Four Quadrant Energy Exchange
Thank you Eric, this is a wonderful summary. Looking at Figure 4, it seems to me the dielectric charge/discharge cycle allows a kind of "pumping", that is with a properly designed system to provide an almost uniform output from the extra coil, since the charge/discharge time ratio is 1:5 respectively, versus the magnetic charge/discharge time ratio of 5:1 respectively. Is it not what Tesla tried to accomplish?
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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?
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Four Quadrant Energy Exchange in Magnetic & Dielectric Fields of Induction, Part One:
(Continuing in another post due to restrictions)
Where is the charge/discharge versor operator. Substituting these expressions into the general relations of Power Flow, the magnetic,
(12),And, the dielectric,
Hence the most general expression for Versor Power is,
(14), Versor Watts
, Versor Watts
Where, N = 0,1.
Break, more to follow.
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Four Quadrant Energy Exchange in Magnetic & Dielectric Fields of Induction, Part One:
(Continuing in another post due to restrictions)
The Magnetic Inductance can take the Chemical Energy out of the drycell, storing it within its magnetic field. Conversely, The Magnetic Inductance can deliver its Stored Energy to the Chemical Energy of the drycell. This is a two way Reciprocal Relation.
Likewise, The Dielectric Capacitance can take the Chemical Energy out of the drycell, storing it within its Dielectric Field. Conversely, The Dielectric Capacitance can deliver its Stored Energy to the Chemical Energy of the drycell. Again this is a two way Reciprocal Relation. The Inductance and Capacitance can give or take energy just as can the drycell.
Hereby Four Distinct Conditions exist, a pair for each Field of Induction, one pair the Energy Transfer between the Drycell and Inductor, (1) charge, (2) discharge, the second pair the Energy Transfer between the Drycell and Condenser, (3) charge, (4) discharge. Hence,
(1) The Energy, W, in Joules, stored in the Magnetic Field, Phi, in Weber, is delivered by Electrical Activity, P, in Watts, Fig 2A, to the drycell
(2) The Energy, W, in Joules, stored in the Dielectric Field, Psi, in Coulomb, is delivered by Electrical Activity, P, in Watts, Fig 2B, to the drycell.
(3) The Energy, W, in Joules, stored in the Magnetic Field, Phi, in Weber is derived from the Electrical Activity, P, in Watts, Fig 2C, out of the Chemical Energy of the drycell.
(4) The Energy, W, in Joules, stored by the Dielectric Field, Psi, in Coulomb, is derived from the Electrical Activity, P, in Watts, Fig 2D, out of the drycell.
Hence Magnetic Power Flow in watts can transfer energy from the Magnetic Field, or to the Magnetic Field, this energy to, or from, the Chemical Energy of the drycell. The flow of power is two way, or bi-directional. It is a differential quantity.
Likewise hence, Dielectric Power Flow in watts can transfer energy from the Dielectric Field, or to the Magnetic Field, this Energy to, or from, the drycell. Again the Power Flow is bi-directional, a differential quantity.
The Magnetic Inductance develops an Electro-Motive Force, E, during the Time of Energy Transfer with the drycell. This E.M.F. acts in conjunction with, or in opposition to, the Continuity of Current (M.M.F.), i, this developing the Electrical Activity, Ei, in watts, of Energy Transfer. This Activity, or Power, Pm, is the time rate of Energy Transfer.
Likewise, the Dielectric Capacitance develops a Displacement Current, I, during the Time Interval of Energy Transfer with the drycell. This Displacement acts in conjunction with, or in opposition to, the Continuity of Potential, e, this developing the Electrical Activity, Ie, in watts, of Energy Transfer. This Activity, or Power, Pd, is the Time Rate of Energy Transfer.
It hereby can be seen that the dimension of Time plays an important role in this Energy Transfer. Electrical Activity is the time rate of Energy Transfer,
Watt, or Joule per Second. (5)
The longer, more prolonged, time rate of transfer, the less in magnitude is the Power Flow. Likewise, the shorter, more instantaneous, time rate of transfer, the greater in magnitude is the Power Flow. The Disruptive Discharge is a Limiting Condition, and as well is the Static Charge. In both cases the Flow of Power is zero. The Energy remains within the Inductor or the Condenser.
