of energy and Female and negative - Explosion/Implosion.
    I use directional resonant negative ion generators (RNIG) at high voltage to produce rain at long range over a Flat Earth.

    I will repeat here that I am only interested in a house power plant that is going to be reliable, near maintenance free and not expensive and the reason for my current builds.
    I have done all the base work (14 years) and is now a process of putting that research into an application that is available to everyone.
    The most difficult part of this long road has been to filter out the real bad information that you find to have been plageurised from others also not being in the know as most had simply failed to verify anything themselves at the bench and were just too busy behind a keyboard.

    Eric will probably agree with me here as this is the only way to learn about what we all seek by actually being at the bench where an entirely different world is open to you where a capacitor is no longer used to filter off the noise.
    Hope this helps.


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  • Marcus Neuhof

    Thank you for the interesting post.

    The concept of the spark plasma as a producer of anomalous energy surplus is not new to me. I have previously read claims that the spark gap in certain forms of Tesla apparatus performed this function.

    The Steinmetz chapter in the "Transient" book on the phenomena surrounding lighting arrestors, which Mr. Dollard has posted several times, may also shed light on this concept. However I have not been able to fully comprehend this chapter.

    It is therefore quite possible that, as you say, adjustment of the vibrator for maximum sparking is crucial.

    Certainly in my case I designed the circuit for minimum sparking, in order to prolong the life of the vibrator. I could not imagine Mr. Dollard doing otherwise, given the scarcity of suitable vibrators and the necessity of functional power conversion in his Corolla.

    However, I have reason to be skeptical that sparking at the switching contacts is a crucial element of the circuit.

    First, sparking ought to produce no change in any dielectric parameter variation, except possibly in terms of the rate of change of the parameters.

    The rotating variable condenser device developed by Chris Carson did not appear to require any kind of spark gap. It is possible that the Carson device was nevertheless able to produce a comparable capacity time rate of change through extremely high-RPM operation, but I doubt it.

    Next, an earlier attempt on my part to replicate Mr. Dollard's results with the PP-18 circuit produced a great deal of sparking, but also no anomalous results.

    In that case, I used an ordinary electromechanical relay with an operating frequency of approximately 40Hz. There, the result was precisely the same as with the vibrator.

    As it was a very brief test, the relay was a modern type with long life contacts, and relays are easy to come by, there I took no measures to minimize contact wear. The result was continuous and visible arcing at the contacts. Yet the circuit still ceased operating upon removal of the external power source -- rather than continuing to operate and producing ca. 100mA surplus.

    At the time I assumed that there were one or more critical thresh-holds pertaining to operating frequency and switching delay. The electromechanical vibrator performs considerably better than the relay in both of these respects. However, my most recent test with a vibrator would seem to invalidate this hypothesis.

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  • David G Dawson
    Impulse Discharge

    Impulse Discharge Generator:
    Hello Marcus.
    An attempt to explain your observations.

    A.V. Chernetskii -- Self-Generating Discharge Plasma

    What the Russians are terming a 'Self Generating Discharge' which we and certain others have discovered through various experiments.
    This is a quick comparison I did between the two but both work and I have a setup here that is about to be connected to Eric Dollard's 'Tesla Transformer Pulse Generator' (TTPG) which I have built and feeding into a transformer:

    Initial tests showed the ability to light a 100 watt lamp from a 7 Watt input but this was through another spark gap which I deemed not practical and will use Eric's TTPG on the output into a transformer:

    This is an adapted Don Smith circuit - Capacitors used were 4 x 8uF 4 kV oilfilled in series, Pulser is one from Bruce Perrault via Bob Iannini, 10 line series ceramic caps give about 20 pF, spark gap is using carbon rods from 'D' cells.
    Surprise when the spark extinguished but the caps kept charging.
    Three areas of interest where an ambient energy could enter were the 10 series ceramic caps, the extinguished spark gap and the use of carbon (a Tesla favourite).
    What we had generated was a Plasma exchange at the gap and this is also what I believe Tesla was attempting to do with his Magnets either side of the spark gap in an effort to extinguish the spark asap to gain the ambient energy input.

    Ignore the resistors as this was another Don Smith attempt but note the wide gap at the carbons and the meter showing over 1 kV at the capacitors and still rising.

    I am suggesting to Eric Dollard that this is exactly what is occurring in his PP-18/AR with the contacts of the multivibrator where a plasma exchange occurs at the gap after the spark is extinguished and travels back to the centre contact.
    A cap across the gap is going to kill these effects and a need to fine tune the multivibrator for minmum arc.

    Eric suggested my Lester Hendershot replication (another art form) was a deviation/distraction but can only disagree as through an attempt to find a resonator that worked, I substituted a 4 volt multivibrator and through a loose connection which sparked, was able to generate an 11 kV spark within the circuit from a mere 4 volts.
    Remember that Tesla was most interested in what happened immediately the power switch was closed and before the current was able to flow - Impulse Discharge.

