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Eric Dollard

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  • correct source to obtain the FOUR QUADRANT book

    Hello Aaron,

    thanks much for all of your past efforts both in behalf of Eric and forum members as well. your selfless efforts don't go un noticed SIR!

    I need to know the correct source for Eric's book FOUR QUADRANT ELECTRICITY. I damn sure don't want to be placing money for Eric in TRASH hands. thanks in advance for your reply as you have time sir.

    as always, mike onward!


    • Eric's presentation

      Originally posted by clarence View Post
      Hello Aaron,

      thanks much for all of your past efforts both in behalf of Eric and forum members as well. your selfless efforts don't go un noticed SIR!

      I need to know the correct source for Eric's book FOUR QUADRANT ELECTRICITY. I damn sure don't want to be placing money for Eric in TRASH hands. thanks in advance for your reply as you have time sir.

      as always, mike onward!
      Thanks Clarence,


      So everyone knows, just like some of you have placed the donations link in the signature line for Eric, please spread Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage - when you purchase the presentation from that page, proceeds go to Eric for his lab, etc...

      The site is basic right now, but I just had to get something up for him. Notice Eric's middle initial P is in that domain and that it is not just

      For the interview yesterday, a few people have been kind enough to have uploaded the audio to youtube. I did capture the video but it didn't record the audio so I'm trying to put the audio to the video - the audio and the video might not match up perfect so it would look like a Chinese kung fu movie, but in any case, it will be available when I can get that processed and uploaded.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Can't get on EPD site

        Hey Aaron;

        Was wondering, I tried going on the new site that you mentioned and access is denied for me. Is it like this for everyone or are certain people restricted. Any thoughts?


        • Eric Dollard

          Originally posted by Mr. Colorado View Post
          Hey Aaron;

          Was wondering, I tried going on the new site that you mentioned and access is denied for me. Is it like this for everyone or are certain people restricted. Any thoughts?
          Seems to work fine -
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • the FOUR QUADRANT 1 and 2 download

            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Thanks Clarence,


            So everyone knows, just like some of you have placed the donations link in the signature line for Eric, please spread Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage - when you purchase the presentation from that page, proceeds go to Eric for his lab, etc...

            The site is basic right now, but I just had to get something up for him. Notice Eric's middle initial P is in that domain and that it is not just

            For the interview yesterday, a few people have been kind enough to have uploaded the audio to youtube. I did capture the video but it didn't record the audio so I'm trying to put the audio to the video - the audio and the video might not match up perfect so it would look like a Chinese kung fu movie, but in any case, it will be available when I can get that processed and uploaded.
            Hello Aaron,


            I purchased the FOUR QUADRANT 1 and 2 downloads and downloaded the two separate files but when I play the files all that shows up is the audio with no video. the audio is good.

            Any ideas what happened? thanks, mike.


            • @Clarence

              Originally posted by clarence View Post
              Hello Aaron,


              I purchased the FOUR QUADRANT 1 and 2 downloads and downloaded the two separate files but when I play the files all that shows up is the audio with no video. the audio is good.

              Any ideas what happened? thanks, mike.
              Hi Clarence,

              Please use the recommended VLC player - its a free download. I'll try to get a different codec based video uploaded, but it might take a few weeks. But for now, VLC media player works.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Gustave Le Bon - The Evolution of Matter

                This is really a fascinating read indeed, which was recommended by Eric.

                Free to read online at the Internet Archive.


                • Thanks

                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  Hi Clarence,

                  Please use the recommended VLC player - its a free download. I'll try to get a different codec based video uploaded, but it might take a few weeks. But for now, VLC media player works.
                  Hello Aaron,

                  thanks again! mike.


                  • Copper or brass primary coil

                    Hi Everyone!

                    I want to duplicate the primary coil from the video of Eric. Later I want to use this coil for telluric work. It will be my first experiment but I have read a lot of the theory and posts here.

                    My question is. Can I use the copper foil from a coax cable for the 1 inch wide and 0,01 inch thick brass primary coil sheet?


                    Or are there better suggestions? I searched a lot already but flat cable or flat coils to unwind are not so easy to find in Europe.


                    Let me add that I found this document:

                    As to physical construction the primary should be sheet copper of great conductor width and large loop area. Large surface is required as the skin effect is total with impulses. Large width also minimizes inductance allowing for larger capacitors and more rapid discharge and hence high impulse strength. In opposition to this required inductive reduction is the need for a large area due to the flashover and coupling requirements. Hence a balance has to be established between the need for minimum inductance for rapid discharge and for a large magnetic field, resulting in large inductance. The formula for inductance (rationalized) is L=area/width.

