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Eric Dollard

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  • Marcus Neuhof
    Originally posted by aminnovations View Post

    I have added a new post to my website:

    The Wheelwork of Nature – Fractal “Fern” Discharges
    Dear Adrian,
    Your work is excellent as always. Am I correct in understanding that the key differentiating factor (i.e the design feature responsible for the fern discharge) between your set-up and that of any other amateur Tesla coil builder is the power supply to the primary, and more specifically:
    • the high voltage and comparatively high current it produces, combined with
    • the continuous-wave nature of the output, and
    • the tight coupling between the power supply and primary (with no spark gap), as well as
    • the Armstrong oscillator circuit ensuring the power supply operates at precisely the resonant frequency of the secondary?
    The work of Thomas Burton Kinraide seems worth referencing here, as he is considered another early pioneer of "organic" type electrical discharges:

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  • aminnovations

    I have added a new post to my website:

    The Wheelwork of Nature – Fractal “Fern” Discharges

    Sooner or later research into the underlying nature and principles of electricity must inevitably lead to those larger philosophical and esoteric questions surrounding the origin and purpose of life, its mechanisms that constitute the wheelwork of nature, and our purpose and part to play as very small cogs in this grand design. I have in previous posts started to tentatively touch-on and develop my own current understanding of the wheelwork of nature through ideas, designs, experiments, and conjectures regarding displacement and transference of electric power. This post is the first in a sequence looking at experiments in electricity which reveal or suggest clues about this underlying wheelwork, with the associated phenomena and results, their possible origin and purpose, and how we may form a synchronicity with this wheelwork, and hence benefit from a journey that increases our knowledge and awareness of our-self and that of the great mystery or grand design. This first post in the series looks at the wheelwork of nature – fractal “fern” discharge experiment, along with observations, measurements, and interpretation.

    This “fern” discharge is particularly interesting when viewed as a form of fractal, which may also have golden-ratio geometry associated with it, where the filaments and tendrils formed along the primary streamers have an impulse like nature, are momentarily transient and orthogonal in nature, and the overall growth and pattern of the discharge is reflected in naturally occurring forms. These combined together indicate to me that this experiment may lend itself well to exploring and gaining a better understanding for the wheelwork of nature, or in other words, the underlying principles and mechanisms that lead to the generation of this exciting result. Since Eric Dollard's original experiment there appears to be little public knowledge available on the details of how to generate this phenomena, the apparatus and operating conditions required to call-forth or reveal this type of discharge, and considered analysis and conjecture on how this phenomena occurs, and what it can show and tell us regarding the wheelwork of nature.

    Part 1 of the video experiment demonstrates and includes aspects of the following:

    1. Introduction to the wheelwork of nature experimental series based on Nicola Tesla’s famous quotation, and Eric Dollard’s original “fern” discharge experiment.

    2. Brief Introduction and consideration of the importance and implications of the bridge between the Philosophical/Esoteric and Scientific disciplines, through grasping an understanding of the underlying principles and mechanisms of the wheelwork of nature.

    3. Overview of the tube plate supply generator, GU-5B coil system, and Tesla coil to be used in the experiment.

    4. Design and construction considerations important to a high-frequency 3.5Mc Tesla secondary coil, suited to discharge experiments in the wheelwork of nature.

    5. Primary coil drive circuit apparatus using a series feedback class-C Armstrong oscillator, tuned to the lower parallel resonant mode at 2.6-2.9Mc, and matched for best power transfer from the generator.

    6. The “fern” discharge phenomena at various generator power output levels from 100W – 2.2kW

    7. Observation of the characteristics of the “fern” discharge including fractal like self-repeating, self-similar tendrils, golden-ratio like proportions in the tendrils, orthogonal emitted sub-tendrils, and orthogonal displacement like micro-filaments and fibres.

    8. Symmetric and reflected discharge patterns in geometric space, including tendril growth and extinction, and temporally based non-random, sequenced and repeating discharge patterns indicative of a defined “dance” routine.