Thru adjustment of the time rate of charge, and the time rate of discharge, involved in Energy Transfer into, or out of, a Field of Induction, any magnitude of Electrical Activity, P, can be developed from a given quantity of stored Energy, W, Fig 3, Fig 4. Denoting the charge time as t1, and the discharge time as t2, taking the ratio as,
, Numeric (6)
The Power Magnification is given as, Watts, (7)
And thru Energy Conservation, it is,, Joules (8)
The factor n is called The Magnification Factor of Energy Exchange.
While a Magnetic Inductance is gathering energy from the Chemical Energy of the drycell, a backward directed E.M.F., E, is developed within this Inductance. This E.M.F. acts to maintain a constant M.M.F., or current, i, that is it acts to maintain the quantity of Energy Stored within the Magnetic Field. While an Inductance is delivering its Magnetic Energy to the Chemical Energy of The Drycell, a forward directed E.M.F., E, is developed within the Inductance. This E.M.F. also serves to maintain a constant M.M.F. or current, i, that is it acts to maintain The Quantity of Energy Stored within the Magnetic Field. Fig 2A & 2C.
Hence the charging Inductance, gaining Magnetic Energy, develops an E.M.F., E, in opposition to the Potential, e, of the Drycell. The resulting Voltage Difference combines with the current, i, in delivering Energy to the Magnetic Field of Induction. This E.M.F. is called the “Back E.M.F.”. Also, the Discharging Inductance, losing Magnetic Energy, develops and E.M.F., E, in conjunction with the Potential, e, of the Drycell. The Resulting Voltage Summation combines with the current, i, in delivering Energy to the drycell. This E.M.F. is called the “Forward E.M.F.”. The E.M.F. is thus a differential magnitude, Back E.M.F. on charge, +E, Forward E.M.F. on discharge, -E. Fig 3.
Likewise, hence the Charging Capacitance ad Displacement Current, I, in opposition to the current, i, of the drycell. The resulting current flow combines with Potential, e, in Delivering Energy to the Dielectric Field, taking it from the Chemical Energy of the drycell. The Discharging Capacitance develops a Displacement Current, I, this in conjunction with the current, i, of the drycell, in Delivering Energy to the drycell, taking it from the Stored Energy of the Dielectric Field, Fig 2B & 2D. The Charging Displacement is called the “Back Displacement,” and The Discharging Displacement is called the “Forward Displacement”. Back Displacement, -I, Forward Displacement, +I, the displacement is a differential magnitude. Fig 3.
Hereby, The Four Primary Energy Transfer Relations
1) Magnetic Energy Discharge,
Forward E.M.F., Fig 2A.
2) Dielectric Energy Discharge
Forward Displacement, Fig 2B.
3) Magnetic Energy Charge,
Back E.M.F., Fig 2C.
4) Dielectric Energy Charge
Back Displacement, Fig 2D.
Note, the unfortunate condition exists that the Production of Energy is taken as a Negative Value, the Consumption of Energy is taken as a Positive Value. However, this is the established convention, despite the confusion it creates.
The following relations for power flow are hereby derived,
1) Charge, (9)
2) Discharge, (9)
3) Charge, (10)
4) Discharge, (10)
The versor expressions for charge and discharge are given as.
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Four Quadrant Energy Exchange in Magnetic & Dielectric Fields of Induction, Part One:
The Magnetic Field of Induction, Phi, is directly related to the magneto-motive force, or “current”, i, in amperes. A constant, time invariant, M.M.F. constitutes a constant, or “direct current”, magnetic field. This constant M.M.F., or direct current, gives rise to no reactionary Electro-Motive Force, E. E.M.F. is a result of the magnetic field acting to maintain a constant current in a regulatory manner. Here the current, and hence the M.M.F. are already constant, thus zero E.M.F. In this condition no energy is exchanged, thus the magnetic energy is “static”, or all Potential Energy, in Weber-Ampere.
Since Electric Activity, or Power, in watts, is the product of this constant current, i, and an E.M.F., E, which is zero, the Activity, or Power is also zero. Thus in the absence of an E.M.F. no Power is required in order to maintain a static Magnetic Field of Induction, Fig 1A.
