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Eric Dollard

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  • Originally posted by madhatter View Post
    spent some time sorting thru a couple of the links Smokey posted. The one of Dr Koontz is fascinating and while the mainstream question his sanity, I noticed that his pics of the blackboard contain some interesting things..

    the numerical mulit-dimensional integration model, (Monte Carlo Method), for the probability density of permittivity and permeability of space, however notice at the start there is bullet points for a "space net" and "radar cloaking" and the highlight "secure comm" both of which fall into 'electrostatic' and not electrodynamic fields, there are a few other constants and unknown variables on the board I haven't sorted yet. there does seem to be though a correlation of his k index and the use of the complex rotation j to Erics work in his generalized electric wave paper.

    fascinating find! Wonder if he's familiar with Erics work?

    posts are being hidden??? this is a re-post attempt.
    Dr. Koontz is a friend of mine, used to talk to him on the phone quite frequently, haven't met him personally, just long phone calls, he lives in Pennsylvania, but he may be in Switzerland for the holidays again, but will answer an email. I've tried to bring Eric's work to his attention several times, along with Tesla's exotic work, even the simple "hairpin circuit", but he didn't seem too interested. He is a retired theoretical physicist and worked at Berkley if I remember correctly, but also taught electronics at the NSA. He was on Coast to Coast with John Hutchison one night a few years ago as well, and on his own once before too, I remember talking to him before he went on the air. Anyhow shoot him an email at (readily available from his website anyhow) and he will likely reply, he loves to talk about exotic physics. I'm sure he'd be happy to answer your inquiries! He had to learn some pretty wild stuff working on experiments for a particle accelerator!

    Sputins, thank you for stitching the audio tracks together and sorting out the Tesla Ether one, I should have fixed that but it was how I got it from a friend and wanted to get it online ASAP to accompany the Vril Compendium, at the time I assumed tape 1 side 2 was missing.



    • Flawed critique.

      Originally posted by 7redorbs View Post
      A photon is NOT a wave, as is illustrated. A photon is a quantum of radiated energy.
      Also continuous EM radiation is not a wave either - it is a photon stream.
      It is the resultant of matter transduction which makes the photon stream appear to be as if an incoming wave !

      Cheers ........... Graham.


      • Vt Ps

        I've been crunching away for the last couple days on power supply designs for the tube circuits Eric posted. specifically transformers, there is literally no way to develop an all encompassing in-out calculator for such a task, so many variables at play, mind boggling in reality. the vector diagrams alone and calculus integration is enough to send you running for a sanity check.

        as a result much gets approximated and distilled down. not to say that one couldn't with enough patience and measurement design and build a transformer to very exacting tolerances, it just would be massively time consuming.

        I'm still working on putting something together that would be for air cooled mains frequency distribution/supply. higher frequency changes things yet again and high tension KVA is another consideration that must take winding capacitance and corona discharge very seriously! that then gets into cooling design issues.

        all that aside another part of the puzzle pops into play, the transformer is part of the circuit and vacuum tubes respond to how they are designed. it's one thing to need 1kv @ 50mA, the reactance and characteristics of the windings & core will effect the tube as well, that effects the core size and wire gauge choice. a bit of a circular design issue.
        The trouble is, I have no clue as to what parameters need to be met with the circuits Eric posted. I'm hoping those a bit more versed in tubes will have some input here.

        a number of the circuits call for an avg 150vdc,250vdc & 600vdc.

        there is also the need to rectify the AC to DC, the type of tube to do this will effect the sag. yes it can be done faster and easier with diodes, however I want to avoid the use of diodes as that mixes solid state with analog and that to me is a no-no.

        I think it's possibly the most cost effective to re-wind a transformer then specifying a custom unit, an old welder or large battery charger may be good start for a big enough core. or it's get the plates, however I'm hesitant on that as it doesn't take much to damage the plate and ruin the grain orientation of the metal. it's treated with a hydrogen enrichment annealing after stamping. so no trimming or cutting post process.