    9. Conjecture of an underlying dynamic and guiding pattern and order to the “fern” discharges, and hence a tantalising and astonishing view of part of the underlying mechanisms of the wheelwork of nature.

    Part 2 of the video experiment demonstrates and includes aspects of the following:

    1. Experimental variations to part 1 of the experiment in order to see if the nature and form of the fractal “fern” discharge could be changed to another form

    2. Tuning the coil system down to 2.1Mc on the lower parallel resonant mode, whilst observing the discharge form.

    3. Tuning the coil system up to 4.0Mc on the upper parallel resonant mode, whilst observing the discharge form.

    4. Tuning the coil system across the transition between the lower and upper parallel resonant modes, whilst observing the discharge form.

    5. Changing the blocking/tank capacitor at the output of the plate supply from 25nF 25kV to 30uF 8kV.

    6. Changing the plate supply output from a bridge rectified waveform with blocking capacitor, to a raw unrectified waveform with no blocking capacitor.

    7. Adding a toroidal top-load to the Tesla coil and retuning the lower parallel resonant mode to 2.28Mc, whilst observing the discharge form

    8. Replacing the single GU-5B power triode with parallel connected dual 833C power triode tubes.

    9. Observation using the dual 833C triodes at the upper parallel resonant mode at 3.9Mc of a tighter and more rounded fractal “fern” discharge, with shorter, more rounded, and more numerous tendrils.

    Best wishes,
    Last edited by aminnovations; 05-25-2021, 09:06 PM.

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  • aminnovations

    I have added a new post to my website on:

    Tube Power Supply – Heater, Grid & Screen

    In research using Tesla coils it is inevitable that sooner or later a vacuum tube power supply will become a necessary and invaluable addition to the laboratory equipment. Vacuum tubes when correctly setup and operated are a robust and high power solution to driving Tesla coils from very low frequencies, and to well into the HF band. Most of my experiments are conducted in the 160m amateur band with a centre frequency around 2Mc, and with tuning that can go down as low as 500kc, and up to almost 4Mc. A vacuum tube generator that can be flexibly configured to drive different configurations and types of tubes to power levels over 1kW, and even up to as high as 5kW, opens the door to many fascinating and unusual electrical phenomena, that can be observed and measured using Tesla coils driven at higher powers and higher frequencies. This post is the first in a sequence to look at my own tube power supply, designed specifically with rapid prototyping and Tesla coil research in mind, and is the product of using vacuum tubes of various different types and configurations in my research over the years.

    I have so far presented on my website a basic and yet configurable Vacuum Tube Generator based around dual 811A’s, and which has been used in a range of already reported experiments including, Transference of Electric Power, Single Wire Currents, and Tesla’s radiant energy and matter. In this post I start looking at a much more comprehensive tube power supply that I use on a daily basis with a range of different tube boards. I will be looking at the design, construction and operation of the heater, grid & screen supply (TPS-HGS), including a video overview and simple experimental demonstration of its basic operation. More detailed and sophisticated operation will be covered in subsequent experimental posts as I publish them.

    Best wishes,

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  • Vinyasi
    What is the name of the composite wave in the top image? The bottom image is a close-up of the base frequency. I want to know more about this type of wave behavior.

    I guess I’m smart enough, now that I’ve had a chance to think about it, to answer my own question…

    Eric Dollard speaks of time reversal regarding electrodynamics and I thought that was pretty weird, but I just accepted it because I know the guy’s a genius and a master of electrodynamic engineering. But now I know how it can be true… So, here goes…

    When I did a search on the Internet for my waveform to see how other people have dealt with this waveform and what they call it and so forth, I couldn’t find it except in reverse. In other words, it’s like putting it in front of a mirror, because left becomes right and right becomes left. Meanwhile, vertical formation remains the same, namely: a surge. It’s just the direction of the surge changes. Instead of my waveform building up to a surge and then collapsing, the standard variety starts from a peak and a trough of extremes and then hyperbolically (or exponentially if you prefer - aka. logarithmically) it collapses towards a zero asymptotic limit.

