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  • Originally posted by cyborg View Post
    This all relates back to what I said about belief and dogma.
    I believe that I have have wasted enough of my time and every one else's .
    This is like trying to prove that the Earth is round to the "Flat Earth Society".

    Well it's simple enough.

    F = c/λ

    λ = 4*conductor length (remember the quarter wave resonance?)

    Frequency with propagation at 100% light speed = 94.872 kc

    Measured frequency = 116.3 kc

    Therefore coil propagation is greater than 100% light speed.

    f0 = 1/ 2*pi*sqrt(LC)

    Using free space C

    f0 = 111.276 kc = still greater than 100%

    Beyond that it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to anyone who is not engineering working systems.
    Last edited by dR-Green; 12-07-2013, 11:28 PM.

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


    • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
      Well it's simple enough.

      F = c/λ

      λ = 4*conductor length (remember the quarter wave resonance?)

      Frequency with propagation at 100% light speed = 94.872 kc

      Measured frequency = 116.3 kc

      Therefore coil propagation is greater than 100% light speed.

      f0 = 1/ 2*pi*sqrt(LC)

      Using free space C

      f0 = 111.276 kc = still greater than 100%

      Beyond that it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to anyone who is not engineering working systems.
      It is simple enough, alright, but the original straight wire will also resonate in quarter wave mode at it's fundamental resonant frequency.
      If you energize a monopole straight wire quarter wave antenna with sufficient watts and run a small cfl lamp from bottom to top , it will indicate a maximum at the the top, just like a TC.
      That wire will NOT have two maximas, but only one at F0.

      If I take that wire , coil it up, and the resonant frequency is substantially lower, then we must be at a percentage c velocity.
      Besides, as I said, it's also more inductive, so the frequency would have to lower.

      Here again, you are playing a shell game with numbers to obfuscate the fact that TC FTL is a myth. That may work for people who are not objective and want to believe in "suppressed technology", but I'm not that guy.

      When the internet was just coming of age, I too, was drawn to the vast store of information, among it being the "supressed technologies" . Most were immediately recognizable as scams, but others needed some looking into. To date, none of those sites or forums produced anything that was worthy of a conspiracy against it. It's really about ads, kits, and books.
      The internet killed the carnival barker!

      I don't think that you are consciously trying to con me, but have been sucked into some "psuedo science" on this issue. You "drank the Koolaide" so to speak.
      Why won't you won't try the experiment and see for yourself? Is it because that would be contrary to your belief system, thus making you a heretic ?

      Are you a scientist or a devotee?


      • I think what cyborg is missing, is that the straight wire velocity and coiled wire velocity have different paths for movement.

        That is, the "coiled" geometry allows for mutual E and B fields to excite turns ahead of the TEM flow of the Poyntine vector that exists along the "straight wire" path. You therefore get two flows of energy in the coiled structure, one normal to the direction of the windings and one parallel with the windings (each flow is at 90* to one another in physical space) Thus the "apparent speed" of propagation appears faster for the coiled winding than the straight wire (under specific circumstances), and v_f is therefore geometry dependent. The two energy flows can be summed together via the same process resistance and reactance are done for finding impedance, by converting complex numbers from rectangular coordinates (Resistance, Reactance) to polar (Magnetude, Phase). Resulting in a spiral path for the Poyntine vector, which can be shorter than the straight wire length but will always be much longer than the height of the coil.

        Off into tangents...

        The diameter of the coil strongly influences the inter-turn capacitance and also the opposing mutual inductance (counter currents are closer with smaller diameters). On the other hand, coil pitch has the greatest affect on the aiding mutual inductance between each turn (magnetic fields diminish rapidly with distance so the aiding flux diminishes quickly with spacing).

        Proximity effect, induces extraneous Joule losses due to the Poyntine vector not being wholly distributed around the wire. This is due to the majority of the E-field being largest where there is the most capacitance (between turns). As a consequence, the conductor's surface area no longer serves as fully "active". While inductance is greatest with no spacing, proximity effect losses are also greatest, thus a compromise is met with spacing to achieve high quality factors or Q-factor. When spacing out windings, coil diameter becomes important since fields from counter currents may substantially subtract from the aiding fields of parallel currents.
        Last edited by upgradd; 12-08-2013, 01:56 AM.


