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Eric Dollard

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  • Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD)

    Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD):
    Eric would like us to build his CRD and refers to the Branley Coherer and this gives an ideal display of what is required:

    "Coherer" Detectors

    "What I would like to see is the Geiger Tube ring the bell, ding - ding ding --------.
    It would make a great hobby kit and serve a useful purpose.
    It could even make money."

    This is basically all the other content of the Colorado Spring's Notes that only receives an occasional reference and the incident where Tesla was able to detect the thunderstorm some 500 miles from his Coherer unit.

    I am working on my CRD as I get time as he mentions some mods and tests to determine correct operation and I am attempting to do those now amongst other projects.
    You can find this information back on page 12, Post 348.
    The idea is to have the bell ring to reset the 0A4G.

    Somewhat disappointed here as out of my total collection there are only the GE GL529 (4C35) and the 5C22 that are suitable.

    Found this to be of interest:

    Fusor Construction & Operation - Re: Pulsed Fusor #7 More Thyratron Questions

    The trinity of thyratrons (glass) are:

    3C45 ~3kv 30A
    4C35 ~8kv 50A
    5C22 ~16kv 150A

    Richard Hull is something of an expert in this particular area.

    Antique Electronic Supply have 28 x 3C45 on hand at US$25.98 and would find that difficult to beat elsewhere and don't mind telling you of this source.
    The same source has 4C35 @ $104.61 1 only and 5C22 @ $125.37 2 only.
    I am indeed fortunate to have what I have and shouldn't be complaining but it did take 4 years to collect those two so supply is pretty dismal in Oz.

    Last edited by David G Dawson; 01-07-2013, 11:42 AM. Reason: added comment


    • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
      Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD):
      Eric would like us to build his CRD and refers to the Branley Coherer and this gives an ideal display of what is required:

      "Coherer" Detectors

      "What I would like to see is the Geiger Tube ring the bell, ding - ding ding --------.
      It would make a great hobby kit and serve a useful purpose.
      It could even make money."

      This is basically all the other content of the Colorado Spring's Notes that only receives an occasional reference and the incident where Tesla was able to detect the thunderstorm some 500 miles from his Coherer unit.

      I am working on my CRD as I get time as he mentions some mods and tests to determine correct operation and I am attempting to do those now amongst other projects.
      You can find this information back on page 12, Post 348.
      The idea is to have the bell ring to reset the 0A4G.

      Somewhat disappointed here as out of my total collection there are only the GE GL529 (4C35) and the 5C22 that are suitable.

      Found this to be of interest:

      Fusor Construction & Operation - Re: Pulsed Fusor #7 More Thyratron Questions

      The trinity of thyratrons (glass) are:

      3C45 ~3kv 30A
      4C35 ~8kv 50A
      5C22 ~16kv 150A

      Richard Hull is something of an expert in this particular area.

      Antique Electronic Supply have 28 x 3C45 on hand at US$25.98 and would find that difficult to beat elsewhere and don't mind telling you of this source.
      The same source has 4C35 @ $104.61 1 only and 5C22 @ $125.37 2 only.
      I am indeed fortunate to have what I have and shouldn't be complaining but it did take 4 years to collect those two so supply is pretty dismal in Oz.

      Good info, is a good board for technical info, there is another one but it's invite only and really! technical but not suited to what were doing here.
      For the LINAC type of setup the 3,4&5 C's are not going to have enough 'uumph' but that may not be an issue for our builds. I don't think for this early work we need to work with voltages over 5kv, past ~35kv things get DEADLY DANGEROUS FAST!! floating voltages of 25~50kv is SERIOUS stuff! besides those guys are going for bombardment and neutron production.

      I've found that flebay isn't helpful with some of the more serious tubes of this nature, it's fairly simple to check prices and most guys with these odd tubes want top dollar. local surplus and tech recyclers for lab equipment I find are better and cheaper option. I recently was able to pick up a 4C35 from a local lab supply for $10! not to mention the lab supply places will have the test equipment and sometimes offer a replacement.

      going off memory here, but the larger units also start needing monstrous current for the heaters.

      I highly caution anyone going down this road to know exactly what they're doing or they may end up dead. 1kv floating potential is a good 3 on the pucker factor, +~25kv that's a 10!

      back to scrounging more parts...


      • Thomas Henry Moray

        T H Moray:
        Currently looking at the means to use Crystals as amplifiers and generators and this document surfaced from Neil Steiner at 'SparkBangBuzz':

        Have managed to purchase a 3rd Trimm Headphone and the focus here is impedance and seeking a why.
        Other phones I have here are about 1K ohm at each headpiece and are weak where the Trimm are 1.5Kohm and the signal level is distinctly much louder.
        Have an opportunity to purchase some at 2.5Kohm and may do this instead of winding a set which I have one ready to do (been sitting for about 4 years waiting) as I don't know what the impedance limit will be.
        The one with broken wires must have used less than 40 awg as the wire is so thin and now have reels of 36 and 40awg for rewinding.

        If anybody can answer my question why the higher headphone impedance is better, please feel free to explain to me and others why.

        This fact is also highlighted by Dr Jan Pajak in his 'Telekinetic Cell'.

        Have now included in my base Moray design the 'Tesla Pierce Arrow' (1931) phenomena as I believe that I have managed to extract the Tubes that were being used and the why there.

        Should point out here that the first 'negative resistance' screened grid Tube was the 222 and 322 (Cunningham) and then followed the 224 and then the 224A which is what I have as 24As.

        Tesla was said to have bought resistors and no condensers but in those days the condensers were also color coded similar to resistors as well as inductors.
        So a person not electronically minded like Peter Savo who was Tesla's nephew and assistant here would not really have known what it was that Tesla had purchased.