    So, you take a self-damping, pulsating wave and turn its time domain around by 180° of reversal and now you have a staccato wedgy (what I like to call) in which time has done an about face. Who’s to say which one is normal direction for time? I don’t know…!

    Physics tells us which is normal, but physics is suspect as it is. ;-)

    For all we know, we could be walking backwards in time!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Vinyasi; 03-02-2021, 04:19 PM.

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  • aminnovations

    I have added a new post to my website on:

    Cylindrical Coil Transmission Gain – TC S21

    In this post the cylindrical coil transmission gain S21 is explored using the DG8SAQ vector network analyser. The small signal ac input impedance Z11 has been explored and presented extensively for both flat and cylindrical Tesla coils, and the transmission gain study in this experimental post continues the small signal analysis of this type of Tesla coil. The S21 characteristics show that the Tesla coil has its lowest insertion loss at the fundamental series resonant frequency, and its highest loss at a parallel mode. The series resonant mode remains relatively stable with changing primary tuning characteristics such as number of turns, and variations in the primary tuning capacitor. However, the parallel mode shows strong dependence on both the primary turns and primary tuning capacitor.

    At first order the transmission gain characteristics of a Tesla coil present as a high-Q bandpass filter typical for a resonant circuit, and where the insertion loss for a direct connected secondary coil is in the region of 4-5 dB at the fundamental series resonant frequency. At second order the transmission gain characteristics of a Tesla coil present a wealth of interesting detail and phenomena. We also look at an equivalent circuit model that yields well matched theoretical characteristics to those measured, and which assists in understanding the mechanisms contributing to the unusual and fascinating characteristics of the Tesla coil.

    The video experiment demonstrates and includes aspects of the following:

    1. The experimental setup using the DG8SAQ vector network analyser for transmission gain measurements S21 for a cylindrical Tesla coil.

    2. The characteristics of S21 and S11 when the primary tuning capacitor is set to balance the parallel modes on the measured input impedance Z11.

    3. The changing characteristics of S21 and S11 when the primary tuning capacitor is adjusted through its full range of 20pF – 1280pF.

    4. The changing characteristics of S21 and S11 when the number of primary turns is varied between 1 and 4.

    5. The changing characteristics of S21 and S11 when the distance between the primary and secondary coil is varied from 7cm up to 75cm.

    6. The series and parallel resonant modes revealed in the transmission gain S21, and their variation dependent on the interaction between, and the electrical characteristics of, the primary and secondary coils.

    Best wishes,

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Hello Aaron I can no longer post a picture and am not sure why this site is malfuctioning in this way or did I do something wrong? ?
    Did Dave fudge on this years conference? Like I knew he would.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Hello Aaron have not seen you around a while. I wanted to let you know that this week I can no longer post a picture and am not sure why this site is malfuctioning in this way or did I do something wrong? Thank you Aaron and hope to see your coming project soon. July?
    .................................................. .................

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  • BroMikey
    Hello Aaron have not seen you around a while. I wanted to let you know that this week I can no longer post a picture and am not sure why this site is malfuctioning in this way or did I do something wrong? Thank you Aaron and hope to see your coming project soon. July?

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  • aminnovations
    Hi NROC,

    Originally posted by NROC View Post
    I really like that your doing some solid experimentation on this subject, think it's important to either validate or invalidate the myths associated with the TMT. You've also got some really good gear lol.

    Haven't had a chance to glance over all the work you've done on this system but had a couple of quick questions ...
    Thank you for your support, and it is part of the purpose of my research work to establish through high quality experimental investigation, the principles and mechanisms behind displacement and transference of electric power, Tesla's work, and over-unity systems. It would be interesting to see if and how surface waves contribute to single wire transmission of electric power. Currently I do not have much experience in this area, other than investigating ground wave propagation in amateur radio transmission, if this is related.

