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Thankyou for the CRD material and believe I understand what is required and will try and get it charted soon.
Actually did some of this when setting up the equipment to find the best capacitor but will chart this time.
The LMD material - was that developed from Eric's CIG?
Gives us an idea of what is required or what results we should be achieving.
Have eventually received a right size transformer for the 5R4GYB and rebuilding the Pulse Gen now.
Eric Dollard providing technical assistance - May 2013
This is a fuzzy photo of Eric doing tuning adjustments on a reproduction of the 1989 Borderlands Tesla One-Wire Transmission video demonstration this past week end.
His technical consul was invaluable and by the glow of the appliance lamp you can see that some progress is being made. I would estimate we were at about 60% of full illumination when he finished. More tuning is needed. This will be done using a signal generator and separating each section of the system so that they will be brought into alignment at 2.3 MHz, which is the operational frequency of the Diathermy Machine.
The 1B22 arc tubes seem to be melting and I am searching for replacements.
Eric claims that he could feel some pressure coming off the appliance lamp. I couldn't feel anything - but then again I'm not that sensitive. Hopefully we can reproduce the same kind of energy that was generated in 1989 and begin to charge some capacitors with it at a distance. Once that is accomplished we can dig into this phenomena much more deeply.
IF we can get it to work right we might be able to bring this setup to the Bedini-Lindemann Convention in Hayden, ID at the end of this month.
Nebraska Sales had large quantities of these at US$9 but now all gone.
Please call me off line as I now refuse to nominate sources for VTs publicly.
Have three here but in use.
Also have a 1B23 and we are now seeing the problem arise with respect to Vacuum Tubes.
Somebody comes out with the use of one of these and TD&H come along and buy them all.
I was one of the first to identify a source for the 1B22 but will in future only disclose to those that ask off line and I know and with a substantial reason attached.
Some of you here may have these 1B22 Tubes and if you don't think you will be using them, please forward gratefully on to Eric - Thankyou!
Diathermy is a good starter and like the setup.
Still like the Ford Buzz Coil with the 1B3, sparkplug and Tesla Coil, just so simple and a poor man's option.
Have one half built and should finish.
1B3 or 1G3 are ex TV and many available.
Thanks for the update.
This is the basic experiment to adjust the capacitor position above the extra coil and note the frequency change. This 9pF capacitor and grounding system drops my original 1000 kc/sec design down about 160 kc.
This is a fuzzy photo of Eric doing tuning adjustments on a reproduction of the 1989 Borderlands Tesla One-Wire Transmission video demonstration this past week end.
His technical consul was invaluable and by the glow of the appliance lamp you can see that some progress is being made. I would estimate we were at about 60% of full illumination when he finished. More tuning is needed. This will be done using a signal generator and separating each section of the system so that they will be brought into alignment at 2.3 MHz, which is the operational frequency of the Diathermy Machine.
The 1B22 arc tubes seem to be melting and I am searching for replacements.
Eric claims that he could feel some pressure coming off the appliance lamp. I couldn't feel anything - but then again I'm not that sensitive. Hopefully we can reproduce the same kind of energy that was generated in 1989 and begin to charge some capacitors with it at a distance. Once that is accomplished we can dig into this phenomena much more deeply.
IF we can get it to work right we might be able to bring this setup to the Bedini-Lindemann Convention in Hayden, ID at the end of this month.
Spokane 1
Wow! This is just great!
Not only just seeing Eric doing the tuning, but also seeing people like you making progress together really shows the dawning of a new age is right at our doorstep.
Geometric Algebra,
Excellent work and you have been very hard at it as we can all see.
Went through your Image Shack pictures and can see the progress you were making during the build.
Is the TEK scope shot of your pulse from the Impulse Generator?
The Copper discs above the assembly also of interest if you could explain please.
What do you think is going to be the result when the Transmitter is powered up fully?
Do you have a receiver built?
Can your system be modulated at all by any of the conventional means, AM, CW etc and assuming this is what the 12AU7 is for?
Did you find working with Vacuum Tubes an exciting experience?
Sorry for all the questions but most interested in your efforts.
Still reworking the Pulse Generator here but have simply got too much on my plate at the moment.
The scope shot is of the output signal generated by a battery-powered boost converter/micro-controller system that isn't doing what I want it to yet.
I needed a capacitance of 10pf from Eric's description. If I take the capacitance of a disc to be C=8*8.854e-12*r [F], where r is the radius, and I have the capabilities for carving discs of diameter up to 3.0" out of 1/16 pcb plates, and I select a diameter of 2.5” as a starting point, and I assume that I can just add up the individual capacitances (which I'm sure I can't but I'm going to do it anyway because I don't know what I'm doing), then this gives n=10/(8*8.854*1.25*25.4e-3)=4.45 discs. I rounded down to 4 discs which gives, theoretically, 4*8*8.854e-12*1.25*25.4e-3=8.996e-12 or 9pF, then generated a CAD assembly of the discs mounted on a cross-like test fixture (for symmetry based on n=4, ie 360/4=90), produced the g-code with a tool called PyCAM (eats dxf's or stl's and spits out g-code), and finally cut the parts on my mill. I chose the disc geometry because I still needed to solve some mixed curvature cutting problems I've been having (I'm not a machinist and don't know the tricks). It would be easier to just glue some aluminum foil to a plate of wood, or use a beer can, but I wanted to develop some new techniques for future projects.
I'm really interested in getting to the point where I can study the behavior of the current in the ground termination in the more fully powered system.
The receiver is not finished. The frames are finished, but I still need to wrap the coax, and build the base, and “liberate” some other parts for the assembly.
I know so little about tubes and modulation techniques right now that I can't really even comment, but I had a lot of fun putting some of the circuits together that Eric has recommended and this will probably result in some type of unhealthy tube addiction. I chose the 12au7 because I have a few in the “inventory” pile, and I don't have the 6SN7 (yet). The data-sheet that I have for the 12au7 shows that the anode can sink around 25mA for an anode voltage near 100V (grid fixed at 0V), which is about twice the plate current for the 6sn7 for the same inputs. Maybe a good experiment would be to monitor the plate current to see what it's really doing at resonance and off to the side for variations in capacitance position and such?
The scope shot is of the output signal generated by a battery-powered boost converter/micro-controller system that isn't doing what I want it to yet.
I needed a capacitance of 10pf from Eric's description. If I take the capacitance of a disc to be C=8*8.854e-12*r [F], where r is the radius, and I have the capabilities for carving discs of diameter up to 3.0" out of 1/16 pcb plates, and I select a diameter of 2.5” as a starting point, and I assume that I can just add up the individual capacitances (which I'm sure I can't but I'm going to do it anyway because I don't know what I'm doing), then this gives n=10/(8*8.854*1.25*25.4e-3)=4.45 discs. I rounded down to 4 discs which gives, theoretically, 4*8*8.854e-12*1.25*25.4e-3=8.996e-12 or 9pF, then generated a CAD assembly of the discs mounted on a cross-like test fixture (for symmetry based on n=4, ie 360/4=90), produced the g-code with a tool called PyCAM (eats dxf's or stl's and spits out g-code), and finally cut the parts on my mill. I chose the disc geometry because I still needed to solve some mixed curvature cutting problems I've been having (I'm not a machinist and don't know the tricks). It would be easier to just glue some aluminum foil to a plate of wood, or use a beer can, but I wanted to develop some new techniques for future projects.
I'm really interested in getting to the point where I can study the behavior of the current in the ground termination in the more fully powered system.
The receiver is not finished. The frames are finished, but I still need to wrap the coax, and build the base, and “liberate” some other parts for the assembly.
I know so little about tubes and modulation techniques right now that I can't really even comment, but I had a lot of fun putting some of the circuits together that Eric has recommended and this will probably result in some type of unhealthy tube addiction. I chose the 12au7 because I have a few in the “inventory” pile, and I don't have the 6SN7 (yet). The data-sheet that I have for the 12au7 shows that the anode can sink around 25mA for an anode voltage near 100V (grid fixed at 0V), which is about twice the plate current for the 6sn7 for the same inputs. Maybe a good experiment would be to monitor the plate current to see what it's really doing at resonance and off to the side for variations in capacitance position and such?
here's what I've been able to get my head around on capacitors or condensors, the dielectric is the key to them. the metal contact is the director and the and the 'insulator' is the sink/source. the equations we have for capacitors are really isolated and deal with a perfect example that can not physically be built, however it's close enough for their current use in electronics. In what Eric and esp Tesla was doing we need a more in depth look and understanding of what is going on.
Taking that capacitance is in every circuit and coil and that it's not an isolated discrete component points to more than just a reservoir for charge.
here's what I've been able to get my head around on capacitors or condensors, the dielectric is the key to them. the metal contact is the director and the and the 'insulator' is the sink/source. the equations we have for capacitors are really isolated and deal with a perfect example that can not physically be built, however it's close enough for their current use in electronics. In what Eric and esp Tesla was doing we need a more in depth look and understanding of what is going on.
Taking that capacitance is in every circuit and coil and that it's not an isolated discrete component points to more than just a reservoir for charge.
I know, it's not lumped, and I shouldn't use the standard equations, but sometimes any number crunching is better than stumbling around in the dark.
I don't really know enough about capacitor/dielectrics or the sink/source concept to say. As far as the termination geometry goes, there is something special about the terminal design Tesla used for Wardenclyffe. I think he had a bit of a fascination with paraboloids in both static electrical configuration and rigid body rotation.
Paths traced along the surface of an paraboloid would show up as decaying or expanding sinusoids. A view from above or below would trace a spiral.You can start to see where you would have directed geometries, such as the up or down spirals, being represented by multiplications of algebraic elements representing simpler forms. The dielectric and magnetic fields, and field overlaps would probably fall out from other algebraic contortions, but related to the underlying geometric form they are shaped from.
here's what I've been able to get my head around on capacitors or condensors, the dielectric is the key to them. the metal contact is the director and the and the 'insulator' is the sink/source. the equations we have for capacitors are really isolated and deal with a perfect example that can not physically be built, however it's close enough for their current use in electronics. In what Eric and esp Tesla was doing we need a more in depth look and understanding of what is going on.
Taking that capacitance is in every circuit and coil and that it's not an isolated discrete component points to more than just a reservoir for charge.
Interesting points!
From doing some personal experiments in electrostatics I can confidently say that the dielectric is the source and sink for displacement current charge as opposed to a surface charge on the bounding conductors. A simple experiment showing this effect is had with two glass beakers (two separate and isolated dielectrics) and two cylindrical conductors (capacitor plates) and a HV DC generator like a Wimshurst Machine. Apply the capacitor outer and inner plates to one beaker, then charge it with the HV DC generator, once charged carefully remove one plate at a time and transplant to the other "uncharged" beaker. Then use a shorting rod to discharge the hypothetical surface charge stored of the capacitor plates. Next, carefully remove the plates and place them back in the original "charged" beaker, then use the shorting rod to discharge the stored dielectric energy of the glass. The results of this experiment show where the seat of dielectric energy is, and it isn't on the surface of a conductor. JC Maxwell's original theory of a stress being setup in the external area around the conductor is as valid today as the day he hypothesized his revolutionary displacement current.
Another note of interest for those who are looking into how inductance and capacitance works, is wavelength of the applied signal. Since EM waves have a physical length, a finite distribution of its energy in space results. This means a 20 henry coil may appear as 20 henries at DC-500KHz but as the wavelength decreases, the energy bounded by the conductor gets more compressed in space and thus less of the conductors length matters. What ends up happening, is that the "per unit length" of the conductor is broken up into λ/4 (or λ/(sqrt(2π))) units [1] of its physical dimensions. In these progressively smaller and smaller "unit" lengths, as frequency goes up, capacitance and inductance change effective values. Since we can no longer use the entire length of wire for the total inductance its value rapidly diminishes while capacitance, for the most part, remains the same. Eventually the initially small value of inter-turn capacitance ends up as the dominate part of the energy flow through the physical structure.