        Lee deForest actually rang Peter at a later date and asked him what he thought of the electric Pierce Arrow so has now become a part of the phenomena and now closely associated with Tesla himself as I also expect Moray was.

        If you were a person who had been removed from society like Nikola Tesla and Eric Dollard have, what would you be doing in your spare time to keep being involved - passing on information to others who were still within the system and bypassing the detractors and this is why we only heard bits and pieces of Tesla's work during these years after about 1906 and the destruction of Wardenclyffe - he was secretly assisting others like those I have mentioned and Farnsworth and probably many others.

        Funny that deForest discovered the Audion in 1906 don't you think?
        This is 1931 for the Pierce Arrow and following further up on that information and in particular where deForest may have been involved.

        Building a Coherer here from Carborundum and Tungsten and also looking intently at Lead & Silver as dissimilar materials being bound together for experiment as this is tied in with the Pajak device as well as are the headphones.

        What I am seeking here is amplification by means other than applying a battery because if you can start that type of manifestation first, then it should be able to be amplified.
        I have this thing against batteries as they should not be needed but won't mount the Soapbox as this guy here keeps tapping my shoulder about the battery thing.

        Most of what is involved above is lost technology and this includes the Vacuum Tube because as soon as batteries came into play the Natural or Aetheric side was lost as more electric power meant more money for the oligarchy and this is where our 'cold cathodes' come into play.

        Arto's information on elemental Natural harmonics will be of assistance here
        and a need to understand why the amount of mass associated with a device can be harmonically balanced.
        This should also assist in the metals that Moray used to gain the best mix balance for maximum effect.



        • Tesla Inventions

          Tesla Inventions:
          This is the side of Tesla that you hear very little of and shows what happened after about 1906 when he became guarded of society in general and a little reclusive:

          Tesla's Black Box

          Tesla was stated as being a man living in poverty in his elderly years but I find that impossible as he was living in 2 Penthouses at the Hotel New Yorker, one his living quarters and the other his fully equipped Laboratory which would have cost heaps.
          He was being paid most handsomely by the oligarchy to stay as he was under wraps and I am positive that David Sarnoff at RCA would have signed some agreement with Tesla that virtually banned him from making any more of his discoveries made public as the above article attests.

          Note here that his friend in New York was a Major Henry Sandford and owned property in Quebec that Tesla appeared to have open acces to including another fully equipped Laboratory.



          • Eric Dollard: Been There, Done That...

            A friend sent me an email today containing an article describing how scientists 'could' potentially predict earthquakes by measuring the electrical fluctuations within the earth. It would seem as if somebody in the California area heard about Mr. Dollard's Mojave Research Installation and has decided to try and secure funding to take the same approach towards earthquake prediction. See the article below:

            Could static electricity hold the key to predicting earthquakes? Scientists say they are close to breakthrough that could save lives

            Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online



            • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
              A friend sent me an email today containing an article describing how scientists 'could' potentially predict earthquakes by measuring the electrical fluctuations within the earth. It would seem as if somebody in the California area heard about Mr. Dollard's Mojave Research Installation and has decided to try and secure funding to take the same approach towards earthquake prediction. See the article below:

              Could static electricity hold the key to predicting earthquakes? Scientists say they are close to breakthrough that could save lives

              Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online

              maybe, however pressure transducers operate on the same principal. according to the article it seems to be relying more on post data correlation vs what Eric was monitoring.


              • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                A friend sent me an email today containing an article describing how scientists 'could' potentially predict earthquakes by measuring the electrical fluctuations within the earth. It would seem as if somebody in the California area heard about Mr. Dollard's Mojave Research Installation and has decided to try and secure funding to take the same approach towards earthquake prediction. See the article below:

                Could static electricity hold the key to predicting earthquakes? Scientists say they are close to breakthrough that could save lives

                Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online

                i wouldnt be surprised if one of the reasons they shut down that project was because it WAS able to detect earthquakes!


                • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                  A friend sent me an email today containing an article describing how scientists 'could' potentially predict earthquakes by measuring the electrical fluctuations within the earth. It would seem as if somebody in the California area heard about Mr. Dollard's Mojave Research Installation and has decided to try and secure funding to take the same approach towards earthquake prediction. See the article below:

                  Could static electricity hold the key to predicting earthquakes? Scientists say they are close to breakthrough that could save lives

                  Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online

                  The guy who is heading the research is called Tom Bleier. Looks like he has been into it for about 25 years. He started a company called "Quake Finder" 13 years ago and even has a satellite in orbit. How long has Eric been taking measurements?

                  A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                  • Truth in disguise

                    Robert Dahlgren, an electrical engineer at the SETI Institute, has spent 16 months working with other scientists to squeeze rocks under high pressures to see if they produce electrical currents.
                    He confirmed they indeed produce pressure-dependent current and voltage signals.
                    Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online

                    These currents are huge,' Bleier said at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco.

                    'They're on the order of 100,000 amperes for a magnitude 6 earthquake and a million amperes for a magnitude 7. It's almost like lightning, underground.'
                    Scientists close to earthquake forecasting breakthrough | Mail Online

                    Looks like the piezo-electric effect can create energy from a sufficient amount of gravity acting on a massive enough object.

                    This is something I have been working on for some time now.

                    Evidently the advantage of using the ground as an electrical carrier, is the fact that it compacts the ultra dense matter so much so that it releases the radioactivity, or north and south pole radio waves which are responsible for the gravity wave and the 2 pole magnetic currents which make up the electric current.

                    As a result of pumping an ampere into the ground, one discovers that an equal and opposite ampere is evident.

                    The explanation is simple, gravity is not, repeat NOT a cause. Gravity is an effect that arises when the cosmic rays reach deep down into the earth and hit the ultra dense matter which is more dense than even uranium.