    The cylindrical coils in the TMT system I am using are quarter-wave resonators, with a wire length ~ 34m, So 34 + 2 (single wire length) + 34 = 70m for the complete system in the close mid-field region. More on the cylindrical coil design can be found here:

    And on the small signal ac input impedance characteristics here:

    The whole TMT system is designed for the 160m amateur radio band, and is driven around 2Mc for a series resonant mode, (or 1.7 – 3.1 for parallel mode drive), so in this experiment the whole system is operating close to a half wavelength in size. I also use this system for Telluric experiments in the far field at a distance >> wavelength.

    Here is a summary of some of the key measurements so far that have enabled me to conjecture on the LMD mode as a mechanism for the transference of electric power in this TMT system:

    1. A null point in the dielectric field intensity can be measured in the reciprocal setup around the mid-point of the single wire transmission medium.

    2. The null point can be moved left or right by fine tuning of the parallel resonant modes at either the transmitter or receiver.

    These two experiments are demonstrated in the videos here:

    3. The phase relationship between the voltage on the single wire and the current flowing around the single wire at the mid-point when power is fully dissipated in the single wire is ~ 45deg.

    4. This phase relationship at the mid-point when the power is fully dissipated at the receiver load is ~ 0deg.

    5. This phase relationship varies over its length e.g. not the same at the end points as the mid-point.

    6. The measured RF current in the single wire is real current.

    More data on this is available in the write-up on the page above Transference of Electric Power – Part 1

    7. The frequency of the LMD mode in the cavity is not the same as the drive frequency when the generator drives at the fundamental series resonant frequency fo. I have explored that the parallel resonant modes of the TC directly facilitate coupling of energy to the LMD mode in the cavity, where the parallel modes are always offset at a higher or lower frequency than the series driven point, dependent on which parallel mode is tuned as dominant. If the system is driven at the parallel modes directly then the frequency of drive and the LMD mode frequency can be the same.

    Key conjectures that I currently hold about the LMD mode from my experiments so far:

    1. The longitudinal mode or LMD mode belongs to transference, and results from the differentiated fields of induction acting in the same direction together as the direction of propagation. The LMD mode forms in the cavity of a TC, which can include the single wire extension, or can extend across a TMT system. The LMD mode results in single-wire phenomena, high-efficiency transference of electric power in a tuned TMT cavity, and certain dielectric and plasma effects. The LMD mode can be measured by looking for the standing wave null in a TMT system cavity, or better by measuring the phase relationship between voltage and current along the length of the single wire transmission medium.

    2. The longitudinal mode is spatially coherent, but not temporally. So the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction are in phase spatially with each other in the cavity.

    3. The LMD mode does not have super-luminal velocity in the transference of electric power. Or in other words its group velocity is bounded by the speed of light c.

    There's lots of additional experimental detail and analysis on my website in the following sequences: transference of electric power, and high-efficiency transference of electric power.

    Best wishes,
    Last edited by aminnovations; 01-18-2021, 11:12 AM.

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  • NROC
    Hey Adrian,

    I really like that your doing some solid experimentation on this subject, think it's important to either validate or invalidate the myths associated with the TMT. You've also got some really good gear lol.

    Haven't had a chance to glance over all the work you've done on this system but had a couple of quick questions:

    From a Maxwellian stand point the single wire transmission that you have could be considered like a waveguide with a thin dielectric around it. In this case your transformers on either sides might be considered the launchers of a surface wave along the single wire path. The wire would support a transverse magnetic mode (TM) along the waveguide. I'm not saying that's what it is for sure but if you think you have a null point half way between the transmitter and receiver (I think you said something about that on the transference page please correct me if I'm wrong) then that suggests that it isn't a Zenneck wave because standing waves do not appear in the Zenneck wave regime. What's the length of the wire in each secondary coil relative to the wavelength?

    In the normal surface wave regime you can get standing waves but I have never seen a transference of above 90% in a surface wave system before, as a lot of the energy is carried off as an evanescent wave or is radiated away by a non perfect TEM to TM conversion into the structure (from the coax which I have worked with, I haven't used coils to transmit like that before) that's having the power sent through. It looks like your system (depending on the secondary's wire length is) might be smaller than the carrier frequency but just wanted to ask before asking any more questions. Depending on the length you would either get a real current movement as opposed to a displacement current I tentatively think.