                    So I need 10 mil coper sheet 1 inch wide. I guess the coax foil is to thin for the primary coil.

                    And to Eric a reminder from Ghandi:
                    Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty
                    Last edited by orgonaut314; 08-01-2013, 07:24 PM.


                    • Gang of Four - Conspiracy to Committ Treason

                      I'm busy finishing my book and will have things to say soon.

                      The opportunity for questions is now for the telluric project.

                      I want to see more demonstrations of what people are doing and thank God jimm the jinn went down the toilet bowl, what a piece of human filth.

                      Break... more to follow.

                      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                      • @David Webster

                        David Webster - please respond:
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Hello Eric, I hope the book is coming along well. You mentioned before that the Colorado Springs coil working frequency was "near 45 kc", is there a more precise reference somewhere, was it a frequency or did you calculate it from other factors? Because I can't find a frequency in CS Notes, only Tesla stating when he describes the pictures towards the end that the frequency is "about normal", but I don't see anywhere that "normal" is defined.

                          If a scale model was made for 1860 kc the secondary would be a reasonable size, but if the extra coil is kept at 1:1 height to diameter ratio with 100 turns then in order to get the required inductance it would be relatively massive, the diameter is bigger than the secondary. The secondary would be about 36cm diameter, but the extra coil would be 39cm. How would you suggest about going about this in order to arrive at a particular inductance? A longer coil similar to the Wardenclyffe type design but with a lot of turns? Another inductor in series before the extra coil?

                          I was originally thinking of building for 1810 kc because I came across this a few months ago, originally on the RSGB (Radio Society Of Great Britain) web site but they've taken the page down since. But it seems like experimentation is encouraged, would it be wise to contact RSGB or Ofcom (FCC equivalent) to let them know what's going on in advance, in case they come looking one day?

                          Yahoo! Groups

                          RSGB proposal for experimental amateur radio access to 500kHz - Spectrum Forum - Radio Society of Great Britain


                          A proposal is made for radio amateurs in the UK to have access to frequencies between 501-504 kHz or 508-515 KHz at a transmit level of 10W ERIP, in order to extend their experimental work, and thus understanding of low frequency propagation mechanisms, from work complementary to 73kHz, 136kHz and 1810kHz. The two frequency bands options are proposed, as they are no longer used for maritime telegraphy in the Western hemisphere, their usage for non-directional aeronautical beacons (NDB) is being phased out. It is understood that it is unlikely, in the near future, that the channels will be re-allocated to another service.

                          Experimentation rationale

                          A frequency allocation around 500kHz will offer a number of unique opportunities and capabilities to the amateur service. This will include ultra-reliable regional ground-wave communication, and secondly, further significant opportunity for extending the traditional merits of amateur radio – operating skill, self-learning and social interaction – and also the broad benefit to the national science and engineering skill and knowledge base.

                          UK spectrum regulation and its attitude to licensing amateur radio activity has for a number of years been innovative. In response the UK amateur has shown respect for its privileges and made good use of opportunities to experiment with new frequency bands. Examples are the temporary allocation at 73kHz[1] and currently the experimental access to channels at 5MHz.

                          Whilst it is legendary the way in which radio amateurs, in the early years of the last century, were able to demonstrate the usefulness of the HF spectrum, it is still possible for amateurs to contribute to knowledge about radio propagation. This is because amateurs often tend to study and then exploit anomalous propagation. Examples of this, where recent findings on a long-term study the transatlantic path at 73 and 136kHz[2], and more recently, the unexpected long-path propagation between Rodrigues Island, in the Indian Ocean, and the West Coast of the USA on 1.8MHz.

                          The amateur experiments at 5MHz are aimed at the long-term collection[3] of data to understand and predict quality of service for inter-UK communication at that frequency. Apart from collecting and aggregating station logs from participating amateur stations beacons are planned[4] that provide S/S+N and multipath/doppler assessment on either a manual or automatic basis. Preliminary discussions have been started with Bath University for assistance in analysing the complex set of data in order that scientifically valid conclusions can be drawn from the work.

                          Rationale for 500kHz

                          Ground-wave (also called surface-wave) propagation at low and medium frequencies can provide reliable communication over medium and large ranges. The ground-wave signal propagates along the surface of the earth. Such communication is omni-directional and continuous and is therefore well suited to nodal or network type of communication. Since the ground-wave signal is not dependent upon the ionosphere, communications based upon ground waves are not interrupted by solar events (sunspots, solar storms, coronal mass ejection [CME]) or a high-altitude nuclear detonation that disturb the atmosphere. A recent burst of solar activity (November 2003) produced significant aurora and disrupted HF ionospheric communication for days.