                    If sufficiently shielded from the cosmic rays this gravity radioactivity, would cease, as would all electrical activity as is the case with radium and demonstrated by Nikola Tesla himself. Rays is the latin translation for Radium, an apt name.

                    Evidently JJ Thompson was the man who discovered the philosophers stone.

                    No wonder things are so screwed up. We're still talking about electrons and speed of light this, group velocity that.

                    It is a matter of fact gravity is an equal and opposite force produced by the equal and opposite pressure from cosmic rays, or electric current in the earth.

                    Dollard has worked it out. He has my thanks. My book is sold out now, don't expect to do a second edition. I know my book is not perfect Eric, and I know it's hard to comment on this, given your wonderfully impressive technical background at R.C.A - I am nothing, but you have given me so much.

                    And the world, and we are all very close to proving Einstein wrong. I am at least. DC impulse current is where I have been investigating my work.

                    I have seen sparks turn around 180 degree's back to the conductor that spat them back out during A.C cycles. This to me suggests clearly that electrons are not electrons, but are 2 poles of magnet, or 2 charges, what eric calls "radiation resistance". Electrons are a sign of resistance, and losses. In the cross products we see instances where electrons do not exist, such as in the 0 pressure half cycle point of an A.C transmission line where it does exactly as the aforementioned description - it pulls in the magnets in the surrounding air because of the pressure difference and creates a current. As a result, the A.C rest cycle pulsing, results in an apparently more effective electrical transmission line current, but it is a fact that the only reason why the A.C line ever could be more efficient is because that of the 0 pressures, where it pulls in the surrounding "telluric" and "aetheric" current.

                    REpeat, A.C is not more efficient because of the current, but because of it's conjunction at the 0 pressure point in the transmission line being temporarily 0 causing current from surrounding "ions" to flow into it, for the next start and stop. This could be compared (badly) with the Magneto Dielectric Tesla Magnifying Transmitter in the sense that a pressure change results in a density change and interaction (mutual induction). Having studied the dimensions of mutual induction further and studied in depth the method of combining the electric field in a transformer in the same core as the magnetic field in the coils which causes the propogation I have "curved electrons". A C Shape magnetic and electric dipole structure as a result of the same as previously described.

                    Such technology clearly holds the way to generate a great deal of energy from the cosmic rays, and the surrounding ambient energy ions, in the same way of a transmission line, however, the "conjunctive" efforts of mutual inductance between the primary and secondary of a properly working Concatenated Tesla coil, results in what I recall Steinmetz described as an accumulative mode, where the leakages are confined to approximately 60%, and the virtue of the characteristic of the primary charging the capacitor at a faster speed in the dimension of time, result in a "impulse train" density exit speed, or concentration of electrical energy purely stored in the dimension of time.

                    In the case of a regular battery the potential is of course stored in between the space, time and mass of the battery as is the case in all transverse waves. But in the longitudinal concentrating accumulator mode, the electrical energy is compressed, or stored, in the manner of the battery, but entirely in the dimension of time, in that the goal of the system results in an asymtotic acceleration between the limitation of distance between each impulse, eventually resulting in impulse heads and tails overlapping and entering an SWR of "0" or "infinity". As a result of such thing, it could be compared to hitting a man in the face, (albeit not the best example this has been a common thought of the writer when reading some of the inventive theories conjected here using delusive terms like electron and mass) - such cases would only apply if mass was causing gravity, as previously established mass is not the cause of gravity, rays are - anyway, the scenario arises where one actually does hit a man in the face, with 100newtons in 1 second, the man is offended but not grieved. If I was to hit a man in the face with 100 netwons in half a second, the man offended would be grieved, and offended, and if i was to skip ahead a little and devise an apparatus that could hit the man in the face for me (which would be most preferable) so that 100 newtons of energy can strike him squarely in 1 millionth of a second, the man is quite dead. It would seem that power, energy compressed in a dimension of time has an inductively demonstratable ability to be inequivalent to perceived power in mass. As a result mass, and the speed of light must be disgarded, on the very basis of a capacitor able to increase it's rate of firing indefinitely, as such is the case with the T.M.T apparatus, as a result each capacitor discharge might be compared with a tone, or a musical note, whereby the apparatus' mutual inductance between primary secondary and secondary primary's entire goal is to increase the speed of the capacitors discharge, so that so much energy is being forced out, at incremently smaller widths of difference, that a coherent beam of force beyond all reckoning of power and concentration might be achieved.

                    This is unknown territory, but the essential evidencing a little inadequately explained by myself shows that the working T.M.T is able to convert lineal fixed amperage and voltage into a power equivalence in excess of it's input not at once averting conservational principles, but eventually so - in the certainty of it's compression of energy within a given area, would be such a great number of notes compressed, that an energy storage efficiency, of even 60% in such a small period of time, would result in electrical discharges of the most inconceivable power and velocity - all of this is described in Tesla's patents and Eric's work.

                    This is what I have to contribute.

                    Regardless that I am mostly ignored on this good forum.

                    Thankyou and good day.

                    Eric Dollard, the book I sent, I know it is not much, and I will never be the oldschool expert, but I never had the same opportunities you had. I hope it brings you some comfort and at the very least shows that we are trying to preserve, understand and share your work, as best we can. So that as many people can be working on this as possible.

                    I know it is not much, but I hope it is enough. It is a fact when I say I have spent the last 3 or so years of my life trying to get people to look at your work, and give it the respect and money it deserves. We both know this system could end money. We should not wait any longer.



                    There will be smart men and foolish men alike who do not understand what I mean. This is for you.