    In all of this is the reason for my previous Post on the 'Spherics Tetrahedral Device' (STD) where we do not have situations that need be adjusted like in a spark gap or where maintenance is often required.
    However, both systems are in a competition to see which is the most practical as a source of home energy but there are others here that are also contenders.

    Hope this may assist in explaining the phenomena.

    Eric may come back with a more technical explanation but this is coming from an actual 'electrical experimenter'.


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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Mr. Dollard,

    I am still trying to understand dielectric parameter variation devices.

    Consider your PP-18/AR voltage converter. Schematics are below.


    Where and how does parameter variation occur in this device?

    The condenser C varies its position in the circuit, yes: it goes from being located across the first power supply (V_1) to being located from the positive terminal of the first supply (V_1) to the positive terminal of the second (V_2).

    By this transition it adds its stored potential (equal to V_1) to the continuous potential of V_1 in order to produce 2 * V_1 = V_2... or the opposite, reducing V_2 to one-half its potential.

    And yet, at nowhere in this process does C ever change its capacity!

    To be sure, if we were to add a second condenser, fixed in position across V_1, then a variation in capacity would indeed occur. After all, two condensers of equal capacity in series have half the capacity of either condenser on its own.

    Is the parameter variation to which you refer?

    The below document would seem to indicate so.


    The difficulty for me is that not even the original military PP-18/AR converter contained such a condenser, at least not one of any significant size. The only other large condenser was used to filter voltage ripple in the output (across V_2)... not the input!


    Nevertheless, I attempted to replicate the PP-18 voltage converter with a condenser across the V_1 input power supply to permit parameter variation.

    I used 6800 microfarad condensers (across V_1 as well as as the position-varying C -- C-2 in the military schematic) and a split reed type vibrator operating at 116 cycles per second. 20 nanofarad condensers were used to reduce sparking across the vibrator contacts, and a 2200 microfarad condenser was used as an output reservoir (C-1 in the military schematic).

    As specified, the device successfully produced twice the input voltage across the output condenser. Run "in reverse," applying power to the output side, resulted in one-half the input voltage, again as specified.

    However, I did not observe any anomalous effects due to parameter variation. Once the initial current source (a 9V battery) was removed, the condensers ran down quickly and the device ceased operating.

    Removal of the condenser across V_1 did not change this; instead the device simply stopped operating as soon as the battery was disconnected (as there was no longer any current available for the vibrator coil).

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    ERIC : The Matter of multiple co-ordinate systems has been on my mind recently whilst considering the nature of the universe and particularly the nature of dimensions, - Spacial VS "Etheric REALMS"

    Clearly the L,W,H spacial dimensions will be one of our "multiple co-ordinate systems", - also shared with my "multiverse maths model"

    Another that occurs would be Resonant Transmission - With Potential Ties too an Etheric Realm - Need a little more night time R&D around tesla coils too advance this hypotheses ,

    These 2 co-ordinate systems allow you too access a point in the universe from another another point., now a third co-ordinate system would really require a stretch of the imagination - strictly speaking i dont think electron migration via potential, - would be ranked at high as the first 2 options due too practical usability, which also goes for magnetic lines of force - simply due too the quantity of matter in space creating an impedance.

    what is your saturday night 6pack favorite manifestation of a co-ordinate system ?

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    Re - 3D resonator AND transluminal FOR Dollard

    David = that is the coolest looking build ive seen in some time, in essence my favorite elements are those which it shares with 50's +/- Vintage UFO's,. Great too see the CRT electron alignment coils being used, - Kapandzee uses those ferrite based coils for his 3 2 1 kapagen home power unit also,. I definitly look forward too hearing about the various tests you perform along the way,

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  • David G Dawson
    Guillemin Theory

    Guillemin Theory:
    With all due respect I think I can answer my own question as the note at the bottom of each schematic uses the word 'seconds'.
    What this is telling us is that you degrade by a suitable power of 10 when you talk of mSecs or uSecs.
    The AD-YU has a delay of 18uS at 640 ohm and the reason why the Cs are in pFs and the Ls in mH.
    As an example when using an Oscilloscope you measure the number of mSecs for a full wave and then use 1/mS and then x by 1,000 and by 1,000,000 for uSecs to obtain your frequency with respect to time.

    So, in effect you divide the Farads by 1,000 if you want mSecs and by 1,000,000 if you want uSecs.
    This then means that the high 21 Farad becomes 21/1,000 = 0.021 uF or 21,000 pF or 21/1,000,000 = 0.000021 uF or 21 pF.
    Hope this is clear as using the words Farad and Second is really confusing to a layperson or a simpleton like me.

    Delay Lines are used in TVs where you have two different images to contend with, the fast luminance image (brightness) and the slower chrominance image (colour) and where you need to slow the luminance at each retrace across the screen.

    Would now like to ask Eric what values of C & L he was using in his TEM/LMD demonstration and will expect the values of C & L to be the same right through the chain and why did he use these values in particular as they appear to be for an application?


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