        • "Magnetization", Aether, Electron or Both?

          I've been doing further "theoretical" examination of saturable reactors and came to an interesting dichotomy in the way magnetization is explained.

          To save a very long discussion and lots of math expressions, you essentially have two forms of notation regarding magnetization, that of Kennelly and Sommerfield.

          Each form of notation relates the increase in B per applied H as due to an axillary component of the material substance surrounding or inclosed by a coil.

          In Kennelly notation, the auxiliary component is a second B-field symbolized by I and given the name "Intensity of magnetization". Which can be reduced to being H * u_m, H being the field applied by the coil and u_m, the permeability of the substance enclosed by the coil. Thus, the Kennelly notation refers to an auxiliary permeability.

          For Sommerfield notation, the auxiliary component is a second H-field, symbolized by M and given the name "Magnetization". This second H-field, M, is said to be due to "bound" Amperian currents, visualized as the alignment of electron spins in the material substance. This explanation makes permeability obsolete and a very confusing subject. It is now that the permeability of space and the material are actually equal (one in the same) but the intensity of the H-field is stronger inside the material substance due to the addition of the Amperian currents (alignment of electron spins), and this is why there is greater flux inside the material than outside.

          The Sommerfield notation has advantages in that, if correct, all values of permeability, aside from vacuum, directly relate to electron spins and effectively represent a passive H-field engendered by material substances. This theory notably explains remnant flux (B_r) on a much more intuitive level than the Kennelly notation and also explains superconductors much better as well. The quantity called magnetic susceptibility is what we are really dealing with rather than "classical" permeability.

          That said, when dealing with coils and motors, the Kennelly notation is much simpler. Further, both notations work out to meet the same end, so it's not that big of a deal as to what one you use. But it seems the Kennelly notation is more engineer friendly and the Sommerfield notation is more physicist friendly, thus the dichotomy.

          For the over-unity seekers, magnetism seems to be less of a "black box". If you can cause the electrons in a material substance to align their spins in a way that uses less energy than can be induced into a winding, you have yourself an over-unity machine. And one that can be explained at that.

          Concluding, it would seem, if the theory of bound Amperian currents is correct, that the energy due to parametric variation, of at least a saturable reactor, is due in fact to electrons. If energy is taken from these bound electrons, and entropy considered a two way system, the loss in energy of the electron is replenished by the "vacuum" or aether. Here you now have a "space-energy" converting mechanism - the electron.

          *I forgot to add in a few things I've been reading up on, the "Hooper-Monstein experiment" and the "Monstein-Barnett effect", which are quite interesting. The first relates to magnetic vector potential A (which is at right angles to B) and how it can induce a voltage in a wire where there is zero B-field. The second corroborates the notion of bound Amperian currents, but in an interesting way, a rotating conductor produces a magnetic field proportional to it's rate of rotation. Very interesting stuff, the vector potential has a lot of interesting implications from what I can tell, which puts Heaviside to shame as he thought it was a useless contrivance of Maxwell, Tom Bearden might be on to something regarding the potentials.

          Garrett M
          Last edited by garrettm4; 12-27-2012, 04:30 AM.


          • Vacuum Tube Power Supplies

            Power Supplies today for Vacuum Tube use IS a problem.
            Best I found to do was to buy cheap old vintage radios that were not working or were chassis only and you used the existing transformer and the Tube rectifier and stripped everything else out or at least kept the valve bases there for your new circuitry.
            385 volt transformers for HT with 6.3v and 5v taps for the rectifier and other Tubes.
            I am working on 2 on Ebay here at this time and would expect them to be 150VA types from size shown.