        • Originally posted by cyborg View Post
          It is simple enough, alright, but the original straight wire will also resonate in quarter wave mode at it's fundamental resonant frequency.
          If you energize a monopole straight wire quarter wave antenna with sufficient watts and run a small cfl lamp from bottom to top , it will indicate a maximum at the the top, just like a TC.
          That wire will NOT have two maximas, but only one at F0.

          If I take that wire , coil it up, and the resonant frequency is substantially lower, then we must be at a percentage c velocity.
          Besides, as I said, it's also more inductive, so the frequency would have to lower.

          Here again, you are playing a shell game with numbers to obfuscate the fact that TC FTL is a myth. That may work for people who are not objective and want to believe in "suppressed technology", but I'm not that guy.

          When the internet was just coming of age, I too, was drawn to the vast store of information, among it being the "supressed technologies" . Most were immediately recognizable as scams, but others needed some looking into. To date, none of those sites or forums produced anything that was worthy of a conspiracy against it. It's really about ads, kits, and books.
          The internet killed the carnival barker!

          I don't think that you are consciously trying to con me, but have been sucked into some "psuedo science" on this issue. You "drank the Koolaide" so to speak.
          Why won't you won't try the experiment and see for yourself? Is it because that would be contrary to your belief system, thus making you a heretic ?

          Are you a scientist or a devotee?
          I haven't mentioned any "suppressed technology". You are confusing me with your other friends.

          I haven't claimed that there will be two frequencies.

          A straight wire's natural resonant frequency can't be higher than what is achieved through the numbers I posted. For Tesla's 789.9848887 Metres conductor length the speed of light limit dictates that the frequency can't be greater than 94.872 kc. The measured frequency of the coil is 116.3 kc.

          I've already said that Eric said himself nothing is actually moving faster than light in this case.

          You are overlooking the fact that unlike a straight piece of wire, the inter-turn capacitance in the coil also provides a path for the energy to flow, so it doesn't go all the way around and along the wire as it would do if it was laid out straight. The effective distance is less.

          As I said, the data is for engineering use through predicting behaviour and using it to deliberately design systems, which is the essence of science.

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • Originally posted by upgradd View Post
            I think what cyborg is missing, is that the straight wire velocity and coiled wire velocity have different paths for movement.
            Exactly! Thank you upgradd.

            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


            • I forgot to add that "coiled" inductance can actually be lower than straight wire inductance! This condition is not normally how inductors are wound, but none the less obviates the thought that "coiling" always increases the self inductance of a given length of wire. However, as for capacitance, it would undoubtedly increase with "coiling" but how much at the point of lowest inductance would be an important experiment for for comparison with a straight wire.


              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                With my transformer, the secondary is slower than light and the extra coil is
                apparently FTL, but I tuned the setup so that when they are put together I
                get very close to light speed. And I can get double helix Arcs from it. Picture
                That's one of the most remarkable things I've seen all day. Thanks for posting that.


                • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                  I haven't mentioned any "suppressed technology". You are confusing me with your other friends.

                  I haven't claimed that there will be two frequencies.

                  A straight wire's natural resonant frequency can't be higher than what is achieved through the numbers I posted. For Tesla's 789.9848887 Metres conductor length the speed of light limit dictates that the frequency can't be greater than 94.872 kc. The measured frequency of the coil is 116.3 kc.

                  I've already said that Eric said himself nothing is actually moving faster than light in this case.

                  You are overlooking the fact that unlike a straight piece of wire, the inter-turn capacitance in the coil also provides a path for the energy to flow, so it doesn't go all the way around and along the wire as it would do if it was laid out straight. The effective distance is less.

                  As I said, the data is for engineering use through predicting behaviour and using it to deliberately design systems, which is the essence of science.
                  Ok, we could go on and on about how that happened ie; the inter turn capacitance, insulation dielectric properties, changes due to coupling, arcing turns etc, etc. The main point is that there is nothing "mysterious or suppressed" going on like FTL.

                  As you say, otherwise it's academic...
                  I want to stop here before UPGRAD starts talking about stripline impedances and we get way off topic!!!


                  • Eric P Dollard Channel

                    It’s evident that there was some renewed momentum happening here, both with the TMT & the CRD.. But that couldn’t be tolerated.

                    So Cyborg /Jimm arrives to dampen down the momentum. He offers help and advice with the left hand while he jams the screwdriver into the cogs with the right hand.

                    We are not the ‘Flat-Earth society’, nor a cult. Cyborg may want to point out that the Earth is round, but here we want to also show the Earth is hollow, the Universe is electric, faster than light longitudinal propagation is possible, instantaneous propagation may be possible through Alexanderson / Tesla principals and the Aether is the medium which allows the Creative Force to manifest through.

                    The Einsteiners are squirming.

                    This is the Eric P Dollard Channel, N6KPH.
                    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                    • CW Vacuum Tube Transmitter Testing.

                      With the filament transformer now fitted, the testing phase of my single ended 6AG7 & parallel 807 vacuum tube CW transmitter (100Watts) has begun. Hooking it up for the first time it seems to work! A few teething issues like the when keyed, the voltages need to be correct for the screen, on the 6AG7 or there is too little drive to the finals. Also my VFO and amplifier for vacuum tubes also work, with plenty of drive to the grid of the 6AG7. In fact I could most likely drive the 807 grid directly from it. But I’ll go with what works for now.

                      I am also going to try with the output of the 6AG7 into a 1:1 voltage balun from unbalanced (single ended) to balanced (centre tapped), for use to drive two 807’s in push-pull configuration. Not sure if that will work yet, but I can’t see why not?

                      Next is to finish off the (Test only) tank circuit or pi-network for the 807 finals into a test coil / light bulb arrangement for resonance & output wattage tests and ‘dipping’ the meter etc.

                      This from a novice concerning vacuum tube CW transmitters, lot of learning, lots of mistakes, some more learning, rewarded with some results in the end. Glad to have cut my teeth on this single ended version. The next step is to design / configure it to drive the TMT coils at resonance etc. Some pictures to come later.

                      If successful the a larger push-pull version using the more powerful 304TL tubes will begin.

                      "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                      • Inertia

                        As Eric has mentioned and also in the videos about J.J. Thompson and his theory of the lines of force terminating on metals (on a car). And when you hit the brakes the lines of force have to discharge and this is what produces the inertia, or words to that effect. And if (the car) could be referenced to another point, another ground, a universal ground (apart from the Earth), I.e. grounded to Counterspace, the Lines of Force terminating on the car would all be neutralised. The car would experience no inertia, and you would come to an instantaneous stop when you hit the brakes. The car would have its inertia neutralised. Likewise the inertia cancellation for acceleration and turning.

                        Sounds like a fantastic story eh?

                        Well this reminds me of another fantastic story and it is only a story, I cannot verify it. It relates to the so called Joe Cell. (The topic of which belongs in its own thread but the story relates). A device called the Joe Cell is a water cell of sorts but not really. It is constructed of concentric stainless steel cylinders, with water as the dielectric medium, it is essentially a water capacitor. It is not really meant to generate hydrogen as such, it is an Orgone accumulator if you will. However no-one really knows how it works.
                        The story relates to a vehicle with the Joe Cell fitted and at one point the car started to experience a loss of inertia! The car would corner sharply like it was on rails! The occupants experienced much less inertia. It was said that the car would sharply corner and the occupants heads would no move. They had a weird feeling on their bodies. Indeed a fantastic story! Again it is a story.

                        I have somewhere a set of secret books written from transcribed audio recordings from Joe himself. In parts of the books he talks about the “waste spark management” system from the induction coil ignition system. However the details on this are all very sketchy.

                        Given that the Water Capacitor (Joe Cell) is meant to be electrically isolated from the vehicle (apart from the negative terminal or ground). Possibly the inter-molecular water molecules directly interact with Counterspace within a special type of water capacitor Cell? This Cell perhaps charged from a resonant back-wave of an ignition coil, perhaps the car begins to reference its self to the Cell, which in-turn begins to reference its self to Counterspace? The lines of force from the Earth’s magnetic field on and around the car begin un-attach, the inertia neutralised??

