Ground reception at night
@dR-Green, and others that have been actively building coils.
I put together a primary/secondary setup for the 160 meter band. Last night when I finished it and got it ~tuned.. I hooked it up to my receiver (old Kenwood R-300) and was hearing a lot of stations and CW action. This was exciting, as before I put up a regular dipole in my apartment, for the 20 meter band, and got absolutely nothing. I even went to the top up a nearby hill with the dipole (same receiver) and got a few strong Russian broadcasts, but not much. I'm on the first floor of the apartments, they are completely made of concrete and metal. So I'm assuming the ground reception was working, as I doubt many standard radio waves could make it in here.
This morning I got up and tried to see what I could hear with the tesla setup, and got nothing. I know this is normal with standard radio Hertzian waves, but I was assuming with the ground transmission/reception the night/day thing would not matter. I'm curious, has anybody with a semi-successful build noticed any difference in reception during the night and day?
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Eric Dollard
This is a sticky topic.
If you haven't built the driver for it yet, the cheap and dirty way is to use a VT radio transmitter/amp. Match the impedance with a transformer with dual windings 180 degees out of phase to each of the extra coils and...voila! Tesla nivana!
The whole bulb thing scares me because given enough enegy, the internal plasma will heat and increase the internal pressure, exploding tha glass envelope of the bulb. Wear a helmet/face shield and bullet proof vest!
How many watts are you planning to run?
Plasma is hot by definition. Take it from me, you can melt stuff in a heart beat!
Be very careful.Last edited by jimm; 07-13-2013, 02:45 AM.
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Tesla Tech
Hello Jimm,
CIG stands for 'Cosmic Induction Generator' and was covered loosely in the earlier two Forums of Erics.
In honesty though I have probably produced the device in my mind with only having read what was made available and this fully connected to vintage Vacuum Tubes.
Tesla Valves were able to radiate 'Radiant Energy' and one phenomena observed with these Valves was the hot spot which was caused by the spatial angle of emission from the alulminium electrodes inside.
More on that from Walter Russell experiments.
What Eric was able to do was poke a copper wire through this molten glass area into the Valve and have asked him to relate more about this but not so as yet.
What is seen inside the Valve is the formation of the Cosmos with Galaxies of all types and Comets etc being formed.
This same device is able to produce Fractal electric streams and this is what he is studying, formation of the Cosmos and Fractal electrics and why we have CIG and the CRD 'Cosmic Ray Detector' which I am currently working on.
Here is an RCA document with a good explanation and list of the available photocells and you can see there are 4 main types with different spectral properties:
Your expertise with SS is appreciated but not of use to me at this time but may be probably later.
Will be doing Eric's Test 2 again using the high voltage but will then be building the Hendershot Generator as it meets all of my criteria for an 'Energy Synthesis' device.
Hope this helps.
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OK I found out what it is.
Basically it's it's an over sized, over powered plasma generator.
It's probably dangerous to the uninitiated or casual builders. Proceed with extreme caution!
You might even make a plasma ball with that thing.
Who made up the name? It sounds very science fiction like, but I'm sure that was intentional.
Last edited by jimm; 07-13-2013, 01:34 AM.
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Tubes vs. SS
I guess the problem is that I am not seeing the whole picture of the application?
While tubes are definitely superior in high voltage situations, solid state is less bulky, more efficient, than it's VT counterpart in most cases.
Those horizontal transistors usually were base driven by a 5 watt transformer coupled predriver. The frequency response falls off dramatically once you get into the RF range. I like power fets for low power (500w or less)LF TC drives, but I digress...
Just what is a CIG and what does it do? Can you direct me to a URL where there are descriptions and drawings? Google came up short except for some pics of P. Linderman with a machine.
If it existed back in the 80's, what happened to it? Perhaps it was a dead end as Eric seems to imply?
I don't think this is "tesla tech" is it? The Tesla "radiant energy collector" was more like the circuit that you posted, a very simple device which responded to x-rays.
BTW those phototubes are designed to be sensitive in the IR spectrum.
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Solid State vs Vacuum Tubes
Hello Jimm,
My apologies for not responding earlier but have been a little busy with other matters.
Don't know whether you have read through all of the Dollard material with particular interest in the MIT Chapter V on Pulse techniques and the use of Thyratrons, cold cathodes and spark gaps, Guillemin Line etc and also the fact that we are dealing with a 'field effect' here and nothing to do with electrons and secondary emission.
To be working with solid-state you simply cannot see and tune the plasma as you can with Thyratons, Cold Cathodes 0A4G and the like.
I equate the mystery energy we seek in 'Energy Synthesis' to the Aether and plasma is that step just below the Aether and therefore at a convenient distance for obtaining an energy gain.
I have a setup here that I have been working on where I can easily charge oil filled capacitors to many Kv and have had a problem in downconversion.