Taking this thought process to an engineering level, with an oscillating coil in mind, we would apply a distributed element model for our calculations - NOT a lumped model. As you reduce the "unit length" of the conductor to the limit zero, we get closer and closer to values that are true for all frequencies at that specific point in the coil. At these lengths, transmission line theory becomes a relevant and powerful aid.
In an oscillating coil there are two currents and two voltages at any one given time. These are due to the distribution of charge from conduction currents and displacement currents. Which is the result of mutual coupling K of electrostatic and M of magnetic energy between turns and also, the individual per unit length constants L and C. Propagation of electrical energy throughout the coil happens in two different axes, one parallel with the surface of the conductor, L & C. And the other normal to the surface of the conductor, M & K.
[1] Howard Johnson - High Speed Digital Design; A Handbook of Black Magic, 1993
This may be a little off topic but this book is GOLD from 1926 and shows what has been supressed in means of using natural electricity to grow food.
An 11' circumference Cabbage and what are you going to do with it?
Shows all the means by which the true electricity can be gathered and should be able to be made easily from available material.
Was looking at the cooling fins of a Magnetron out of a Microwave as the main box and working from there.
Would like to know how they closed this Company down and what methods were used.
This is really not off topic because I happened to read George Van Tassel's 'When Stars Look Down' and his Electroculture story and here he relates to a Condenser being made from Lettuce leaves and a Cabbage is not much different so there is your use for the Cabbage.
Use Aluminium as your metal as this will tend to delay breakdown of the leaf.
Using botanical material in Condensers will open up a huge library on natural information as the responses recorded will be most revealing.
I have a Library of Electroculture information here if anyone would like the material.
Three billionaires, Soros, Buffet and Paulsen sold everything in USA and bought gold. Soros claims that there will be riots in USA and marshal law will be inacted. Soon. Any ideas about that?
They may have a list of people who are a threat to the system, so when the concentration camps start to fill out, those people will have tough time.
I hope I am totally wrong. I hope this is nothing but a false assumption. But, I have a very good understanding of media and I can't convince myself that I am wrong (now that is an absurd sentence but you know what I mean).
So, my dear smart fellows, save, conserve, hide, publish and - go to your plan B!
I shall explain this seemingly odd direction. In doing some more research and reading on PFN, pulse forming networks I went back to the walton-cockcroft and marx generator design to look at how the charge multiplication was occurring due to the capacitors. this lead to thought that the charge is more than just the charge and is related to how it's derived and 'stored'
the PFN always suffers from the rise and fall time, that will forever impact the shape of the slope. that got me thinking of Farnsworths work with the fusor, and recalling how he moved to virtual anodes and cathodes. in order to do so the containment chamber was a spherical capacitor. that triggered the thought on the sun, which led down the road to the charge and capacitance between the sun and earth, the permittivity of ISM and both the atmospheres of earth and the plasma field of the sun. an interesting article on the sun being an iron core adds to the mystery, but does lend to supporting the electric nature of the universe.
so back to the PFN and slope, coupled with the thought on virtual charge conductors. I then looked a bit more into the rotation of -j and Erics work on longitudinal waves. see the problem with an EM PFN is the magnetic field is going to have it tied to the time domain, if it is possible to free the time domain then we'd have the ability to create pure ES waves. Soooo, put the coil of Erics into the PFN. looking back over Tesla's work it seems that was what he was after a time invariant wave, the pulse shape would created by the coil. to understand why this is important would take a lot of pages, short version- time invariant pulsed waves have no slope, transmitter and receiver are locked in time.
it seems a bit rambling but I have for the sake of brevity left out a fair amount dealing with the fusor and electron charge fields and virtual conductors. Brilliant man Farnsworth, so much to learn from his work, so much. a low pressure hydrogen dielectric has been researched for it's permittivity over a wide range of frequencies, seems a bit odd but makes sense when that data can be used to try and make your own mini sun. I feel that this will always lead to failure as the current models always rely on internal structures for the anode and cathode, there seems to have been a departure from the virtual arrangement Farnsworth worked on.