                    Premise, live-ground electricity

                    1. Cause an earthquake with an electrical apparatus pumping into ground .
                    2. channel the output of the ground current back into your electrical apparatus which is
                    3. causing the earthquake, as established in 1.

                    This could be hazardous.

                    It gets better:

                    A study in the journal Science indicated that electrical charges are generated when rock fragments, ash, and ice particles in a volcanic plume collide and produce static charges, just as ice particles collide in regular thunderstorms.
                    As the plume started going downwind, it seemed to have a life of its own and produced some 300 more or less normal [lightning bolts] ... The implication is that it has produced more charge than it started with. Otherwise [the plume] couldn't continue to make lightning.
                    —Martin Uman, co-director of the University of Florida Lightning Research program
                    The journal of science is still trying to work it out. This was figured out a very long time ago indeed.

                    Archaeologists tell that Giza pyramid has "earthquake proofing" or rather moving feet foundations, but the real reason it is "earthquake proof" and has these moving foundations is because the pyramid itself is designed to be a resonator that generates telluric current the virtue of it's piezoelectrical resonant feedback creating gigantic earthquakes by resonating the gigantic stone structures, to interact with the local "gravity" zone, the conjecture is that gravity is the cause of piezoelectric altogether. But I know for many, who are turning on their computer chairs at 666 miles per hour, this has been too much already - so I will stop here.
                    Last edited by 7redorbs; 01-10-2013, 03:18 AM.


                    • Wardenclyffe, The End: (1 of 2)

                      1) In the previous writings on the Wardenclyffe subject an expression for the forces and factors obstructing the implementation of a working Tesla Telluric Transmitter has been tentatively developed, This is now defined as a set of distinct sub-divisions:

                      (I) Academean, or Pedant,

                      (II) Greenpeace Syndicate,

                      (III) Einsteiner, and,

                      (IV) Tesla Secrets.

                      The fourth subdivision, Tesla Secrets, has already been adequately portrayed. This division is not worth further scrutiny. It is an inert force and serves only to suffocate Tesla Technology. There are no specific malevolent motives, the Tesla Secrets serves only itself and in a niggardly manner. Tesla Secrets is only the "Crust" on the surface, obscuring the underneath.

                      The first three principle divisions, Pedant, Greenpeace, and Einsteiner represent our proverbial "They". They have been given in these writings in the form of a Theoretical Model. A more precise expression for the "They" is an It. It represents the obstructive force, akin to Nemesis, the Greek Goddess of Retribution. It serves to punish even the thought of a Tesla Telluric System.

                      It can be regarded as a single unit, a common spiritual entity, bringing the They into a common It. For our purposes this entity is given the title "Sheva", the American Goddess of Annihilation. Organizations such as the Commonweal direct their oblations & incantations to the Sheva, she is their God. However Sheva runs her own show. See the Biblical character named Jezebel.

                      Portrait of Jezebel

                      This It can be equated to an analogous form, a certain animal. This animal is known as a "Hydrozoan" Organism, (Water Animal). One well known Hydrozoan Organism is the Jellyfish. (not a real fish)


                      This organism is a mystery to the material minded biologist, the Mystery is this: Each individual cell that constitutes the physical body of the Jellyfish is an isolated entity, an individual. No circulatory system exists, nor are there any Lungs or Gills by which to respirate. Moreover there is no nervous system nor is there a central organ to serve as a Brain. Each cell is on its own and it respirates via its own contact with the Seawater. What is extraordinary here is that the body of the Jellyfish acts as a whole, despite the individualities of the cells which constitute it. They, the cells, become the One, the It. The Jellyfish hunts and feeds as one unified organism, so what unifies this sea creature? That is the mystery.

                      Postulated here is that the cells of the Jellyfish are unified thru a Spirit Entity, this giving rise to an Aether Archform. The resultant is the Living Physical Body, It, the Jellyfish.

                      The "Forces of Obstruction" can hereby be expressed as "The Force", a singular entity, this in accord with the Hydrozoan Analog. No real "Grand Conspiracy" exists, no real plot conceived by individuals. In actuality the conspiracy theorist only occludes the real factor involved, this by only concentrating on isolated individuals, not the Whole. There is no Head as commonly understood.

                      However, this is not to say that certain powerful and malevolent individuals, Rockefeller (Commonweal), or giant nefarious organizations like General Electric (George Sorose), do not play a significant role in directing it. These operatives breed the Jellyfish, feed it, and then turn it loose to prey upon other organisms. This It however will turn on them later, biting the hand that feeds as it always does.

                      This It is a unified Spiritual Archetype, Sheva. Thus the three distinctions, Pedant, Greenpeace, and Einsteiner, are difficult to isolate. All are driven by a common Force, and act thru a common Weal. The distinctions here presented are all interchangeable. In today's Post-Modernistic Society, the Sheva is manifested in the form of a Goddess Worship, often a Rave, or Burning Man Festival. This defines the common religion of present day Society, Neo-Paganism.

                      2) It must be understood that the Sheva exists not solely to obstruct Nikola Tesla, Sheva wants it ALL. It is most important to remember that the Sheva is derived from a Collective Human Consciousness, similar to a "Zeitgeist". The question then is, are you one of her cells?

                      Specifically, as manifested in today's Neo-Pagan form of Society, the Sheva rises out of a Collective Homosexual Female Rage, this rage seeking retribution. This is the "Anima" directing the Commonweal and kindred organizations, a kind of Hornet Woman. Her force now dominates the (our) United States of America. It now runs the Government and is directing a kind of revenge against all. Via a prostituted technology It spreads its dominion thruout the "Civilized" World, as current events demonstrate. (Hillary)

                      Hillary Clinton

                      This singular Force in turn prostitutes the Military and agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, using these organizations as a "Terror Tool". The resulting implement is directed at Its enemy, which can be Tesla Technology, or You!