                          The optimum frequency for ground-wave communication depends upon the aerial efficiency, ground-wave propagation loss, atmospheric noise and of course man-made noise local to the receive station. Given typical capabilities of radio amateurs, where aerials are far smaller than comparative commercial installations, the best S/S+N per watt of transmitter output occurs in the range 400 to 600kHz[5]. A frequency of 500kHz would therefore be ideal for low-information rate emergency communications, which was its rationale for being used for so many years as the maritime distress frequency. An aim for the initial experiments would be to confirm that within a 1Hz receive bandwidth and 10W ERIP from the transmit aerial, the estimated ground-wave coverage of 300km can be realised for S/S+N of 20dB[6].

                          The radio amateur’s propensity for studying anomalous propagation is a part of the rationale for seeking access to 500kHz as it is situated part-way between the two existing amateur allocations at 136KHz and 1810kHz. Skywave signals are a feature of both of these existing bands, more predominant at the latter, but never the less also after a CME event at 136kHz as a propagation enhancement. Amateur access to 500kHz, would allow studies to be carried out to assess any anomalous skywave propagation. This would be an important part of the study given some continued usage of the frequencies elsewhere in the World.

                          Also, in my last experiment using about 23mW of power I gathered that the area of the garden around the transmitter earth terminal basically "radiates" for lack of a better word the signal that's being transmitted. The earth itself shows similar effects to the "wireless" that people usually play with around the top capacitance. Very interesting and surprising stuff with such low power. Do you think that if the earth was in resonance and using adequate power, with all the conditions as Tesla intended, would the earth have "radiated" energy like this? I don't think that's the right word to use, but there seems to be something detectable beyond the physical boundary of the earth. By sticking a metal rod into the ground, what's left sticking out overground can act like an antenna radiating a signal that can be picked up with two diodes and a crystal earpiece with no physical contact to anything.

                          Last edited by dR-Green; 08-01-2013, 10:54 PM.

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Live interview tonight with Gary Hendershot

                            20130801 – Presentation by Eric Dollard | The SmartScarecrow Show

                            Tonight at 6pm pacific - live radio show - Eric will come on about 630pm pacific.

                            player w/chat - Live Broadcast | The SmartScarecrow Show

                            chat only - The SmartScarecrow Show

                            Subject matter:

                            Recent Bedini-Lindemann 2013 Science and Technology Conference talk – Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity. Available at Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage purchasing a copy at this site supports Eric’s work at the lab.

                            (Note from Aaron – it is not true that just because money is going to Eric directly right now, it isn’t going to the lab because it is – when things settle and the corporate officers are renewed, then the money will go straight to the npo’s bank account – not needed to be mentioned but just fyi)

                            Upcoming book – companion to the lecture – Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity. It is the most lengthy and comprehensive work Eric has ever produced.

                            Upcoming suppressed material that will be coming soon -

                            Telluric research – earthquake study – advanced earthquake warning system – radio telescope for receiving signals from inside the earth.

                            Eric can receive donations directly – mailing address is on
                            To support Eric, help share – proceeds from the presentation purchased on that site will goto the lab.

                            Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage – links to Eric’s threads in Energetic Forum – the only place Eric directly posted his work for the last 3 years. Subscribe to announcement list.

                            Regarding recent allegations – they’re false and these interviews are already on so no need to get into it. 2 days ago, did a live interview with Peter Lindemann – will be posted tonight. That is Eric’s official statement about it that he is making on his ow free will and accord – so anyone wanting Eric’s side of it, there it is.

                            Eric said if you can just prompt him on each point, he can go into it.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Dr Green #1081

                              1. I gave an analysis of the Colorado unit on the EG Forum some time back and must find it. The system there was about 95Kc unloaded and 45Kc with the full size bast and ball.

                              2. For 1860 the turns will be proportionally less. The ratio of 45 to 1860 is square rooted to scale inductance and capacity. 0.02419 tge ratio, the root is 0.15553. Hence the inductance and capacity is this time the values given for Colorado. The turns will come about accordingly, in general the length of wire varies with frequency. This is going to be the principle parameter.

                              3. What you are seeing as "Radiation" is the change in Earth potential around ground connection. The Earth is emitting lines of force.

                              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                              Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                              • Geometric Algebra

                                Can you show your GSN7 amplifier?

                                I'm glad you did make it work.

                                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories

