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Eric Dollard

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  • I can't make heads or tails of this mess anymore.
    Time I guess for me to shuffle off, I've tried to be helpful and informative as best as allowed. Recent events here seem to point that it's no longer needed and may be a waste.
    I wish all those forging on the best of luck...if any of my research crosses over again and may be useful I'll drop by in the future.


    • Caps/Levashov/Experimenter

      Hello SERG V,
      Thankyou for the information on the capacitors but have already been to Russia and the Ukraine for Teflons and Doorknobs without problems and with good prices and delivery times.

      Nikolai Levashov is most interesting but the loss of his wife and also his sudden departure and sure they both will be missed by many.
      Now that you have directed us to his work, can see many more video presentations there and will continue to follow.

      'The Electrical Experimenter' - have just finished downloading all the copies there without problems.
      Where did you get these from - this is what Eric talks about all the time and where we need to get back to - about 1919?
      Many Thanks for all of your information and sure you have more there of interest.



      • Lester Hendershot Generator

        Lester Hendershot Generator:
        Currently building Lester Hendershot's Generator with one basketweave coil finished and about to start winding the second.

        Would like comment on how this device works but would appreciate comment from bench people only and not keyboarders - thankyou and this for obvious reasons.

        The capacitors inside the coils are only connected to the bottom Copper winding and appear to act as kickback or impulse discharge devices.
        The horseshoe magnet and the twin coils have an oscillatory function similar to the Imhotep relay experiment and Eric's Multivibrator power supply.
        This is what gives the 50/60 hz sine wave by gap adjustment and is also the start mechanism.

        Would like Eric to comment on this device as I am sure he would have some idea of his own as to how it works.

        This is the original BOM but have since discarded the wire for silicon as it is just so smooth and supple and a dream to wind.
        The caps to be used are the 4 on the RHS and the others are for experiment as the large are 5100 uF and the 4 smaller are 1,000 uF.
        Using another twin 500 ohm bell ringer electromagnet here as was used in the 'Cosmic Ray Detector' and expect Hendershot to have used a similar product as they were 'off the shelf' in those days - 1928.

        From what we can see the Copper and insulated coil windings are in ratio between pi/2 and pHi and oscillate in the swing mode, back and forth.
        This device is able to light some 28 x 100 Watt lamps (?) in the demonstration and is the only one I have seen that meets all of my operating criteria for an 'Energy Synthesis' device that appears to work and is able to supply a house current load directly.
        This is the silicon wire and the basketweave coil with the Copper windings in place and waiting for the silicon wind.

        This is the finished product with a duplicate to be wound.

        Not going to make any apologies as this is not coming from Eric but IS and 'Energy Synthesis' device and IS being built now so please stay tuned.
        Have this feeling that this is where Eric was leading me with the CRD but too many bells rang in the interim and couldn't be missing out on this opportunity with Hendershot.
        Managed to buy on Ebay about 40 odd large aluminium can Aerial/RF/IF/OSC coils and these were destined for the Moray project as they are also of basketweave origin and in such is the Caduceus coil which I had already experimented with in a device called the TEG (Torsion Energy Generator) that gave some mysterious and magical results which I didn't understand at the time.

        Still have Eric's capacitor tests to do with the CRD and they will be completed shortly.



        • Hendershot?

          I don't follow this kind of thing too much, but the kinds of unusual and convoluted stuff that has been experimented with just amazes me .

          Remember, I have no preconceived notion about this device.
          It appears to boil down to two LC tanks circuits 180 degrees out of phase(left and right)that are shock stimulated by the motion on a magnet over the coils at the bottom. ( basically like an engine magneto) .

          Maybe there can be some kind of short term mechanical oscillation set up with somehow tuning the magneto device, but I can't see how there can be energy synthesis. A load will dampen the oscillations and of coarse there are the obligatory system loses.
          This is on the idea of Eric's "cosmic fuse box" . Even he admits that it only happens under just the right conditions for a very brief duration. It has to do with harmonic motion, mass, momentum and damping. Unfortunately, damping always wins...

          Sorry Dave, but I think you will be disappointed. It looks cool, though...


          • @mr clean

            Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
            just curious if Eric has ever given the Kapanadze device a serious thought?
            I really don't know. Webster and Polakowski are/were more involved with Eric's technical work.

            I don't know of any successful replications. However, one part that I was interested in was seeing a part of the circuit that apparently mixed high voltage low current over a gap with low voltage high current. It was just a quick glance and I didn't spend much time with it so I don't know.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              I really don't know. Webster and Polakowski are/were more involved with Eric's technical work.

              I don't know of any successful replications. However, one part that I was interested in was seeing a part of the circuit that apparently mixed high voltage low current over a gap with low voltage high current. It was just a quick glance and I didn't spend much time with it so I don't know.
              thanks for your reply, i am so jealous (in a good way)you were able to become good friends with Eric

              you know a good friend of mine who lives in California litterally offered to have Eric stay with him, lives near San Diego ... has a wicked house, financially set, secure property, no expectations, and wants to truly help Eric.

              please tell Eric that he has a backup plan with good atmosphere if need be
              In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
              In the expert's mind there are few.
              -Shunryu Suzuki


              • Empire of the Air

                Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
                thanks for your reply, i am so jealous (in a good way)you were able to become good friends with Eric

                you know a good friend of mine who lives in California litterally offered to have Eric stay with him, lives near San Diego ... has a wicked house, financially set, secure property, no expectations, and wants to truly help Eric.

                please tell Eric that he has a backup plan with good atmosphere if need be
                Eric will be back in here to post when he has time. His priority is to finish his book. So when he's back, he will see your posts. It was an honor for me to have spent so much time with him. We're getting to know each other and I hope at some point he does consider me a good friend.

                In the meantime, what Eric stated that he would love to see is actual builds being posted. The crystal radio initiative, etc...

                My personal project that I'm gathering parts for is a simple Armstrong one-tube regenerative receiver. That is probably kiddie play for some of the engineers here, but its my choice project to introduce myself to radio circuits. I have the 6c4wa, but I am going to move towards the battery powered tubes.

                By the way, Eric recommends that everyone watch Empire of the Air - a pbs documentary about Marconi, Armstrong, etc... it is a MUST WATCH for anyone interested in the Bolinas/RCA technology. Eric watched that documentary and the RCA stuff coming soon was actually written and inspired by that documentary to a large degree.

                Empire of the Air | PBS

       Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio: Jr. Jason Robards, Ken Burns: Movies & TV
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  Eric will be back in here to post when he has time. His priority is to finish his book. So when he's back, he will see your posts. It was an honor for me to have spent so much time with him. We're getting to know each other and I hope at some point he does consider me a good friend.

                  In the meantime, what Eric stated that he would love to see is actual builds being posted. The crystal radio initiative, etc...

                  My personal project that I'm gathering parts for is a simple Armstrong one-tube regenerative receiver. That is probably kiddie play for some of the engineers here, but its my choice project to introduce myself to radio circuits. I have the 6c4wa, but I am going to move towards the battery powered tubes.

                  By the way, Eric recommends that everyone watch Empire of the Air - a pbs documentary about Marconi, Armstrong, etc... it is a MUST WATCH for anyone interested in the Bolinas/RCA technology. Eric watched that documentary and the RCA stuff coming soon was actually written and inspired by that documentary to a large degree.

                  Empire of the Air | PBS

         Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio: Jr. Jason Robards, Ken Burns: Movies & TV
                  you've got it man,
                  here are my Dollard experiments:

                  TMT Tesla Magnifying Transmitter 3: Taking Power from the System - YouTube

                  LMD analog
                  2 Tesla LMD Longitudinal Magneto Dielectricity: initial testing - YouTube

                  and earlier coil work that i feel fairly proud of, despite my poor knowledge
                  41 Don Smith Device: Completely Air Cored, Primary Outside, Increased Light - YouTube
                  In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                  In the expert's mind there are few.
                  -Shunryu Suzuki


                  • Hendershot device

                    I was curious about what the hype was all about, so I scoured the internet to find a working replication. Guess what? NONE EXIST.
                    It's main purpose is to separate the hopeful replicators from their hard earned money.
                    Lester Hendershot
                    Where is this Hendershot thing supposed to be getting it's energy from?

                    You would be much better off trying to find ways to make the Tesla radiant energy collector work like a solar collector. At least there is the possibility of doing a real conversion of energy and there is energy to collect.