                      Hereby the malevolent It remains unseen or occult in its actions, giving the Military or the FBI the blame as the bad guys, which in turn they become. Out of their casualties emerges the "Conspiracy Theory" heard/herd on the Art Bell Show (Coast to Coast). The actual facts are thus rendered occult, knowledge is expressed as the unveiling of certain "Secrets". However, Secrets in no way lend themselves to public disclosure, the Public gets only Dis-Information. Remaining unseen is this Enraged Spiritual Entity

                      Enraged Spiritual Entity

                      with foundation in a Collective Mental Disorder. However, It has a real as concrete "Terror Squad" in our Physical World, this growing by leaps and bounds. Soon it will flower. God have mercy upon the Victims when "Her Holocaust" is finally initiated, they will need lots of it.

                      3) Leaving this "Spirituality" aside (thank God) our principle objective is to describe this Force thru Quantification by Deed. Let the facts speak for themselves. Operations examples follow for the Pedant, Greenpeace, and Einsteiner.

                      Academean, or Pedant: Large universities are home to the Pedant. He is the repeater and enforcer for Establishment books of ill conceived understanding. The Academeans are often involved in directing large Government Laboratories, notable is the University of California. This organization is involved in the Lawrence Livermore Labs and even Los Alamos, New Mexico, the home of Robert Oppenheimer and his "Atom Bomb". Each laboratory is usually headed by a Master Academian, often someone with a mental disorder and/or questionable Communist affiliations. Nazis are also welcome.

                      Robert Oppenheimer

                      Edward Teller

                      Werner Von Braun

                      Here our specific example will be Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. J.P.L. is operated by Cal-Tech, a State of California science and technology university. For the most part J.P.L. serves the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. N.A.S.A. tends to keep J.P.L. at "arms length", for good reason. J.P.L. was founded by Jack Parsons, an avid Satan worshiper.

                      John (Jack) Whiteside Parsons, 1914 - 1952

                      Parsons was also a noted psychotic, and finally killed himself when one of his "Improvised Explosive Devices" (Bomb) prematurely detonated on him. J.P.L. retains a bit of Parsons's character in certain respects. On particular "Mission" of J.P.L. serves to illustrate the objective of these writings.

                      One hundred miles north of Pasadena is a small mountain town called Frasier Park. It is a location seldom heard about. The Frasier Park High School some years ago decided to start a new course of study. A classroom discussion was initiated in order to facilitate the study of Creation vs Evolution and the idea of "Intelligent Design" (as evidenced in the hydrozoan). The high school students eagerly engaged in this activity, but not for long. Some one had a different idea.

                      Upon learning of the matter, J.P.L. quickly took steps to abate this discussion as it represented a serious threat to the Dogma of Scientism. The high school resisted efforts by J.P.L. to interfere in school matters, this by an organization distant from the community which the high school served. But as is traditional in America, J.P.L. engaged in a lawsuit against the high school utilizing "The Grand Harlot", the American "Justice" System.

                      Ms. Ginsberg

                      This Justice System is a sort of financial "Terror Implement". Thus the Frasier Park High School withdrew its classroom discussions about Creation vs Evolution for fear of financial ruin by this so-called Legal System. This is Arch-Typical. (Olin Bales & Landers)

                      In light of this actual situation what would J.P.L. think about the Cosmic Inductorium and moreover, about "Creation in a Lightbulb", the penultimate Tesla Lamp. Rest assured a profound pathological response would ensue. I witnessed this at the "Exploratorium" in San Francisco, a Scientism Museum run by Robert Oppenheimer's brother as a sort of apology for "The Bomb". It is "klean for the kids".

                      4) Greenpeace: One would think an organization like Greenpeace is a benevolent operation with the desire only to benefit the Earth, at least that is what the Al Gore television channel tells us. However this is an erroneous concept, for Greepeace is better regarded as a freelance exponent of the Soviet Socialist Agenda. Greenpeace is "Saving the World," for Its-self. (Quantum of Solace)

                      A certain major effort of Greenpeace serves to illustrate the objective of these writings. Thirty miles south of San Francisco, on the edge of the "Silicon Valley," is Foothill College. It is famous for its annual Ham Radio Swapmeet, on of the best in Northern California. Years ago Foothill College founded a depository for, and collection of, historic radio and electrical equipment. This was a monumental gathering of material. Entire working radio rooms of Marconi existed in the Foothill Collection.

                      Most noteworthy is that Foothill sponsored Philo Farnsworth Jr's 50 Year anniversary reconstruction of his fathers first Experimental Television Transmission. Farnsworth Sr's original lab assistant (and brother in-law) Cliff Gardner was living near Foothill at the time. He undertook the reconstruction of the first Photo-Emissive "Image Dissector" tube and their original Thermionic Cathode Ray Tube. Cliff even hand wound the deflection coils from memories 50 years old.
                      Last edited by t-rex; 02-14-2013, 11:25 PM.

                      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
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                      • Parametric Electrical Networks

                        Well, I've finally gotten some free time (which lately, is hard to come by) and put it to "good" use at the work bench, and decided to drop by and share a few notes regarding the experimental data I've collected regarding parametric electrical networks.

                        I won't be posting anything just yet, but later on today I should have a few diagrams drawn up that explain some important concepts, nothing too technical, mainly practical things to look for and understand. Specifically the X/Y plots of circuit voltage and current (NOT B/H or D/E) are very helpful when examining the movement of electrical energy in the circuit at hand.

