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In 2007, the San Francisco Tesla Society visited me at my research facility in Landers, California. I insisted that we film a documentary covering the technology because it was about to be taken from me.
This was to include my research into earthquake detection and the general monitoring of longitudinal, electro-static signals emanating from the earth. This video tour documents the facility and the scientific achievement it represented.
This facility represents almost three generations of work starting with George Van Tassel at the Integretron, which is located next to this Landers Facility. The land owner Walter J. Deroche had commissioned me after the Integretron was taken from me and I needed another place to continue the work. So this began on Walter's property roughly 1000 feet from the Integretron.
Walter's idea was to build our own Naval Communications facility based on the materials that were moved from the RCA Station in Bolinas, California to Landers. This was a dream that we had both shared. At that point, I continued the research of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) on Walt's property.
Ample assistance of materials were provided by Walt's friends and associates who worked in the aerospace and telecom companies in the Southern California area. And much of the equipment was hand made by me from surplus gathered in the Los Angeles area.
Based on my knowledge that I gained from the Navy and Bell Telephone, I was able to build this equipment exactly to their specifications as can be seen in the photographs. The parts inventory that I gathered was massive. This derived from my 20 years of working in the surplus business in Los Angeles. (One part of the lifelong effort.)
Over a course of time, one of the biggest communications research installations in private hands grew out of this effort.
Under suspicious circumstances, Walt died but in the course of his passing had willed the installation to myself and the telephone line foreman who helped me build the place.
Unbeknownst to me, efforts were made behind the scenes to tamper with the paperwork and the will. Eventually, the property wound up in the hands of an Olen Bales at which point a $250,000 ransom was demanded or he would destroy the station. When the money was not forthcoming, Owen declared me a squatter and had the legal system remove me from my own installation and the facility was looted of all of my property, possessions and equipment at which point I became destitute in Lone Pine.
Considering that the installation was the most advanced "listening station" ever built outside of the control of the military, its loss was catastrophic and irreplaceable.
So, what was there? This film is a complete tour of the facility with me explaining the scientific significance of each and every component filmed. This includes the "antenna farm" which held Broadband High Frequency Antennas, Broadband Low Frequency Antennas, a Marconi Antenna, a Rhombic Antenna, an Earth Signal Antenna consisting of a Beverage Antenna and an Alexanderson Antenna in tandem.
It also had a stereo broadcast and receiving antenna for the entire high frequency band with worldwide range of reception. It allowed for the determination of the directional origin of the signals, which were heard in stereo. In effect, the Earth became a concert hall of enormous proportions. Unfortunately, before much of this could be recorded, the station was lost.
And then there was the Lightning Indicator system which measured the voltage gradient between the local sky and the ground, and set off an alarm when lightning was about to strike nearby.
For listening to signals in the earth, there was a series of sensitive microphones buried around the property, as well as the Alexanderson Antenna that consisted of a loaded pair of "above ground" and "below ground" lines that were compensated to eliminate speed of light propagation rate limitations. Each of these antennas is shown and explained out in the field, so you can see for yourself the physical structures used to accomplish these technologies.
All of these antennas produced their characteristic signals, all of which were routed back to a central signal processing area after going through an initial "lightning arrestor" filter. Then, each signal could be selected for individual monitoring. Most of these signals were entering this area in the micro-volt range. These signals were then filtered to eliminate noise and interference, and then amplified back up to their original levels. Further amplification stages carefully brought the signals up to the kilovolt power levels.
After this, the signals could be amplified to be listened to through headphones, or through loud speakers, they could be viewed on oscilloscopes, or used to activate chart recorders, or even close relays to sound alarms. They could also be piped into a telephone line to be played to anyone else who was listening. And all of these output systems were completely compensated so they did not load the initial signal from the antennas in any way.
The entire facility was operated on battery supplies that were 100% isolated from the local utility. The signal processing was all done in the native, analog modem to preserve the fundamental character of the signals. There were no digital computers involved in the signal processing; only analog computers were used.
Many considered the design to be beyond brilliant, and much of the facility was operational. The last section includes over 20 minutes of listening to signals from the Alexanderson Antenna while watching them on an oscilloscope.