I have a plasma at the spark gap with no arc and believe I have here an energy gain as the current drops to minimum with the caps still charging.
I have just realised in my push-pull transformer being driven by some 1.5kv old TV NPN horizontal drivers, that I was not pushing the drivers hard enough at the gate to get this setup to work.
That realisation was only recognised by working with Vacuum Tubes.
However, I am now looking at using Thyratrons to achieve this same function but I will now do both to obtain the better of the two organisations.
What Mr Dollard is working with in the 'Cosmic Induction Generator' cannot be achieved by solid state (SS) at this time until we learn more and then after a working model is obtained, we can then substitute the SS but in fairness, I don't think any of us would want to do that.
What would you substitute for in SS with a bevy of Eimac 304THs driving the Extra Coil?
Not trying to put your suggestion down but what we are doing at the moment cannot be done by SS and the other factor is that we choose to do it this way as it is a known and well respected technology that SS cannot as yet match.
Fact is in my book that I don't want to use SS as there is nothing like a Vacuum Tube where you are able to see what you are doing and you are that close to real plasma and the Aether.
My bottom line is 'Energy Synthesis' and after spending two years on SS Drivers I am very solidly entreched in Vacuum Tubes (VT) for reasons given above.
I know it is difficult for those not knowing VTs to question why we do what we are doing but there is no other recourse but to follow your instincts and that is where mine has led me with many hours of bench work and experience being gained.
The photocells are very easily obtained on Ebay as nobody else knows what they were used for and are available very cheaply.
And I don't want to be messing about with innovation when I already have something that will fit the bill.
Yes and I do have a means of making a photocell but why mess with that when I have about 30 PE Cells at hand that are neatly packaged, are contained in a gas or vacuum that will not become contaminated by air, corrosion or dust particles and are specially manufactured with much better materials than is possible in an innovative device and includes special coatings like Caesium and Antimony to increase characteristics and gain?
When something gets to work correctly is the time when you go looking to make improvements - and not before that happens.
Hope this answers your questions and encourage you to extend your ideas into practical SS devices that might take the place of VTs and will be a willing listener to those ideas but at this time I will remain with the VTs.
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Ray Savant hi-jacking Eric's organization
All posts relating to Ray Savant hi-jacking Eric Dollard's organization as Eric stated in his post has moved here:
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Originally posted by jimm View PostStick to the plan to obtain unobtainable parts?
Any good plan has a backup plan.
It sounds like the plan is to make excuses.
There is No reason that solid state cannot be used in place of the OG4, none!
Yes, the collectors might take a week or two to figure out, but that beats doing nothing. A first year chem student could do it.
BTW, are you with the EPD lab?
even more recent is a move back to tubes, nano vacuum tubes.
solid state discrete digital signalling will be a problem with high potential electrostatics and radiation fields.
there are still Co's that mfg tubes, mostly military contract but they exist.
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Originally posted by jimm View PostI hope I get an answer. A few posts ago, I suggested that you ditch the 0A4G and use the solid state components that I suggested which would work a whole lot better. The idea was ignored.
Also, those phototubes will be very hard to find. Why not make your own collectors by concocting some kind of coating on a copper surface.
This supposed to be about innovation, SO INNOVATE!
Geeez, if people wre sending me "money for nothin' and my chicks for free", I know that I'd find a way...
Replicate and innovate or to complete different things. If people could seperate this, the success rate of REPLICATION will become higher.
In other words, stick to the plan. Don't be a wise guy.Last edited by SlickDick; 07-11-2013, 06:38 PM.
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I have a question
Originally posted by David G Dawson View PostI will tell you what the problem is as Eric stated in the video (excellent, Thanks) he is missing the GLOM that he needs to build the 'Cosmic Induction Generator'.
Being in the game for some 11 years and full time I am still trying to buy suitable bits that I may require for projects.
He was basically pleading for assistance in this area and I could sense the hopelessness in his voice as he no longer had a reliable source of supply as he had with RCA.
Here we are going back in a time machine to the 30/40/50/60s to gleam this gear and it is not an easy task after most of it gets trashed into a skip bin.
GLOM is actually a 'General List Of Material' and BOM in the automotive business is a 'Bill Of Material' and the airlines and ships use a 'Manifest'.
He cannot build the CIG with solid-state and he wants desperately to get back to 'the electrical experimenter' stage.
Can we help?
Also, those phototubes will be very hard to find. Why not make your own collectors by concocting some kind of coating on a copper surface.
This supposed to be about innovation, SO INNOVATE!
Geeez, if people wre sending me "money for nothin' and my chicks for free", I know that I'd find a way...
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Originally posted by David G Dawson View Posthe wants desperately to get back to 'the electrical experimenter' stage.
Can we help?
One of my first jobs was working at a polyethylene plastics factory. I ran a compressor that transferred plastic pellets from huge silos and blew them into railroad cars for shipment. The second in command below my boss was known for practical jokes and I believe he changed what I had set up and when I switched my system on, nothing came out. When I checked, the silo valve was open and plastic was pouring out onto the ground. Thousand of pounds of Food Grade plastic for Tupperware reduced to scrap.
Because of the environment I was raised in, I thought my boss was going to kill me. Imagine my surprise when he, without even a hint of anger or disapproval, gave me this life changing philosophical treatise.
Accidents happen all the time. Assigning blame is a waste of time. The only thing that is important is finding out what happened and exactly how and why it happened and then using that information to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It changed my life and as well, if you have a brain; it should also impact your life and thinking.
I see pages of hot-headed, venomous, youthful immaturity. To what end? Fix the problems!
Whose guilty, whose to blame? Doesn’t matter. Eric is unhappy. Everyone should strive to make him happy right? Isn’t this about him? Isn’t it? If it isn’t then you are in wrong place and on the wrong thread.
Watching the ZeroFossilFuel video, I got the following impressions and I am not aware of the facts and perhaps I am drawing a conlusion here but didn’t I hear something about Eric having to install 11 miles of wire on poles in the desert? That is had to be done first because it was already paid for? Is that what the Indiegogo campaign was based on???? I am almost sixty and as healthy as a lifestyle I have, my body is racked with pain sometimes after working on a project. There is no way anyone can expect Eric Dollard to be climbing countless poles in Death Valley stringing wires. Who ridiculous idea was that?
See what I mean? Who cares who’s idea it was….fix it. Eliminate that horrible picture from Eric’s mind!
Find volunteers where Eric can supervise only or eliminate the project completely. The whole spirit of Indiegogo seems to have been compromised already according to some, so changing to an easier, fun project is not going to make donors unhappy. They donated to help Eric after all!
He shouldn’t be burdened to think like that. A genius only creates what he wants to create. He has to be happy to be creative! I know, my inventive mind shuts down if I am burdened by anything heavy looming in my future. When I lay down at night, everything in my life has to be in order for me to lay there in blissful contemplation and creativity.
Eliminate that issue. I don’t care how you do it, just do it. Eric needs to be completely free to do what Eric wants to do….PERIOD! Feed the Coyote or change channels….get it?
Ask someone for help. A completely independent third party with known integrity and values like EWizard, DrGreen, Smokey, or even ZeroFossilFuels. Someone who will maintain contact with Eric and make sure he is happy. Someone who could care less about making money from Eric’s work. Someone who will be transparent with the world at large and clean house without the drama and without assassinating the character of every single person concerned. Someone with the maturity to find the source of the problem and eliminate it once and for all instead of “giving rope” or “waiting for people to fall into a trap” or attaching horrible labels like "nefarious" onto multiple well meaning people. That sort of thing never solved a single problem.
Men sit down and have rational discussions to solve issues. Punks yell, scream, and accuse. So don’t be a punk…mmmmmmkay. Stop defending your position. Stop stroking your ego. Stop choking on false pride. Stop the aggression. Stop blathering on and on. Just stop!
Your only thought should be how can I help make Eric Dollard’s life a dream land of inspiration and hope. Then make it so!
Leave me alone, I got chickens to tend to.
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I will tell you what the problem is as Eric stated in the video (excellent, Thanks) he is missing the GLOM that he needs to build the 'Cosmic Induction Generator'.
Being in the game for some 11 years and full time I am still trying to buy suitable bits that I may require for projects.
He was basically pleading for assistance in this area and I could sense the hopelessness in his voice as he no longer had a reliable source of supply as he had with RCA.
Here we are going back in a time machine to the 30/40/50/60s to gleam this gear and it is not an easy task after most of it gets trashed into a skip bin.
Can we please have a list of what he requires as he mentions some in the video but he needs more as I can tell from his frustration.
Working at the bench and using this gear needs a special resource and frustration is much a part of the game as I also know too well.
GLOM is actually a 'General List Of Material' and BOM in the automotive business is a 'Bill Of Material' and the airlines and ships use a 'Manifest'.
He cannot build the CIG with solid-state and he wants desperately to get back to 'the electrical experimenter' stage.
Can we help?
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Originally posted by jimm View PostI have notes, but my interest was only recently rekindled, so find them and let you know.
Earth terminals, top caps, whatever. where there is one, you must have the other, right? According to Tesla, POWER should be able to be transmitted through the earth and "rarefied air" over "great distances" ( hunreds, or even thousands of miles with very little loss). He also had a plan for "denser media" such as at Wardenclyfe. Read the patents, it's all there.
When Tesla spoke of power, he was referring to something like the being able to light a small bulb on the beach to demonstrate WATTS in the Tesla receiver rather than micro watts or maybe picowatts.