                        If all goes well, I should have this post updated soon, so check back in a while if interested,

                        Garrett M


                        • Wardenclyffe, The End: (2 of 2)

                          The Foothill Collection was not an open public exhibition. Its contents were too valuable and unprotected. This was more of a hands on collection for practicing engineers and historians. Because of my relation to Philo Farnsworth and my own contributions to the collection, providing items saved from Commonweal destruction at RCA Bolinas, I was provided access to the Foothill Collection and the research possibilities it offered. But someone had a different idea, as the often do.

                          Greenpeace had decided somehow in their minds that Foothill was not entitled to its monumentous collection of working radio history. This was far too coveted, and contained undesirable histories. Greenpeace considered this collection was best in the hands of the Perham Foundation, renowned for its mis-handling of historic material. Hence Greenpeace launched a lawsuit, the Harlot, the American Justice System is again called to duty. Mr. Ginsberg vs Foothill College, who will win?

                          The Greenpeace lawsuit against Foothill College was a monumental legal effort. This lawsuit was orchestrated by (then) Greenpeace President Bart Lee, a San Francisco corporate lawyer. In his corporate office an entire shelf of hard bound legal proceedings is on display, "Perham vs Foothill", millions of dollars in legal effort. Perham won the case and the Foothill Collection was scattered to the winds.

                          More recently Greenpeace past president Richard Dillman along with Tom Horsfall of Lawrence Livermore Labs initiated a new fraudulent "historical" organization, the Maritime Historical Radio Society, M.H.R.S.

                          Richard Dillman (left) and Tom Horsfall (right)

                          This organization brought the same demise to RCA Bolinas that Perham did to Foothill College. Coveted glom and undesirable histories, scattered to the winds. RCA Bolinas is now Dillman's private "Radio Playpen! No Tesla Telluric Transmission allowed here, rest assured of that. Moreover all Marconi and Alexanderson histories here are forcibly censored via the mechanisms of Ms. Ginsberg.

                          5)Einsteiner: It can truthfully be stated that the science of today is a Religion. This is called Scientism. This Religion is fraught with all the fervor, hate, and racial signification that pervades all self-serving religions. A religion must have a "God" and the God of Scientism is Albert Einstein.

                          Albert Einstein

                          Einstein is the mythological Icon, the Holy Figure. He is presented as an ultimate Arch-Form, all must be in the image of Albert Einstein. Here lurks a dangerous pathological mentality.

                          Recently our buddy Eddie Hartzenstein, in his newspaper the Los Angeles Times, ran an illuminating article. It seems that a major "I-Pod" company wanted to utilize the image of Einstein in one of its "Smart Phone" advertisements. However they were quick to learn that the image of Einstein is under ownership by none other than the State of Israel, with their possession of a copyright on Einstein's image. It can be inferred here that Albert Einstein is an invention of the State of Israel.

                          Mill Valley is a small town just over the hill from Bolinas, California. Mill Valley is the home of Barbara Boxer. An interesting and informative event took place in this town some years ago. It was learned by local officials that a certain group of "Hippie" street vendors were in reality a group of undercover Israeli operatives. Their mission, it was alleged, was to remove certain books from the shelves of the Mill Valley Public Library. Did these books contain an undesirable history, what did Israel not want us to read?

                          On the same theme was an observation in the library at the University of California Santa Barbara campus, about 100 miles west, northwest, of Los Angeles. While searching the library shelves for books of particular interest I found a book written expressing an opposition o Einstein's "Theory of Relativity". Examining this book I found it saturated with neatly written vitriolic footnotes and passages. These well portrayed the mind of the Einsteiner in a Rave. These additions increased the written content of the book by over 20 percent.

                          Recently a channel appeared on the EG Forum, it was called "Eric Dollard is Crazy". At the time of its issuance I reveled in my having evoked such an insane rage in an Einsteiner. This is what T-Rex lives for. Unfortunately before I could whip it up into a violent frenzy for all to witness in awe, the channel was terminated. The raving opened by "Tetanus" in his Eric Dollard is Crazy channel is repeated here to help quantify the mentality of the Einsteiner

                          Eric P. Dollard is crazy.
                          Please for the love of God don't try to duplicate any of this work. You will get yourself killed. These guys are quacks and they have no idea what the hell they are talking about.

                          Some highlights from this video:

                          1) There was no mysterious current between the two close circuits, all it was was Faraday's Law and this perfectly well understood. That guy Eric Dollard has no idea what the hell he is talking about. This phenonema moves at the speed of light and he is too stupid to realize it is 200 years old.

                          2) Magnetic forces can't point in the direction of the propagation, this would contradict one of the fudamental laws of E.M. and would also invalidiate all of Tesla's work on motors. These guys are too stupid to realize it.

                          3) D.C. current does not have a "scalar frequency" it has no frequency. Frequency by defintion implies osscilation.

                          4) He has no idea what a square wave is practically.

                          5) You do not **** around with equipment like they are doing.

                          6) He doesn't know what displacement current means.

                          7) Coils function as inductors not capacitors.

                          8) He doesn't understand anything about basic circuit theory.

                          9) For the love of God you do not **** around with thousand of amps if you're not in a professional laboratory.

                          10) Circuits loops are not named after radiation.

                          11) He is just playing around with his equipment. There is no way any of this is statistically valid meaning on top of not understanding the theory, experiment, etc he has no idea whether his data is just due to random variation.

                          12) His "longitudinal current" is most likely noise from this big cathode.

                          13) He doesn't have enough equipment to measure the speed of the wave. Meaning he thinks he is measureing the speed of the wave but he is to dumb to realize he isn't.

                          14) He doesn't understand what an inverse is. The basic things he was saying about capacitors, inverses, etc were all wrong. This guy has had no formal training, at all.

                          15) They have no idea how to demonstrate a longitudinal wave. THIS IS VERY IMPORANT: That longitudinal wave they claim is moving at unlimited speed is actually moving much slower than the speed of light.