    Have you been able to measure or simulate the electric or magnetic fields around the single wire? If they were 90 degrees out of phase with the electric field perpendicular to the wire surface then that would definitely be a near field surface wave. If not then it may well be another transmission mode, which would be really interesting.

    Another thing that might help to see what mode your using might be to look at the speed that the wave propagates down the line, but that might only be possible in simulation with such a small length. Because there is a dielectric around the single wire conductor it would reduce the speed that the wave travels down the line to lower than c, and it would also confine the electric field closer to the wire. If there really is an LMD mode then would expect it to travel faster down the line than that mode.

    I'm also based in the UK and did my PhD in surface waves on metal structures but haven't had much exposure to this type of system with coils as transmitters/receivers apart from in Zenneck wave power transmission and inductive coupling.

    Best Wishes

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  • aminnovations

    I have added a new post to my website on:

    High-Efficiency Transference of Electric Power - 11m Single Wire

    In this second part on high efficiency transference of electric power, we take a look at the characteristics and power efficiency of a cylindrical coil TMT system where the transmitter and receiver coils are spaced further apart in the mid-field region. In this experiment a single wire transmission medium 11m long is used to separate the coils into different rooms at the laboratory, and a remote camera is used to observe the power at the receiver load measured by an RF wattmeter. Transference of electric power over 11m, and the characteristics of a TMT system coupled by the LMD mode at this distance, is shown to be remarkably different from the close mid-field region, and requires a very different setup and configuration of the experimental apparatus in order to optimise the efficiency of power transfer up to 96%.

    In the mid-field region with an 11m single-wire we will see that the balanced mode setup only leads to a maximum efficiency of ~40%. It is demonstrated that it is necessary to significantly mismatch the balance between the transmitter and receiver coils in order to get the LMD mode to extend across the single-wire transmission medium and restore transfer efficiency to over 90%. Transmitter and receiver primary circuit mismatch is mainly used to restore the transfer efficiency, along with fine adjustment through generator to TMT system TEM mismatch, measured at a range of Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of 1, π/2, φ (the golden ratio), and 2.

    The video experiment demonstrates and includes aspects of the following:

    1. Small signal ac input impedance Z11 for a cylindrical coil TMT system in the mid-field region, and connected via an 11m 12AWG single wire transmission medium.

    2. Z11 balanced parallel mode impedance measurements, for a reciprocal TMT configuration with 3 primary turns and matched primary capacitor tuning.

    3. Z11 unbalanced parallel mode impedance measurements, for a non-reciprocal TMT configuration with 4 transmitter primary turns, 2 receiver primary turns, and mismatched capacitor tuning.

    4. Transference of electric power from the linear amplifier generator to a 500W incandescent lamp load at the TMT receiver output via the reciprocal TMT configuration, and with a measured efficiency around 40%.

    5. Transference of electric power to a 500W incandescent lamp load at the TMT receiver output via the non-reciprocal TMT configuration, and with a measured efficiency of up to 96%.

    6. Demonstration of the high tension and associated discharge that can be drawn from the high-end of the receiver secondary coil, via the 11m single wire.

    7. Transference of electric power efficiency measurements up to 96% (90% average) at 400W dissipated load power (peak 500W), in the 160m amateur radio band at 2.01Mc, and via an AWG12 single wire 11m long between the TX and RX coils.

    Best wishes,

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  • aminnovations
    Hi BroMikey,

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    With all of the power being pumped into earth surely we can get enough out to run the pole barn.
    I agree with this! … even without all the power that we do pump into the earth, there is in my perspective more than enough as yet untapped energy within the earth and life. However, it appears so far that only a very rare few have been able to call-forth and attach their instruments to liberate even a little of this energy, and even less to understand the underlying principles and mechanisms that make this possible.

    Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

    Nikola Tesla - Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892)
    This for me is one of the greatest statements that Tesla ever made, and something that as yet is still waiting to be unlocked, how to attach our machinery to the wheelwork of nature, and hence call-forth that vast reservoir of available energy in a regenerative and sustainable cycle.

    The purpose of my research is to attempt to find how to accomplish this!

    Best wishes,

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by aminnovations View Post

    These are my thoughts so far on your question.

    I will shortly be releasing a new experimental page on the High-Efficiency Transference of Electric Power where the single wire is now extended to 11m, which places the transmitter and receiver in separate rooms at the lab, and shows very interesting changes in the configuration and drive from the generator to establish transfer efficiency >
    Weather prediction experiments. getting in touch with the planet. Feet firmly pressed to the ground, connected to the waves for health.Earth quake predictions? Any models? Harp-o-meter?Pound in a few posts, plant some plates and pull up the rock powered joules. With all of the power being pumped into earth surely we can get enough out to run the pole barn.
    Or is half life sandwich batteries still on the old menu?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-31-2020, 06:06 PM.

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  • aminnovations
    Hi Marcus,

    Originally posted by Marcus Neuhof View Post
    Do you have any explanation for the apparent ease in which you delivered power via an 0.08mm wire, while Tesla and others needed tonnes of copper to achieve a suitably low impedance connection to the earth?
    This is indeed a very good question!

    I start my reply from the summary that I made in the analysis of the experiment on my website at High-Efficiency Transference of Electric Power :

    In summary, it is conjectured here that very high-efficiency transference of electric power is directly possible because of the LMD mode established in a single wire cavity, where the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction are guided around the low impedance single-wire conductor. The single-wire acts in this case like it were a monopole waveguide which would only be possible where the LM and LD modes are spatially in phase, but temporally out of phase, the condition that I conjecture is necessary for the LMD mode to form in the cavity. Real power can be transferred and dissipated at the receiver load via the single-wire transmission medium, because both the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction are guided across the cavity, and where both of these induction fields are necessary to transfer power over the cavity distance. It does not appear possible that transference of electric power can occur here through dielectric field induction alone between the transmitter and receiver coil, but rather that both the magnetic and dielectric induction fields extend across the system by virtue of LMD wavefront in the cavity, and indeed if the single-wire is disconnected from either end (guiding cavity terminated), then no power can be transferred from source to load.
    I think it is important to establish here that the micro-strand (AWG40) single wire is already IN the cavity, in other words there is a very good connection to the single wire transmission medium at the bottom-end of both the transmitter and receiver secondary coils. My current understanding is that Tesla used tonnes of copper at the bottom-end of his TMT coils in order to "get a good grip of the earth", or to get the lowest impedance connection that he could between the transmitter and receiver and the Teluric transmission medium/cavity. To not establish this low impedance connection to the earth would be equivalent to me putting two higher impedance elements at each end of the transmission medium, which would restrict the output of the LMD generator (pumped secondary coil) to the single wire part of the transmission medium cavity.

    The other thing I think that is important here is that we do not yet understand properly the impedance presented by a single wire to the LMD mode. We are assuming that this would be equivalent to the impedance presented to the TEM mode e.g. a narrow high impedance line at around the skin depth. This area needs considerably more work, but I would conjecture that maybe the 0.08mm wire does not look like a high impedance to the LMD mode, but rather since both the LM and LD modes are contained or guided around the wire like a monopolar waveguide they actually "see" a very low impedance path which is coherent over its length. This is only a suggested conjecture and would need to be explored in a lot of detail.

    So in summary, I feel that the tonnes of copper is necessary to connect a high-power TMT transmitter and receiver to a Teluric transmission medium in order to properly establish the LMD mode across the entire cavity, (transmitter secondary + Teluric transmission medium + receiver secondary), and then the highest efficiency of transference of power from the generator occurs when the impedance across the transmission medium part of the cavity is optimum (or minimum) for the LMD mode, whatever that might constitute.

    These are my thoughts so far on your question.