Likewise, a Dielectric Field of Induction, Psi, is directly related to an electro-static potential, e, in volts. A constant, time invariant potential constitutes a constant, or “D.C.”, Dielectric Field. This constant potential gives rise to no reactionary Displacement Current, I, in amperes. Displacement is the result of the Dielectric Field acting to maintain a constant potential, but here the potential is already constant, thus the Displacement is zero. In this condition no energy is exchanged, thus the Dielectric Energy is “static”, or Potential Energy in Coulomb-Volts.
Since Electrical Activity, or Power, P, in watts, is the product of this Constant Potential, e, and a Displacement Current, I, which is zero, the Activity, or Power is also zero. Thus in the absence of Displacement no power is required to maintain a static Dielectric Field of Induction, Fig 1B.
A violent magnetic discharge, in the form of an intense forward E.M.F., results from the path for current, i, being broken, or open circuited. This forward E.M.F. is the result of the stored energy within the Magnetic Field acting to maintain a continuous current, and its M.M.F., which now has been disrupted by an open circuit. An open circuit is the denial of any current flow, thus an infinite E.M.F. is developed within the Metallic-Dielectric Geometry of the Inductance. Fig 1C.
Likewise, a violent dielectric discharge, in the form of an intense Forward Displacement Current, results from the Potential, e, being Short Circuited. This Forward Displacement is the result of stored energy within the Dielectric Field acting to maintain a Continuous Potential which now has been disrupted by a short circuit. A short circuit is the denial of any Potential, thus an infinite Displacement is developed within the metallic-dielectric geometry of the Capacitance. Fig 1D.
The Flow of Power, or Activity, is indefinite in all four of the above conditions. No products can be formed since it is either the current is zero, or the potential is zero. The energy involved is only that contained in the Fields of Induction themselves, no energy exchanged, or transfer, exists with outside forces. The static charge, or Transient Discharge must remain within the metallic-dielectric geometry of the Inductance, or the Capacitance.
For the static case, the energy remains in a signal form, magnetic or dielectric. For the disrupted case, the energy escapes into its conjugate form within the Counter-Spatial Dimensions of the Inductor, or the Condenser, containing the energy involved. For the Disrupted Magnetic Discharge the extreme E.M.F., E, becomes an extreme electro-static potential, e, thus the energy escapes into Dielectric Form within the Inductor.
Likewise, for the disrupted Dielectric Discharge, the extreme displacement, I, becomes an extreme M.M.F., i, thus the energy escapes into Magnetic Form within the Condenser. Because no energy is dissipated, powerful electric oscillations are produced within the Inductor or Condenser. The trapped energy is continuously reflected to and fro between Magnetic & Dielectric Forms within the metallic-dielectric geometry of the device. Little Theoretical or Experimental knowledge exists on this subject, but here enters the work of Nikola Tesla, and his disruptive discharge apparatus.
When the energy contained within the Fields of Induction is delivered to, or taken from, external forms, a set of relations exist as shown in Fig 2. This condition of energy transfer involves Electrical Activity, or Power, P, in watts. Power is The Time Rate of Energy Transfer into, or out of The Field of Induction. The Dimension of Time now takes part. Thus energy transfer gives rise to Frequencies and Time Constants.
For this condition of External Energy Transfer, the external device is a specifically constructed drycell, this the size and shape of the common “D” cell as used in a flashlight. This drycell has virtually no internal losses. It also has been proportioned to have a Natural Impedance of one ohm, and thus a Natural Admittance of one siemens. Hence the following characteristics of this “XD” drycell;
Open Circuit Potential, eo, 1 Volt
Short Circuit Current, io, 1 Ampere
And thus the ratio of one volt to one ampere is
Natural Impedance, Zo, 1 Ohm
The Polarity markings for eo and io are shown on the drycell in Fig 2.
This unit drycell is hereby a source of Constant Potential to a Charged Condenser of Equal Potential, and a source of Constant Current to a Charged Inductor of the Same Current. The Displacement or E.M.F. is zero. In both conditions the energy is static, no Transfer of Energy takes place giving rise to Activity. The Power is zero thus the conditions revert to those of Fig 1A & 1B.