                          16) Nerves to do not communicate with each other with longitudinal radiation, they do so with current.

                          17) The aether was not banned. Sometimes reputable scientists still talk about it but most have abandoned it since it allowed us to drastically simplify theory and led us to relativity theory. These guys have no idea of the history of this things.

                          18) Jesus Christ, transformers are completely understood by using Faraday's Law. Good god the stupidity is just overwhelming.

                          19) You do not need a toroid in between the loops to cause a current in the other loop. Air is more than enough. This is simply Faraday's Law, they are actually confusing this with radiation and think this is mysterious?

                          20) FLUX LINES DON'T HAVE TO TOUCH THE WIRE AS LONG AS THEY ARE CONTAINED WITHIN A CLOSE AREA! Good God, have these guys never even taken a course in E.M. This stuff was understood in the 19th century.

                          21) Electrostatics mean no moving charge. They are actually talking about an entirely different phenomena without realizing it.

                          These guys are not electrical engineers they are stupid electricians and its completely obvious. My minor is in electrical engineering and there is no way you could ever complete an introductory class in E.M in a reputable university and believe any of the stuff these guys are staying.

                          In short, please don't try to duplicate these wacko's work. They are lucky they haven't killed themselves yet; you may not be so lucky. Please go to a reputable source if you want to learn about capacitors, inductor, current, etc.

                          These guys are conspiracy theorists on top of it all, like 9/11 types. Did you see there crazy diatribe at the end how they were claiming Einstein was persecuted since he believed in the Aether. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALL OF EINSTEINS WORK WAS ABOUT DISPROVING THE AETHER. This flew in the face of everyone and he was actually not widely believed early on because of it. In other words, they are claiming Einstein was persecuted for believing in a theory that he was the one that disproved in face of the convention that believe in it.

                          My favorite quote: 15 minute exposure and I found I was getting a 100% mutation in radish seeds.


                          As one more small point, there is no way he is producing the radiation he is claiming at that frequency because if he was he would already be blind.

                          Here's a big point: Can any of you explain what a longitudinal wave is in terms of vector calculus? If not, you have no credibility because you don't even understand what a E.M wave is mathematically.

                          You call these waves Magneto-Dielectric, can you please tell me: In a dielectric, what is the difference between H and B and explain the occasional difference in conventions between these defitions.
                          6) It has been recently publicized that certain Scientists in Iran have been targeted for assassination, several being murdered. Who would do this? Is this going to be the future for the Independent Scientist in America? How would an Engineer developing a Tesla Telluric Transmission System fare in this scenario? Are such individuals now a threat to "Her Power"? Is even the U.S. Navy obstructed in developing systems that are not in agreement with the Einsteiner?

                          The aspects of obstruction, Academean, Greenpeace, Einsteiner, and Tesla Secrets, have been analyzed in this Wardenclyffe series of writings. This has been built upon real lifeforms and specific occurrences of physical reality. This "Force" is shown to be a considerable reality, and It militates against any Tesla Telluric Transmitter at Wardenclyffe, or anywhere else in the World. "We have a group to make sure, Mr. Dollard."

                          QRT DE N6KPH

                          Ref. Mass Psychology of Facism, Wilhelm Reich.

                          Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                          Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                          • Velocity Of Sound In A Medium

                            Hello Arto,
                            Have always recognised this as being an area that followed on from the conventional Math and was more than excited when I saw your table and explanation.
                            However, I then found I had problems in understanding and would appreciate if you would please define your 'F1' on page 74 of Book3.

                            F1 = Velocity/Wavelength
                            = 97340.385 Hz.

                            Immediately I see this as being close to Tesla's Colorado Springs frequency which I have calculated roughly from his 150,000 Khz/psi = 95,492.966 Khz.
                            Bruce Cathie has nominated this frequency as 149,892.18 Khz which comes back to 95,424.3255 Khz so we are all talking roughly of the same frequency.
                            I would appreciate if you would elaborate on your 'F1' statement.

                            Tried to fathom the remainder of your explanation but found it difficult but I do at least understand the base concept of what is required.
                            I am attempting the union of Lead and Silver as this is a part of a device that amplifies the Aetheric energy and wish to get the elements harmonically balanced.
                            This union is a close comparison to Crystals as would be used in a Crystal Set.

                            I make note here that your work and also that of '7redorbs' goes unattended and am sorry that is the case.
                            We, unfortunately all have our own directions and it takes just so much time to digest the new and unfamiliar and that which is 'outside the box'.



                            • The Despair of Invention, Ignorance, stupidity, delusive causal theory of 'little g'

                              David I appreciate your remarks about my situational position. It has little bearing to the importance of Eric's works. I cannot say how appalled and horrified I am over the Bolinas, Landers and international incident of the continuation of the "R.C.A plague".

                              My remarks concerning gravity being clearly an effect and not a cause are as follows

                              Usually though, evidence that the rocks were "ripped up" out of the ground with a few millions of newtons of force is enough to convince even the most stubborn of scientific geologists."
                              Direct evidence is ignored if and when someone does not tell you an example that was previously a complete mystery that explains everything I ever said aforementionedly.

                              Hint: Walla, Tunguska, San Andreas and California aren't going anywhere. Or are they?

                              It is truly horrific what is going on. Whilst Eric tells that no conspiracy exists. I must add that it is criminal nefariousness at best to limit a technology where an equal and opposite force of electricity is obtaining from the ground completely negating the power draw from the power supply. That's basically a suppression of a technology that would liberate man.