    I will shortly be releasing a new experimental page on the High-Efficiency Transference of Electric Power where the single wire is now extended to 11m, which places the transmitter and receiver in separate rooms at the lab, and shows very interesting changes in the configuration and drive from the generator to establish transfer efficiency > 90%.

    Best wishes,

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  • aminnovations
    Hi Smokey,

    Thank you for all the extra details.

    Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
    Dollard Forum Adrian Part 2:
    To answer now with respect a TMT system.
    I had not thought of using the plasma phenomena in a TMT system but simply - why not?
    Refinement of the Impulse Discharge (ID) device was a paramount direction before entering into any other use.
    Ahead of writing-up a Part 2 on my website on the theme, Negative Resistance and the Self-Generating Discharge, I decided to do a "lash-up" experiment with both the Frolov and Don Smith variant of this Self-Generating Discharge circuit. Lash-ups are not my preferred way of conducting experiments, but nonetheless useful to understand the scope of the experiment ahead of a more formal part 2 video experiment and analysis.

    Here are some links to pictures of my experiment, the Don Smith variant using a flyback transformer at 75kc, 10 x 100pF 3kV caps in series, a carbon arc gap set at 8mm, a 40kV bridge rectifier, and a 4uF 4kV oil-filled output capacitor. HT on the output capacitor is measured using a high voltage differential probe 1000:1 to the red voltmeter, and input current from the power supply on the yellow ammeter:

    As can be seen in the pictures the output capacitor charges up to over 1000V (1.0024V on the meter), at a total input current from the power supply of 227mA @ 13.8V. The oscilloscope shows the flyback driver waveform, and the frequency meter in the top corner recording 75.4kc. The carbon gap is set at 8mm and finely adjusted, and with no discharge, no sound, and no light in the gap region.

    Total power supplied into the experiment by the DC power supply is 13.8 x 0.227 = 3.13 W or 3.13 Joules per second of energy. The energy stored on the output capacitor is 1/2CV2 = 1/2 x 4x10-6 x 10022 = 2 Joules. At the steady state into a load we could say that the output capacitor can supply up to 2 Joules per second of energy to a load, equivalent to constantly illuminating a 2W light bulb. This makes the circuit in the region of 64% energy efficient from input to output.

    I have also tried a range of variants in the circuit including:

    a. The Frolov circuit configuration which appears to be less efficient, probably from only using a single diode rather than the bridge.

    b. Using a 10kV 1000pF vacuum variable capacitor in place of the 10 x 100pF at the output of the flyback transformer. Adjustment here appears to effect the discharge quality a lot, but not the pre-discharge steady state charging of the output capacitor.

    c. Adjusting the flyback driver frequency between 34 – 75 kc. Increased frequency improves slightly the energy efficiency of the circuit.

    d. Fine adjustments to the carbon arc gap size, and the power supply input voltage.

    e. Larger and smaller output capacitors, up to 60uF and down to 1uF. The capacity affected the time constant of the charging, but not the final steady state voltage on the output.

    So far I find no evidence of over-unity characteristics, or any additional energy entering the circuit that is not supplied by the power supply. This circuit would also not be suitable to drive a TC or TMT system that needs strong oscillatory currents in the primary circuit. However, I do find two interesting phenomena taking place in the circuit:

    1. Biased in the dark and abnormal glow region of the carbon spark gap IV characteristics, contributes about 20% to the charging of the capacitor, and some negative-resistance effects may be involved here. I checked this by removing the base connection between the flyback and the bridge rectifier. The capacitor was still able to charge up to almost 200V.

    2. Single wire currents (LMD mode) from the base electrode of the flyback transformer contributes to about 80% of the charging of the output capacitor. I checked this by removing the spark gap completely from the experiment and leaving the upper end of the bridge rectifier unconnected. The capacitor was able to charge up to almost 800V.

    These are my preliminary findings from the lash-up experiment, and I will go into much more detail on this, plus a video experiment, and the data in the analysis when I do a formal part 2 on my website.

    Best wishes,
    Last edited by aminnovations; 12-31-2020, 11:19 AM.

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