            Problem here is the HT may be too much and you need to use a Variac to bring it down which then leads to a lower filament voltage so you make that a separate circuit.
            Using a 50VA 1:1 240v transformer here for the 600v HT for the 'Tesla Transformer Pulse Generator' (TTPG) which is running from the Mains but through a Variac.
            I would like to increase this transformer size as limit at this time is about 200mA.
            The 600v HT uses voltage doubling circuitry which works well and this is using 1N5004s as the rectifiers.
            The transformer for filaments has 5/6.3/7.5/8.5/9.5/12.5/15volt taps and this gives a large range of set voltages.

            The new +/- 600v (1200v total) supply is also using voltage doubling circuitry and this also works well but need to upgrade the VA on that transformer as well.

            I would only stick with all Tubes if the chassis was so prepared that way.
            Let me know if you need schematics for the doublers as this is a neat way without rewinding transformers.
            They use electrolytic capacitors and ss rectifiers.

            There are several transformer winding articles from the 'Radio Broadcast' magazines and can present those if needed.

            Hope this helps and let me know what you need.

            On the 'TTPG' don't forget the 6.3v power supply for the 2050 filaments which Eric omitted.



            • Smokey, thanks. I found an old never used thordarson PS circa 1940 that should work, 6v,7v & 840v from 120@60hz. I don't recall but if you're down-under and at 240/50hz running a 60hz transformer is going to over-saturate by driving it 20% over. something to keep in mind.

              Garrett4m had a decent post last night that seems to have gone missing, Garrett take a look at Milo Wolff, that should help direct your thoughts. Also without getting to far into QED, electron spin is a quantum state and not a classical movement. there is no sphere or physical object.


              • Magnetism


                Thanks for the reference, although I feel the content on his site seems to be way beyond what I am looking for at the moment. I'm taking "baby steps" first, as I've just emerging from the realization that "classical" permeability (the Victorian notion of it at least) is lacking in usefulness and effectively creates an impenetrable "black box" out of the subject of magnetization.

                Magnetostriction, Bitter patterns, weiss domains, Barkhausen effect, and the Williams–Shockley experiment are where my current focus is. Fascinating reads that corroborate the idea that magnetization really is just lattice movements caused by an alignment of electron spins to an applied external field. Which helps explain remnant flux on a much more intuitive level.

                On a high note, after all the reading, I've got two innovative ideas that I need to test and then if they work, will patent! I can't share the details yet as that would make getting the patents next to impossible as the examiners are apparently "cracking down" on people being "too open" with their IP, or so I've been told. But as a vague idea of what I'm working on, you can effectively eliminate the hysteresis loop from an inductor or transformer with a special circuit arrangement related to "pumping", I'll leave the rest to your imagination to fill in the details.

                Garrett M


                • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post

                  Thanks for the reference, although I feel the content on his site seems to be way beyond what I am looking for at the moment. I'm taking "baby steps" first, as I've just emerging from the realization that "classical" permeability (the Victorian notion of it at least) is lacking in usefulness and effectively creates an impenetrable "black box" out of the subject of magnetization.

                  Magnetostriction, Bitter patterns, weiss domains, Barkhausen effect, and the Williams–Shockley experiment are where my current focus is. Fascinating reads that corroborate the idea that magnetization really is just lattice movements caused by an alignment of electron spins to an applied external field. Which helps explain remnant flux on a much more intuitive level.

                  On a high note, after all the reading, I've got two innovative ideas that I need to test and then if they work, will patent! I can't share the details yet as that would make getting the patents next to impossible as the examiners are apparently "cracking down" on people being "too open" with their IP, or so I've been told. But as a vague idea of what I'm working on, you can effectively eliminate the hysteresis loop from an inductor or transformer with a special circuit arrangement related to "pumping", I'll leave the rest to your imagination to fill in the details.

                  Garrett M
                  keep in mind though that electron spin is not relateable in anyway to a physical movement or classical mechanism it's a quantum state. QED is non-intuitive and quantum states more so, electron tunneling, entanglement etc.. point is the electron spin is missunderstood frequently. try this page if you haven't read it before,
                  Electron spin
                  note the magnetic moment:
                  "The term "electron spin" is not to be taken literally in the classical sense as a description of the origin of the magnetic moment described above. To be sure, a spinning sphere of charge can produce a magnetic moment, but the magnitude of the magnetic moment obtained above cannot be reasonably modeled by considering the electron as a spinning sphere. High energy scattering from electrons shows no "size" of the electron down to a resolution of about 10-3 fermis, and at that size a preposterously high spin rate of some 1032 radian/s would be required to match the observed angular momentum."
                  confused further? not to worry anyone who says they fully understand the duality of quantum mechanics doesn't understand quantum mechanics.


                  • Patents:

                    a heads up on this route, it's expensive and frustrating. I have a friend who's a patent attorney in the pharmaceutical and biomedical field. often times many ideas are already covered in patents.
                    I've had many many ideas end up being already patented or covered under a patent by very broad terminology. One of the ideas I've been working on and what drew me to the Dollard thread delt with electrostatic wave manipulation and focus entrapment, after putting together a working idea and some broad strokes I started searching and searching and trawling the patents to see what I could turn up, yep sure enough a recent patent developed for the military and aerospace has it covered.
                    the other rare but does happen, is the cease and desist from the gov on your work if they determine it to be (X) and you'll never know why.
                    the above applies to the usa as a reference, also most all countries consider it an act of treason to file a patent outside of your native country.

                    I highly suggest putting your idea into an outline form and then spend some time searching out anything that may be similar and see what's out there. unfortunately there is an amazing amount of patents in the energy/electrical field.
                    last depressing bit of info, there are Co's that specifically buy and file patents on anything and everything to secure the ability to sue the living crap out of anyone who develops or produces something within that scope.
                    bottom line in the us patents are no longer a viable or worthwhile process for the little guy, open source is one way to try and keep the corporations from filing however with first to file now, it's gotten even more screwed up.


                    • power supply...

                      doing some more digging on power supply designs and need some wise old radio tube guy input.

                      SS (solid state) diodes have become the norm and are far more efficient then the old valves, there is more to it then just supplying a specific voltage of little noise or ripple. plasma diodes are fascinating and I think are critical to the overall circuit design.
                      sure a SS rectifier stage and cap filter would be cooler and less loss but I can't help but think that something is lost by not using a plasma stage for rectification. i don't have experience with valve diode use and although I can run the calcs and see the 'sag' that's still a mathematical construct to an effect. numerous ways to regulate and multiply the voltage but gets dangerous and pricey for example with a tube bridge as you'll need 3 filament supplies all isolated and insulated from each other taking the transformer count to 4, though I'm tempted to do it as it may be possible to get 3~4kvdc out of a 1k ct transformer, current will be very low but that's OK as it would be more of a curiosity.
                      the other layout I envisioned was a rectification stage that uses a flyback to get the KV pulse, that though gets into pulse transformers and would be a bit redundant so it's better to stick to the pulse transformer.

                      What I don't know is exactly how many power supplies are needed to drive all the circuits Eric layed out, running the DC out on "rails" then resistor stages is doable, I just don't like the use of resistors as it's wasting. the only possible way around that is using LC stages.

                      any thoughts?


                      • Criminals & The story of the good little boy that never came to prosper

                        Originally posted by madhatter View Post
                        a heads up on this route, it's expensive and frustrating. I have a friend who's a patent attorney in the pharmaceutical and biomedical field. often times many ideas are already covered in patents.
                        I've had many many ideas end up being already patented or covered under a patent by very broad terminology. One of the ideas I've been working on and what drew me to the Dollard thread delt with electrostatic wave manipulation and focus entrapment, after putting together a working idea and some broad strokes I started searching and searching and trawling the patents to see what I could turn up, yep sure enough a recent patent developed for the military and aerospace has it covered.
                        the other rare but does happen, is the cease and desist from the gov on your work if they determine it to be (X) and you'll never know why.
                        the above applies to the usa as a reference, also most all countries consider it an act of treason to file a patent outside of your native country.