The whole concept was that the TRANSMITTER powers the remote RECEIVER. No CW radio should be required. In fact even a watt output would have fried the radio's front end.
Have you watched the video in question?
Tesla wanted to transmit INDUSTRIAL QUANTITIES power without wires. Certainly a scale model could be made to muster a watt or two.
Yes it was Tesla. That's who's system we are talking about , right?
Getting an RF signal from point A to point B with massive losses is Marconi EM radio.
You are not going to transmit much of anything with a 2n2222. Yes there will be an EM, but Tesla coils are not very good EM radiators. It's Not how they were intended to work!
radio from kilometers away. And my small Tesla coil can pick up the radio
ground connected or not. Tesla talks of signals and power transmission when
he speaks of power he means many Watts, the beach video showed a signal
and even I could do that.
Tesla also said that the planet needed to be thrown into resonance to see
the low loss power transmissions. It cannot be done on the small scale.
Tesla also said that for the wireless transmission of power a simple high rate
of transformation would be more practical or even necessary. The high
resonant rise is mainly for the transmission of signals with low input power.
From memory Eric admitted through Dave that there is not actually energy
propagating at Faster than light speed. The energy simply takes a short cut
and does not follow the entire length of the wire.
Tesla also says that the net propagation velocity in his whole Earth system is
that of light.
Without throwing the entire planet into resonance the attenuation will be high.
He intended the wavelength of the power transmissions to be long and
preferably 1/4 WL should be the diameter of the planet and not just
calculated but tuned to be correct. That's what tuned circuit means.
Trying to get power transmissions with low losses without resonating the
entire planet is not what Tesla intended.
If the entire planet is resonating then there will be a potential difference
between two points everywhere on earth dependent on the potential of the
system, but the full potential will cover the entire planet diameter if the
diameter corresponds to a 1/4 WL, that is why a 1/4 WL receiver is needed
so that the 1/4 WL can extend from the ground to the top of the receiver
oscillator, that way the full potential of the 1/4 WL can be utilized by the receiver.
Similarly Tesla says it would work with odd harmonics as well but it must be
tuned in practice, physically no matter what WL is used.
The higher the frequency used the higher the EM radiations and any Mhz coil
will make a good radiator.
To test this properly a powerful oscillator would need to be built capable of
using millions of volts and working at preferably less than 35 Khz, but less
than 5000 Hz would be a good frequency range to use.
However it should be remembered that if the setup was to send out spurious
radiations or ground currents during tuning a lot of other peoples sensitive
electrical equipment could be destroyed and houses set on fire maybe due to
house grounds and induced currents in wiring systems that correspond in
length to a harmonic.
No one will see any success in low loss power transmissions unless a full sized
system can be built. And it would not be allowed to operate. In my opinion.
Single wire Earth return power transmission systems show that the Earth can
be used as a conductor with low loss when low frequencies are used.
About Single Wire Earth Return systems I read a quote from somewhere that
in the current path there can exist a potential difference of 20 volts per foot
or meter in SWER systems, if you are in the correct location it could be
tapped but that is stealing. IF the potential difference on the ground becomes
to much livestock on four legs can be electrocuted the same way the energy
propagates from a lightning ground strike creating a potential difference on
the ground which is the killer of stock because the legs are over a meter apart.
SWER systems use effectively half of the conductor material that a two wire
transmission system uses, but many countries don't even use that. Even
though the conductor costs for long transmissions is halved. Go figure.
SWER is a ready to go and proven method, it is used here and NZ as well as
some other places.
Imagine a Tesla system producing 300 volts per meter potential difference.
That would send the horses crazy running around but may not kill them due to
high resistance contact with the Earth.
Tesla pumped a lot of energy into the Colorado coil. Nothing happened for free.
Has anyone actually thought this through to the end ?
P.S. Even electric stock fences use the ground as a return conductor over
long distances, as in kilometers. They work just fine try one and see.
I think the best people can hope for is communications strength signals.
Miracles wont happen.
Side note: I think if the extra coil and the secondary are wound opposite
directions the loose coupling between secondary and extra coil would be
assured, I think it would result in no coupling between them.
..Last edited by Farmhand; 07-11-2013, 12:18 AM.
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Active builders
Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted, about anything really.
Aside from all the drama and gissip being flung around lately.. I've been taking some time to go through all the old Dollard threads (about half way through), reading up on tuning coils, etc.. trying to avoid some of the math..I managed to get my HAM basic license here in Finland a few months back, OH3EID, and I've been putting together some wood forms to start messing with coil tuning. I'm interested more in radio communications currently, not necissarily the transmission of power.
I'm just curious if anyone is still actively experimenting with anything? And if we can possibly steer the discussion back to the experimentation before this thread gets flooded with irrelevant issues? (Not to downplay the problems arising, but I'm sure Aaron, Eric, and everyone else involved can handle thier business.)
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