                        A fantastic loony bin story? I don’t know. However J.J. Thompsons theory of the lines of force disappearing if the cars body could be un-attached (neutralised) from these lines of force terminating on it, supports the fantastic story of inertia loss on a particular vehicle fitted with a Joe Cell.

                        "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                        • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                          Have completed Test # 2 for the CRD without problems:
                          Will present pictures for others who are getting themselves involved with this adventure of Erics we are travelling along with.
                          Have decided to part dedicate my Lab to Eric's work such that he has another resource to carry out the work that is remote from whatever occurs in the USA.
                          I am doing my own projects but will concentrate more on what Eric is offering in an attempt to assist in making his revelations become a reality.
                          Made this decision after listening to the Adam Bull audio as much more detail was obtained from that discussion than Eric had previously divulged.- Thanks Adam!

                          Test #2 Setup:

                          Uploaded with

                          Caps and Test Bed:

                          Uploaded with
                          Test Request:

                          Uploaded with
                          Test #1 Results:

                          Uploaded with
                          Test #2 Results:

                          Uploaded with

                          Caps used can be seen in the background.
                          Oil-Filled gives a bonus but too large and cumbersome and could not get any lower than the 88 volt for this particular 0A4G and have anywhere from the 0.15uF to the 2uF with equal brilliance.
                          Noticed in some instances the gas fired late but was probably a borderline case.
                          The 0.047uF gave 90 volts on a second attempt.
                          On the 10,800pF, all I could see was an arc between starter and cathode but no gas fired.
                          Will put the second Test on Chart and Post later.
                          I do not make schematics for these tests but why I take the pics as a reminder.

                          Can someone pass this on to Eric please and we can get down to some serious business.
                          In the meantime I will get the CRD back up and running and refine whatever I can.
                          Think both Tests have shown that something in the 0.33uF area appears to be the best but that will be for Eric to decide.

                          Thanks for posting all that Smokey. After you posted this I decided to look on ebay and managed to grab myself 2 0A4G tubes for about £3 each, just caught the auction before it ended. Which is a bargain compared to the ones that remain listed.

                          [Post quoted in full as it got drowned out the first time round]

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Excellent Progress

                            Great work David, dr Green and Sputins and all the other Experimenters that have put some time and effort to give these most vital initiatives some legs, and thanks to Eric for encouraging those who are engaged.

                            Here is a excerpt of some of what I am still working on, from my next volume:

                            The Modern Electronic Engineering practice is to follow a simple jigsaw puzzle, one that has very little involvement in true electrical understanding, just follow the corporate menu and their rules of engagement and you will have a device that behaves just like you wanted and expected. Well behaved and controllable, albeit very sterile and non chaotic. You learn to comply to a methodology laid out by a system of restricted parameters , developed to avoid transient behavior, lock step to a theoretical model.

                            A lot of Electronic Engineers consider this as true knowledge and defend this paradigm of indoctrination in corporate variables and methods as their science. The true picture emerges as this is what is taught in Universities and Colleges, where knowledge has been hijacked by corporate interests.

                            If you are looking for electrical knowledge then throw away pre-packaged items and start from scratch, then start to learn to create chaos and transients, this will give you the most fundamental insights into electricity that are in essence the same as the great pioneers, Galvani, Oersted, Faraday, Heaviside, Henry and Tesla. This will put you squarely in the mindset of Eric Dollard and why we are here in this forum.

                            To tame the wild beast of electricity is to tame the stress you have caused in the first place. Rather than tame it with resistance clamps and redirected flows, it would be a lot simpler to try to understand its nature and comply to its natural actions. The universal medium has not been clearly understood by its primary state and has only been understood by the secondary and tertiary effects, while the modern electrical engineer has only the tools of a blind man using calculations and devices that are even further removed from even the tertiary effects and only deal with isolated parameters that are only triggers and nothing more.

                            This is the simple truth of digital electronics, where electricity has very little to do with what you are designing. The bit manipulations that make the modern industry has sat on the backs of the pioneers and have not made any deep understanding of what electricity truly is, where the modern physicists have created models that only comply to tertiary effects, still far removed from how a physicist worked a 100 years ago where new ideas were tried and tested thus creating many new theories, each one being a turning point for a new understanding of the primary causes.