                        I highly suggest putting your idea into an outline form and then spend some time searching out anything that may be similar and see what's out there. unfortunately there is an amazing amount of patents in the energy/electrical field.
                        last depressing bit of info, there are Co's that specifically buy and file patents on anything and everything to secure the ability to sue the living crap out of anyone who develops or produces something within that scope.
                        bottom line in the us patents are no longer a viable or worthwhile process for the little guy, open source is one way to try and keep the corporations from filing however with first to file now, it's gotten even more screwed up.

                        i feel that patents are criminal, they are not free enterprise at all, they represent the struggling vestige that is man. When one is ignored continuously such as Tesla was, and his basic models, the remarkable question to the inventor or natural philosopher is, that it is suffered by the truth of his own ignorance or that of his surrounding men. I see how Tesla must have felt. I explained a theory , a working theory for manipulating gravity by sufficiently shielding it from cosmic rays. I see this was missed. I should say ignored, as was all of the remarkable work of Tesla. I hear people talking about electrons like a matter of fact. The truth is nobody has ever seen an electron, not now, or ever. In fact electrons are only produced by the dielectric 2 pole condition found in all conductors.

                        The proof is very simple, the electron with mass going in point A start of transmission line cannot travel at the speed of light. So the electron conveyor belt of motion traveling at the speed of light out of point B, the end of the transmission line can be held to account on the perpetual electron motion of non electrified atoms.

                        All atoms have spinning negative bound charges on them. It is so simple. No battery could generate any charge if the iron atoms were not moving already, and the zinc atoms were moving already. As well as the Acid.

                        Here we have proof that perpetual motion of atoms is responsible for the speed of light charges.

                        Just as Dollard and Tesla claimed.

                        Why on earth is it so easily missed I seriously fail to fathom, my patience for society runs short. What hope can there be for people who dismiss ideas suggested by pioneers, even amateur ones such as myself, using non existent particles as a basis of description.

                        Electrons are produced by 2 poles, or rather resistance, in the same way a light bulb produces light from 2 currents. Yes, 2 currents. It's not electrons doing the work as I have previously explained time and time again. Does this disagree with the pi /2 *C constant? No, it rather remarkably confirms it.

                        My apologies for my rant. My heart is with you all, but if people's minds are governed by non existent inventions, there is little hope for inductive scientists such as myself. Very little hope.

                        Jesus spends his life in hell. But I am not Jesus or governed by invented ideas of religion or science. I like, Eric, am just an ordinary man that has given up everything and encouraged a life of almost penniless servitude, trying to do the right thing. The story of the good boy that never came to prosper by Mark Twain does come to mind. And I feel as if we are all surrounded by people who are the embodiment of the bad little boy that never came to grief.

                        That is the problem with electrons. They never come to grief. They only return back to where they came from. Bohr and Einstein.

                        Here is some real criminal activity sometimes mistaken for forward thinking science, or even something as ridiculous as to be called "free enterprise".

                        IT never fooled me for a minute. We have betrayed ourselves and called it logical scientific debate. And rejected truth and called it fallacy and hearsay, using nothing but the inventions of einsteinian fallacy itself. Many electrical men here should be ashamed of themselves, and others should work harder to help Eric as I and others such as Techzombie do. Fools quoting non existent electrons accusing fallacy reaches no bounds and represents the most intolerable handicap of such great men as Eric, Tesla, Reich, Carson & Leedskalnin.

                        Eric I will send my letter and package to you shortly.

                        Last edited by 7redorbs; 12-28-2012, 06:44 PM.


                        • Patenting

                          Patenting serves as a means to record an idea that will live on beyond yourself, Tesla and his ~200 patents are a prime example of this. Do you really think all of Tesla's writings contain the same information as his patents? Are you saying his patents are invalid sources of information because they are "criminal" due to his intent to protect and preserve his ideas?