If you have understood the scientific significance of my presentation The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson, then here is your only chance to see a fully functioning system in action with a full technical description. My book about the Wireless Giant of the Pacific tells about how this technology works, but this film shows one of these systems actually working!
It's hard to understand how historically important this film is, because it is the only detailed record of this facility ever made. Technically, the film has some weaknesses, like during the tour of the Antenna Field, the wind came up a bit and played havoc with the microphones. Even through this, my periodic comments reveal priceless details of the structures and their operation. Over all, the film may leave you breathless once you comprehend the scope and magnitude of the facility and what it represents. What you will see is the scope and function of the Landers Facility, which at the time was the culmination of my life's work!
Understand and just hit me what your name here also reflects.
'The Camp David Antenna' I found to be most enlightening as I could understand the Math there and made me more comfortable.
This is where the picture of the man with coat over his arm inspecting the Series Coil came from.
Eric goes into some good calculations here and his 1:100 Scale Model of the Alexanderson Antenna should give you some ideas.
Have some work to do with alloyed wires but may build the 6AS7/6080 first as I already have the 6SN7s railed.
Got to find out what the connection is with this Tube, the Aether, Counterspace or a Longitudinal signal like in the CSI.
Did you read the Patrick Flanagan pdf where he tells you a means of detecting the LMD signal and just like my dual 1N34 with high impedance headphones.
Thanks. What I am trying to do is use the wave as a means to transmit stuff into my stereo and crt projector to make the image and sound more like real.
We have discovered long ago that if you apply Your own orgon to an electrical device it becomes more transparant to the reality of the recording. Noise levels are getting lower. The spacial information becomes clerarer and most of all emotions come through much better. This research has produced information that carbon is a good conductor for emotions and orgon in the recording zo are tubes. Now we did know that and we found ways to make carbon even much better. I discovered that using a Tesla coil through carbon with a tube osciallator boosts the orgon in my devices so I would like to miniature the device to better build it in.
I can asure you that a statistical relevant research was carried out by former scientists where people listened for a long time to a modified set and experiences where noted. 9 out of 10 people start to get emotional when they first hear what orgon can do to audio and they have an unbelievable experience. So did I. 1 hears not much only a good stereo. They are not sensitive at all.
Eric's 'Theory Of Wireless Power' and at the end 'The Oscillating Transformer' would be a good start in your endeavours.
Eric says his 'Coil Capacitance Factor' chart is incorrect but doesn't go into detail as to why and is probably meant as a guide and still relevant to a degree.
Also there are the 'Propogation Factor' and 'Sheet Impedance' charts.
What impressed me were the large Coil stacks for the Alexanderson antenna field and where a man is standing looking as a reference.
Two coil stacks there, one shunt, the other series.
Why not build an EH or CFA antenna which removes EM from the equations?
I don't quite grasp what you want to do.
The most important thing I understand is that my Tesla coil makes an astral wave or a longitudional wave. The wave is interacting with my consciousness and is interesting enough to work further on.
My plans are to make a longitudional wave the analogue way. So the same road Eric took to Alexanderson. I think that if I can make astral waves with a smaller line of caps and coils I can make one device with a tube amp that can be carried with me.
Now I need to know what docs where explaining how to chose the values for the caps and coils. Anyone has an idea? Do I have to but the last book on Alexanderson networks? There are so many notes and books that is is very difficult to find the right stuff back again. Or does it work with any coil and cap? Or was there a relation between the caps and coils???
Still working on the Steven Mark TPU and the AVEC is a similar styled device but improved and modified from the SM original.
Once again this information is dated back in 2010 and I don't see anybody jumping up and down in having a working replication that is powering their everday energy desires including their house.
Why no working replications?
Firstly we don't know if the design is bogus or not and secondly most go into a build and make it all so neat and pretty like a picture they have seen without attempting any of the prerequisite experiments to gain some idea if they think it is going to work or not.
One of the requirements in the AVEC is as much resistance as possible in the coil windings and I have here Manganin wire (60% Copper) which I will be experimenting with including the plain Copper and Aluminium as well as Silver coated Copper after the work of Otto & Roberto who had a working TPU replication.
And this is only one aspect of many to attempt including feeding TV Neck Ferrites in various organisations.