                            Today this does not occur in academia as they do not hold the purse strings to the science budget, alas another slave to monetary fascist elite. Only individual researchers , inventors, artists and other open minded tinkerers are presenting a compelling body of work that fly in the face of the indoctrinated masses. This activity of the experimenters have created an opposing system of paid trolls and misguided individuals that spend an inordinate amount of time and text to try to distract and misguide the many that are trying to come to grips with new and old information, regardless if this information is right or wrong, these trolls pretend to be the abettors of the best public interest, only they really become a corrosive and a unwanted noise in the public debate.

                            If an individual has something to contribute, it must be of such a standard that includes no character assassination and marginalization of any group member and keep within the boundaries of the subject in debate where denial of the subject is clearly not going to expand the subject parameters only to contract the arguments to semantics and nothing more, this simple premise will exclude about 30% of all the public boards now operating, this is the sad state of this type of trolling infection.

                            Thanks for reading my rant, Regards Arto


                            • Cosmic Ray Detector

                              Thankyou all for your support and some excellent Posts with all the work that has been happening in support of The Professor.
                              Looking forward to seeing the CIG in operation.

                              Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD):
                              Bells are ringing again.
                              CRD working but not happy with the reset switch and needs refinement.
                              Difficult to adjust and not sure you have made solid contact.
                              Waiting for the next step in this one and will do some work to improve operation and will try the other Geiger Tubes.
                              The Western bell ringer arm is too close to the top of the solenoid centres and would prefer more movement on the donger arm so make sure you have one that has at least 3/8" of movement or at least 1/4" and this will allow a better switch arrangement between the bell and the donger arm.
                              May swap with my other 3 who all have greater arcs.
                              Working without the magnet on the fulcrum arm but is very touchy.
                              Tried to take a close-up of the working 0A4G but switched my digital camera off completely each time I got close.
                              Was able to activate the device by rubbing a cotton rag along a plastic ruler and does also respond to me being too close.
                              Touching the HT wire makes it go crazy.
                              Had a thunderstorm while it was working but didn't appear to be activated by lightning.
                              Suspect lots of outside interference triggering this machine and would now like to hear from Eric as to a next step - Thanks.

                              0A4G working with 6" Geiger Tube - Copper is 110mm long x 20mm diameter and appears to work well.

                              Uploaded with

                              The small Russian Geigers are for a Counter Kit yet to be built but not suitable for the CRD.

                              Uploaded with

                              Tesla Transformer Pulse Generator (TTPG):
                              Now that I have it working, will concentrate on some pulse shapes and see if I can't monitor on the oscilloscope as we need to know what shape we are in.
                              Finally have gotten to understand the 'concatenated' form of the CSI and will be doing some tests to confirm my operating condition - (dR-Green - thankyou).
                              The accident with Hendershot and the 11,000 volts through a loose connection has me thinking that the multivibrator is also a specific pulse device where the pulses are endless and you can't see the tails on the oscilloscope as they are so short in time and abrupt and will attach to the CSI and see what manifests - this is what I call 'the Tesla instant'.
                              May need to have a spark or plasma gap here ( a simple loose connection) and reverting back to the Tesla original.
                              Have Ion Valves here as well which can be gap tuned and several different types of Vacuum Tubes that could also be uitilised - 1S2, 1B3GT, 6BK4, 2C53 and all of the regulator types 0A3, 0C3, 0B3 etc - its the vacuum or gas I am after here.
                              Why not?!
                              Exactly as you said, Arto, not doing what the textbook says you must do, how else are we able to discover for ourselves?
                              Have never ever been into the Math, it took me away from what I was attempting to achieve, trying to understand the logic which was all too illogical.

                              Sputins, keep up the good work and learning curve and please yell out if you need assistance in finding Tube and circuit information back in the vintage era.
                              A huge vintage Library here.



                              • Cosmic Ray Detector

                                Cosmic Ray Detector:
                                Should have mentioned that my choice for Test #2 was the 2 uF Ducon oil/paper can capacitor as I did a check of the size of the flash and the results as follows:
                                0.15uF 1/8"
                                0.47uF 1/4"
                                1.0uF 1/4"
                                2.0uF 3/8"

                                This was a ball flash and not what you see as a flash across the entire Cathode surface as coming from the working CRD.