                    • To minertom

                      If you read this thread, I sent you a PM.
                      Aaron has forbidden me from the "Ray Savant" thread.
                      My saying that Eric should get ALL of his deals in writing must have pissed him off for some reason. I just thought it was good business sense and good advise for a man who appears to struggle with such things...

                      I thought I was helping.


                      • a little help

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        Aaron how do i subscribe to this thread so i dont lose it?
                        Richard Buckminster Fuller - You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
                        To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete


                        • New preamp/modulating preamp is now up and running which simply allows for (amplitude) modulation of the signal generator output with a small increase of power.

                          Also the shed/studio is in the process of being converted into a shed/studio/lab and is currently host to the test setup for the modulating preamp and primary condenser experiments (currently single turn primary) using the secondary coil alone and configured for Telluric transmission, as well as being a refuge for the glom pile.

                          Primary condenser tuning so far has been problematic to say the least, although it's just for the sake of testing with the single turn. So we will see how that goes with some more time and test configurations.

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Wow cool, I like your stuf !


                            • Lester Hendershot Generator

                              Hendershot Generator:

                              Quote from Jimm:
                              "I was curious about what the hype was all about, so I scoured the internet to find a working replication. Guess what? NONE EXIST.
                              It's main purpose is to separate the hopeful replicators from their hard earned money.
                              Lester Hendershot
                              Where is this Hendershot thing supposed to be getting it's energy from?

                              You would be much better off trying to find ways to make the Tesla radiant energy collector work like a solar collector. At least there is the possibility of doing a real conversion of energy and there is energy to collect."

                              What a load of rubbish!
                              Please, Lord, give me patience with these people.
                              I am not one to respond to criticism but will in this case.

                              Hendershot Generator - Free Energy tutorial - YouTube

                              Have you ever thought what it was that made your Heart tick over, keeping you alive?
                              What is Eric Dollard working with, 'Radiant Energy' and that is generated from the Aether, the energy from the Cosmos and Galaxy that is stored in the Earth and its Atmosphere and the same energy that makes your Heart tick and keeps you from sliding off the Planet.
                              I have named the Hendershot Generator 'The Heartbeat Machine' for in my view, it is utilising the same energy.
                              Please read Walter and Lao Russell and Rudolph Steiner and Dan Winter and anybody else that mentions 'Light' and gain some knowledge of the Aether, the same energy environment that they supress and don't want you to know anything about.

                              Why do you people think that you already know all there is to know and are so forceful and critical in advising others what they should be doing - that is not your job and you are supposed to be here working on Eric Dollard devices and any other machine that displays 'Energy Synthesis' - what have you got to offer?

                              Why was it that I asked for bench people to respond and not keyboarders and you can now see the result, can't you?

                              If people here are unable to display what they are working on they should remain in the background as witnesses only and nothing more.
                              Please show us what you are working on?

                              If you fail to describe your projects, I will kindly ask Aaron to have you removed from this Forum.
                              We have all had enough!



                              • @Jimm

                                Originally posted by jimm View Post
                                If you read this thread, I sent you a PM.
                                Aaron has forbidden me from the "Ray Savant" thread.
                                My saying that Eric should get ALL of his deals in writing must have pissed him off for some reason. I just thought it was good business sense and good advise for a man who appears to struggle with such things...

                                I thought I was helping.
                                There is something in writing - it's called bylaws and/or articles of incorporation for the 501c3. The members will not provide Eric with copies of any of it. Eric is the registered secretary with the state, NOT Webster. Webster was the treasurer. So, Eric doesn't even know the rules to operate by when it comes to decision making, etc... or what his legal voting rights are within his own organization. He has been kept in the dark.

                                It is irrelevant whether or not the Secretary position is suited for Eric or not, record keeping requirements are required by law for the secretary, keep minutes of meetings, decisions made, etc... and NONE of that has been provided to Eric. Eric is the secretary, but many decisions are done without him even knowing about it. There is something horribly wrong with that picture.

                                If you want to help Eric Dollard, petition Facebook to stop using Eric Dollard's name on the Aetherforce FB page because it is all done without his approval. And Eric does not want him or his work to be promoted by Aetherforce, period. And, show your support for Eric by boycotting Ray Savant.

                                The other thread is to document the Ray Savant issue.

                                This thread is for the discussion of Eric Dollard's technology.

                                Stay on topic please...
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

