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While in France I visited Musée EDF Hydrélec which was quite interesting and educational from a visual perspective, although apparently the place was relatively new and no English descriptions of anything exist yet. A lot of pics will follow.
You might be right, I don't know. Ultimately what matters -- i.e. what determines how things play out -- is less what you or I think than what Eric Dollard decides to do. I was just trying to explain what seems to be his point of view. Thanks for responding to my post in any case.
What got me confused is this from the coil compendium thread where Eric says:
2) Next is the extra coil. This coil here operates with a propagation constant less than an eighth of a wavelength. Therefore the coil is operating as a simple inductance coil, not as a distributed network. The distributed network capacity of this mode can be expressed as a definite terminal capacitance. Hence the inductance of this coil is adequately represented by its static inductance.
In the tandum mode the extra coil does operate as an eighth of a wavelength!
So probable the understanding changed with time.
In that description Eric describes how the mast is a capacitance to ground but also a mutual capacitance to the sky. I understand it that the longitudional waves propogate to the sky but now I wonder if the aether or counterspace that these longitudional waves travel into is made into a solid because of the high frequency. If so that would explain the virtual ground where these waves reflect on. Or perhaps the extra coil becomes the virtual ground because of the high speed? Or is it just a longitudional wave between earth and ionosphere?
The capacity of the mast consists of two components, one is the self capacity to earth in per Farads, the other is the mutual elastivity K to the ionosphere in per Farads. The measured mast capacity is a resultant, the square root of the ratio of self capacity, C, to the mutual elastivity, K. The actual values of C and K are unknown. The square root of the product of C and K is the propagation constant. The smaller the value of this constant, the greater is the electro-static coupling to the ionosphere.
When you are back perhaps you can explain how the mast capacity is used as I do not get it. Is it a LC resonance with the coils or does it just change the tandem mode 1/4 wave resonance a little as extra burden?
I’m sure dR Green will have an answer for you. I’m not 100% certain, except for a given terminal capacity, let’s say a 4 inch hollow metal ball, increasing the elevation, or distance from the coil (from either secondary alone or with an extra coil) it does change the overall resonance of the system. Why? It could be for several reasons…
Most likely this is because of the added inductance / capacitance of the additional length of conductor (wire / rod) between the coil and the elevated terminal capacity.
Or perhaps the elevation above the ground itself plays a role too?
Eric, I think mentioned somewhere, that with a higher height of the terminal capacity then less lines of force from the elevated capacity were shorted out to ground?
Perhaps the elevated terminal capacity then begins to act more like an artificial ground because it is more isolated from the earth ground? So then the TMT has something (harder)? to push against in order to cause a greater current delivered into earth ground?
As we know, Tesla had the mast height inside his tower made adjustable, until an optimum height (gap) was found…
I have a 6 meter telescopic rod, that when I have the chance (outside away from roofs) I’ll experiment with various heights to see what affect this has on the system with a given terminal capacity..
ldrancer, think about it this way. If a large earthquake suddenly comes, it might produce some billions of dollars in damages. On the other hand, if you announce "tomorrow Los Angeles will be hit by a massive earthquake, large enough to cause billions of dollars in damages" and people panic -- jam the freeways, empty the grocery stores, start riots, go on looting sprees -- then it might cause ten times as much damage! That is the ethical conundrum which the Advanced Seismic Warning System contains. Which is the correct course of action?
To be sure, we cannot know in advance that announcing an earthquake is *likely* will produce panic. You could therefore argue withholding the knowledge which would allow people to prepare themselves is ethically wrong, even if we believe publicizing it would trigger mass unrest. Nevertheless that is Eric Dollard's judgment to make.
Aaron, I think what ldrancer is objecting to, at its core, are Eric Dollard's, shall we say, antidemocratic tendencies -- his way of trusting large institutions (the government, large corporations) and speaking frequently of keeping knowledge for them (such as information about an impending earthquake) rather than making it public.
No doubt this is a product of his personal history. Mr. Dollard after all experienced his "golden period" (or at least he seems to view it as such) while working for the Navy, RCA, and Bell Telephone... the biggest of the big organisations in the US at the time. Nevertheless from the perspective of a member of the general public -- and I think we have all come to understand that, when the chips are down, these organisations have only their own interests at heart and certainly not ours -- this is indeed a disturbing aspect of Mr. Dollard's character.