                          While the patenting process has become abused and corrupted since its inception, it still has a purpose and can be used for legitimate means, it all comes down to the INTENT of the person (or persons) applying for a patent, NOT the patenting process itself.

                          As much as I hate to say this, money IS required to live in and be apart of modern society. Unless you want to live out in the desert like a hermit, you will have to accept certain undesirable conditions that are required to participate with the rest of the world.

                          Further, nothing good will ever come of an idea if it ISN'T USED! You have to get it out to market, and if successful, over time it will become a common piece of society, much like radio, tubes, microwave ovens, transistors, switch-mode power converts, computers etc. If no one ever put innovations like these on the market we would still be living like Victorians, heating our bathwater with wood and using steam to power things - stuck living in the age of "hard labor".

                          The only way I foresee any rapid changes happening in society and the world at large, is through technology. Improvements upon existing technologies and new innovations, are a great way to improve the quality of living for everyone, while at the same time helping yourself.

                          Garrett M


                          • Power Supplies

                            Managed to secure both transformers from Ebay, one is 385v and the other 305v HT and both with a 2amp 5v and a 3amp 6.3volt for filaments.
                            Here we are looking at the classical PS using an 80 (5Y3G 500v) as this was the first general use rectifier and that was what the 5v was for and the 6.3v would be serving several Tubes like RF detectors, oscillator and the final amplifier.

                            What I am also seeing in this era are NO resistors (1925) excepting those as Rheostats that are used to tune the filaments and this is one area where I totally agree and this can also apply to the HT and why a Variac is required.

                            Oscilloscopes (Tektronics) requiring 1kv and higher were supplied with a transformer to provide that voltage and then used miniature Tubes like EY51 as the rectifier.
                            Another uses an EN31 Thyratron to supply the EHT but also has a designed transformer for that same voltage.

                            Regulation and voltage drop can be accomodated by voltage regulators that fire at a certain voltage and a string of these across the supply can provide both regulation and supplies for other purposes like the screen.

                            Will put some of these schematics up on 'n6kph' as they are extracts from the ARRL Handbooks which I find to be of immense value and I now have 5 with several digitised as well (1949/57/61/64 and 76).
                            ARRL digitised are for 1922/34/36 and 41 but beware as these are now full of tit and fanny and Trojans as they don't want you to go into the area of Vacuum Tubes being too close to the Aether when working with Plasma.

                            When you look at the magazines of the era like 'Radio Broadcast', you can see the steering that was being negotiated here away from experiment and into a set money line.
                            Tesla appeared very briefly at one mention and also Bolinas only once but I still have 2 years to go yet to 1922 and a need to review 1927 to 30.
                            One coil stood out as being a 3 arrangement with P&S&Extra but probably not a 'magnifier' as such as it only appeared briefly and there was no Tesla connection made.
                            From mid 1927 back is the real area of experiment and with the advent of the Screen Grid Tubes in late 1927 it became pretty well full steam ahead.

                            Hope this helps but is a difficult area to be working in even for an old timer and can't imagine how many hours I have spent here going through Power Supplies but can also say the same for Drivers for pulsing.
                            Eric's input has been excellent in this area and the reason why I built all of his designs but he admits that they are all experimental and it is up to us to refine what he presents by empirical means.

                            Watched a Milo Wolff video (Standing Waves) which I had seen years ago and Milo admits that the Math is a total waste and an area of con to take the thinkers away from the real subject and this is where Eric excells in attempting to reveal the truths.
                            Nobody is capable of the Math when time and space is involved, the 'then' and 'now' makes it impossible as we are only seeing a half of what is actually taking place.
                            Didn't understand Milo but noted the interviewer was from Oz as he mentioned a Jack Hazelhurst name in Oz at one stage.