This unit drycell contains a certain quantity of Stored Chemical Energy. This Chemical Energy can be taken out and delivered to an external form, or it can be given back to Chemical Form within the drycell, taking energy from an external form. Energy can be taken from or given to this unit drycell, it is rechargeable.
This unit drycell thus can be a Negative Resistance, or a Negative Conductance, when supplying Energy to External Forms. It also can be a Positive Resistance, or a Positive Conductance, when taking energy from external forms. For the condition of constant current this unit drycell is a Positive Resistance, R, in ohm when taking in energy from an External Form, or it is a Negative Resistance, a “Receptance”, H, in ohm when giving out Energy to an External Form.
Likewise, for the Condition of Constant Potential this unit drycell is a positive Conductance, G, in siemens when taking in energy from External Forms, or a negative Conductance, and Acceptance, S, in siemens when giving out energy to External Forms.
This unit drycell is here shown to be a bi-directional resistance or conductance. In ordinary Resistances R or Leakages G energy flow is always a uni-directional flow, out, in the form of Heat Energy commonly. Here then is a Versor Resistance, or a Versor Conductance. The D.C. Versor operator is derived from the expression,
Symbolically it is
With roots, +1 and -1
The versor operator becomes, for this D.C. condition of bi-directional flow,
Hereby the versor relations of the bi-directional device, such as the unit drycell are given
And it is
The energy stored within the Magnetic Field of Induction can be supplied to, or taken from the unit drycell. Likewise the energy stored within the Dielectric Field of Induction can be supplied to or taken from the unit drycell. Whereas the disruptive circuit condition completely open circuits the Inductance, or completely short circuits the Capacitance, here now the unit drycell is inserted in the place of the open circuit, or the short circuit. Circuit Continuity is hereby maintained by the drycell. Energy can now be transferred in a finite manner.
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Okay, so I feel a bit foolish having tried to build circuits emulating Dollards work before reading all of his references and papers. I'm working my way through his work on tesla's oscillating current transformer and I'm wondering if anyone has built a DC tesla coil transformer with the secondary having an n=1 (length to diameter ratio)? It sounds like a short fat secondary is critical to reproduce the unique effects.
My primary interest is in the production of the dielectric field, not in transmitting, so I'm not sure I need the three coil arrangement. I'm guessing if I balance the secondary and primary with regards to surface area, make the secondary n=1, wrap it on a proper form and drive it properly with a DC capacitive discharge that I may start to see the special effects. Any thoughts from anyone?Last edited by skaght; 01-26-2012, 04:54 AM.
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Making Copper Strip
Originally posted by Nhopa View PostFor me getting metal spheres is difficult. Can I use a plastic ball and glue aluminum foil over it as a substitute for a real metal sphere? Also I can't get copper strip for the primary coil, how would the functioning and size, i.e. the length be effected if I used brass strip instead for the primary? Any help will be appreciated.
It may be a pain to do, but you could take copper plumbing pipe, and split the pipe to make strip. If you have access to a bandsaw, you could make a jig up, consisting of a block with a hole, say 15mm. The block is attached to the saw bench and the blade travels through the block. You would then feed the pipe into the block and it would be in the correct position to split the pipe in half, maybe feed pipe through again to quater it.
Just a thought.
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Practical questions
For me getting metal spheres is difficult. Can I use a plastic ball and glue aluminum foil over it as a substitute for a real metal sphere? Also I can't get copper strip for the primary coil, how would the functioning and size, i.e. the length be effected if I used brass strip instead for the primary? Any help will be appreciated.
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Symbolic Rep. of the Gen. Electric Wave by E.D.
I've been going back and reading more of Eric Dollard's notes. I think I understand the basics of four quadrant electricity, which explains the two types of electricity, steady state and transient phenomena. However, I'm trying to grok the versor math as I think it holds the key to developing an overunity system.
In the text "Symbolic representation of the generalized electric wave", Eric introduces "k", where a wave = a+kb. Where
a=non-time dependent power factor
b=time dependent induction factor
In addition, Eric states that k denotes that b is time dependent. However, in the paper he rotates the wave backwards by 90 degrees and then states that the wave = ka-b since multiplying by k shifts the wave backwards by 90 degrees. This seems strange since by definition, a is time invariant and k denotes time dependency. Eric's math appears to imply that if you retard a wave by 90 degrees then the power factor is suddenly time dependent. I would think the wave shifted by 90 degrees backwards should be: wave=a-bk
I know my question is very technical, but I want to understand the theory. Anyone want to take a stab at what I'm missing?