The fact that the Advanced Seismic Warning System appears to be completely dependent on the US "national security" apparatus, and in turn makes Mr. Dollard dependent on the same, is unfortunately not a point in its favour.
and your using scare tactics just as the destroyers of eric dollards previous work did.
what your doing, by only giving it to certain people, is the same, as what they done to Tesla. thats right, putting a meter on it. Oh well let you know if the big 90 story building in front of your 30 story apartment complex might, topple over. sure sure, give us some money for it. sure sure.
thats a meter, the same thing they done to tesla. now everything else i said is true also.
panic, scare tactics, lincoln used them, and a lot of other piles of crap, running for office, in office, been in office, have and had used them.
whatever you think ofr yourself and dont tell me what to think. id give out a scenario, opposing you, on your think of it this statement but that would only be fighting with you which you probably live off of. ill just let others do my work, see any arguements against lincolns scare tactics he used for a fiat currency system, wrote by.. ah. give me the name ill read it tell you if its good. original work only and a site thats been on, uneditted for past not, right now.
see up to date information. let me just disprove y8ou real quick. building, fire alarm. ok. same concept right? whats the difference between a fire and a known to soon happen earthquake? alright nothing? so, if what you say is true, why isnt there a move right now, to remove fire alarms from buildings for?
When you are back perhaps you can explain how the mast capacity is used as I do not get it. Is it a LC resonance with the coils or does it just change the tandem mode 1/4 wave resonance a little as extra burden?
I believe dR-Geen said the 20% height to width ratio format produced better output than the spiral coil format.
Greetings all. I'm currently on a camp site in France so haven't been on here but making my way home now. In the meantime, haven't read everything but as for the quote, it would also depend on primary and secondary coupling etc. It's easier to adjust on the solenoid style. And mine weren't designed using any particular considerations except the important basics. Overall solenoid is also easier to make.
Tuning with extra coil using Eric's design will be tricky which is why Eric recommends to just use the secondary. But tandem mode with extra coil is easy and improves performance but frequency will not match the original design. Alternatively the Colorado Springs coil can be scaled to a specific frequency for use with extra coil through keeping all the relative and relevant ratios constant.
John Polakowski was recently at Eric's lab advancing his magnetic amplifier work and doing more work on the longitudinal loading coil network for the transmission lines. We'll post details on this as we can.
Justin Miller is still there working in the field with Eric on putting up crossarms and doing other work with the transmission lines. Details coming...
Charles Roland Berry, a music composer from Seattle created this short video to raise awareness about Eric Dollard’s work and his upcoming presentation at the conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSGbTsR6R2A
There are 2 days left for Eric's Seismic Indiegogo campaign - anything you can donate before it expires would help immensely. Many of you have donated by PayPal and that of course won't show up on Indiegogo but we'll be giving a final accounting of everything once the funds are received by EPD Laboratories, Inc. Please donate here now: Eric Dollard - Tesla Seismic Warning System 2.0 | Indiegogo
To summarise. Tesla discovered a new type of electricity when working on impuls currents. He discovered that this new electricity was transported as a beam wireless through the ether and induced electrons in metals.
Vassilatos says these where all simple primary tank circuits with spark gaps. Than Tesla discovered that metal would focus the energy and he put in metal object inside the primary. Eventually he put in coils inside the primary and discovered that the voltage in the coil would raise not through magnetic induction but because the new electricity would induce higher voltages in the succeeding windings. So the voltage on the end ring of the secondary is caused by the new electricity.
This would also explain why the longitudional network mentioned in an earlier
post would have the voltage raised much above the expected voltage.
If true how could the world miss this new type of aether electricity?
It says on page 10 to use the output capacitance of the tubes as the first leg of the pi. I have retuned the whole thing now and get my mu of 5 as a max again. Pi does work better this way.
Now my driver is still low power but what kind of voltage do you have on the pi network? I wonder how high it needs to be to get some lamps burning.
Thanks! Yes it is all new to me. I lost most time trying to build the tube driver.
You mentioned that the plate current was dipped at optimum load. I realised that I did not measure the plate current so I tried a mA meter between the dc power and the anode but that gave me 10mA and nothing dipped.
So please could you help me out what current I have to measure to dip the plates?
This is my grounded grid driver.
Yeah the milliamp meter (10mA, 50mA, 100mA, 300mA or whatever is appropriate) goes between the B+ and the main plate (anode) choke. (You don’t want RF through the mA meter) - So you measure the current consumed on the plate. It is an invaluable tool in helping confirm resonance and knowing what your transmitter output is doing.
You will likely see it sit constant for the most part. Although it will read highest when out way of tune (or heavily loaded). However once the impedance match-network and primary tank are in perfect tune, you should see it drop to a minimum amount.
Above is the basic wiring diagram. Adding in a B+ voltmeter is also handy.
Mine for example can draw up to 210mA (two 807’s) when way out of tune and bad Z match and the tubes are under stress and getting hot. When in perfect tune the plate current can drop down to less than 40mA. Of course under load driving a light bulb filament the current on the plate rises. I simply adjust my power supply input voltage to remain on comfortable 100mA when powering loads.
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