With regard to EPD Laboratories, there is no more money coming in from any source. There is only enough money to pay the bills for one more month. At this point there is a likelyhood to lose everything that has been put into this operation. Which would be a tragic loss. Efforts to find any source of funding has failed. I can no longer support the operation from my Social Security. We are in desperate need of $15,000.00 to pay off the building to relieve the situation. We need this in approximately 30 days. We have accumulated all the necessary material, a fortunes worth of Western Electric components and equipment to facilitate the completion of stated projects. Only send funds to:
EPD Laboratories
P.O. Box 31
The question is "Will this be scattered to the winds one more time". This is the only channel I have to communicate with the outside world. Please disseminate this transmission as widely as possible.
73 DE N6KP
EPD Laboratories
P.O. Box 31
The question is "Will this be scattered to the winds one more time". This is the only channel I have to communicate with the outside world. Please disseminate this transmission as widely as possible.
73 DE N6KP