                            Voltage doubling came in with solidstate to help drop the cost of transformers but the problem today is the cost of high voltage electrolytics as these are no longer big supply needs for 400 and 600v types but find China helps here by going direct.



                            • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
                              Patenting serves as a means to record an idea that will live on beyond yourself, Tesla and his ~200 patents are a prime example of this. Do you really think all of Tesla's writings contain the same information as his patents? Are you saying his patents are invalid sources of information because they are "criminal" due to his intent to protect and preserve his ideas?

                              While the patenting process has become abused and corrupted since its inception, it still has a purpose and can be used for legitimate means, it all comes down to the INTENT of the person (or persons) applying for a patent, NOT the patenting process itself.

                              As much as I hate to say this, money IS required to live in and be apart of modern society. Unless you want to live out in the desert like a hermit, you will have to accept certain undesirable conditions that are required to participate with the rest of the world.

                              Further, nothing good will ever come of an idea if it ISN'T USED! You have to get it out to market, and if successful, over time it will become a common piece of society, much like radio, tubes, microwave ovens, transistors, switch-mode power converts, computers etc. If no one ever put innovations like these on the market we would still be living like Victorians, heating our bathwater with wood and using steam to power things - stuck living in the age of "hard labor".

                              The only way I foresee any rapid changes happening in society and the world at large, is through technology. Improvements upon existing technologies and new innovations, are a great way to improve the quality of living for everyone, while at the same time helping yourself.

                              Garrett M
                              I agree with you, my touchstone is here in the states. I don't think getting a patent is a bad idea, in general it is very useful and much needed. that aside though there is one area of concern, namely anything to do with energy. The first pass a patent goes thru is the defense dept, if for what ever reason they decide your application can be flagged and your work confiscated without justification to you, you'll simply be informed that you are no longer allowed to pursue such work or face criminal prosecution. while it may be rare, it's no fun to have your work taken and you barred from it.
                              this is the one thing that stands out with Eric, he has no issue with the defense dept. however it is responsible for the majority of sequestered and classified work in energy.
                              this will forever be the problem with energy related research, there is far too much on the line for governments and existing infrastructure for social engineering.
                              it's a BIG BAD world out there!
                              Here's to progress


                              • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                                Managed to secure both transformers from Ebay, one is 385v and the other 305v HT and both with a 2amp 5v and a 3amp 6.3volt for filaments.
                                Here we are looking at the classical PS using an 80 (5Y3G 500v) as this was the first general use rectifier and that was what the 5v was for and the 6.3v would be serving several Tubes like RF detectors, oscillator and the final amplifier.

                                What I am also seeing in this era are NO resistors (1925) excepting those as Rheostats that are used to tune the filaments and this is one area where I totally agree and this can also apply to the HT and why a Variac is required.

                                Oscilloscopes (Tektronics) requiring 1kv and higher were supplied with a transformer to provide that voltage and then used miniature Tubes like EY51 as the rectifier.
                                Another uses an EN31 Thyratron to supply the EHT but also has a designed transformer for that same voltage.

                                Regulation and voltage drop can be accomodated by voltage regulators that fire at a certain voltage and a string of these across the supply can provide both regulation and supplies for other purposes like the screen.

                                Will put some of these schematics up on 'n6kph' as they are extracts from the ARRL Handbooks which I find to be of immense value and I now have 5 with several digitised as well (1949/57/61/64 and 76).
                                ARRL digitised are for 1922/34/36 and 41 but beware as these are now full of tit and fanny and Trojans as they don't want you to go into the area of Vacuum Tubes being too close to the Aether when working with Plasma.