                              For all "conspiracy" related folks that are haarping on about haarp, perhaps they ought to consider that humanity could be liberated by the telluric current, faster than light and energy-synthesis technology, as it is truly the most important thing in humanity. Oh bugger, wait, they are completely clueless as to the technical foundation of Tesla and oscillating and impulse current and the proper dimensions of mutual inductance. What more, the so-called "energy crisis" is likely a running joke between Dollard and the surviving students of Wilhelm Reich - and a running nightmare. If this nightmare is not an elaborate conspiracy to supress and control technology that could frankly split the world in two, i don't know what is. And if it is not , gee planet earth just got stupider.

                              It makes sense, stupid people vote for stupid leaders. Thats why Eric is struggling. Whats more for a genius to wake up surrounded by entire groups of "stupids" is to say the least beyond frustrating.

                              Whilst a philosophical remark, in the numbers, people like ourselves are outgunned by a factor of I'm told millions to one. The people who really understand electrical theory obviously don't get a large enough audience, or the people listening are too much "with stupid" to do anything with it.

                              Perhaps I am one of those "with stupid" but I would add that a society without gravity as an EFFECT and not a cause as Einstein insists, we are currently residing with "ultra stupid". There should be a penalty for anybody discussing natural electricity with the word electron.

                              BANNED it should be. BANNED I say. Hopefully that is not what is coming for me, because really I am about as frustrated and despairing as Eric is. Indeed, when I look around it does appear to be that an elaborate conspiracy need not exist with so many "with stupid" minds around. Also a popular mind is "with ignorance" , who would have though something could be more horrifying damaging than "with stupid", nobody after coming into contact "with ignorance" , 3g and 4g towers masts might be a great example, and the "electron engineer" in his purple satin clothes, the only thing that is missing is the emperor einstein sit upon the chromosomal throne.

                              That is where all the engineers that use the word "electron" belong. But as Eric has said it is not their fault. Nor is it mine that I have had to "fight" every day for an education, not in spite of, but because of schooling. The great mind of Mark Twain understood the difference, but the average electrical engineer, and his electrons. OH NO! He is going to keep those electrons, and if you don't like it he is going to shove maxwell where there is no cosmic rays.

                              Disenfranchised I forever was after those moments in q.e.d class at the age of 17. Forever banished from the lecture hall i was for even remotely suggesting that electrons required energy to spin in the first place, Inventions a-rye indeed.

                              Regarding the subject of shoving and cosmic rays, indeed, the ignorance of the very thing leads to the delusive assumption of the electromagnetic hertzian electron to begin with. If it was not already obvious the simple law that I am stating is that the law of motion, and magnetism is the thing responsible for "Creating" the electron, in a conductor. Therefore the real electricity comes from the MOTION and the POLE, and not the electron.

                              The electron is a phenomenon that arises quite late, and referring to it like it were a base of electricity and the aether is akin to arriving at a party a day late. Not only do you feel stupid, but you weren't t here for all the action, and you didn't even see the thing that was there in the first place. Feynman and had words for this - and it went something like this - "if you think you know how the universe works, then you haven't looked close enough at it". Heisenberg had a response and that was that the electron and the atom was inherently un-observable

                              Most of the electricians here using the electron dont care - because they have sucked up into the dark hole abyss of their minds that an electron has actually been seen and accounted. They have been fooled by JJ Thompson and Rutherford - mightily deceived.

                              One might think that Einstein and R.C.A set tesla's works back 100 years. If only that was the case. It set them back 200 years. It is going to take another 100 years to remove some of the assumptions of the Elitist Einsteiners attitudes, and those even "who are trying to save the world" from the Einsteiners. It is easy to become an expert in fact but is hard to be philosophically truthful,, and hereby the difference between fact and truth , invention and induction is outlined.

                              It is not that the math of einstein is wrong. It's absolutely correct. All of it, it was the missing piece of information, the conceptually important piece of information that led to the maths describing something that was completely conceptually wrong. And unfortunately, like the greeks, and newtons description of gravity, Einstein's theory of energy carries the same defect.

                              Electrons, BANNED I say. I repeat that magnets north and south poles might be the base of matter, and part of the function of telluric current involving the atoms and poles of a conductor or any substance, as well as the atoms and poles of the earth. I must add, the unabated survival of the invention of the Thompson electron can only be described as "ultra indirect" - nobody has ever seen one, yet, we are measuring things that are inherently un-observable and calling them real, based on INVENTION and not sound inductive reasoning.

                              Sorry about this. I just seen so many similarities between Tesla's, Leedskalnin's and Eric Dollard's work that it is hard to stay silent. I'm sorry.

                              Last edited by 7redorbs; 01-11-2013, 08:19 AM.


                              • Regarding F1

                                Hi David,

                                Thank you for the nice words, I will try to help as much as possible in getting at the core of this new understanding , regarding the F1 in my section on
                                resonant frequencies in solids, sorry I was not clear enough. This frequency was trial and error, if you see on the next page I had derived this frequency from;

                                V3/w1 = 97340.385 Hz
                                V3 = 5061.7 m/s for Fe
                                w1 = 0.052 mtrs thickness of Fe sample

                                Light velocity I used in 1990-1998 = 299792540 m/s
                                Light Earth Freq = 96370.29068 Hz = 8192 x 11.764 hz page 52 book 2
                                Dollard/Tesla = 95424.3255 Hz

                                The frequencies of mine and Dollard/Tesla are related, I did try to use earth harmonics just as Tesla had.

                                I used the light frequency table I listed in my second book, as a start and adjusted until it was close a metric that I could use. To me it was of prime importance that this was a usable dimension (52mm) so I could engineer these ideas at some point in the future.
                                I now use 299792458 m/s for all my current calculations.

                                I am currently writing more on harmonics, here are 2 pages that has every number you will ever see written about in harmonics, including the Nineveh constant. Regards Arto