The link to the paper is at:
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If by chance you are reading this thread, please give me a call. I will be available to answer my phone Sunday, 1/22, around 5 P.M. EST or before 3 P.M. EST on Monday or Tuesday. I am in touch with somebody that may be of interest to you that would like to get in touch with you ASAP.
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RG316 coax cable
In Eric dollard's video on longitudinal waves, Peter Lindemann says the coax cable used had a diameter about .080". The RG316 coax is .098" dia, while the RG178 coax cable is .071" dia. The other difference is the max attenuation of the two cables. The RG316 has 22.452 dB/100' @ 750MC and the RG178 has 42.7 dB/100' @ 900MC attenuation. But because we use the shield as the conductor I don't think it matters. To measure the weight of the silver coated shield is more difficult for this reason Eric recommended the matching the surface area of coax cable shield secondary to that of copper strip primary. Both RG178 and RG316 can be purchased on Ebay for about the same price. I wonder how much difference does it make that the RG178 core is silver plated, copper clad steel and that of the RG316 core is copper.Last edited by Nhopa; 01-22-2012, 09:47 AM. Reason: To add important information left out of the original post
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Copper Strap Supplier
Originally posted by madhatter View PostTime to get my hands dirty, I've been collecting and purchasing parts & supplies to build the TXR-RCVR of the T.M.T.
I'm still scouring up more tubes as I would prefer to utilize the plasma nature of tubes for harmonics and switching.
oddly so far acquiring the flat copper wire is the most difficult, looks like I'll need to order direct from the mfg in bulk. The other thought was cold rolling heavy gauge round stock too and then annealing it.
To the best of my knowledge based on posts here and studying the referenced work of Heaviside, Steinmetz etz.. geometry is a critical factor in the design. It's the same for plasma and electron optics as well, so it's only natural that it would follow here. I also think that capacitance is going to be the bigger hurdle in controlling, will more than likely have a number of experiments in that area.
I'll keep you all posted, it's probably going to be a couple months before it's together and things are under way.
Kind Regards,
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Originally posted by dR-Green View PostScope connected to the amplified audio output. The audio was recorded earlier and was used instead of real time live transmission (they were talking nonsense and I wanted to include some music).
Crystal Sets Gone Wild - Audio Analysis-01 - YouTube
Stupid youtube have blocked the AM radio quality audio in some countries because of copyright. I'll make another later. If not, saturday night is scheduled to have unsigned music so that will do nicely
It's seems like the current is leading to the ground in the Tesla antennae.
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Originally posted by Lambda View PostThe last 4 are from the Marconi Lab prior to the Integratron.
Also threw in another photo of a TMT single terminal discharge I haven't seen posted in awhile.
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Time to get my hands dirty, I've been collecting and purchasing parts & supplies to build the TXR-RCVR of the T.M.T.
I'm still scouring up more tubes as I would prefer to utilize the plasma nature of tubes for harmonics and switching.
oddly so far acquiring the flat copper wire is the most difficult, looks like I'll need to order direct from the mfg in bulk. The other thought was cold rolling heavy gauge round stock too and then annealing it.
To the best of my knowledge based on posts here and studying the referenced work of Heaviside, Steinmetz etz.. geometry is a critical factor in the design. It's the same for plasma and electron optics as well, so it's only natural that it would follow here. I also think that capacitance is going to be the bigger hurdle in controlling, will more than likely have a number of experiments in that area.
I'll keep you all posted, it's probably going to be a couple months before it's together and things are under way.
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Scope connected to the amplified audio output. The audio was recorded earlier and was used instead of real time live transmission (they were talking nonsense and I wanted to include some music).
Crystal Sets Gone Wild - Audio Analysis-01 - YouTube
Stupid youtube have blocked the AM radio quality audio in some countries because of copyright. I'll make another later. If not, saturday night is scheduled to have unsigned music so that will do nicely
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