                                When you look at the magazines of the era like 'Radio Broadcast', you can see the steering that was being negotiated here away from experiment and into a set money line.
                                Tesla appeared very briefly at one mention and also Bolinas only once but I still have 2 years to go yet to 1922 and a need to review 1927 to 30.
                                One coil stood out as being a 3 arrangement with P&S&Extra but probably not a 'magnifier' as such as it only appeared briefly and there was no Tesla connection made.
                                From mid 1927 back is the real area of experiment and with the advent of the Screen Grid Tubes in late 1927 it became pretty well full steam ahead.

                                Hope this helps but is a difficult area to be working in even for an old timer and can't imagine how many hours I have spent here going through Power Supplies but can also say the same for Drivers for pulsing.
                                Eric's input has been excellent in this area and the reason why I built all of his designs but he admits that they are all experimental and it is up to us to refine what he presents by empirical means.

                                Watched a Milo Wolff video (Standing Waves) which I had seen years ago and Milo admits that the Math is a total waste and an area of con to take the thinkers away from the real subject and this is where Eric excells in attempting to reveal the truths.
                                Nobody is capable of the Math when time and space is involved, the 'then' and 'now' makes it impossible as we are only seeing a half of what is actually taking place.
                                Didn't understand Milo but noted the interviewer was from Oz as he mentioned a Jack Hazelhurst name in Oz at one stage.

                                Voltage doubling came in with solidstate to help drop the cost of transformers but the problem today is the cost of high voltage electrolytics as these are no longer big supply needs for 400 and 600v types but find China helps here by going direct.


                                Christmas morning was a great day for shopping on Ebay, lots of buyitnows for next to nothing on some great stuff!
                                picked up an Arcturus 551 NOS and a matched pair of Raytheon 5R4GYB black plate that have never been used.

                                I've put all of Erics schematics into a CAD file format, helps with manipulation etc. if there is any use to you or anyone in a specific vector format I can convert to such if needed and post over at the yahoo groups.

                                Don't have a variac, need to acquire one.

                                Would love to see what you've found on schematics. I found the other night and do apologize that I can not recall what site it was but I got a PDF of Vacuum tube rectifiers by Alexander Schure 1958 printing, good book with schematics and calcs. even covers the PI network filter.

                                just doing the research on the power supply side really highlights how much more can be done. I've found that for the most part the goal is for a specific voltage and that's it, well if that's all that is really needed then battery banks would be perfect. however there is so much more to the plasma field and it's use for the supply side of these experimental circuits. add in inductance and resonance of not only the rectification stage but the transformer side and well frankly my head starts to hurt.

                                Milo wolf's work is in my opinion brilliant, however I only state that as a student of QED and can see the depth of what he's talking about. unfortunately there is sooooo much ground to cover for the lay person that it's not possible to cut away yrs of misinformation and pop-science that is so prevalent today without yrs of study. The math is highly complex because politics left quaternions somewhat behind, adaptations occurred but that will only get off point here, the vector matrix can not model the hyperdimensional scalar of what Dr Wolf and others talk about. in reality all of physics dances around the same thing with various different approaches. using quaternions is a needed start but beyond mind bending as it's a ground up approach.
                                So many phrases and terms are tossed about not only here on this site but in general that only serve to complicate the nature of physics and electrons. terms like, spin, moment, phase state, probability, etc.. in quantum physics have a meaning that is difficult to describe in classical terms because they are not. quantum physics for good or bad is the study of the really tiny, at that scale things go 'funny' for the most part the navigating is done with mathematics and high energy probing. the electron is not a physical object, it's a scalar field in multiple dimensions, now how in heck do you model that? to speak of electron orbits and moment is not an any way related to a planet in orbit, there is no 'pole' as there is no physical object any more than a magnetic field is bunches of strings! they are descriptors to mathematical models nothing more. all the dimensional math in use today falls short of prying into the why, for a very simple reason, the math is a model based on a 3D world, the PHI and PSI is not 3D based. thus the need to go beyond what is currently used.
                                back to topic, I think Dr Wolf is not alone, many notable scientist, mathematicians and physicists are saying somethings not right. how to proceed? that's the million dollar question.