And they went and spoilt the entire device by adding batteries at the end and when are we going to learn that this technology alone is real vintage and very badly technically downgraded in the current commercial world and just like education
It's like buying prescription spectacles from your local Optometrist who proudly display the cost of the frames at only on special at $99.99 when their actual cost is a mere $5.
This is the Patrick Flanagan document on Scalar, dated but relevant:
On Page 5 he talks of making opposite calculations to an EM antenna and he is saying the 'hydronic' antenna is out of resonance and once again we see the requirement for voltage and not current that gives the signal the punch required.
Longitudinal as against EM and why it is not used is questioned and good to see another angle on what Eric continually refers to.
Much talk here of how to do the Math and hope this may help others with the Crystal Set/Radio Initiative (CSI) and need to apply to my own calculations which still go unheeded.
Eric P Dollard described Scalar back in the very first Energetic Forum but I still don't quite understand and I feel I am not alone:
Anybody feel that you are on the border of just understanding or not and would have serious problems explaining the theory to someone else?
I am still hearing people here say they are still very unsure of 'electricity' even after all of Eric's work and I am one that will also agree with that statement and sentiment.
The Math doesn't help me in the slightest but reading his many other documents does to a degree.
It may be just that it is going to take time and experiment at the bench before it begins to fully sink in.
5U4G Power Supply now working well and adding a 50 Watt 1.5 ohm Rheostat with switch and meter for the filaments so that it becomes a variable power supply when used with a Variac.
Had to dispense with the Tek 585 transformer as I had misread its abilities and was fortunate in having a Kelvin & Hughes Flaw Detector (the very first device used to monitor the baby in Mum's womb using ultrasound) and this had the required filament current at 10 amps (needed 6) and the reason for the Rheostat - 6.3 to 5 volts.
HT was 270 volts CT and this gives me about 405 volts DC with an AC component on top.
AC and DC reside together on this power supply as the main feed is from the Cathodes to the pi filter and this is one thing that both Steven Mark and Tesla alluded to in their own experiments.
This also has a bonus HT winding of 1050 volts which I will probably also tap out onto the chassis for use and also 2 other 6.3 volt Tube windings (also has a thyratron and cathode ray tube and 23 Tubes).
This type of GLOM is Gold and have had it for about 4 years with a question on whether to refurbish or use as parts and the parts bit finally won - NO schematics or manuals available.
This is by far the most difficult aspect of Vacuum Tube work in obtaining the correct power supplies and has taken me about the same 4 years to get several together as the requirements are very broad with all the types of Tubes to work with.
Eric unfortunately is not responding here and cannot hold that against him and will be snail mailing for some answers with respect to the work I am doing with the TPU, both expansive and contractive and also Vacuum Tubes.
Tomorrow at 1pm Pacific Time Zone, we're releasing a 4 Hour video by Eric Dollard that nobody has seen yet.
This video will blow your mind when you see the scope and magnitude of a project he was involved with and is in the process of replicating again.
By purchasing a copy, you'll be supporting Eric and EPD Laboratories, Inc. They need the funds for gas money so Steve, the Director of the lab, can drive to a few locations to pick up a massive amount of glom that has already been donated to the lab. It's already theirs - they just need to get the stuff back to the lab.
Displacement Current : - “ Is the result of a capacitor either accumulating the charge or getting rid of its charge”. “Charge = displacement current multiplied by the time in which it acts”.
It is still yet to be determined if there is a magnetic field associated with it or not, experiments yet to be fully carried out. There may be a situation where there is no magnetic field.
This was all explained with the most recent conference call. With Aaron and Eric - Really good content here, (thanks Aaron)!
Well I have enough information from Eric without the conference call and I have no idea how to get that info too. What is measured inside a cap can be explained by the transversal wave entering the cap. The displacement current that Maxwell introduced turned out to be fiction (that field is not there so Maxwell used the wrong picture for a cap). These measurements where done with superconductors and will probable not get better.
My understanding is that Eric says we have an ether and that acts like a superfluid. The transversal energy is close to the plates but there is also a longitudional strong component. When you look at the sun the transversal component soon dies out and the longitudional component makes it through dark space. There are more people saying this. Eric used the example of the ocean where transversal waves are on the surface only.
So it all comes with the universe as a super ether fluid or not.
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